Lawsuit 633: I have the 3 problems stuck in life

Date: June 17th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Its on the weekend again (over American Timezone Friday Night crossing)

Background: I start doing this comet calculation since 2018. Becoming very proficient about it, not to enhance the myelin on the brain nerves pathway, I decide only get on the air to calculate, and the more time I keep doing it including travel to near the police station First branch, Kararoke, my brain I can tell you, I almost memorize that all the way. The every proceeding methods I say on the camera, from 1908-1943, backward or forward whichever methods.

Next its 1856 -1893 really.

Nikola Tesla Birthday or their best friend John Astor Jacob with him, the award ceremony goes to Astor in the 1893 World Parliament Events 2) White City Expo. Meaning 2 wikipedia one time I research on the American current time available all information 100 years ago, you almost thought there is a meaning, it didn't have meaning to me. I cannot relate to what kind of the weather they exist when there is only DC, not AC beginning. 

1. Comet

NASA I didn't have time to read anything, there is something going on Up there. The kids.

I know you reading this kinds of the lawsuit confusing....why anything of the 3 highlight item has anything to do with this problem? Because they are the 3 exactly things. But, you can not test people with that 3 things, they are almost like a friction to stop the Comet or the asteroid. 

You need 194 countries every personal to remember the only thing I ever talked about since Feb 2023 on my blogger on. Its the Gravity. Unbelievable posts if you find out all of them. So that was when I begins and when I find myself stopped right there.

Because one Friday, I got warn by a commander internal, i can see his image, really. They are all the commanders, or the commander-in-Chef. I cannot move. This would be I attempt to move, but I stuck right at the Mr & Mrs Smith the chase scene.

2. Fallacy from the Lords of Ring

The video included in the Lawsuit.

This makes me feel you seeing the first point + a video explaination. I used to done this 2014 /2015 /2016 /2017 /2018 .... I keep getting this internal voice to stop on every min I write it down, and that notebook disappear. Its how if "you open a scroll" in the Bible, you just need to really have a high tech or the telepathy like me learning the 10th years when it say 2024 its the next year, here is the mid point of the June. I cannot describe to you how if I align the lawsuit next by a video - because on the third party might think if I am so analytical, not written the words, I don't know how to tell you, or convince you, do you believe the movie its real, and I am blind, because I cannot read the politic in this world, nothing but me and the few people keep staring at the 4 points frames, and these things, every day I scream. 

Its not personal, but I live that life for 10 long years, it never ends because there are the stake, you cannot trust anyone else doing that, they, weekend, no money, not capable to keep quiet and get things done. Even including if you die on it.

3.  There is the kid involved, you need to be sensicle. 

Frog, you being seen...its in 有翡

When you being found.....

哎呀~~ I didn't know my name is 尊上 not one English word they will make a sense how it sounds like....remote and ancient. They only understand the MD path, you saying you all kids growing wiser enough on the sunshine too bright, the political upheaval its when you get up and doing things

I don't know if he has the tendency to lie, but the last message I understood, there is a girl. Pushing We might have a different Earth year to say their schooling, and the family background, there is a strange thing they call their uniform commander as the pa or the grandpa.

Is that the honey, sweetie, darling?

Food, snack, and wife? A girl that means?

There might some language I cannot understand, they do speak some very ancient language in another kid real looking in Zawanna's sunshine worlds, unbelievable scholar pride. 

You got the 3 video. What am I supposed to do, so I stopped. 

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