Lawsuit 703: The astral world (near the physical Earth world speaking division)

Date: July 20th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I personally not that magical starting at the birth

I have no shame to admit to you in my whole life up to 2014 OU language, I never had an ability other than this sometimes dangerous dream happened. Most time were the classmate near me or the sibling told me. I personally didn't really care that much about ANY psychi ability, I went to the school, so there are other the lawsuit I give some of the supports in the 10 rudimentary subjects. I mean only Heaven, so I putting those materials for the eternity time here on Earth. I willing to put that much efforts. Because I need to believe that.

However, about a week, I was told someone stepping all over the astral world like Ola is whenever she feels like, or that is the law court room buzz included, if they have the physical evidence something got trigger all over.

You don't stepping all over the astral world, or imagine you know what is the precepts or what it is the lies. Like I say, the day when you all group together for passing those newspaper around in the modern trend, I am sure you saying things as any paper clips you reading at, you know what is the real group activities other than the introduction.

The astral world I don't have the real instrument to prove it. I will tell you some human are truely telepathy, and those world the guys, or the guy's survillence, its just as revengent as this world guy's in their every business dealing side, they are loud, and they are mad, and they meant you should go to hell with it.

The negative side

Someone will tell you, God should always win. Your mentality its to "finding the negative" not to get along the positive world. You mean "the little prosperity and the little kindness society construct" ?!  小幅小善. Find the Project Camelot or any kinds of the classified materials after Google already delete them, because its how to make yourself shine, remember your own GPA, even the classified world, its almost every single degree of them, its nothing but make it up the exams format, or else....that one year Google+ before it ends, I was so hurried to show Dean or whomever all round, what that new technology ever made of. 

There is a reason why everyone meant it, you go along the world says or the teaching, not too overly believing anything else if the school didn't teach you fully, not folly.

I believe the math issues its an high order and disorganized trend in people's life, including their mental health or the physical exhaustion with all things everyone around, or including the love were not found, people were not very kind to them.

Any other association, I already put it out on the paper or the drawing. I don't have any particular belief it is, or it is not. I always wishing them well. If given to me the materials are so interesting intrigue to what the behind knows the language, its rather odd, I only just abide and confine myself, draw and say the words exactly I got told, or hear it in that space and time.


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