Lawsuit 693: W Two Worlds (2 coastline, with BTX today )

Date: July 13th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: As I progress in working with 194 countries and the 194 millitary (UN current countries seated number of countries)

Both in Chinese and in English.

The guy's world being funny most of time, you get a guy's writer. Yeah. Being funny ....the outside worlds has a lot more this private cooperate worlds, and some governmental body included too. I think its being funny.

This two coastline conclusion, its ONE water body, Taiwan is or not is China. That is a Taiwan channel, still the same one whole pacific ocean one water body, 2 coastline. You have a timezone line on the map, no, that is not a real line.

If its water, (tear) its 1

If its the coastline, its more than 3.

I don't know how to tell you, you can re-write this like 10 times.

The genetic marking, the location of the DNA on the chromosome, its a modern coloring stain on the band. Devil Wear Prada. Those are not Prada, of course not.  I don't think so. But Panda has a black eyes, or when you describe that in Chinese. Again, the crying or our commercial here on TV has one of those Panda eyes. The Chinese treasure animal name Panda eating the bamboo those dies out - the extinct species. 

To the cell, the nucleus its the Central. well, a dot. Except the muscle cell is not round. The baby cell is round, the lukemia white blood cell cancer those are devil eye cell. I know that, it was my job, I comment that in my brain. 

To the chromosome, its the middle point. That is a waist middle points. No, we don't use the alcohol. You mean my bench work job, how to nurture the cell growth (not apart), its the beef stocking. 

The grey one of them becomes very very very hostile to that Torus lab next by the French guard inside that Va Salie. I think she is the one. The bartender if you gonna find out this per procedure methods and hear what I say that time. The Grey becomes very evil nature that one her, seriously. That tall Torus. The eye turns very darker and 2 edge side up evil. No good. 


That French guard and the Torus, are 2 side wall, the different microscope. 2 side back to back. At the lunch she says, "If I don't eat, my mood will get very very very bad."

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