How many days now. I have to phone, to clean up, to hair wash and dry.....So sleepy
Babaji: Go
How many days now. I have to phone, to clean up, to hair wash and dry.....So sleepy
Babaji: Go
Page 143
That is Brian, I told him why his two eyes looks really really strange. I told him to go to sleep his last night. I have a jet-leg. So this morning I woke up very very early in the morning just before that Tina Jojo coming in the house, right before. I see my message? I freak out?
Below that Ronan
Might be true, Brian like the New Age Tea???? I getting this thing in the air, I personally when things get details such as he likes New Age...and here says "Tea", I tend not to believing it. Its a personal privacy things, his diet, and some people have those really really really traditional tea collection like a full hobby collection. I probably cannot understand it.
Ronan below that will be the Hallo Kitty that they selling things at. Someone probably passing it by. That is what the description says, everything piles up like a mountain. That is the Hallo Kitty stuffs I keep saying it. Just didn't take the photo at it.
Maybe I should ask him.
I understand the first says, the rest I don't really know.
I have these 2 boybands groups coming in, it is Chinese New Year, ABC never ending problems seeing home, family home. They are on the concert tour, everyone its busy happy, merry, joyful. I temporarily don't have to work that much?
You mean that book that book I don't have to work too hard? What about it?
Sailor Moon .... Book 11, 180 pages.
I think Hank's birthday its June 30th, the first, and next by that profile, the child and the moon? oh my God. The Black and White comic books. He is the comet, or that 2 is the comet, oh my dear.
I c .... I forget the plots until I re-reading it.
I am talking to the investors including that UB UFO Seth, they are at work if saying Westlife, Backstreet Boy or Ronan included.
That is what you mean, or?
You are asking for something that is = a little bit too late to your own standard, to be honest. You won't matter how you aging, but you will be really caring about when you seeing other people aged.
You really demand people to look young, look fit, look great, look perfect, no debts, perfect perfect when they see you, happy, great, sound a good life, other than you. So you rather to look at this Disney at the younger age, like Zombie 3. He was just at Zombie 1, you just have to put him at Zombie 3 age.
You as a very superficiality, not you have anything good to deliver, and your age will be arriving 40 this year like me? But most the real investors, or whom they know, or whom they say on the TV monitor, to whom the reference to be, none of you are interested anything other than those your regular job, to sound normal. You cannot talk, nor present, a liking inside your brain. You would choose to be with a 22 years old guy, if he agrees with you just by the look of them or him.
I personally have nothing to say about it.
That telephone calls, I am at "a giant equipment" next by to look like a real working ethic. This entire pages has nothing working ethic according to you, I am telling you.
💝💖 💝💖 💝💖 💝💖 💝💖 💝💖
Bill not Billy has a husband? Watching over kids?! X Man!
Bill, not Billy its the music TOO LOUD!!!!! near the Community Center ~~~~!!!!
What they FOREVER never had anything like that on the television, for whichever whatever reason Tiny 4.0. You know, some people, sometimes have to do the REAL jobs. Those are not the real jobs...really. You can be replaced by any 20 years old or training at 18 years old? That is not the jobs.
The Black Ops its the jobs, the negotiation table they will have those looking normal, or already showing up somewhere you all gather in one room, they explain anything together?
You meeting your OWN AMERICAN Military, let me guess which standing in front one line, starting from left to right. That is the American military on the RIGHT? You want to go up to that Man asking me if Anna seize that power right at his brain, head to show up there, reading you all? However my vision shows this??~~!!!!
He wears the uniform.
Why don't you prepare to talking like that normal? You imagine the Washington D.C more normal?
You know what I mean. A real ruler as you open mouth close mouth on it?!
You want to debate for your future self now?
Emily, that is jailing on Earth where you statement lays down now. That day on, you won't be returning to that too perfect world, or else.
Love will Save the Day. I never forget ....
Drunking date, Adria, how your ex? Get a date on drunk, a photo at the Ice Skating, let me guess, the best friend position to the Princess, that means Melinda on your way. You two could just hate together will sound like the best friend, its your both internal exactly at, the same level exactly.
Its just carried a conversation to that Dean bursting without the tears really. He used to be around that Fatima maybe starting at that Evolutionary Biology 200, where the entrance at front only 2 doors.
It will be Andrew and me (facing Top 2 words "2 door" crossing line, Knox 20)
And Friend, Friend, Silas
How strange these look down us looking straight down at them 2 walking in before? Did I remember it was the left or the right? I didn't know Dean at the Evolutionary Biology, it was Wing in the First year, across me. Dr. T's class 105.
All these amusing small circle of life, means to you. Some guys always constantly looking for girls, just not you girls, really?
Many choices, I think....or they just configurately speaking.
You all motivation its how soon you get there, how fast you coming back to telling me ABC Earthly learning how much, how grand, how big, how calming, how resting, how good that life over there, rather than here nothing but coal blackness dark, or saying we are still on the dark matter, string theory the mathematical calculation on the 3D computer program, like Fang.
I just told you WE DON'T HAVE a ruler on Earth, when you did come back, how wonderful such person like you having a RULER BEING RIGHT HERE. Unlike that world might be exactly where that Zawanna supposes to be, how ruthless he makes his policy rigid, no humanity, and certainly never humility running too deep or too broken headed.....
But you really prefer the good morning sunshine places~~ Comfer and contentment its where the spirituality lays. You got nothing here on Earth, all sold to ending up there?!
I never told you how wonderful a ruler I truly am, amn't I that day on?!
Sit there long enough to listen?
Because the other world when you enter, you know how old you are in that sunshine place really? I think there are youth they define there if not just they born there. Acting like you talking as if you are which age years old? You lecture, you mentor, you seeing???
They imagine the Sailor Moon, really?
Want to inquire at least that part of the brain be sit there modifying your entire internal temperament to sound like listening to some authority talking to you? When the time comes?
Like your front jacket opens, this two lining zipper Topper parts, you sew something extra, almost nothing or it is something very very catchy in the eyes. You design your own clothes like SMCH. Her height too short, those custom are all hand made.
Like incest, candle, Little focker, that granny. That kinds of the style she talks with the beas, pillows, or Tibetan any pattern on the pillow, other than my plain pillow I ever need to sleep on it.
New Age sound wave music CD selling in Wagmans, something fragment oil to wake up your tempo. Yeah the oil.
Mine would the castor oil from Feel Rite, and Olive oil that 40 big jar with the vingar those Steak House use in the BBQ too hot oven every street night falls human at. However that imagination they did. They own the restaurant right across it. The same owner. The same company. They evolved. There are only 4 bottle litters from Europe Olive Oils that has no chem trail in California. Spain or Italy I think. 2 from Spain, 2 from Italy.
In front of it!
You say Zawanna are they going to get to the court for giving us the money back from this American you Congress has no more money, for saying why Anna already stated the facts its best to line up with the Medical Board rather than the priesthood program idea.
And Inelia Benz we check her materials, we think we are something alike. Can that be a factor, how can we re-word? We research sometimes for her material?
What you can say is this, what you know about yourself.
You like to read a book, sometimes on those hammock, including the relaxing time BBQ with the friends somehow more outdoor, more green, kinda of like Anna's Pinterest those green but with the forest or hammock, some kind of the more stylish BBQ idea, if I can afford.
You saying if we describe that scene, what most relaxing us to our nature, then reading the book its one of the thing you like to do as the hobby.
(I have no idea what else you love to do)
Making a sketch, making a sewing, the skirts, the piece of cloth kinda of like that Cinderella workshop, do you like the workshop, or what is a workshop idea like Emily. Or you seen what Lalla did, you are more outdoor, skii with the past friend, or the new future friends or family, the same bf or switching one of those combine, the outdoor, like biking on the mountain, the more green, more sunny, more climbing on the stair, those not Taipei Adam Hailey seen stair. The mud road, the mud slide, the tree make the nature becoming the One.....
One of those.
Big heavy backpack fallen, with the camping gear, the real trail, not those Dr. Fourner Evolutionary Biology 200 Ronan Keating did that. Me and Vince went, I don't remember if Seth will ever tell me he remembered that class has a field trip with Dr. Fourner in it, he drives.
Or Do you remember Dr. Fourner's Class Evolutionary Biology 200, you did some of the y2K describing that trail?
The class itself, the final lab. My lab its all at night, I remember I get up to travel to the North campus and so late when we finish with a quiz outside the door, to get back down to the South Campus, to walking back to Jame's house.
Once you finish describing, do you see, feel, you like those trail. Me and Adam, I almost dead, that wind did was a trail before Me and Adam together, I almost fall, one second. Literally one second. There is a Wind. I have no idea what Kail saying about this Wind thing, not good.
The entire cliff down. That is not cliff, abyss.
Can the America Congress predict for you, estimate for you, to that continuation the program, you yourself know yourself best, and end up, is there a way, Anna says she stays on Earth, for..any romance or money or infrustrature reason rather than the real money in the other world reason, will we be take care of or be killed, at least knowing that part, where is the reason all this monitor airing on the Earth alone? What exactly things we can ask for, in which kinds of the financial us to get that Date, get that Open what or Close scenario confirm.
Where or how, or what would be the most visible, clear confirmation something we are going to be that program Anna says? Meaning is that a secure future?
And where that offers us on Earth.
... No.
No You don't have to sunk it in the buttom of the sea, but from your own 16 years, that was real, just the bank accounts you will never arrive with the Time. For Zawanna's world, there are the diligent workers such as what I told UB UFO Seth some account, because Ronan he might know him, or whatever was there.
But Seth he becomes very very very driven and aggressiveness to the money gold digger including those UB his college buddies friend, that is what you have some of this movie, that Tall Britney, the Chinese Translation my time few year back reading it, it was Bounce Hunty or bonus hunter.
What I told Seth was landing it somewhere having a more solid life, not wrecking his own spirits, he was a mild guy they all were. But they probably have a reason for doing all that, the money the gold reason. To all this sphere upper world.
Our world, many people got jailed. In their world vocabulary, even if you go to jail, you learn your mistake and moving on. That is not how our world operates really. But they have more supports.
1) School, 2) Discipline 3) Spirituality 4) Resource pouring in 5) Wheather, 6) Peers pressure 7) the entire world supporting factors are all different to "sharpen your skill", or professional experty, all vibrant, positive spirits, positive talk, positive positive positive words, or momentum when you seeing that person. You never met those positive in outlook sounding very normal human, not every eye sight shatter.
They are, but they are more happy, and get going.
A little bit like 101 here those 20+ years old small thin boys, they wearing eye glasses and luggage, you can tell their life having hope, no matter how that suit looks bigger on them, their life has a purpose, and they are driven to go for it.
Life its when you are driven to go after it, it sounds like a normal human living a very normal life, I would say that. What really the normal thing everyone will be telling you those Upper World.
Give you an example, for example:
Some people going on the skii trip, some like to reading a book in the very cold house no heating, but the blanket cover, sometimes meditate without the music, without the sound, the more outback road, forest, or tress. New Age.
Some people Friday night have the social events, the pub, the drinking wine places.
Some like me keep pushing that American Congress or every 2 second, their keyword will show up "American Congress" knock knock on purpose doing that, if not lawsuit, its the written notice, not hinted, just meant the language you hear, or you will, that I have my will, one of those? Meaning written it down format, keep typing whatever all costs only the money paid in the end results, it might be implied 1 to 400, then there is 400+. No shame people doing that. I personally don't realize what that is a shame, but most people New Age, that is a shame.
Write it down, paper black and white ink, that is not New Age.
101 for sure for sure anyone come to visit, they WILL FOREVER NEVER defined as NEW AGE. Eternally. And if you get on the metro at 5 oclock to seeing those fresh college graduate boys, all what they carried a computer lap top bags, or luggage, all of that looking, you just sit there, that is where the Capital means like the song I sing to the UB: Try Everything the Shiraka lady, waka waka that person.
When I am driven, or they pointing out that someone so driven to the materialist veiws, it means I am not outback really.... you meant that person was more aggressive to the Laws, and especially if the internationally, you just targeting at the American Laws Capitalism, rather than those suburban people just sweet, mild, harmonious gathering of some warm welcoming to all those around, slow in pace, but warm at the heart.
Not cut people in thousand pieces and say that is the Seat I am the Throne I will be. One of those China meant to tale.
They will define themselves as the rural New Age people. Incent, fragment of the candle, I say the fire department to those not wall-to-wall carpet, even Tamang knows what he orderd, the Emerson square the exact description.
It will burn, really!!!!!
The capitalism sleek means a lot of this, fast pace, money driven, and why people should make money, just never have enough?
I wonder why!!!! Truly !!!
And in that First to the End wasn't just Purna got brought forward.
Your enemy coming forward. And to that every account why the entire public can see it
How you talk
How you write
How you statement
How you imagine things....
Every citizen in this World, can see it, what I say just so true the End of Time, til when you will be saved, really. Your attitude, your air, your rebellion for the wrong reason, your mouthful jobs tempament, you want me to tell all the guys, all the girls each of your true quality, not just this humility running deep, and that final all results to per showing The One, the Guy, the Past, it was defeated, or failures to every human life lost it.
As long as you willing it.....
Just like your debts, just like the Past, just like the movie. Today you becoming this uncountable mounted obstacles in front of you, you seeing all these as the obstacle in life, the God testing upon you, the Time where not return, the Spell where the wind will?
The End don't last til when the Sun stop rotating, it was the movie saying the Earth, can you see the Sun moved? How nice, and interesting the astronomy facts! Staring the sun never burn, its really how long lasting til you hold.
When the people laughing enough, you see how comical all these tales, I never frown my eye brown by doing so, but nothing yours?
No one knows...shi....
When you like, how you feeling like, right?
What is the comment: You all have nothing but the only subjective view, for...hash comment, not just the harsh punishment for world pace? Clap 30 second, laughing 10 second. Its rather funny, isn't it?
Narrative repeat English British Oxford accent, Ricky Martin video. 2 video in facts. 2 different stories.
How the boy knows to know how to use a pen, for? Every ladies knowing a pen makes the eye glasses and Robbie Wiliam's beard, Merlin.
Lawsuit you see how it shall always written?
Don't want to learn how to copy on your skin carve, will pain like hell if you keep erasing it with the blood? Why don't you just copy exactly every word I say on the first come first serves basis?
Because your IQ is not reliable. Low. Sugar? Will make your mood better. :) Hardly a guy next to the chocolate cartoon saying you loving it. Mc Donald commercial seeing it?
You don't see what I see.
How do I relate to you why don't you all be dead soon, best?
Lava Rock.
Lava solidified, its a rock itself. Its a bliblical story, don't turn back and look.
I tell you what I think its says here, it means they sent to jail, not plot, not pretend, not hidden, no imagination, if she does not return, they be dead or jailed. Meaning has to have a party, that is the way American says. The criminal goes to jail, no hidden agenda all around the world looking at you going to commit crime. There is no such things, big and wide know.
Having a banker sit among you in the circle before the introduction?
That will sound more reliable, someone being responsible all this movie truly how the reality it is. For real, not fake, not plot, not trickery.
Finally, I can lose weight now?! A Better Data to begin a brand new weight program this week?
Being honest with yourself and the environment....crying only last about one afternoon or the evening, tired, and go to sleep. Tomorrow try again.
Per month, per trying interest only, or there is a personal loan principle, just the random borrowing, on what? How do you per details saying it straight how dangerous you coming forward with all these movie in front of it 16 years pass, and the first year beginning? People seeing you disappear out of their life?
Meaning 12 month a year, what did you do per month, for 16 years. Every details crystal clear for everyone seeing how embellishing these all looking great. True or False? And?
The decision that you make to do what? Every step.
The extra money, the extra saying, the extra pretending. And?
Not the population density idea. You built up your tolerance with you. A lot of things are very narrowed minded. I talking about those air things...because the air knows if you gonna sent yourself all this in the end of all that paycheck you say you pay, you say you know about it, you say you take care of next month.
Its a kind of like those things they draw inside the TV 龍貓 but I didn't see like that. Its like Lords of Rings. The air, the wind, the Earth itself already exists here 46 億 years ago. Can you imagine these air never changed?
When people chatting, or you gone to Church imagine there is a guide. There is none. That entire system switch its gone gone gone. You wishing to talk more romance, so you never ending up in the church. You seeking help even not in the church. I would do the other way, but there is not support in the church!!
You want to get into those argumentative talk, you don't have time. You suppose to make time every Friday night like forever until you make it in life. Every second every min you are debating you saying you sure about your pay roll, your ideas of getting by in life.
As a girl, not just the cooking instruction, you doing yourself a favor.
Those Temporarily relief
All false, especially you gone to the girls side.
But you feeling nice, you feeling there are accompany, you feeling there is a noise, in that familiarity environment, safe environment, eating together, on a common afternoon tea. Which calendar of the month? Once a year?
Those were from the kitchen order. I probably didn't know I check mark that. You know they have one, behind City Hall, not 101, behind it. People usually get drove there.
"I used to have a lists of the bill, I thought I already printed them before at Sacromental City Hall next by you."
You can still look from UB micro !! They input stuffs in it? I used to have a problem with those white. I did.
Not white enough ! Its a pale white, just like me ~!!!
You know there is a type of space suit? Space Vest, bubble air all around? square line ink mark? Big square line mark?
Welcome to Taiwan !!!!! You are in 高雄 today, I have the jet-leg for 2
days. Where you from? US right? I thought was Westlife are here. I glue
both of your schedule dates on my wall just to staring at it !!!! Happy
Chinese New Year ~~~~!!
Welcome to 台北,新好男孩 Backstreet Boys.
Wish you all a good stay and further on your tour and come back to Hong
Kong, its right next to us. We have the French those til Midnight cakes
pastry, you all eat those dessert. Happy Chinese New Year !!!