Lawsuit 594: Soft Open Galaxy to Full Open Galaxy (American Classify ) -Times and Date estimation the actual money going through will be coming and going through.

Date: March 20th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Since the Lawsuit 400 (not starting from 401, +1) 400 millions dollars lawsuit each

I personally have never utilize that much of the resource of the imagination from the news today in Taiwan about the European Bank, Silicon Valley Bank (+celebrity), and the Celebrity China, these much of huge money saying sorting problems.

Til the day you will be really saying how far since the American President 1950 if that is when they had a treaty starting this ET Reptilian or ET Grey or Nordic scenario. We might be imagine the money is Super Giant, to actually the day you really dealing upon. My PCAT is 92 percentile, I am not sure I study on it other than I had a textbook + the Chemistry tutoring jobs so that is 97 percentile.

I will tell you, even for me this type of the IQ, to actually in person starting on this last 10 years, or last 6 years, or last year (2014, 2016, 2022/2013, Smallville Lionel Opening Trailer), 我也會感覺吃不消, meaning let's say we are training this female leadership to when they opening up their verbal skills, to the business attire, to the business skill, or the voice or the tones how to talking into the guy's world, if that Open World just Grand Universes, not just Cosmo for that one simple definition and the business skills, the concepts, the idea of that Capitalism under....

I personally will tell you since when I starting this Lawsuit 400, I am not all that fluent in that huge amount of digits. I understand millions dollars, not I understand 400 millions dollar x 10 = 4 billions dollars.

That is almost to 200 lawsuit +1 doing this 400 millions dollars each.

My brain doesn't have a problem with the math, but ....I will attach my photo here, they are new this year 2023.

You need an idea

Times and the Date estimation

The actual exact money going through or will be coming and going through.

There must be some other planets whom have done that, it has to be our size of the Earth, you need all the Earth perimeter radius and width, the height, the cylinder all around idea. The surface population not the underground its about 8 billions people in my time 2023, we are hearing about 2050, or 2049..... the strange method in updating that were about 14 years this information from Bashar to one day I hear this 2023 somewhere saying 2049. 

Its about us, not about us.

The planet that is NOT OUR sphere, meaning bigger, wider space, including their infrustrature and what is their moon cycle the women's period date lasting 1 week. Our God create the world in 7 Days. We knew that wholeheartedly from our Bible. This is the End Time Bible, we will fade out and forgotten this Bible very very earlier on the mankind forgotten memory since year 2000.

March 21th, 2023

🍑🍑🍑🥪🍑🥪🥭 NASA - Gravity (American military) 🍑🍑🍑🥪🍑🥪🥭

Tell me about the Solar System, season on Earth, what is an orbits means. Anything about this Uranus orbits last time discussion too oddly, and is that how Neptune orbits being prredicts? That is before or after?

Time measurement unit

You have an existing planet, that is us = Earth. Tell me.

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