Lawsuit 599: Zawanna before he opens galaxy in the real his planet scenario, are not me Anna cases re-open (eternity wise)

Date: April 6th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: AI games to the 50 eggs walking out alive, its none. No Judge walking out alive. (Conan Detective)

There is a main theme. You should re-check all the existing TV Classify materials, it will save a lot of times. This case its in the eternity time frames speaking. 


The cause:

The reply:


"I don't really know whom you are."  

Red River Manga.

Its worsen than the existing Lovely Bones. Its eternity. Not just forever....oneness blackens glue on the walls such as Pirates of Caribeans.

This lawsuit, won't makes sense to them.

It will make a perfect sense to the Judge. The Local or the Supreme Court Judges.

Every Era, Every Game, Every Age.

April 8th, 2023

I am pretty sure they making it up those stuffs, Shane did. But...

The future:

Zawanna says we suppose to solve it in our time, including killing them. Not that time to solve. I am not sure this is the vision or this is the process meaning if I already gone through. There will be a few Earthly existing in the universe all over that, we knew about, we did something but nothing can get through, we will communicate. One of them is Tim Cook.

uh you know what is Tim Cook?

I know we are all from Earthly. Maybe any of you this lifetime let him know your diet and your money statue before you trying that One Day future, if were ever in contact. But whichever whom could remain some talking, there is nothing can be done in any of those future in any upper world. At least that is what I see. 

There is a word in their language, I cannot put in the word here.

Its similar the idea you don't go beyond the Star Galaxy, like the galactic outside that one Earth. Similar to what you saying, those cases shouldn't even reach the Supreme Court so everyone be dead because of that. I think that is what it says. They say Star Galaxy that, I say the local court to the Supreme Court in America.

Because, the reason you have this.....OU, its because me Anna and my entire family are the minority. You all taken the wrong ways, wrong side, you never help anyone, you never mean it to help anyone, so 400 millions starting, someone supposes to do something, and then becoming the eternity.  You didn't even read or understand what is the beginning of the lawsuit, you assuming she just arrive, she just becoming, or she had a dream, and that everything is given to her....and nothing coming her efforts,, that is what you all saying, or doing or insisting keep on doing, its inside your mind, your body, your soul. Do you ask her own religion that one tiny serial number means? You should go to hell forever, that is per thought, per deed, per word including on the phone, on the paper, on the draft you could just chop off your 4 limbs 10 years ago, not this what century down the road, really.

Your idea is not to pay her the expense, so will not you paying any of the outside anyone helping you at all. All thing has a cost.

Anna I say,

The Education department in America, if you go to Zawanna, the galactic ligation and learning curve to foster and increase the awareness of the religion, and the spirituality including the foreign culture outside the Earth sphere, bigger than the Earth sphere, trafficking transportation Larger than Life scenario that consist of by how many Star Systems to this incorperation. You have something you can use in this account.

I think their brains needs to be modified, not just re-programmed, really.

Your target would be their Indian same color race, looks a little bit lighter Indian, is there such a thing the indian looks different skin tones? The sunshine bleach them? So you put another person on file. He was the lieutenant.  He has a television and a mansion that one. Because right now a lot of this story, I don't know its when the author to feel like creating or what things are not the classify, and the other side force just mix batch to show up here.

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