Lawsuit 619: Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear (真愛和沉默的眼淚)

Date: May 22th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: This is still on the Eternal (Forever Case) over W Two world (2 sides points of views in the full discussion )

Here we can open on the First Life of the Digital Era (As you see, per evident trace back in this time).

Here we can open a discussion on the First Life of the Digital Era (As you see, per evident trace back in this time).

1. Between the Woman and Man's relationship (vice versa)

2. Between the past high school, drop out and the going forward professional as stated facts 1 and fact 2 the Past memory  both in Chinese Mandarin speaking term. Imagine you are the American Medical Board 50 state liscence board, and the American Medical Board to going for this Star and Galaxy meeting. Me at the chemistry side. I am still too young, if you look at their age, really. The Tape Water Factory or the Underground water processing.

3. OU Langauge (Here would be the lawsuit 618 yielding results, there is a minus sing, any budget are almost every sanely mind human being would be discuss over their math skills or my brain IQ issue, in losing the line or square how to plot a data chart on the excel sheet. )

4. The birds cannot shut up (Page 1 Bible and Otter Magnificent, OU Language before the number 577 in the audio transcription at her SMCH public lecture the very first time, the first seeing and audio, exact transcription, that copy.)

5. Between the land of transpassing such as W Two World (City of Hope California (CA), Dr. Bing Shen, vs Roswell Park (Buffalo NY, ET crash site in New Mexico) both are the Top ranking of the cancer institution to affiliate to the local hospital and research complex.) but this goes to Ireland and Taiwan (Westlife, Shane is the younger of his member like Dr. Bing Shen, TV: Soft String, the public hygenic over this COVID 19 and the very fact on every touching surface of that infect origin 感染原)
The pathogen original or pathogen origin. 

The exactly how you spread a disease by touching your mouth in front a 管總 the real human doing this Earth preservative and the Medical Board over 6 Stars committee board, to suspend the safety tank on all Medical Doctors, probably not exactly your foot step into the safety tank and say, doing a foot job in 3 weeks, rotton. One of those.

So I explain all that in Chinese too. (Madarin, 21th Century, with some popular song from the contemporary actor, Wallace Huo material )

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