Lawsuit 648: Dr. Bing Shen he is not the uncle to us. (W Two Worlds and 烈火如歌 the aviation both uncles compared)

Date: July 7th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Dr. Bing Shen wears the eye glasses and my brother just got laser

I heard that from my mom. No, I don't use the eye glasses if I have to be on the computer. No. Driving in America. Right now everyone else drives.

Maybe he should just get told, he watched this Iron Man and Avenger all series movies plot. Meaning the specialist of special workers when they congregate in the war time or the zoning time. What he thinks that means in the End Game or Ender's Game.

Ender's Game Final Tests

Today I wrote 2 posts on the W Two worlds keyword tag posts.

W Two worlds - Dr Shen without his wife, he dies. Literally !! She is a chef and an accountant and …she talks in the Asia women circle but she doesn’t bring them home.

Some guys they are mechanical guys, or a lot of people prefer that kinds of the 9-5 jobs. Its clear and to a lot of the man, or the guys, they are like that.

Note: No, UFO Seth, he cannot see. He didn't even blink in all those scene. You use your arm or hands to wave those things coming at the eye sight. 

Lawsuit 644 - Disengage

I believe he just got told there is a such thing like that. Not officially, or any of his friend. And anything in such magnitude, how they feel about him behind. Both China or Taiwan, or any coastline of these military formation. They have a sufficient amount of the evidence. He is not doing his job. For losing a wife or all the friends, so he jailed inside his own housing, for not even his face counts an appealing with his ex-wife, at least he lives old to sound like a part of the game 


They have the sufficient amount of the evidence. To tear him down since 2015.

No, I mean it. He literally die without that wife. You think....he can get out of that life. No. I know everyone says that is the face issue. No...its not like that. She has a particular personality just 2 of them talk, and she is not super small tiny, but he likes her to be with her.

You can ask him, if that is true, or a true love. Meaning in this one lifetime, on Earth. Like Sailor Moon Earth Prince and that next by Usagi. It had shown to me, he cried terrible with her dead body in 2015.

Hank might have a gun, or he knows what that is in America. If he himself aware anything with Hank or Tina. I personally don't know.

You just say 尊上 says that. She is probably the only one keep saying that. He keeps dying if that wife is not there about thousand times. If he wants to keep her that title, he can.

No, there is a lot of the Earth prince and Usagi.

Because he had another relationship like Pang's TV 微微一笑很傾城, no, not Pang, not with that roller blades girl. No. But I am sure Pang is happy for him for real. He just never got told any part of me and Dr. Bing Shen's conversation. He heard it here, or this year. I don't talk to my family.

So if he remembered that past, he can.

Bless the Broken Road.

No, Dr. T won't die. Dr. Bing Shen, he probably have 100 students yet? If they all heard about, he had one relationship before he comes out of the China, the boys or the girls. Its on the China Television.

You say Anna says the personal vision its he is the prince, she is the princess that kind. But none of this looks like that, but I tell him the Truth anyway on my side, and on my monitor. This song was on my monitor, the right side column, toooo many years ago. Probably some of that will be Hank and Tina, what I was told during the Watermarke. A lot of people don't make it the family life with the kids together.

No, you just say, when the situation in the world happens in the larger scale of the stage, how everyone chooses to handle. Some grow closer to the next half. Some leave them without a trace. Some needs their family when they are oversea. You just tell him to say the truth to the court. I think they just all got compensate.

And me.

One day too.

Sailor Moon

You hold her from the ground and she dies. Just like that. Yeah.


She checks all the house. Including the cleaning of the entire space. She keeps the budgets. Per math number. She doesn't talk at his work 100 students all coming out of the University to his lab. I am not sure she is....that particular unhappy person, meaning cynical to gossip anyone.

She keeps the 2 kids lean towards her or him. The family. 

No, he just literally die. I told you that thousand times. He has a life routine.





Don't change that.

No, she doesn't yell. She is not all that mild like the China, but those are the calculative too calculative. She got a job. She keeps things understandable the realistically. I don't think she does that to him. She does math.

He needs someone capable on the math, not to say the word "idiot too many time."

Not stupid. Its idiot. He cannot take that. With the science and math, and you spent more than you earn, he will kill you. You can say you and the kids get out of his space, but not to him personally he built up that family. His wife doesn't do that, but if she does any of that and on purpose, he will get rid of her, and both die.

His brain, his food, his American new immigration life. And math and the practicality of math. If 1+1 is not zero, he will tell you, that conversation discussion is over 20 years ago.

The Sailor Moon story its about Mammoru got taken and being modified. The movie: Hunger Game has that too. Dr. Bing Shen he is the youngest in his family. I don't know how many kids they have. He is adopting to a lot more New Invention, or new trend, the housing the interior design included. With a good car he likes his own car. He is not that his sibling like he used to. They have some of the other business in China. I met them with my mother and Pang or Square. Once in China Expo 2010. 

I don't think he considers himself like any of his sibling anymore. A lot of people if they move to America, or including the American immigration will wish you better your life, to the happiness and contentment. Including the stability of life. A fix life is fine, everyone needs that. From the American immigration side, they will tell you all that. So if he just cited from the immigration in the American side, he should be fine. 

But correct, he was told a several thing all together blurry like that.

It might be if all this given from someone I assuming.....its neither nor behind a System talk. I am not sure....but here I would say: 

The wife if she has 10 girlfriends like that to make her happier in that immigration life. Probably she doesn't have that much of the girls inside that house, just 2 girls daughters. Zawanna they talk like that. No, he is not a zombie. No. He is the brother of Kail from the Red River Manga. 

He is a military iconic, I can tell you what he meant that by find her the happy 10 girlfriends life like those pregnancy, get rid of her.  You should be dead. 

They all talking like that really. You asking the court if the world gonna opens up. These peoples show up. They might both die before that Age coming. I personally don't like any of that stuff neither. Not really. If I live on my own earning, I hardly think he doesn't know how he lives his life in that City of Hope.

Dr. Bing Shen is NEVER gonna join a military. He is a paper thin, needs to be in that brain of his, so you can see how many publication. He is only good at that. He cannot do anything else. Not really.

If he wants, he can read the lawsuit 413.

I am not sure how real that is, they are alllllll very hostile from outside. So you all going to the court to sort all that. Its for a democracy reason, but China is the communism. He might get detain inside if he keeps going running back and forth.

Part of that will be the politics from this guy. He is very literal and clear on the democracy but he might be with or without the background. So he is toooo old for anyone to give him supports I guess.

I will say, you just literally tell the court what I say.

You literally die without your wife. The food and a lot of the things math is part of you. A lot of part of you, how you coming out of the math, either you doing that in front of her, or you tutor her, or you pretend she tutors you.

One of those. 

No one can be that idiot not to run the math in this low scale of the humanity, those girls are rare. Meaning not to playing around the humanity nature. If someone separate you both for any upper reason, a lot of things personally even if you re-assign, that is 30 years marriage?

You cannot take anything new adjust, not her, not you. You know that in the real life that time, no one will care about you. Its the younger people's face.  You die inside, and no one will care one bit, because they all die out the younger generation age, very very soon. You can think about when you are older, but just not right now.

No, you go to court talking like a legal sense.

Every step the way.

Everything is real.

You will have to go through the democracy reason why you thinking the democracy world must exist, one of this day. The process, the running in and out, you start to like about the logic in the brain development. You start to win something, you start to know that entire process. You like the legal, or the para-legal, you like the judge, you like the literacy, you like a lot of those real seen if you starting to mix in the court room, and have your per research the legal term, you are like that.

You have that brain to like about the logic.

And you seeing yourself winning all those steps, you will continue doing that at the file-ing in the local American court. I am not in the California. But they will probably tell you not to trespassing the pacific ocean side between China to California at this time.

For many reason.

Whatever the reason only they know each other.

Between China to America, its a looooooooooooooong distance ocean water. You don't get in between one of those. If you die, and someone in the future finds out, and no one telling you the real sea reason, they will all tell you, someone being very careless that time, looking at your profile. Its literally W Two worlds, not on the sea traveling in between each other from China to America.

The sea, on the sea, in the news.

Ender's Game Final Tests

You list in the next lawsuit 649

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