Lawsuit 595: UB Group Activity (MD 6+1 and MD 4+2 Continuation of this disccusion meeting Mummy 1999)

Date: March 24th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: My final conclusion and this is how I present it myself cases - forfeit that witness program.

I made my own money, that is what I say. Its very annoying someone else has to running outside inside for some the real works since I was 20 in life, and now I will be close to 40, and if someone telling people they working whole their life most of time, I guess no one makes a sense, why I keep saying, I start working earlier because I immigrant to the United States, and "I working all my life" to draw a conclusion.

Here they are.

(No, there is no leadership in there, they are just happened to be all on my facebook, they tail gate behinds all these time since I left that Facebook 2013, or 2014 / 2015 Google Plus all together) 


Its 2 days pass, and sleep on it.

I can add a few more public blogger I blog about on it. Movie: How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days.

I used to talk about it, I say from my ability psychi, I think they don't know how to make an argument, or something in the law society format they doing that every single day. I used to taken that UB family law and the UB consumer laws. No, those are not required in any program Chemistry nor the Pre-pharmacy school both in UB or in North Carolina I intend to apply. I also tiaken on Inductive Logic, that is the Law students taken, from North Carolina the Pharmacy school requirement. I remember that. I told them about the Fallacy. Its in the textbook, not just in the wiki. 

I think from my sense, I got that.....they are not sure what is the legal procedure, or any civil class I used to have, including any proclaim, or claim or attitude in front of the Judge, or something show up at the court room, why or how you present like millions cases have done so through the lawyers or whom they hired to teach them, what is a proper manner to do a law case, in claim, in debates, in argues, or in this reason why you have a lawsuit you will have a plaintiff or defendant the basic layout. 

I will say, most of those cases....from my awareness, it might be really boiling it down. They didn't understand what is the legal society, or the lawful manner how these paper works ought to process not limited to the individualism, there is a group activities. I told them that, those are the words its all coming from me. Not from them.  I am the one telling them all that.



The UB groups activities, why don't you face the Judge clearly asking her, "If its to do only the very right things, in between that the final destination will always be the only right things, its not I repeated here round around, still be what Anna meant, its starting at the democracy means."

The Strawberry

How old you are?

As for why or how this ending at the 400 millions dollars cases.

I will cite this post, I written that yesterday about the first train scene in the Loving the Silent Tear. In that eternal sense, its a circle being "Drawn" out. That kinds of the Earth we situate at the edge of the border to nothing at all, there is almost to say, no activities to be seen from that Far reason, why this case cannot be written in this piles of the stuffs.

I knowing it so. Seeing enough cases, I think that will be my final conclusion of That Day. It does not have to be today. The Korea TV: The Day You Found Out

Just keep fighting the hardest to get out of that classroom formation life. If someone told me so. told you so, told them so. That is my belief.

So that I can say the decision of that, were in the process doing all these stuffs including that 2014 Keanu Reeves or related to the Hollywood, I went to find a job.

I went to seek a job in AGT other than my UB classroom, 16 years pass since I was with Nick.

I left Nick, I left Keanu Reeves, now that is 10 years down the road, I forming my own life idea inside Taiwan Home this all around environment including the local police seen my Pinterest. I have a reason I cannot personally step into that Line, meaning their front door building that glass door. Not right now. I have too many issues, really. 

So my decision will be going to where this Westlife suggests. I already told everyone.

Get out of that UB formation the most immediately thing like whatever reason you seen the TV. Get out.  Never THAT. 

That is how I believe its every TV materials, you ought to be 

1) See.

2) Get out

1) Know

2) Wait, look, get out

1) Hear

2) Confuse, too many things including the birds, too complicated, rest, get out.

1) Not sure if the public statement all this time

2) There is help outside, get out.

That is my final conclusion of all these, I don't wish to participate anything related from the court neither if were being call, that is why I written that on the Eben's profile. Because these TV, my face is not in it. 

I leave.

Westlife is from Ireland, so I go with them. Its the furthest corner of the my map in the bookstore. There is a reason doing so. The political provoking in 20-25 years down the road including the Past district homo-cide or something very black looking stuffs related to my name and the movie: Frozen. I need to leave.

I think my father is still alive, I told him already. I told the several people already on the ROC his family were all ROC, so someone heard the reason. Its politics student intern.

They might have that movie: Intern (2015)

If not the cooking show No Reservation (2007) 

It will come to this year Catching Fire, King Charle III (2023)

Get out.

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