Lawsuit 697: A note

Date: July 17th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Move all this lawsuit (with other World together) somewhere else.

My side of the crystal skull rendering is completed on Saturday, the Notary birds lie. Its half done. Their eyes are just like those ET eyes, not sure to whom (Torus).

Our world begins this bio tech ribosome structure I see Tesla's paper "Welcome", where Mark Twain photo is. That is a paper? There is a Jewish Star in it. And the beginning of the DNA double helix was in 1952? Regardless what this Tesla did or so ....I am here to sort, but I hardly think you imagine you going outside to sort. They have a lot of the other things too, just not sure why all those classify materials are unifying "all classified means."

They wish to sort too. The Pixie point in someline, they are one Reptilian, just like that one Pharmacist (not sure the pharmaceutical ) - these would be the 1 him sort. Not the pharmacist. But I say, I seen things one very often. Some remote line of 1. The Pixie is the vaccum I keep saying our division here. If you get lucky, here is a lawsuit spot, just all pouring here are fine in the future included. I know what I write.

Bio world /Bio tech here are not classified, correct. Its the Education Department under the Congress somewhere division. Its we human invented like the Periodic table, the peer reviews journal, by per piece of paper written outside. True. Even the military they will tell you, if they run the experiment, and ending up the human writing that, that is a peer reviews submit. I know. Technically that entire peer reviews process has a peer review committee somewhere, the science committee that sort. Its all made of the human somewhere if not ini the grant hotel lobby, one of those combine room, the ball room. Those were?

Its the human. I know of course the human. Math, Chem, and Bio periodic chart, I show up this far 10 years, I didn't see myself anywhere difference. But Canada has an eye doctor. 

Meaning the civilian. 

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