Babaji: Go
🐸🐸 Outside thunder, my mother still on the phone since.....when few hours ago, and I am on the ground with the blood on my right arm. Still thundering....
I need to lay there flat entire surface skin beneath feeling the nerve system- that triggering response is pain.
Sorry, thigh is sore. (Thank you lady.)
Should I be upside down ....PAIN~!!!!! What is this Nick Carter Addicted?
I was just making a video ....are you guys heavy, is that the skin, or the human flesh if you gain weight, that is the same muscle tissue you eat on the chicken, get off. PAIN~~~~
oh ~~~ this is not about I made you kid singing Memmo 親子台?!
I don't think that is what I mean, though.
Ice Skating 1 and 2 and half....the last time I say we have the USMLE 1 and 2 and 3 you have 6?
Pain, X man legs both in pain. Not I am literally poison you kids, watch your ....language ~~~~~
You cannot see the vein?
The injection arts that is at the nurse side, <-----------those little nurse they can do or its the eye sight she cannot see no more. You identify the human skin beneath, my arm are pale milk white happy? Those are very visible. The blood stream you can almost define in this way when you doing this you can see liquid injects.....I just told you the composition of the bloods have the 2 kinds gradient.
Pain........ou c .....ou c.....
I am so in pain !!! Really. 小鳥 ~~~~! Pain, really pain. You have an exam or something in hands?
... ...they write the notebook like
The blood consist of ...
There are how many percentage that we the human consist of the water being.
Guess what?
Right, I cannot hear you.
The oxygen, the red blood cells carried the oxygen to transport to the lungs, you saying the heart towards, the heart going, you mean the literally per red blood flowing rate to that artery or the vein in that 2 different direction if in the healthy normal boy, not saying the clotting issue, any pressure exists, mean the red blood cells have to exist its because we the human literally breathing the oxygen in, the CO2 out. All those mechanism have to carry through the blood stream. All the artery, the vein, the 微血管 they are all the blood streams. I am just in general telling the tubes that carrying the bloods inside the human body, those the blood vessels.
The artery its the blood vessle
The vein is the blood vessle
The 微血管 is the blood vessle
Meaning...there I said, the toward or going out, away from the heart.
Because the heart literally.....
Cannot be dead like your commander SOS.
Not ST O D
STD Tamang, Wing and Dean !!!!
Isn't Saturday my day off here.....your brighter morning somewhere, this is not my timer, this is the Earth Time my map 2:54. I am not late......
I cannot live that day bright life staring at....THAT.
Time zone, or the jet leg, I am very physical built here. Is not today one of those Quidditach world game, or your normal day-to-day has to be a Saturday?!
I cannot move! I don't understand it!!!!
I am watching .... ...
2:03 = Canada\
加拿大 (I was saying the Canada Pixie and American Pixie. 加 拿 大 )
So 加 = 力 口
Strength (same sounding like Lee), Mouth
No, not Square. But you can draw it like a square idea.
2:06 Like American Pixie
2:07 We are at the Phase 2
2:08 The Pixie Bandwidth 194, that we are the vacuum
2 Weeks ago you boys, a circle of you downloading. I can see. I told you once, before, before, before...2 or 3 weeks ago maybe.
2:48 .... just look at it myself. Why don't I just pain killer patch myself without any of this anymore?
Might be someone has to switch hand (you note about here, not 3 weeks ago. Here. Not 3 months ago when that commander says, it is the date June 24th, 2023. I heard. Right...similar I know.) I highly doubt it. But its this segment.
The sensation from yourself you define as the external coming to you via the surface skin, if your this a lot more resistant to you prolong heat or dry sphere that define your outside layer. I never seen it.
The sensation from you yourself define as from 1) the external
2) Via the human surface skin, or you gonna say you are turtle shell
3) and internal liver center
Your boss will know what that is division of that air you breath that you see. So the physiology if not saying much of that anatomy I didn't think it was part of the textbook, there are the component that within, you saying your have a sugar rush surging that back of your spine, not the Kundalini energy, its a very physical sensation from within, and you need to get up and doing some exercise, just for one of that chocolate piece, you thought it was not affecting you. It can, but some of the human they are not detox and that sensation like they were a baby disappear from their memory. Unless they repeated to re-learn that sensation, they are currently numb to all that + all the emotional traumatize of the TV shows, so the conspiracy theory states, that they brain washing us....were that most time, these diet, or whichever something else will lesson a lot more the physical pain, they just die out. They won't evovle, but they don't stay in that mode of a lot more pain if according to that conspiracy theory. Its the human rooted fault, but they are the mortal.
Those subjected to "without" the chocolate are all the Buddhism define as the desire, jealousy, anger, hermone imbalance, dehydrated, hungry, fear, highly stress, no family supports, or cruel so no friends. No resonance.
These are not any physical substance in your mouth, drink by your mouth, swallow your mouth, or inject by the needle like the drugs inside the skin through the surface skin.
These entire physiology concepts to how you built up a body, you can literally speaking in our human world, we didn't start with those Porslin doll on the lotus built up the head down. Neck is the lotus flower, similar to Victoria Secrets except golden lotus. There are these myth and legend I used to know, not that I have heard they conceive the baby methods were not from the mother, or the human sin its the first degree murder if you all continue to make.....all that as the priority.
When you feeling love......or someone literally pulling you 2 apart other than the tears in the Ginny Weasley, there were the responsibility to that harsher ideal how you operating your aircrafts so that vision is a sensation from the outside, you put a goggle looking this our world define as the Gaming play. Those sensation to your eye, that is the external all elements touches your eyes layer to enter your being, to that brain process upside down image, and then immediately knowing what that recognition of the color, the shape, the detour road or the path, so that your 2 hands operating steady at your own strength you are training starting are still look A LOT young (if you just pull away each other, I won't be that giant size than any of you )
If you making a PowerPoint slide, other than my barren hands to literally....doing this pulling far apart... you are looking at the people's brain's function in their own older mechanism of the same information, one day what you know as the elder care in the older age, if they are placed in a comfortable environment, that is 3 meals a day they watching the TV for the rest of their life, and as they close their eyes, they are repetitive linger into those they can think the memory, or the scenery, or including imagination to things what it means to them dearly, that entire mechanism inside the human will, not to evolve at this time, some are literally given you the text of that Past, no matter what it meant the outdated artifact, one word from God, it will mean so dearly in the human Samsara if not fallen 400 lifes repetitively, they warn from the last era, it might Eons or Wheel of Life it will never meet again or over turn that divine communication from this Zero ground - the Sea Earth to any other higher world, where the sunshine such as the 6 eyes, We are the One eye seal here.
The monitor behind the powerpoint slide must be a different kind of saying from my side right. In our legal world even including the American Medical Board given this W Two World, whatever that is:
Meaning literally you putting a lot of the tears in this. You can tell, the real girl of Dr. Bing Shen's daughter, she cannot possibly holding steady that 2 hands on the steering wheel driving at the nights through a curve road like that. You want to go to the Canada to see my own records? Mine are the worsen curved. Not this design fine. This guy might be a gay, or a mostly some normal guy will tell you, a psycho and using someone to manipulate someone into that relationship and every lies say behind. But the girl agrees its that game never end.
The normal business sector such as the hospital will never happen while going on the surgery procedure you having a tear inside that every eye frames someone else can seeing you inside outside. As if that lips of the kisses, through 2 people, and the guy putting something inside his mind, to going through that.....a every day a fake world how living through that love, it will be greatly guarantee his TV success, because that is the business. 🦅
Or he does the hire himself.
The physical nerves its per strings, the nursing........Daniel from APO done it next by Tom. That way ------> in UB.
That is a physical seen things.
The bloods constitute of a 2 parts gradients. That is the circulation
The white blood cells are the lymph, the lymph system.
!) The nerve system you feeling it? 2) The circulation system, you hydrate period pain me. 3) The immune system idea or here you say the lymph node.
So 4) you saying the immune system meaning when the bacteria invasion from the air, or the Virus through the seasonal flu, these micro idea of almost undetectable in our PAST civilization over the 4000 years, its not until this 1950 years on, what we known of for the first time the eradication of the whole humane specie can continue to live in the peace and harmony, every kind of the plaque, at least as far as we know of.
A) The bacteria
B) The virus.
The vaccine study, or the research in our world, of course so many upper advance world, to us, its just no less than 100 years since we begin.
Pain, means it’s a sensational pain response, not this birds saying turning on my PC timer 25 mins ago? 🐸🐸🐸
The pain my entire right arm.
Screaming internal pain and left butt lower down thigh back on the butt. Pain !!!! 🐢🐢🐢🐢
I saw your face…that’s why. It’s not your parents sign or not surgery his hand. You ….are subjected to your emotion I know you study or the operating records!!
I have to nap, their timezone its North Mexico, not the LA time. Check it ! Westlife concert is a music local festival.
Babaji: Go
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Their Mexico City is more at the southern part ! Cancun is all the way on the right?! SMCH their last time....COPS 16.
Being a girl, sometimes be a little bit of mild, be considerate, move some of the things in life, and make a saying, not everything is nervous wrecks.
The pillow case
The bed sheet
The American comferter use the outside sun, not the sheet. Then the sun light.
Clean up the floor mat in the bathroom.
Eat healthier, taking care of your own health. You putting a lot of the tears inside your own Line App, or you saying you got scared the situation in front of your face. I just don't have a real Line App. Those are the family?
You are using that Line App, sometimes 一股腦 you decide something, you running out of the door. oh ~ you have that kind of the mood, that kind of the air. If I have a comet to shooting it down, I thought that I will sound like a job until it gets done, so I repeat how many times the math, no matter people hear it or not?
What it is, if you want to create your own jobs according to the TV. You make the guy to believe, or you doing it for what purpose? Cherish to hold?
Some people motivated by that!
所以講英文 okay? So speaking in English okay?
其實打中文我手很酸 ~~~ Actually if I type in Chinese, my hands are very sore.
世界上很多人可以很快衝出去家門,真的 ! In the world here a lot of people can run out of your own home back door, really.
每一個人的旁邊有一個工作,出社會以後,這個人旁邊有家人,這個人旁邊有男朋友,這個人的旁邊有同學、朋友、辦公室的同事 (所以這種圖像 1 對上 假設畫一條線對上, 類似 360 度)
但是像我是女孩子,所以我一天到晚講女孩子我覺得,我會有職業、跟經濟、你說去國外就很多外在壓力我弟弟的學貸,每一個人的決擇在人生裡面,你說有點責任,你是你家一個小孩,或是一些小孩,所以做女孩子,這種重寫就是一個人對旁邊的這個關係是一種 inter-personal relationship, 人跟人之間的關係 !
在國外應該是,最常常開放的社會體系會有很多練習講話的場合,所以講職業 ... 那我講我當初一開始的那個尼克找了 250 女的網路牽紅線的那種網際網路 ~叫做 e-harmony 那種類似,這個網頁他跟我說很多老師,他有一次找了三個女孩子都有房子,在美國他開車去見過這些人。
意思就是說如果從誰的角度來看,哪一種事情,這種選擇你們一錠說男孩子是爛人的意思 ....
我其實跟他說我跟本不在乎你的從前,我其實不需要知道,他可以講到在美國的那種內衣的模特兒秀是考我記憶的問題,我真的這樣認為 ...他的家人每一種歷史 ! 他跟饒邦的媽是一種殘障人士,所以講話跟打字跟講英文,是他們練習的需要,我其實不知道!
所以假設我們才剛進去 40 歲~~~在這個階段你們覺得像 20 歲 ...但是在那些工商業裡面的,一定是講男孩子自己挑的意思,他們很多花樣跟轉來轉去 !!!! 我當初做尊上是因為像昨天那種感人肺腑的事情叫做永遠做不完 ....我其實需要弄好我自己的經濟,不是眼淚在眼睛裡面轉呀轉!!
要再回來講重點,商鞅達己 ...怎麼會有人連歷史都不聽呢? 你大概知道,但是你其實沒有想過 ...唉 !
假設你跟那個男孩子再一起,是溝通,是眼淚,是擁抱,是講述你的職業,你們共同興趣是什麼? 爬山還是走路,那走到公園走來走去,吃飯,那種野餐,那回家洗廁所順便那個早上?
說一起去那種美國一個元的商店去買那種 99 cent 的洗潔劑? 那是說,你非常喜歡這個工作你懂這是你拿起來,放回去叫做正常? 我現在發現,我認為的所有正常講一個家,是我自己覺得是正常講一天到晚的事情 !!!
你們有很多眼淚,這其實你們找醫生跟他們說呀 ! 委屈、委曲求全、什麼什麼,我其實不知道是什麼原因你們不太快樂,那要講出來 !!!
那假設講重點 ...你們看一樣的新聞,你們現在是連中文都不講,還是英文不需要了? 我帶妳們去跟誰講講話,叫做轉來轉去,現在是說你們猜到每一個,然侯自己看英文,大概吧 !!!所以這你們爸媽第一次清楚的看到中文叫做昨天跟今天,好,然侯呢? 西城男孩馬上是他們的墨西哥的演唱會?
所以有一個新好男孩跟 Ronan Keating 在另外一邊 !!! 你們知道你們現在對誰,都是有點像對你們家長的態度,很多小孩在父母親吵架,不是分開,或是過世,他們沒有辦法在自己的人生中站起來,因為他們其實沒有朋友 ! 或是很多事情不知道怎麼做,繳電費、水費、網路費、垃圾桶、裝垃圾桶的袋子,那如果台灣不是那種回收袋子?
可是我當初講的都是英文呀 ~~~二月的時候,所以你們沒有壓力,連看都不需要看,六個月的人生不是一樣嗎 ? 從聖誕節開始,沒有人說誰誰誰,但是現在叫做看的懂嗎 ? 也不需要感官改變,你說做討論,你們說人生給自己一點 push, 你們是說對誰很失望,你們現在要說你們對西門叫做幻想,然後很失望,還是我在猜是誰長的像,都很失望,那你們怎麼不上去問清楚?
講個話,你們覺得你們的皮很重要的關係 ? 講職業呀 ~刷牆壁,白色的漆、怎麼買油漆、怎麼買水管叫做台灣的夏天可能是 ...室內外令人厭煩的每一個夏天 !!!!! 連我聽說都聽說有這種水管,叫做站在那邊看老闆娘 ...那這種賣小雜貨的店舖是說你們踢一個高跟鞋,你們回美國還是澳洲?
那你們人生有沒有什麼快樂的事情 ?
我最快樂現在是躺下來睡覺吹冷氣 ....我媽現在可以自己去外面溜搭玩耍的意思!
Do you want to ask me, "I have some of the ghosty experience in life, like that Keanu Reeves talks in his piece of bites part 1 or 2", Something about he sees the ghost, you think Anna's dad doing that? You think the birds doing that?
I went to research on ......
Your entire Sailor Moon Table !!!!!
"Here is the pillow of the back for the couch we sit in the booth."
"You know one of those Taiwan Kararoke I staying like 4 hours straight over that 2019, one comet never shows up, I .....have this cart,
Ice, scoop
cup cup cup cup cup
Push the cart to another side. Filling up all kinds of different sweet tea + the combination of that is. And I push it back to my own kararoke reserve room. Its 4 looooooong hours. to gain weight."
💖💞 I talking to the girls like 3 years full .....I start talking to the guys when the Phase 2 comes. I don't even remember like the last week? 💖💞
okay....whom you "girls" are going to buddy together to each other, right next by 3 to 5 years? How come they never question me, why or how, or hate, or whom was on my facebook, they seeing each other faces in the same honor class or the program on their own.
"When your aunt gonna die, are you feeling all right? I don't."
You want to rehearsal that sentence to speak of it for 100 times, until you really saying it that day?
I think the court Judge will probably settle some of the bigger parents, to talk to their own kids.
And, I have no idea what the judge means by he is in between them, or he or she sits down to eat a meal between you all, or among you. Not me that 尊上 but you all as a group, or a separate the family household. A little bit more humane saying no one cares for you.
Your mother can fly to America.
I watch the house here.
These movies are one of those the family talk, you are inside that part of the whole humanity family talk, what do you think, how you think, and he is a Judge meaning he is a lawyer, I am very sure they have a way how to settle that, or feeling to hear your own opinion of view, from which time frame you remember, what things, all that. They listen to each one of you, if not in the court....a lot more relax setting, you all can go and eating a meal.
The first or the last goodbye to that Wing?!!!!
You mean .....
When Tina and I were in that middle school....these textbook were about the water pollutant, the air pollutant, or the sea pollutant including the PVC, and how Taiwan we have to recycle the trash, as early as that, ....til one day, your mother has to buy her own blue trash bag.
Imagine ....the cross multi-disciplinary academia talks, just over the language literacy, and the professionalism, you mean Thor, or Zawanna, Kail many dad they be as were.What is your hobby, Pang? Anything you do for fun?
Like something you love to do? The water amusement park?
Something this hobby you are very good at it? Some people good at the literacy and just meant sent them to hell all the way. At the tone. They do that for the amusement, kinda of like your mother.
You like the friends hang out?
Which friends? The girls or the guys, or the couple, or this grade school here Taipei, and Jones?
Canada one of those Ski club, UB we have near LGBT or I imagine Seth trespassing that door sometimes, we have a ski club in front of the APO, the entrance corner door, we pass each other day. He run off very very often right at me, but he didn't see my face.
I just happen to come up the stair.
You limbs are a little bit toooooo long to stay in the chair, get up and exercise something. You are doing that fitness wise, but that is not the only things you do that alone?
No, you talking to your mother first. When I had that Master degree, I talk to her first. Or she told me something before, and then....the one day comes, I change. How many phone calls we really talk on the phone?
Pang, you have something?
The Smallville story, there is a Clark and a Whitney. I know them both. I don't have a lot to say, they see each other like once in on Student union front entrance. Justin and Dean. Justin is my analytical science lab partner. Jonas is right in front of him.
They are all the science major lab, you had a.....I wrote your entire resume you put anything online in the binder. Too early to wake you up Christmas. Behind me photo, one of those.....
Your mother will not do this for you, Pang. Every word you write, its as concise as the Bible Holy means.
I told UB your resume has used to tell your mother, not on my sheet, are the CV or the resume or the cover letter writer, similar I think like Adria in our UB career offices across the mail box, the tuition mail box to the second floor Capen. nEvery time if someone uses that word, "The Second Floor Capen", its an universal language for the entire UB student or the faulty position staffs included.
... okay this entire I wrote for you profile, copy you per words from your internet. Michigan, Chicago, I got mix up the last time with this similar to LYPD or CSI New York. That is the only thing I see, really Pang. Them. Your profile to me. I don't talk about these human a lot, because its the roof birds I show you the last time you were here, exactly....the every morning I woke up. If one day I woke up somewhere else, I tell you I believe it true.
Really. All of this combine. So I keep their phone on the chat box, not your profile resume I write in my calligraphy. After you, its probably one page Tina Jojo. time you using my room again, you check your own profile, I wrote things in it. There is your 二姊 ( Tina's profile too, some comment.)
You finish at 2018. That is 6 or 5 years ago.
(Birds, quack quack quack, they are watching the sky. Wait....)
Its 9:15 on my phone.
oh ~~!!!
I am dizzy, I don't really know any of this word means. Really, Pang. Why don't you communicate with your mother, if not your dad. He is over there near California somewhere, there is that girl buddy your age? In that way, you keep your hair?
To some of this you becoming a single guy now? All of want to buddy the guy next by you, when whomever being moved in the phase, saying 3-5 years, you calling each other.
You meet once 3 -5 years, and talk about something like the remembrance of something or update each other what the life you did in that overal scope. Each of your pair up, did something a little bit more near this classroom, 3 to 5 years one time traveling + a table eating bill, that is not a lot of money.
You don't need to be close, get tired of all this stuffs. But you need to have someone whom remember some of this, not all bundle, but saying you know which one of them. You make a line app, or what chat, or the individual name to that Line App. When the times come, or the future, as a classroom, you will have some of that to lean on.
I don't have a clear picture, let's say if you saying any of you attempt or talking or reaching with your parents side to this One Wing issue.....
You say:
Some of us have attempt to approach during the phase 1 situation in our overall profile - get to know each other. We are the honor class, or the honor program. But this activity was associate with one person's facebook the overall only the UB vicinity with their UB ID card or the parents in this community or the neighborhood. No one did a particular leadership, so she will settle a several conversation with each other them.
UB phase 2 human - Why don't you just putting some words down, and go to your friday night. You sorting that movie profile as the indicates, so we derive a conclusion. One of us.
And along that way, to the beginning of our phase 2 this entire UB group activitiy, its the first time, we include some of the SA issues, that also partake some of the movie story, none of us figure it out unless some of them going to meet.
Sometimes people never had a chance to seeing each other a once of a lifetime, and one time meeting its all they hope for with an adult supervision. That gathering is pending. We will be told, if they telling us.
You don't need a TV, you just meant an outing once, you think you gonna have a second seeing that Wing? I already told Wing, what that might be. It may never happen like that, but in 20 years, you don't know what everyone else "mislead", "unsure", "uncertain", "making a commercial success claim"', you mean if your court room has a reason to believe, they walking out of the jail free.
If not the first day you fence behind the jail.
I think what you should be doing? Which one of you? There is a Big Hero 6+ this, Wing is not like that, and he probably is one of those he doesn't get married type hand your bank account every math every digits, with or without your father present, every sorting money by per digit, by per monthly statement, by per.....whichever I told you he is undergoes stress. He is not Tony. But he is Wing.
Per math, per car, per insurance, per utility, per water, per...... He doesn't sound like that.
Right. That is a cafe kid. He has a very hell of the literacy he will tell you that is the per math done on the table in front of everyone, if that day you show up, everything organize, and he sees it right there himself.
And if he doesn't know that basic sense of the business, he just smiles, and he hardly talks with his mouth opens. He is the instructional type of the people, so he will understand you perfectly what coming out of your brain that day. I thought, my specifically instruction before your dad, or whichever supervision of you all girls there.....
He will be the main literacy that day.
You finish that one day, everyone goes home.
We finish this UB Honor Class phase 2 activity outing the SA beside activities. Wing sorting that himself whatever he got that day. He makes a report out of that entire scenery himself. He got that basic brain how he entered the Honor class, I just don't know what is this 48 on his PCAT means.
The day you walking out of that door, it might be a forever goodbye.
You just write yourself a note. "Regret". You didn't prepare that day to get married. We finish right there. So much the faces you all meant, he is the hell of the guy. You have every other choice, you have every other options, you go on your next Friday night venturing, this one Friday, its just in one of those UB staying behind whom Honor Program a sheet. One of them stay behind, or they are on the rotation over this per Friday night out, between the guys including the SA parts.
You can tell them, your name, and your regret. Its just one word much money those TV meant real when you seeing each other
Different court room time.
Never again to meet.
Got it?
In some human's life.....some very mature adult if they know my 2 side, between the Honor Class + these Greek society are overly weight, cross off, its the CAC left over.
He is one of those Asian kid that got his bad attitude, but he speaking a lot more English than the rest of the other population, and he leans towards the America, just not that attitude, or this entire situation this far. He is eyeing on something.
Someone will tell you a story. You stay in that story, or you staying in that location whichever you being decompose at. People don't care you hear, you know, you listen.
You all girls trying to see this guy with your dad, because...that is Anna's side of the trouble makers. I have no idea what every troubles, Wing behind me, that is all that is. I Anna deal with it. Your friends their every tooooooo perfect issue, you yourself will know they are tooo good to be true, and stay with them, but you never solving a problem with them.
When I see a TV, I won't care if that Wing we used to know each other. You Wing listen, you hear, or you will know the end of every that.
You white feeble girls are only that TV telling you, an acquarian, holding hands like Carol and her SA Taiwanese association whom position to get on a date and be the bf and the gf. He is a little bit older than her. Your mentality its very very very small tiny. You are almost like that Storm. You wish your guys among your high school, to know how special you are. Your guy will tell you, they wish to be that Wing. Whatever that is, the life has a direction and you and him will never be together, as long as you opening up your mouth with....whatever your parents both you + sibling. They have seen other types of the girls + the sibling, or what they telling them verbally, without the guys begging them to know more. You as a girl don't have one thing in your life, so you don't open your mouth. Every other girl is already way out of that games already.
Someone if confirm where those materials coming from, its for you all to know something and grow together. Because in 20 years down road, to you didn't mean a thing, not really.... It didn't mean a thing. The future also didn't mean a thing I am very sure to tell you damn that.
You can just one of the girl's a dad to show up you 4 girls + 1 Wing.
Might be....whom might be on this list.
Hira, Alice, Wing, Ola, Karen, Adria, Emily (Wei or Courney)
Show up, all staring one Wing and with one adult male.
You cannot possibly to be that reactive at that table, you putting Wing to talk, or none of you will hear what he got to say at that table, that very day. He is not set up with that one Ola, he might already know whom she was. I don't bother to talk about it anymore.
One guy, you trying to put one guy on the main role as a show. You don't care why I saying that, just listen and follow the order, exactly like I tell you. That guy is the main show.
Starting with Wing.
Did any of you meet up Wing yet? Talking on the phone?
He is one of those agitate person personality......Everything is a waste of time, everything is useless, everything is worthless. That is his language. The cafe kids they told you exactly what he is. They doing the business as that. Movie: The Big Hero 6.
Outside Pixie? !
There is nothing outside Pixie, Pixie + 1 (=me), the vacuum.
You go to visit the Sakura Clear Card or the Sakura Card (90s) over that Canadian Aquarian? If you are side by that Wing, you can just buddy 4 or 5 girls, together sitting down with that one Wing, and following that his 4 sister parts in the Sakura Clear Card they calling him?
That plot?
You imagine the sister look like for a boy? The sleek outfit?
So you usually use which exit? There is a Lewiston, Rainbow, or downtown? You go to Rainbow bridge, there is a door on the left, you walking in? You will see the entire them bridge over that entire sky, what indoor, its their office looking. You and your parents go there to ask a question.
"Do you have a sheet for the tourism how to passing the border what the documents you need to come into the Canada, what the forbidden fruits or vegetable, or seeds?"
No, I don't work there.
No, he is a kind person, a mature and a stable temperament, very stable.
You will never meet another guy anything looks anything close to that. I don't think his teeth looks like that. He is very calm, I don't think he is by nature the friendly to get into noisy other people's business type. He knows some limits in life. You girls will be very safe in his hand, your parents will tell you that. He knows the time when you get home, or you calling him. I never leave the house, so I never think that is anything issue. That is Cananda.
I was in America.
In-Line Business 4: The grocery fresh fruits and meats or goods, the commodity included. The whole sale, and the farmer's market
You know the guy on my facebook, the very old guy he left? His job probably nothing near that, no. But there are the brackets of some Italian, their business are doing nothing but that. Its at their second generation or the third generation already switch hands. They set up their college time, or away from a lot of the drama school, meaning acting for a living in life, as well as to their parents. They carry the bill, the goods, the transportation, or meet up this outside to where they drive at the fish near the sea included. They train them.
Your parents don't gear you that, and they will tell you, you don't cook, you don't clean, you don't manual any job. That generation of every kind of them, its their parents agree you exist, you will exist or the forever leave, really. They have the cousin as the kids, or the near by daughter or the son as the school play mate. They know each other in the vicinity, they stay in their home all around doing the business.
That old guy is probably in your language, he retired....he didn't really going out for fun. Why someone would live or purchase a house its with the hope going outside to breath, if he can just be happy staying inside his perfect residence. You don't want to talk to him, you don't want to compete to get in, I just tell Shane, don't bother talking to me about this.
In-line Business 3 - the candle, is an aldehyde just like our organic chemistry class you and Lee be the tutor. That is not made to inhale, you don't go and inhale the cinnamon candle.
You look at the candle or the room has somewhat these....Cinnamon all around when you mediate on whichever this embrosiure Tibetan pillows. With the elephant. Sorry, Thailand. No, you don't go and make that things do you say those words versitile, meaning that is a gas being evaporated, that is how the nose gets to, so you inhale at it. You staring at the candle, not you go and inhale that thing.
I saying that many times, the chemistry its a synehtical human like me ever exist....really.
I am very sure you are not determined on the money sign anymore. I will personally tell you all that. Anything I describe to you so far.
![]() |
In-line business 2 - Art and Craft
The sewing machine, I start to see......Youtube with your hobby or this would be a piece of paper, you draft a sketch, and with this....drawing you have a particular way to paint, or how do you define that as my thinking wasting time hobby, but its a ...hobby. I can only tell you that. I am speechless whatever I see, so I never bothered to talk about it not even in the public.
There is a way probably, how to make a pillow one of those or touch-and-felt, this is 亞麻, it will never be a cotton. 亞麻 is ... I don't even know how to tell you what that is. Its a surface clothing.
I personally don't care about this animal. I live in the City. In this whole wide world, there is someone will tell you they have some of those wishes, and I am one of that.
You have the eat-out, some musical tickets to go or the festival, or the traveling between your friends or some family coming to spend the night with you all seen this Keanu Lake House, when he relocated to a more people populated place. He joins in the party, not really standing at the windows or people going to the movie tonight (American time, Friday night)
You probably have one of those amusement park, really they telling me for real, or I never thought they have the kids, or the family has the kids, and that is where they took whom's kids to go to the water or the water resort, or what not. I personally pale white thin person for a very long time.
There is a hiking, climbing up the stair, to go and picnic.
Swimming, and the fitness are the one of those big thing in life.
I mean your leisure things to go and finding friends, and along that, you all trying to make the money. I don't have any life. We don't know each other 20 years ago starting. The goodbye just never stop saying BYE.
Your lawsuit proceeding time I am sure you saying you organize your own paper works, we are not in the contact, I am sure someone else will just oversees all of you that way.
In-Line Business - Every business is in-line business
That attitude will never be.
"Well, oh,...darn."
"Oh Well....damn."
"oh was a bad night."
I don't think you hear one word I speak, everyone could be blood shed nothing inside or outside walking in the zomibe formats, those language will never coming out of the paper thin wall, or me.
🦅🦅 (left) 🦅🦅 (right)
You have the medicine (hospital)
You have the law
You have the IT
You have the Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical in America
The law is not necessary the politics. You go to gala, you go to the politics, meaning you show up. I highly doubt for the rest of my life I wish to be showing up anywhere, really.
You didn't have to go touch the worm, or the knife, or what not without the cooking on this one Medicine field world. But you are not a very decent person, so that standard its out of the sight. They probably intend me just be happy, not to staring at some of this very deformed case in life, the tall guy or them can just do those jobs all by themselves, including their physical body strength what could allow them to do during the war - moving the dead buddy.
Back up for the guy's means a lot of these rural girls if you marrying in some world just because you decide to, you go and finding some jobs, cleaning people's house. Like Rebecca. You didn't want to commit to anything close to your national, or the military. The politics are nothing to do with them. You just purely saying you coming from 5 Lake, you inclination very near that location, you thought you had one extra job if you attend to it, including you don't want to leave home.
There is some strategic idea, and none of you....I personally just tell you, I cannot tall talk to anyone the Past or the Future, to how many degree of the girls I have seen?! Not one human exist in front of my eyes sight.
I didn't have to be part of the 5 Lake, they know it very well, I left. My family is not there. I just might be conceived there, its my parents honey moon places.
My parents in Taiwan, I told them to get out of my life, really.
They go to the court all by themselves, but these family kids, near by, they got no jobs. I guess I didn't mean it I keep working on the things I have in my hands, the OU, or the any thing I thought I staring at my own monitor.
You didn't intend to solve anything. You are there to pushing each other, to join the fight fight fight games.
Nicky and I can talk about, or the whole world can talk about this First Degree love meet-up case such as Wing or Ola (Here is the detail)
No, I never discuss anything outside my work, why they have 2 cents.
Its your both parents' heart. When Tony....with Carla on the second child, he ran away at mid-night, and Nick never says a lot of things, he just stays on the phone or wait up to mid-night, he is at the living room that side with his bed. I am living in Tony's room. I went to sleep. No. we don't have a talk. I don't ask anything to tell you the Truth, so there is nothing to tell you what happened that time.
Your both parents heart is like suspending in the air, and mine heart too. You can say you never have a love, but not in the expense, with first degree murder right on the television to run away home, with a baby, not toddler, and 2 or 3 together to die without 4 of them. They are not that insane, and so are me not insane.
But what I can tell you Nicky see this Princess Diary, its with him in that case how Nick my side Canada they are entwine. So I gonna describe to you both, you Wing and you Ola 2 different profile, as the far away knowing each other.
She is a little proud of those witch idea. A proud girl that her father or her parents for her good conduct she shapes up in a certain norm, that had some religious background, but she cannot take that.
As a guy, its very normal to pick up a stick and throw at someone, Ola doesn't know that. I know that. Just like that Coco Club on the street road called the street fight. It does not have to be the underground. Every guy will know that life or imagine that sunshine bright and freedom world, he walks on the street, someone looking at someone does not fit into their eyes, he got warn, or he warning someone similar to Tamang. The guy doing things like that. Not they evolve to like that. Their whole life is nothing but that. Ola cannot take that part of ....because Mat looks like Lee. He is not just picking up a stick to throw at someone's head or back, and there you gonna have a fight on. A real physical fight or a quarrel.
Some guy have that internal.....what things.
Some guys are more refine. So Ola is a little bit more European, that air where some world of that she will tell you the nobility and the good manner, or some how sitting like sitting, eating with your napkin, or plate this with the prayer are more her sleek of the class. I don't know how long that Mat staying with her, but the white race sometimes, paper thin, book thin, on a certain manner, its "the wind sipping throw the jacket cold, they wither". That is Lee.
They understand what it is. But the Western World people are not the gangster or the gang street on any road. They will tell you that. I will tell you that.
When me and nick together, I will tell you, there is that Plan B. No matter what. If he is not sure, I go and get the plan B. He by now he knows that every and each time.
Now, we don't know any of you. Nick will tell you that is very very stressful, its each month I have to check the period, or he has the schedule book himself. He did. He writes that.
One of you if that baby comes, you gonna kill each other. Wing is a little bit lean toward some of those financial sleek building where that Hong Kong was known, I don't know if he gone back, or he knew some parts of that, so Cantonese as we know of, its putting that outfit or the sleek finance money in the mouth all the time. Never the religious practice at the church. Ola might think someone like her for that reason, Wing will tell her, he doesn't like her any of that bit. Its a sleek somewhat metropolitan air, but he got expel, that is why he ends up there for the rest of his life. Each of this location people probably told them, this is where you stay, where you make it.
The metropolitan similar to that ETR Craig Ballantyne. Their downtown, his is at mid-town. You don't hear me saying, that business is not a business. But they make money, right.
You have every other things beside the gay love, or when someone found out, he was exile too. Expel.
Not spell, expel.
The guys with some manner will one day all living prove to this getting a norm of the better conduct, that will be the politics. And none of them have that equip, so they got exile, and they got warn either the road sign, that any metropolitan affairs , or love air, or games or play under this much of the material, they will be watching. If they continue to show up on that television and including if they intent to walking one tiny dust near that metropolitan the economic or the business finance, they will see the end of every hell road.
They both have a very very very bad attitude.
Each of this guys when they psycho enough to get warn, they will never talk to the girl next by, no matter whom that is. They are not normal, that is why. What that cherish to hold, at that younger age bracket, they need to proven someone very sternly, and that every language is gearing toward that, someone will tell you. it does not work like any of that. I told you they are psycho minded.
This in-lne, yesterday I give everyone's example. Practically its whenever they feel like dragging me, so its my apartment going straight to the airport to whichever the court room, there Pixie will be there, their case, not my cases if my cases just seeeeeeeeeeeing tooooooooooooooooooo many of this garbagge, they know what I see will give some other saying. That is when we sorting in the court.
When you saying you going intend to the political realm, the friends, the associate, the use of everyone. They use everyone near them. They use them as the bait, they play them like a toy. They got a very very very bad issue. They imagine that is how you success in the business. None of that are true. They hurt someone very badly, they doing everything on purpose, to keep pushing. So this time, I don't know why they got taken out even before the political world age will arrive. Its not that age yet.....but they are set for the rest of their life somewhere else. If they don't hint that warning, to continue.....there is a reason why things ending up like that, don't you agree?
In-line Business
Its every business are inside that Nation. But I separate them. Because me and Pixie is vaccum, I saying that. I give you a book to read on that. The Spiritual Germ - That is in the VS Riahanna.
In the vaccum, its purely they ask me 1 human. They got nobody else. To every word I will speak out of my mouth, you think its tooooo much.....
I speak A
I speak B
I speak a sentence with the writing style of this to Z.
Check mark 3 line on the right side of A, B and Z.
You didn't realize, someone when I say precept first, its every degree of every words don't random gossip about mixing up their eyes sight, to every word coming out of the brain you saying, you think before hands, or you even draft. And they wonder why anyone would have that kind of the precept and discipline, so I say there is a TV says......!
It took me sometimes to get hurt inside included, for sometime pass....I start to working on this damn UB case on the map. Its not their job I guess.....
記得星期五的晚上~所有長官等你一個! 因為你們根本不知道理貌,我睡多久,他們就坐多久 ! 猜猜...眼疾的看過去
不需要太仔細看,外面的世界是霓虹燈,誰的發明呢? 不是嗎 ?
尖叫要每分每秒的撕喊,皮膚的顫抖叫做不用停止的嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯~~~~不想結婚是你們自己以為的事情,這世界上多的人是自由風氣呀 ! 準備沙媽沙起碼,砂壩鐵公雞
因為家長講的太久,你們自己的心情已經累了~大家來 repeat
"我累了 " 這假裝的時間是這邊跟那邊,都是一樣的 ! 所有小孩都是一模一樣的 ...累了,心情工作愛情,所有是是無所願這爸媽就是反正你們不需要,你們其實是確定的,不是嗎 ?
老老實實地說 "好",有人會說 "乖" ~~~
說 "可以"!
💖🍌 天若有情意無情 ~ 不知道怎麼反醒 💖🍌 If the Heaven has mercy without the meaning to be merciless ~ don't know how to reflect?
這電視告訴你們一件很估摸的事情,會是什麼? 花千骨說這世界只有一種叫做對與錯
而永恆用永世,你們以為都是假的 !!!! 每一種撕開撕裂~就是你們每一分每一秒的每一個下場~並不相信 ! 記得~告訴過你們了~~~這個時間多久之下,你們還沒奶你們幾何嗯嗯嗯~~~
相不相信,這叫做只有每一種的鮮血從你們眼睛開始 ....這永恆的駔咒 ~~~三軍 !!!
這好玩的遊戲叫做嘗盡天下苦 !!!!
低下之下的下下下,這邊有三個影片~大家拍手一分鐘!!! 星期五 ~~~Don't deserve it
叫做沒有得到的權利 ....舔一下彼此的手臂隔壁 ~~~
低疾之下有色有型~在尖叫號哭之秒數要用麻表來算一百尺 ! 不只是全身是冰,這全部的每一個人在公司登記的名字~記得~錢是怎麼撒的整個台灣, 記得只要敢發出的聲音,這跟電視一點都不一樣的集權 ...只是公司的八卦,怎麼是宗教之下的權利~已經沒有宗教
記得! 極權~~是說商業之下 ! 誰會知道你們的公司呢?
這些電梯的前面照片~記得! 這餅乾 ...只是吃下的肥臉 !!肥肥肥~在新光三越的專櫃不就是這一種嘛 ? 肥肥肥肥~~~這公司就是自由之下 !
I went to remote control TV - 我去摸轉台器 (電視)
I am very very very nervous results of a lot of that, you know! 我其實非常非常非常的緊張這結果的許多這些
Making money or just leisure watching a movie 賺錢還是休閒的看電影
TV has a drawing you in that story plot if just a purely story plot 電視有一種吸引力叫做只是單純的看電視 ....
I react very fast, and one of those habit I have to shut off the TV. 我其實反應力很快,有那種習慣直接關掉電視
I probably wish to say, if they can just find out if ITS EVERY MOVIE OR TV those are the classify materials 我其實只想非常確定知道希望知道這所有電視電影是不是都是那種資料
Its very nervous wreck 其實很讓我緊張 !
你們的智商在你們的大腦裡面 ...就是通常人如果比較理智,他們通常認為組織一個自己的文書是一個字一個字他知道他詮釋了什麼!
低智商的人,是一種很奇怪的漂浮大腦,因為幾乎每一件事情問你,你都會說不記得,有時候是好玩,有時候是忘了! 做事不是很實際的那種人,會有一種很裡面,跟你們大腦就是低智商只能做的事情 ! 那就是你的認為,但是這些認為你以為你非常確定,但是是因為低智商,我講了很久非常低的智商!
但是因為要騙外國人好玩,想一個眼睛大一點的好玩現象.....唉呀 ! 這香蕉怎麼可能是有皮嘛!
自己吼的很大聲其實很累很緊張,因為是害人的,但是很多人沒有說什麼也沒有覺得很驚奇,所以很受傷害,是一種猴子,非常惡劣的一種眼神,所以有一天錢跟時間不夠的時候 ...因為這種大聲是一種傷害人的每一種劇烈運動 ....頭髮很重,甩甩看 !
因為時間要結束了...錢不夠了! 通常一定不是生理時鐘結束的時候叫做過了幾歲 .....
The original content 原本的內容( 這是一種專有名詞)
That will be the original content, you cannot tell the difference anyway.
The spring sleep not knowing the day breaks.You girls are not very polite, we have nothing in common to talk about it. Really.
Whatever another side of the life, you can never crossing it anyway. You have a very bad everything internal development, and you need your own age, but you saying more of the appearance will go down the age, probably. If not right now. That is really really really stupid. To me.
No, that is her current house through the windows. Its a sad life, all around.
No money, and she is not a doctor. Not her. Not any of them.
No, Tony is not the artitech, you go to the university to finish a very very very very hard college major. I thought that might be a real Keanu Reeve position.
Karen and.....a road will never touch, because that is a no money circle of all world there.
Yeah I see through my eyes. No, not through her eyes. No.
Is the education program means the college graduate right? No one insist that MD path road other than us here? Then yeah, I will tell you, that is the only road you moving in your this one perfect life no matter what.
Zawanna's .....I say words.
I cannot really tell you the reason why if that is part of the immigration means. Meaning returning to their home country included.
I think those upper worlds....riot kids or human kids (Corperate).
Maybe only Reptilian their kids are Harry Potter Medical Doctor's program. For BTX. So your writing its Zawanna is the One
Keanu is the Zen place
The human worlds = All Zen, the Japanese Zen.
Reptilian, just be the MD better. Maybe not the human world. No. They are the Corperate the business sector similar to our world understanding.
BLT Its a sandwich, not her mother eat thought.
That is .....2 parallel world if you don't cook? Hey, that is more than worse.....
I am eating some sweet soup Taiwanese local snack, she is on the phone....what the Friday night, cannot stop talking.
When I get a better technology, I then watch that film. I heard the house.
Its the Niagara Falls on the Lake. Keanu knows what that is. Well.......I don't think someone will have that know how to go there with Keanu Reeves at the current Time frames.
That is where the cherry farm picking places. Not too far. Nick loves to eat cherry.
There is someone around there whom knew the property all around that area, where Tony and Carla gone to his jobs site. Its near the border. All these places are not too far from each other. That in VS, dead.
Of course there is other things. That is the movie.
Those....development of the Niagara Falls probably another 20 years.
今天星期五晚上,部用上班的意思 ~~我忘了 ! I forget we are here Friday night !!
時間過得真快,我看電影好了 !!! Time pass so fast. I think I go and watching a movie.
加害者與被害者 (講 X Man 的一個電影講的) - 那我說這種循環 ....
很多人幻想某種事情,我大學 UB 他們黏到這商鞅達己的逃脫者 ...因為西門 + 哈利王子是監禁,說哈利波特的位置 ~最閃耀的女巫! 是哪一隻? ~
不會呀 ~你們會跟上演的,在你們爸媽離開的你家後門,你非常需要逃跑,真的 ~~我都說了叫做直接衝上去,在漫畫有畫到,直接撲上去!!! 亞洲一定知道女巫是講魔法呀 ~~~~這當初我給 OLA 關於一的帶子關於,觀音法門是禁止魔法的,講述 by SMCH
最閃耀的女巫是十年前 ....? 發檔案是 ....電影內容還是電影的真正位置呢? 十年在發一次啊 !
我還沒有跟迪恩說 !!我 Linkedin 壞掉了~~~我修理一下 !
Let me find you a photo 讓我找一張照片給你們 ....
This photo looks to you 這張照片看起來 ....
Did I have that picture before? April 17th, 2021, 5:04. That is Lake house 2 years ago?
我有這張照面以前 兩年前,李維有個電影有張照片 !!! 電影叫做 Lake House
再來講商鞅~~~這難道你們歷史課是背反的嗎 ? 唐宋元明清?~~~
西門跟他未婚妻是真愛 ... 對我知道 ! 在達文西上面的畫像,見過沒有,那只有五百年前 !!! 你們是見人見首不見鬼的意思 ? 達己是一種鬼魅吸收日月精華 !!! 狐狸精跟蛇精比的意思 ....
西門已經慢慢過去了,但是你們堅持突然愛上 ~~還是愛上達己,這種四人男生女生,西門很多女朋友呀 ! 你們知道這比土耳其的飛機還嚴重,不知道? 是愛上鋼鐵人還是錢? 可能是在講哪一個年紀的年次好了 .......尊上把他們給蓋掉了 !
我說了 !
有些你們很積極呀 ~自己學英文,所以這六個月八卦,我需要知道哪一個? 我什麼都講了耶! 我是不知道你們真的領悟到這六個月過去 ...下面六個月他們西城又要進來,所以是找誰?
告訴你們我以為發生了什麼事情 ....女孩子為了發憤圖強自己的事業都是很積極不是嗎 ? 然後呢 ?我也想知道你們在後面做了什麼事情。沒有真的聽他們說~~~我在猜的關係 !
61.7 (Thor 說 62 )
我剛剛看類似 1/4
所以我用 62 算,大概 15.5....
需要洗我的頭髮 Need to wash my hair .....
我常常養小孩,養事情,我會真的這樣跟你們講 ! 不管現在這所有電視像說不是祝福你們的 ...他們很多以為。
所以我尊上給了很多祝福的垃圾桶、垃圾桶袋子。關於屋頂、關於很冷的空氣 ...
你們以為做大姊是那種看電視的意思? 我有職業呀 ~在本子上,十年沒有人跟我說,我昨天看到 ! 這同一件事情的材料系!
因為 Mimmo 是尼克的大兒子 (愛哭學妹 主角男的) 而金牛座的 SMCH 清海無上師越南小尼姑貴婦 | 是提那金牛座 |