Lawsuit 684: W Two Worlds (Ronan as the journalist asking the question over Europe Nuclear Factory )

Date: July 11th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: You rely on the Russian science if American falls.

That is the majority of the electrocity supply comes. Without the electricity, you have nothing over heating faciliate, everything growth in the biology lab its all dead. Synthetical means Chemistry its no life in it. Its a purely chemical solution inside a bottle. It does not decay, it does not multiply. 

UN is where the Super Nation stood, that is Super 5. America, Russian, China, England, France.

For the England System data its the senior community, their wavelength are those Buffalo NY no less degree. No brain IQ generating a vibrant society in the youth face, in the music, or in anything vibrant society. Its a dead high nose high drinking cup wine - you say the part of the something exist still remains there. But I am sure both England and American ally, were not that bad. 

My news here will say the North Europe, or all those small tiny nation, you hear Dr. Janez talking about with Taiwan through SMCH in SMTV, most people don't listen to his English, but that time, only I listen. He is in a small tiny country that time having some negotiation that he describes as the neighboring whom has the political power. Its not his country. At least that is what he explains to the SMCH.

To the science world....when I say to my video 2018, the 1000 Russian scientists over one 1908 Tungestra comet issues, I was not exaggerating. 

Most world will prepare themselves for saying, "They know what is a cell theory", so their attitude even in their current system its being moderately watched or shaped over. Meaning in front of my face, they will never evidently just make a wrong like a waste heat, if I repeat that more than once. 

Like those Adam and Hailey.

So you saying their science at least if the news here Taiwan are correct, their facility did extent to North Europe, for how extent, I don't know. This sanction probably its real, so the millionaires are all moving out over the warring situation. But England and France, you saying the police forces are fine. 

Its the land size they are not like Russia, China or America.

For those Russian between themselves, if one of them tell them, no, not like that. They listen. Probably not the rest of the European countries. Not that attitude with the Reptilian.  The Russian are a lot taller too. The overall speaking. 

Their military its at East side, for saying if I go for Kian Home Alone, that is them going back to their Capital Moscow. I don't think so at the moment.  If Westlife and Boyzone are set in their imagination talk, how to 2 groups going out of the Ireland. I am sure its far away from Russian, to the rest of the humanity on Earth. Its the movie story that got told, no one knows the fine details. If your final destination its in America.

The synthetical or the artificial means ...

Like the SIlicon Valley in the North California Bill Gates sometimes going before, they have the Pharmacy store that sells at the baby height buttom shelf those artificial instant noodle the beef flavor. Technically every time they label "the flavor", just that word, can be checked if anything of that its the artificial.  Every clothing except the cotton or maybe 亞麻, even those are the plant kingdom. The synthetical just means the technology, even the cotton technology its a lot better than before, how you weaving the cloth to one full piece.

You bury a dead body with the synthetical clothing or the cotton clothing, that is what you saying if  

"the rain water dew sip through the coffin and

make a moisture stain the processed dead body."


In the ancient probably has that meaning, just we burn everything mostly and put somewhere. Its dry, not the water stain. 

Most this chemical process food they will tell you not to eat too many the instant noodles like the Asian they did. Its that there is a preservative in it, those chemical goes inside the body, you imagine its not right at the physical body. Its is.  The whole food definition means you take a raw looking food and go home and process that like a cantaloupe or a honeydew. But if you saying the livestock the beef flavor, meaning the chemical or the pesticide over the meat, to concentrate a powder form, truly, for the taste or eating like 2 times a year, or 5 times a year those instant noodles, its not a super big deal. They are eating like 3 meals a day, 7 days a week.

If you got detained by Tonight, then move out to the America for trial, 

That is Jack Sparrow story, you are moving too. Leaving statues on the TV monitor.



Sometimes people being vegan or refrain any animal ingredient so saying the 7 years of the body vegan to the meditation use those merits in the meditation that give or donation to the humanity and through that the service to the humanity. Maybe you will realize, next time the human birth, you will learn not the ducks in those Da Vinci notebook every Pope ends up and forms, or deforms, if not all those Saintly fake keep going on how good they are. While the legal proceeding matter does not get solved, all of them will be burn and crush down including the Buddha statues Stoney of all War and Fire High Tech.

All soon will be destroyed, 5 Major religion in my command.

You can have the faith, but you need to sort per TV IQ problem. Everyone its rely on the brainy, not alcohol burn inside, so that every brain cell once dead, or the liver cell dead, its how the lawyer get paid, so every overseeing the religion branch, to becoming the future.

Minion 小小兵

Uusry guy's name in Red River Manga, its one of those Public Stand the Queen's priest next by his one eye, and his penis in the Chinese side, 太監. Any word will sound right in there, because they don't change their voice or the appearance if that horror of their Palace rules, its 3000 women behind in the palace. 

3000 佳麗

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