Fried Food

If you are doing this for some reason, the Kitchen Department for the Hunger Game/ Catching Fire. Since 2013- 2020 were the mentor Class. This is the time for England almost the next consecutive years from Prince Charles Time to SMCH (1950), this 74, 75, 78 (Slam Dunk Opening number on the Top basketball court), and that You've Got Mail (the opening 75 anniversary)

Movies: No Reservation (2007)

Movie: Burnt (2015)

If this is something important to you, or you hired to do, or you wish to be more thoughtful for your future romance.


My Pinterest - YourFormulaSheet

The Pinterest thing I did in the cooking.

The Album: Chinese Taiwan Food:

I think this might sound like the lyrics:



They have a lot of songs you can listen to. I probably for a very long time never seen a real CD album the case, or the original format. I don't even have the ITune.

Some people if they like to collect these past albums, you can still acquire them, you know.

One comic book to this Green medicine


Yeah, it is the liverstone on my album (Pinterest) but those are the fried food indigestion causes from the pile-ing up Biles do not secrete anymore to that Gallbladder are fully pack with the stones scenario.

I cannot stop you eating, just drinking the green smoothie like Dr. Gabriel those skin issues?

You eat lightly, not excessive. Then those are fine.

The only way to that FDA in the Middle Age, whichever this comic book Time Setting might be. It has to be oil deep fried, so all the bacteria or virus be burnt off. In the past, there is no such words like Pathagon meaning its the bacteria or virus.

They are not the parasites like a creature, or God's creation that has a physical structure of the body enclose, to that inside there is organale. Those are define as the organism might be in some context in English. But in the past, you have no way define those words, other than today's medical society those rudimentary subjects have this definition.


They are defined by the size.

Parasites >> Bacteria > Virus.

COVID 19 = Virus

Seasonal flu = Virus

Some infection of cutting a wound, those are the bacteria. Virus nowadays only was one of those bio-war, you make the whole humanity disappear, those are the human made isolation or extraction including the handling to the animals. Livestocks 4 limbs or 2 legs defined.

When you cultivate things like that = isolation (Concentration) = Condensation ( concentrating) = extraction (re-distribute amount to the experimental values such as harvesting)

You got a problem on the human causing factors related to the pandemic.

Something I write about COVID 19

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