Lawsuit 639: The UB Honor Class as the Dr. T's science class

Date: June 27th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The scientific experiment conducting methods

The control groups and the experimenting groups, I was in the grade school (the elementary school, I already learning that.

They must have a lot of the debates over things they did file, and I am the last one to kicking in the doorstep, their lawyer will say, or the debates will say, not because I am typing already 24 hours.

The movie: Island (2005)

The rumors or the lies, between someone conceive a baby and let go. The abortion act on the TV. What a scandle tale re-write about 100 times. Anyone? 

Gives a lie 24 hours, that is eternal, spoken by Yogananda blue book. 

Any more question?

So here are all the associate personnel, its intentionally to do, or the classify people to do, and the currently stake of the manner to cut off. Just connect to this one lawsuit in the future with that lawyers of yours, that Australian opens.

How the high tech works.

We cannot solve today yet....I didn't get home or get to Shane, or get to anywhere he or whom did watch the movies say, to even get a movie title. IF I would know it the title and put in front of my face, that per day efficiency would not be that slow snail, isn't it? 

As the Part of the Whole....

Each dew of the ocean, one of those New Age world Master in the spiritual often has some of this ocean wave small or big. Meaning the hole too small, cannot squeeze out, and if the head its on the other direction of term, Sean Bean in this movie: Island (2005) will say that is 難產, in Chinese means the difficult birth, but to us in Chinese words or in English words, its not really the way how we hear about it.

You want to go to the World peace groups to make a brand new Earthly existing language over this a lot more professional medical board listing words, it must be lawful or a joke.

Because that is not genetics, they will tell you that. Not inherited, its the dis-oriented inside the mother's womb in the water.

The situation of this one map, one world, one sky over this my album, I don't know if American side of Congress gonna make that sky as if this lawsuit were part of that saying.

Its in Ancient Chinese, meaning not back glue to the guys, or the guys are tooo rigid in the Congress itself to break off inside the Chinese dynasty time, meaning the people they got hired. Or it means the girls too. Its funny, the more I understand a certain thing how the guys talk, I am very sure some of this Ancient Chinese has to re-write, and you need to get the guys whom have a brain to do this. They got a group for themselves, the girls are always singular, don't you agree with this one lawsuit? 

We have so many this situation its each direction of the blamer or the sinner didn't resolve or asking why there is a TV. But everyone is all working on their pace speed, I can tell you that myself personally.

I would say, how about you all UB deficits groups, if you know you are on the debts or this one lifetime you must becoming a MD doctor even if in the jail, I don't know the current situation.....if you strongly pushing the idea I say about you all in the witness program, the day you are off the UB, or including not staying in the SA extra-curriculum, you will ending up on the first train of the 500 dollars Loving the Silent Tear, to pushing this to the Galatic court over this Classify in America. Maybe they have a court themselves by now with the American Congress or Area 51, or somewhere the mutual agree term.

You all just need to get off the debts immediately having a job, no matter which job that is, to spell the one lifetime guarantee, meaning no food on the street unless you obey. That is by the per assignment given that witness account program over your clients or the associate personnel other than UB. Meaning a good job of you meeting the kindness person. 

Ever after the privacy how you deal upon your finance is or is not that 500 US dollars, its a privacy protect act, because once you acquire that position, you all knowing that one lifetime its free money, as long as that participating of the possible, sometimes even minus, you know its the endless assignment, they cannot let you go the witness, but they will not kill you, and you all fence bar somewhere district, so that the facilitation of that beginning of the long table, to kindle some of that common language if you were assign in the same language, you can pressing that time that 6 oclock, no more lawsuit writing, and seeing some of this normal guys before their face appearance fall away. 

No, its not the debts forgiving program, its a unlimited assignment you use your brain continuedly to work sometimes. I don't really know, because you can say you all traumatize enough this length of time, and no degree of the middle terms its from any side. You worry about your bill right? So why don't you make that a clear situation you saying I Anna seeing that entire, whichever I written that one day. A lot of things I would put on the internet, its....almost entirely if not my writing skills, its exactly I see, I saw, I know, I tell you that is the Korea TV: the Extraordinary You (or the Day You Found Out)

If your money okay, I think some of the people still going in to see the old friends. I don't think its mandatory, because the court can make those whom make other money to stay outside. You have WAY too many people got affected, that is what I am saying, and the longer you wait, everyone's appearance or the body shape will lose itself. You don't want to try for that reason? You say, yes, everyone's appearance gonna wear out, as included as one of the item to make a brief say, to make reunion idea, to make some of those table possible to gather in any local shop or that restaurant. It is my facebook, that doesn't mean you yourself your own facebook does not get assign over to your own city jurisdiction. Its a little bit like that Movie: Island (2005). Because.....

That long table its sometimes people to just all sitting there to talk and to chat. Its real. I just personally write myself to say, you are tired of that writing and fighting. If its a lot more like you get off the works at 5 oclock, you wish having some of this by 6, you have a group of the long table eating.

I saw it. True. I am not hurting myself. I just telling you its real. You feel a lot more if you fallen off the Digital Era its part of it. That I will tell you personally myself, its part of the fallen off the Digital Era. You want to see some of the classmate, in that formation, you feel a lot about this life you exit in some way the fairness your life supposed to be taking care of. I tell you its true.

You need to tell them, a lot more like, no matter its 500 dollar per month, that is entirely the privacy protect. Its the first train of the Loving the Silent Tear. Its not hell, its just the lower mentality of the people whom don't know how to manage the finance, or the desire to make a lot more money, or driven to climb up. They wish to be in a less stressful, but not being targeted or bombard this TV fame, or the TV implication, its staining your face a lot more on the girls as well as to the guys. You are all the rural boys or the girls to saying the similarity of the background. You wish to evoke to that first train if that story has some meaning of that implication. We don't really know which materials are the original content, which is the classify materials anymore, if you can find out for all of us.

Its the commonality we wish to share some of the coffee table time with the group of us and having a stable home to go to. Not on the street, and right now the life gets toooo hard to fight on, this TV makes everyone cannot breath. Its not you wish the life to end, its really suffocate to all of you. You wish your parents to feel a lot more relax after this.

You listing of the things that victimized at you.

You cannot breath

You cannot cope the TV expectation including the TV fame. You are not the child star. 

You cannot take the guys or the girls looking at you like that, especially the guys.

You cannot but thinking some of the possibility so you starting to try. 

Someone suggests me this classify materials might be means, you freeze down, put your 2 hands up, and this is not for any of you to try anything. Its the final verdict of the final judgement, so I feel I am really really really totally screw it up. I never thought my life to screw it up this badly, in 10 years.

You cannot stop thinking and wishing. Its true, just not I would dare to anyone, and I really wish that privacy protected its true, so as we are all waiting on the compensation, or the heated debates, some of us the finance got hindrance, all of our attitude becoming very sour.  It does looks like the zombie, it feels like. But I do not wish to continue that path. I want a way out and I am listening, just takes toooooo long.

Someone suggests us this one reason "its not for everyone losing its skin color or the age", that statement can valid over this TV. For that very title of it. That is being sweet?

So, we want to know if this file-ing statues its a kind of like pre-sort before the Harry Potter story almost like, because we need to care about our death, and the more we hearing about a certain thing, and we cannot turn around our own finance with all of this, we didn't really think you are helping any one of us, really.  The most immediately help. That kind of the help behind our head skull.

Anything in Ancient Chinese describing that in the medical term? 拋在腦後

The similar meaning: 置之不理, 置之度外

The opposite meaning: 念念不忘, 念茲在茲

Lee Action Bright (The singer's name, The Original Me 李行亮 : 原來的我)

The lyrics have that ancient Chinese (The translation from Anna Jao, below in the same lawsuit 639)










The Song: The Original Me


Give me a space

No one has walked on.

Feeling myself being dropped cold.

Give me some times.

No one ever loves again

Feeling that loneliness once more.

Why breaking up because used-to in love, but?

Why in love cannot stay together.

Why the ultimate reason

Ancient Chinese : If to know from the start

Ancient Chinese : Why begins?

Here is a song from Wallace, but the original Ancient Chinese means more, "why starting at all"

The happiness after its the cold silent time.

Already says love me truely

Why also leave me?

Ancient Chinese : The Sea Vow, the Mountain Alliance throw behind my head (skull)

Ancient Chinese :  If to know from the start

Ancient Chinese : Why begins?

I am still my original me

Give me a space

No one has walked on.

Feeling the wound of the spirits at heart

Give me some time

To bravely embrace the loneliness once again

Once again to live Life

Why break up if we used to be in love?

Why love each other cannot hold together?

Exactly why?

Ancient Chinese : If to know from the start

Ancient Chinese : Why begins?

(I think this sounds like Square....) The laughter later price is the coldness loneliness.

Already say love me deeply

Why leaving me far away

Ancient Chinese : The Sea Vow, the Mountain Alliance throw behind my head (skull)

Ancient Chinese :  If to know from the start

Ancient Chinese : Why begins?

I am still my original me

Why break up if we used to be in love?

Why love each other cannot hold together?

Exactly why?

Ancient Chinese : If to know from the start

Ancient Chinese : Why begins?

(I think this sounds like Square....) The laughter later price is the coldness loneliness.

Already say love me deeply

Why leaving me far away

Ancient Chinese : The Sea Vow, the Mountain Alliance throw behind my head (skull)

Ancient Chinese :  If to know from the start

Ancient Chinese : Why begins?

I am still my original me

Ancient Chinese :  If to know from the start

Ancient Chinese : Why begins?

I am still my original me

Supreme Master OU Language Part 2 Has a kid

God Original Ability KID

Ihos Ku Attribute HIPE

AND    A-N-O   NOS

APPLE             NYS

Ihos Ku

Be Attitude        VEDA

Ihos Ku

Benefit                Sug

OU Radiant

Beauty                GANE

BEE                      OP

Yes, Its cute, huh? I don't always have time to check because I really have to concentrate to get the word right, you see?

This is OU RBG

Harry Potter - Sirus Black's brother in that locket hidden its RAB

And whom has the sex in high school, or that is the middle school saying the Harry Potter?

Maybe you want to check this with the court, if you want to change this life time, you not as a nun, but like the Square, anything? If anyone get annoyed enough with the guys?

I think its I make a call that Keanu Reeves, you don't move.

Remember me at that opening of that Opening of what things in Flower Thousand Bone. The honorable superior, not this. Disassociate this, you and SMCH. She was married once, I don't know anything about the Broadway show, really. But I think if she still there SMTV meaning she wants to keep that renunciation vow, or whatever had happened this going on and on she looks like real still having a center. Meaning she does her jobs as she is, a nun. 

You just say no.

I personally think I comprehend you Keanu Reeves' personality. Not screaming and yelling. She does that all the way, all the time. Really. And here another this whom supposed to get married by Westlife says, or they find out.....if the court can ask them. Just "The One" that position needs to be separated that apart. I don't think they will ever get along, really.

Dr. Bing Shen, he is not what I see him as the Indian 500 years old, not that look and they....behind I have no idea what they doing things at all.  He consciously knowing that I think he is still married, so if he wants to disassociate, that is fine.

He would be the youngest in his family. He is not the immediately family uncle to me. He is at my mother's side. I highly doubts they wish any of this Tina Jojo getting anywhere near them, that him only focus in his own works, and heard me saying how much miserable one her Tina Jojo ever did.

The comic book: Loving to cry Little 愛哭學妹

So the Mimmo's position, these are once again between the position from Dr. Bing Shen if he = A

"My father next by's sister's mother's father's older brother's youngest son"

There is a line to cut off = that is across the sea, the distant father that 40 years shut down between Taiwan and China.

"My father next by's sister's mother's father's     |     older brother's youngest son"

Sailor Moon - 4 Heavenly King

We live on Earth, this blog posts reasons,

Dr. Bing Shen, Me, the Mushroom Professor, Sayor

First 3 are from the City of Hope Beckman Research institute (with the hospital). Sayor is a Twin. Dr. Bing Shen is the Washington D.C funding I think but he travels back and forth to China and acquire their students to his lab. The Top finest students. I think they have the right to disassociate with this W Two Worlds whichever this girls, or the kids, or the innocent, one of those no one can say. 

Just everyone whom knew you are the end of all this, everyone put a dollar at the judge. We count head number, in this end of the lawsuit, it will be saying to the rural girls the total head account they never meet, see, or knowing it about. As if that is part of the justice.

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