Babaji: Go
I dont think that is what happened indulging those mood (the ending)
Some people they really reading a comic book for a living I think. I don't like any of that stuffs anymore, really. You probably telling me, you are looking for yourself. So here you are.
You want to tell your parents? My entire world here are in a mess. I told Kian and Nicky already, I say, I never come close I am what? "To know a guy, do you have a background check of yourself, drink and drive its on the TV...."
I told Kian that, right.
I remind him too, right.
You want to finish this UB profile, makes a copy, the second profile, your before, during, or after COVID 19 this post COVID 19, you didn't tell whom what happened? Its all showing up my mother's telephone called for 4 or 5 hours long, I monitor every single she running in and out whenever she feels there is someone home here.
You never care about your property. I told you my brother near by has 2 rubbery, that every drinking bar, or the coming out of the car included. Its very very bad.
Pretend you need to hand your parents, its everyone else fault, with your own very letter in it. A copy? Anna's mother getting these middle age women and Tina Jojo her sister, or whomever else combine, their post COVID 19, Anna says Tina lost her job when Westlife came, and Lucy with her brand new homeless guy husband to be in front of her mother and my mother. Anna walks out of the house .....One of those every family sound like a tale, well, I need to tell you something.
You cannot possible just staring at this one Wing, so you have some of the crisis since before, during or after COVID 19, no one knows.
Keep your body in check, the fitness, or the exercise, or the diet. Say some of your mood issue. This is not a comical thing in the middle of the America, but to those suicidal mood like any of you UB, its one of those stain each other shame makes the whole country in deficit mentality eternal glory, super proud of it.
Yourself a Day in Life: URL URL URL
Backstreet Boy Song
Comment: " Its a middle school romance tale for saying a scandle,... I mean ............."
Don't you feel so? They are in the middle of it, you have thought.....write your own feeling.
UB you want to print out that FL Orlando Gay club shooting loving hut menu, its before the 5 Lords Reviews, about the same time Prince die 2015.
Print a menu, a Lanh in Justin Timberlake Cannot stop the feeling.
OU Language
Lanh gu age
Loving Hut projects. None of you gonna participate anything that Quan Yin Methods, no matter which book that is or in description but you can just stain some part of those OU language near by. Its a vegan restaurant, they run on the Vietanese menu, its a such a SUPER big shame over any ABC Vietanese those sleek looking girls to say 74 years old soon.
Tell me, what is an ABC ought to sound like, look like to you? The ABC. Because its really really really important, seriously. Its the real Vietanese menu, just look at it. I say that already, its a VERY big big big big shame. She is not, she is no more, she is transformed.
You don't know if there are the sibling grow up from the UB, and entering the UB honor class too.
No body knows. One of those you think your one life time you don't chase enough the guys, you don't soften your attitude, every guy bow to you. Some guys are dangerous, by....trick you?
The UB phase 1 and the UB phase 2, you want to add on part of the points separate whenever this one points break, break points, to get married as one of the important things how lasting it will ever be ....
Draw a radius circle.
Like when you set up your files in one of those pale yellow folder? have this A4 sheets. You keep writing a draft, a drawing, a 2 parallel line, not to the Bermuda line, to Lee that side.
You draw a circle, you draw a trajectory to Alice assuming UB that direction or Ola. You draw a check mark √ , the several pathway, you putting the people on the map. I believe some of them gonna stay there forever with that jobs. But you separate that one sheet (as the moving decree both Anna says, before she checks the movie says, she vomit one of those, or she split blood ) - its one of those Flower Thousand Bone inside plot, just bear with me, how they saying that in the Chinese side. Its one of their literacy.
You leave some of the keyword sheet, so in this keyword sheet, let's say UB guy's group you have a database to this keyword input, you look up easy? So if on the 2D flat, you brain storm keyword, that keyword might be just - A cricle and you stamp on this flower thousand bone (2015) somewhere "splitting blood", so this entire sheet, might be 2 lines and an American coastline, and a circle, with this one highlight words on it. Then you finish this one sheet, you re-write on a different sheet, but you stuff this in the yellow folder.
So today you adding one more sheet : This breaking point, Keanu or which Max guy Ender's game has point break? I never watch it. You can draw a phase 1 to phase 2 one straight horizontal line on the very top, in the middle of that session, might be VERY close to the phase 2, you put a red line below that blue line. You have this phase 2 to the phase 3 on the top too.
(The blue line.
Below you adding a red line )
You can just say ongoing, or participated, or checked, or asked, or inquired, or researched, whichever you did input your side of the work. You plant one more sheet in that sense. No other words, no. You can however get another sheet, you type it out your feeling or the reflection with the Dates, month year, when you start to hear about it. You comment some of this words, you print out. You stuff in there, you can add a green line below let's say you gonna comment yourself 5 times in the future with this.
So you have
Blue line
Red line
Green line
Be creative. Because in 5 years you gonna forget all of this, you will take them out to read sometimes, just write when you can, comment your own personal ideas. The overall sense.
You finished UB? On the facebook I say.
I didn't sleep the full round. I slept later.
Sakura Clear Cards:
When I told you things on the VERY first time, I don't know why it cannot be the first time I am telling to all of you, EVERY SINGLE TIME, at the 1st time I am saying it so. Many years pass have enough or I have enough.
To me, the American medical boards suppose to put the things not on the exams format. So it means all the girls fail, and my entire UB Facebook taller guys, all means every single one last you, including your taller whichever ex, or ex bf, or ex husband, whichever you present out the taller White Guys groups, including my brother's side. Very very tall those White caucastion. This is what you got in your girls life. One Wing.
It means a real one lifetime, thick and thin. Mean real, meaning helpful, meaning not the first min to leave the last min to sabotage.
In the spiritual worlds, its the honesty, not the IQ doesn't understand each other's win or lose. Or one day they say its your IQ too low. From the Asian world. The boys or the man. You suppose to figure it out your own assignment, and not every different guys when they see a more thin Spanish girls or younger
Like Lance Bass TV:
You girls at this age passing the age 35, like I told you, you don't have one options left, not the last 10 years, not the last 16 years, not the TV inside content no matter what it is, and not the bank account inside its deficits. With one guy, you have someone to lean on, but that is given to you to rub that. I let your parents to see a certain things, because your parents will tell me, you are small tiny inside, just like that short guy's height, doing the small tiny things in the white taller guy's world with a strange name ending in the middle of no where.
Some girls in their whole life, never gonna have one relationship, not the figure body weight, not the health if one day its the sugar this blood index diabete, and you can no more slim down the weight. I keep telling you, I Anna saying that too many times. The weight the fitness. Even if I am gaining weight, there are 4 limbs to gain all the weight methods.
A lot of the guys prefer that life is a practical or the equal agree to each other give or take. Meaning try to be Happy, Joyful, and Positive outlook. None of you have those quality, your last relationship or anyone any guy if were comment too many things from me Anna saying it, its another full reports, you will never be.
The small tiny guy, the small tiny finger nail, the small tiny gadgets he seeing those things wishing you understand the Asian culture.
Every girls of you, short as your eye sight included how big the eye glasses behind to hide. Your ex or whomever to tell me, your one time failure of all life this one life time, its the End of Life, the End of the Judgement to us here. You are gambling those things, if you were decent enough to foster ANY guy including a black guy, if that were your only savior in life to any part of the brand new opportunity, its just how decent inside your arrogance, you will never be, or he will never becoming. It doesn't need to have a TV. It can just be a real cherish to hold.
But most of you girls I told you. Its very very very bad human no matter what.
I just didn't ask everyone around you to sign that force each one of your to jump the floor, and that is your forever fallen. Keep that belief, how to keep ....falls.
💖🏁 I was very very tired. Cannot imagine if they are tired, but Nicky doesn't listen to one word I say, I say to go to sleep. 💖🏁
I am in this transit deep sleep cannot wake up, because I was in pain, pain, pain. Seriously behind my shoulder your use a big palm to pat on the neck behind, this entire area, pain like a hell. So I put the 2 patches on, the new branding of this pain killer patch. I feel a lot better I was talking to Nicky, laying on my back looking at the ceiling.
Now, I will be looking at (I fall back to sleep after wash up, washing up the hair, hair dry, and now up to drink some water and this is the 3 dumpling). You know I don't really understand a lot of this things. Its is about BTX, and then Sailor Moon. Something about my brother?
BTX - Zawanna, that is the flower I can see.
Sailor Moon - too shining ...cannot see a thing.
Westlife - Evergreen (its about the lyrics and assuming to look at where they say?)
Westlife has this picture in my head? This is about my balcony, or ......?
Vortex, I told Nicky, is that rubber, or Tax? Vartex? The condom??? The balcony this portal, lke vortex ??~ Just now before I fall asleep again? How many words in this book again? (suppose to look the back and the forth, and why cannot open up your mouth and ask me, I am at my balcony? )
You mean the vision you see inside my film video, that is on the Ireland side from Taiwan
England, this is the 2 tower? Because I film too far away, none of you can see? I thought I pulling the camera near, many times, you still cannot see? You should complain to Apple, how many video I film, you go to another video to try and see. You cannot possibly to be that blind.
This entire things sound fishy ... They came here in Feb. I got injured on my left leg, still every so often got stabbed at. So that is Savage Garden Madly? Madison in Charlie's Angel? I just told Nicky yesterday or sometimes, I say its very very very painful my left leg.
And so Its not the balcony, that word is not in this book. The left leg, that is the birds say in the morning, or you cannot hear the birds says Ronan? Something like that? I think it was audible to me. Not the birds, its the bee. Ancient Chinese means 鳥語花香 meaning "the bird's language the flower fragment", so I explain to you, it means the bees. The birds told me they eat the green plant, the bee eats the flowers. That is the real thing. The high tech image. Most people probably mis-understand because the flower clutch the birds, so the birds probably don't like the flowers.
I feel funny, this entire whole things.
Is Kian got up yet, my clocks....a brand new black clock. How come they don't written a thing I actually do here? This language (back and forth, you mean the numbers, I miss those pages too. )
That is a green clock behind me. I change that clock.
See the new clock? Where is my phone ....Its 6 oclock. I haven't gone to the exercise channel, because you have no idea how busy these 2 or 3 days. Unbelievable.
⚽ TV: Charmed has a Prue, the oldest sister, has a beard?!
Andy with Darriel
Nick, my ex bf with Darriel, and Darriel has a gf from Vietnamese accountant.
You mean Nicky and me
Kian and the scarf lady that lady she is an accountant? The Season in the Sun. Is there something in the Sky or the OU language I cannot understand one word he is saying?
Its on the OU language. And I am on my balcony all this time .....
Where are these my staff temporary assign human, anyone? The Europe university the German girl from EF, we had one of those chat midnight, or any life.....
They told me their university was free.
So ending up on this television are all the American high school graduate and drop out? From the university, because America requires K1 -K12, that is free, not the University?
It must be all of those low education low IQ bar me from this American Congress under, whichever this Education Department or the Education Division, you have a monitor TV, yeah....what's this background education meets the required, or I imagine it was just the height makes the stand?
Lauren is a high school, right? X Man. She last about 5 mins existence, that doesn't mean its a one lifetime idea any of them. The education soon will determine everything if this sky keep getting worse. How come I am the only one keep pushing the education, because that is a paper thin idea? I think the high school, its the time the girls die out. Never that super women, I saw another short clip in the women superman again.
That....its you saying the freedom to going forward the Open Galaxy, do they mean the lesbian law with that Hunger Game/ Catching Fire? I would not sign at the moment, because where I sit here. Not really, I will explain to the girls something about the guys.
If you intend to convince a guy, you have a best friend, and that best friend your definition its you had a girlfriends lesbian laws pass, that is 2 different things. A lot of the guys can live in a value they are vola all the way, as the God - but never you growing any inche per centimeter you going out of the tradition or the line. Meaning you can say you stand fine, look fine, dress fine. But not one of this......
= Coco, the girl just dead.
Everyone, or the every guy knows she package herself that way, including the face. Plastic.
But she didn't realize its every lie, she intends to say the politics on my name, its the hell means, none stop screaming. Its more of every guy will tell you as a girl, you are driven inside your body, through some of your music creation or the presentation or internal as a girl they as a guy saw that.
Whatever the guy saw, every guy knows.
So that is what I say to any of you girl. This law, you can ask the country whomever they willing, to me, if you getting together without a name to start and get along fine. But if you have some tiny wish to this open world how soon you didn't even find out, how soon, and you have one of this about something on the guys, or .....any part later you gonna regret, I prefer you get your every terms or adrenal above your kidney issue taking care of.
Ask someone, ask your parents, ask something the economic finance center. What you should be doing to present any of that unless you are so sure your one lifetime, every life exit door, its you say you can, you say you will make it.
I need you to go and asking the American Congress as I don't have the legal authorize power.
I woke up in my transit. I think...its Simon and Dr. Steven hairfield get married settle down.
Inside my transit ....Simon Cowell.
No, I don't really know. Inca, Ica. / ee-ka/
I file that, that is what I can do.
My Taipei high school, 25 class our volleyball tournament between that 25? I walk out of the court when the games ends. We won.
I remember, I went to the volleyball office. Torus is with them. There is a girl coming to talk to me, with the eye glasses. They are extremely exilirating happy joyful momentum, I left the court on the fifth floor of the gym. Its you walking up the stone paste the stair, no elevator, above the auditorian.
Below that, its the auditorium I sing. Prince of Egypt or the Color of the Wind. I think its the second term that bigger place, The Prince of Egypt. I told them, it was a sheet to go alone, by myself, alone. Looking at that wall. No one else were around. Eben will never make it my high school, that is the middle school examination.
Women leaking system.....26 (5:40)
We only have 200 years democracy system, the business and the capitalism. So saying the kids, saying the equality between a man and a woman.
The voice I myself (4:13)
The guy's worlds (7:58)
My high school my face is red (7:22)
Burnt degree - Sun burn.
I rules this Earthly worlds, its the entire torus masscred, in the 4 limbs in short every new born, got it? Wing and Lee must die.....understand?
This games called your imagination or any daring to make an air out of your lungs, you see you have the power or the TV, or I say in the End, how everyone Ends.
This conversation is over.
You all too intelligent civilization women world. That is a no and no to every manhood. You want me to say that again? They coming here to fuck around. Not necessary its for that one penis or the money talks.
Not entirely its like that.
You imagine a certain Tv how they saying about the guys. No, its all false. You probably label that words as the lust. The every guy born with you saying a stick, they have a certain operation inside their brain that is how life function, that will including every body surface touch, they didn't feel all that ashame one day they grow from the boys to the man, and one day to your own whichever outside civilization other than us. We die out.
Very limited Earth years.
A lot of this TV saying some of the boy's character intent to put forth that the girl believes, none of that are correct neither, a lot of them got trained into, at least on our earth, they are very flesh, meaning sensicle to a lot of the issue, less to say the penis idea. I can tell you that. Most the girls like you will swing, the guy means you go to hell forever. You understand that language?
One jaw touch, and you giggling to say like that Hailey, you will be dead in thousand millions pieces. That is the guy's our world standard.
Not just the bag we the girls lost our own cell phone, or the Ipad, or the watch, any small cheap watch included, lost keys, lost records, lost the medical records. One time mistakes, because of our boyish guys more, they becoming very very very impatience. They cannot trust you, and when they inquire the local girl here, they panic. They lose the entire patience.
Because this world Earth is limited to the guy like that, to the girls like this, we are limited to 65 years old. Every guy in our world, I will tell you, those are not the lust. Its a lot more they inche their way with the girls as the play. Just those players of the girls for saying decent, isn't a lot. They want a different guy to get their way too. Sometimes in that playing ground, because most people I will not know. Let's say its not the same money, or near the money, or some helping each other, and everyone didn't intend to hurt anyone, that relationship can last sometimes, or a while. Its not really the TV story, or the Wife of the son saying the husband will coming home.
That 26 has an investment somewhere.
Or she dares to put forth some of all that, and behind its being honest with the guy. You never live with a guy, every single day just be honest with everything coming out of your mouth. Some guys only really really really need that life.
I give you an example.
"Hi Kian, I have a period today, see ....its 2 lines parallel, and the ending....sorry the Top."
This is tooo exposed, correct. Well, you can say, "Good morning, I just woke up."
"Hi, I woke up again."
"Is this 10 oclock I fall asleep, sorry Kian, I wake up, where is Nicky?"
"I didn't think today I have to go to the parents of that Tina jojo what stuff, my mother does that."
"What? My mother import a lot of the under wears, you want to see the color, I didn't purchase this. what? Of course...everything has a reason, if you just look."
"Hi ~ where is Shane?"
"Hi ~~ My phone broke. Its Conan Zero efforcer."
"Sorry, I forget to comment, too busy."
"Doing what? My news Tv, I show you?' Sorry, that I didn't write but I wrote it in the music site."
In our world capitalisms, correct, if the girls not careful, the guys will drop the girls over the bad health, the bad dining experience, or anything he wants something else. Those games never wane, but ....some girls are so used to be a girl, you see.
Certain guys knows how to inch their way in, such as they all have a mother. So this world you have a dating business. You didn't say its wasteful, because some of those guys operated like that, and I will tell you, none of those are purely from lust, if this entire dictionary needs to re-write. Its a lot more the physical body touch and the games, the guy, if they understand the girls are not in one of those bad behavior, its already hard to find, just every girl you tell the guys your schedule from 8 oclock to the 9 oclock. See how he feels about you. Really.
The lust you mean its the penis.
I will tell you the physical operation of the sex, its they like that feeling, the sensation, and just they like about the sex idea with a girl. Just not every girl operates like that. You have any a lot more interval touch, such as your body touch a women deliver baby opening? If you are a doctor to use your finger to go inside and touch the wall, you gonna tell me...this is normal, or the guys just meant they need that feels under their pants. All of those language you will tell me, how important that is. If you would masscred enough things all around, the less patience I say, its one less all your upper world women, you will find anything here really, your guys don't want you to be there, so you checking this system data where are the leak....
Are all those 26. No guys can take any of you.
When you getting just every hope UP.
Yeah, it is a sex. Like I touch you its every skin inside make their head felt. All that, correct. Just the girls are not really up to those games, because that part its too sacred, or the guys need the sex, or one of those too dignify talks, its just the body to body per surface felt touch, if you lay an arm onto another guy's arm, he will tell you, this is no less to describe a basic definition down there, because if you saying the Creation of all God's creation, you will be less to be stupid to hurt the animal Kingdom, because they are all like that.
"In the accordance of the Bible and the revelation to the prophecy, whether let that be on Earth, or be on every existence of the sphere that encompass to the whole Galaxy, that operation to that Different Branches of the Sectors to each given Law by the console or you would never say God, you saying the passing it down thousand years, and the Time that diligent to worship a girl like its beauty or not the beast, all that given children literacy and the folktale even in our planet, its serves as one of the inspiration of all that given to that prayers where we follow our life guidance in hope that reaping results were far more evidence, in reveal its very soul how the End comes to the beginning of the every Era, for us here, its the Digital Era. To many other planets and the existence of the hallucinations if were some candidate, as the girls, they can present as that themselves such as the Virgin beauty as the past. None of that to us were true on this Earth, for the man's education were a lot more barbarian than the outside more higher IQ or literacy taught, including the manner or the patience. Those serve not the slow pace snail, so that efforts to make the Chapters or the Section or the Article per terms right, nonetheless, all that seems to be a beauty lost in the eyes sight, saying the sweat of the barley, or that exchange of all those goodness to incline a future, were in each sphere of the existence, you define that to me its as a planet, so that at least to our peripheral, we all knowing this World exist as that gravity of Law, the Law of all that nature, or the darkness to cannot be seen, or the efforts to this physical label works, you don't make a girl or a women to shavel a dirt or plant a tree, so that there is the hotel venue set adjourn, all that were not the credit to the very First life....."
I must got a re-write, writer somewhere the idea? Just archive and re-made that sound the proper righteous moment of that every white cloth made through some beauty and that soul quaint how worthy thee that thy, I am too old to believe the moral on the Earth passing years down, its just 2 digits make the words sound so unworthy meaningless.
Show the thigh outfit combination, its all on the Pinterest, the Earth has this 194 countries Pixie the basic laws. Or the long stocking, the short skirts, one of those professional, tall booth, a clean show your legs in the shape and the degree of some of those Pinterest Asian clothing outfit. The thigh shape. Those long booth, or the legging, has some of that combination, your thigh.
We are just the student tiny to them, in any presentation anyway.
Find some of these: Any of US.
Its Tim Cook's show as well. HE doesn't know. I know. Open a little bit of their body posture.
The rest you all can do your own methods. I just input a sheet of it. Put that on my side of the dispatch program or the pamphlet you write out the clear staffs name - the art pamphlet. And you prepare your rest of the stuffs on your own budget and the overall seeing to the whole all around, VIP etc.
Our overall Earth sphere to the motherhood all brackets, they all looking like that to us on Earth.
The thigh outfit
Pinterest Album Food 2
🍏🍏 A lot of time, you are very confused what you hear, or you comprehend including the American Classified materials (I am talking to America the overall)🍏🍏
If your American themselves as the human, knows where I am, so will be they knowing the number 2 number 3, number 4 understand? You are not the only thing they got. When you present in any a big crowd space, if you are not coming from the metropolitan which school system, meaning its a competitive reason, you seeing the different kinds of the people, so later you expose to that brand new reality of some economic, or the family background through the later development of the school subjects.
Most people when they are present in ANY AI China Olympia which year, you want to look at it again, see what is the different, those Silicon Valley or Orange Country, California Sweet Tomato, the eating Salad place. Plantarian? Its a big empty space. For saying AI culinary, it means not even a chef or a waitor to be there. Its only the journalists to go there, and eat if they want to. WE Earth has no money, saying whom show up.
That is the space you going alone.
Second, you are believing in it if your literacy its when you coming out 5 mins in front of the occasion, you represent your country because you need to, or because you happened to just be there, every boys or every girls, including the man and the women, their inside are nothing but bubbling to any people, any meeting, any social occasion, including its camera filming, or they are conscious, or their brain are blank. My jobs WERE starting 10 years ago.
They never train themselves into this how big the international relation means, or why or how the humanity all dead, its One YOU, facing the rest of the Universe or the galaxy, because there is no one is the job, or its OU ALL ALONG, and you knowing it, and you start to train, or intend to slowly to wish all of this coming to the fruition its a lot more nature or mild methods, its just stood by as the friends, not as this bossing this or that situation.
Thirds, its the same the guys or the girls. You are bubbling inside outside per body chest forward, coming at you, anyone walking by you, its some hell of the things your past lover its not there, or Harry Potter story, or Christian Thompson.
Fourth, give me a reason why I had a title? On that China entertainment, its not to go ALL OF YOUR JOBS? Meaning I am the one extra human in the space !!!!!!!! I didn't know that, or your boss didn't know that.
Shut up, birds.
I think its because China just had a real Olympia, is that after Japan because they halt it with this COVID 19?
None of this girls speaking the correct English, you saying the journalist outfit, and the ID tag, even I had run around this back stage with the headset phone, all those you see, you hear, you get around and get about. Sometimes at those works time, you just whole day you don't have time. To eat. No, not UB. Only I was in the SMTV that time, and several these anything behind I say we do things.
Every major event even with the Presidents, you saying there are the Senator next by, meaning a different country, such as Australia, they do exist, and they speaking English. They have the Congress or the Senator. They had an issue with China. That is on the cows.
Its the Dark Prince land first. 黑王子 (赤河魅影) 他著地先 ! 你們看過那個電影 ? Will Smith 年輕的時候 !
我小孩看過, 之後看過幾次,我最近也看過 2017
One of my that lawsuit, Pane Andov this disappear universe. (Lords of Ring, Legolas shield skateboard coming it down.)
He is a human. A real human.
What does Backstreet Boy - Nick Carter says?
12:40 yesterday I didn't finish.
Space ....home?! You mean I raise up my head. Incomplete
in c om pete with /o l
Incoming without the audio message, leave me a message, how do they say that?
Incoming, plead?
ming, noble wild.
His background its Keegan's cloud scene?
oh ~ you didn't know, you deliver a real job? (Hi Nicky, there is a magnetic air con to IPad cover stuck at the Air that I breath, its Blue - Facebook drop money)
Sorry, the sky, the things in front of me staring at. - the Material Science, I just change a hard boy's cell phone cover. My mother gone....where to which building next by. She knows this things from here.
Anyone saying why a job its not a real job, its to pamp you, any MD knowing that.....right. You go to jail.
I have seen that film, that one guy gun at a coke bottle looks lke Prince William, Area 51. Will Smith when he was a boy young. You got to be kidding me.
If I just describe to Shane.....
One of this unbelievable ridiculous things, I keep saying the Capitalism under.....
Why is that he heard about something strange I would describing a what? 1 to 4 points, as a real life scene as?
194 countries clap your hands Wo Wo Wo the first Ella Enchanted pass, it was the points of the breaking points. No one knows the reality, me neither, but there is a weakness un-return favors. That is back and forth? Let me think one Tina Jojo my real sister.....let me think about it.
You don't think if me just telling Shane, "I think its is your day, where is Nicky?"
"It is funny?"
"Because I describe you like from I locate here, if you seeing The Giant Landing Site, its GIANT LANDING Ship, you know the per transaction?! ITS GIANT LANDING idea. No one will believe anything I say anyway. "
Let me tell you some very true reality - under the capitalism, you quietly open your door first time without telling your parents to act out One Good Thing in your life 2014, to see the lawyer the first time.....
By now, you saying you seeing this person, quietly in walking into your car, close the door, every door from the house repeat to the car to the gasoline, without telling your parents. For the first time, you feel.
1. For the first time you feel, you controling your own life.
2. New Age was real, you empower your life
3. New Age was belief, you sent your prayers at the air, walking out of the house, to ....walking out of the lawyer office.
4. All of this meaning at Zero, but you belieivng it.
5. Your re-set points its drive to Ontario every single weekend this data since 2006, make it that Center, to see what they did to me, or what they suppose to be put or the police done to them, because I becoming? A name. For that reason you don't sway at the police or the Center or SMCH. She is a ABC, they are the refugee traveling on the sea. Anna specifically told you, what she believes, you are a doctor, you playing on the police? You will be fired.
1 to 4 are false.
The only truth its 5th point. You want me to keep telling you how to do your jobs, they don't waste this MD 6+1, as if, Anna just only believe, its all fake, waiting you the 40 years, you all should be dead from the 2006.
My body feels things doing a certain way, I can talk one million things, not one thing is real.
Its how my being present this body knows. You think the telepathy limited to a voice from the inside or the air. There are other things involved. You all never live a life, meaning traveling a lot, dragging your international luggage anywhere, not even seeing anything hotel more than mobile 6 hotel. Drinking wine bar its not the 5 Star Hotel. All this Pinterest Capital those foods are the 5 Star Grand Hotel.
Yeah, I told Shane or Nicky !
You are very rigid in your life, and you mean you controlling all the way, if someone knew your weakness, I can burn you 1 millions times anyway I want. Want to write a lawsuit? Saying all your weakness, right Dean? Its a red hair dummy ass like pulling down the pant on period blood in smell like a red whine whore whore whore.
Everyone repeat in UB honor program, no more class, not even Dr. T, you want me to waging the millitary action hard core hard tongue, banana, they will eat it down per item listen with the peeling skin on how the camera, I say, this is the military action, you compile or you keep saying the human right.
Every life, every world. Take it or leave it. Don't' make me believing this vola, that Voice its since on.....Part of life, Part or the organ.
Here is the 16th century , what is the music muscial, musciality Zombie actor 3, your name? Organ, or organel, or biological organism, that is Lee. Got up, introudce your red hair gf on your facebook header. Controling has to including the nose air coming out of the saliva, Fatima, drilli some water on your tonuge, make a color red.
Feeling it...its 400 millions per body cell, each and every has to burn like hell. I told you, something will be very real, not the first day 4 limbs off.
In a relationship, even a rigid personality you can also do 10 things extra for those porn girls idea or Sorority. Those normal girls its impossible. It shapes part of your entire beings.
First year, you write it down, you did the 10 extra things. You go to her home, the parents extra.
Second year, you did 25 things. None of this is not burning, its just that is what you end up on the guy side. All those girls are forever impossible. Not even slightest idea, its eternal impossible whom they, what they think they are, how they have all the family and friends, you mean you think your job or the career its important. If not pretending.
The half population never stops pretending, and the TV telling them so.
小鳥 !!! ~~~
我覺得他們人來誰來,小鳥在發瘋的意思,這些動物群體自己沒有食物,但是會在別人生日的時候說生日蛋糕 ! 小蟲跟著,自己出現,在我堂妹的店往大安捷運站走呀 !
小鳥~喝水 ! 吃東西 !!!
去 !!! 小鳥 ~~~~~~~~~ 去喝點東西,吃東西! 早餐 ~
Want to hear a joke? I went to Line App, now I go back and talking to Nicky...
You know, if right now its China their sealinig time for the Hunger Game and Catching Fire. So we the outside the First University here I Ching professor and me are the 2 remainee of the halicaust people (meaning like Jewish), let's say we be dramatic, because the TV airing some of that materials using SMCH, with Simon (or Pang's face)
Remember you seeing the Green gem? Imagine the real treasure to look at in the TV
You saying the City 1 to 15 in Da Vinci Sacred Textbook 920, remember all that?
The original history its the Great Tyranny whom built the Great Wall, so the Reptilian laugh if we defined us as the victim, being haulicaust at -because I wrote things I Ching, that is real I told my Line Family app. The TV may or may not, just imply something did exist.
But here is the thing.
President Xi is the Sugar dynasty. Funny? The story can write things real, means its the Buddhis Sutra from India !!!! Its a monk so there is a monkey story.
I don't know if my Family Line app, they tomorrow morning found its funny. This is Friday Night here. Because I Ching by nature, cannot be license out to any textbook material under the Education Department Editing policy or procedure. Mine is a theory, theirs original are all superstitious, for 3000 years never change that.
Yeah I told Kian, Nicky's wall, they move to Taiwan. Because the rain, the earthquake, the cloud, the sky, the food, the thunders. The people think its funny,
The Irish.
Migration. Yeah, the audio if they hear it, or the facebook they see it real, or the lawsuit they check if it was real, I think the 2nd or the 3rd on...there is a Vatican, rain on my roof. No, the surveillance, its if they found that has anything to do with their investigation, they got a piece of paper from the court, then they move out of the Ireland. Right...
I film how many only. Its every single day on my roof, its so unbelievable how I live, I can tell you that. They didn't move the entire police station here. We just had a typhoon on the trajectory, I phone Kian at those image at lunch.
Look ! My facebook.
These kinds of the things, people just move. Because its funny....a lot of people have some kinds of the drives. If its safe, I say Taipei is. They think this is funny. We are the democracy too, and having all this....prophecy as if right at the sky.
No, not Thor told me.
I think Neo told me. 2014. Long time ago I was told. So I leave that at Nicky's wall.
Probably the first 7 years, there was no voice. Its intimacy, hugging, and not even very much, I don't have the pillow.
But the moment they change their voice.....they do not belong here. They are the commanders, they scream at the kids.
You never be with a guy? You cannot hug even a physical guy like you hugging a very long pillow, its the skeleton bones hurting your neck, your head, your right shoulder. Right now I am patch my per body every side. I cannot tell you how painful this is, I stay in the middle straight line in this small tiny bed, for some times.No, I can tell. The difference. They gone to a very long time hell, that is why they don't have that part of the inside, its no matter what, no matter which turn of the reply, it will always be No if that the human quality didn't driven them to psycho hysterical ghost realm those. Meaning no emotion running out to hurt others included. Not wishing not wanting. No more. That is the ghost been to hell, its very distinct, very clear. The ghost means you don't have a physical form anymore.
So correct, if saying meeting the ghost. It its long time ago deceased human. Not the modern human if they are still in the hell.
If you just align your worldly here duty as far as best you can.
This time you might just face your other world outside to the Universal Police as if I meant every word I say. You literally saying the democracy laws, per textbook, per law book, per case, like a quick reading in English, a quick comprehensive, a quick memory recall, a quick summarize, if the public discuss something with you on that one textbook, the law idea, you clearly doing that job JUST LIKE I AM DOING for my own future sake.
You don't have time to wait for the Judge, or the court room, or the Supreme Court, anything you already say or found out. Some of this things its not this world structure, or you cannot gamble if it will be, but you starting by just abide to that strict idea, you saying you yourself getting the message through, no one needs to believe what I say, it means real, or it means I freak out.
Just read it all the textbook out, that is the only thing to do, not the hell.
194 Pixie + 194 Military, I understand what you are saying.
You ...know one of these uncle Sam in America means the tax, right? Not draft? The military draft? And in that "dance" in the dark night, a long legs figure to this black tie, where is this story original from? Its a dance, a long leg. That is....a cartoon, or a parable?
Is uncle Sam means long long long leg? Not a lot of the lighting. It might be the children literacy to where I seen that. A lot of the children literacy might have those.
The eyes?
You mean the ET changes their eyes sight, you mean me? ET to the lab Torus, I am to the Superman, and ET kids to Ronan, one of those? I don't think those kids mean...we are the same idea. Is there something going on?
Maybe one of those 80s included, where these children literacy sounds like a short clip, no, not the internet Era. No. Even the 2D paper book I read them, but it is a TV I think, its a very empty, no other couple saying a romance, because this uncle, or long leg its your uncle, coming to pick you up to the castle for a dance? Its one of those moon light dark, meaning probably the dim light?
The uncle Sam is the hat, the funny hat, right? So the Texaudo Mask, that long tall hat? Its a children literacy, I am very sure somewhere......
In your age growing up, some tradition values for saying less degree to Vola, sometimes you might just be seeing too many this beauty pegeant those clothing on them.
None of you will be the American Founding Father for saying, what it was, what it is now, or what will be the future, as you are the minion? Too reckless in the spirit. Give me a theme all this Ancient Chinese drama does not apply to this world standard....In any occasion. Its something you only care, the only thing you ever cared about - FRIENDS.
Maybe this is the phone conversation how you imagine the Star to be your lover or bf? So you saying things like how much you like about them?
You don't talk about your job, not about your ex bf, not about your bank and debts, or your family background or your dad's friends, your mom's friends. Or whom you are tearing with.
"He makes me sad."
Is that how every conversation we going with this. My hair usually be up, so this must be looking really strange of from the guy's view.
I would paint I cooking this ....creme foam on a French crossiand? How do you say crossiand? They doing this right on the television very very often, really. That is not a food.
Today is Friday. I forgot. I was sooooooo upside down this morning. Completely cannot register anymore time.
The birds are watching the sky, very attentive ! I got no words to describe anymore that, because Thor also tired my eyes too. Its I am rushing in and out, bed and chair, bathroom and the kitchen. That is why the nap I just go and collapse at my bed.
Friday night, I just want to go to sleep. Here Taiwan, any those American human, usually they don't social anyway, no time difference. They got no family. Its a sad life. I just need my bed.
The guys without the money, are negative. The guys with the money, also one of those cynical when the ages come too.
Outside world, those are parents, grandpa, none stop training themselves and others. Then, some of their attitude, because its none stop on those paper desk, seeing the real problems, they give you all some strength to lean on.
Whichever the problem, if they have a unit people including the Reptilian.
Our Earth a unit people.
Both to plant tree. Their entire air is less having anything called per breathing rate on vent. Not venting, not complaining, its a military job. Its a helpful duty job. They look at each other like the military discipline, not whining, not sweat to pat your own sweat or out of the breath. There are a lot of these example, per air you exhibit yourself the moment you walking in the room 10,0000 years a glimps.
Pick up a shavel
Rotate a spade to the girl front to back, "use the handle, this is the wood."
You want me to ask any ONE Reptilian to look nicer than that?!
They don't have a dream with any of you. You know what is the per rating of your lung chest to complain the works too hard, the air too thin, the parents home are toooooo far away? You miss home seriously per night telephone call just like my downstair those indian students. You are looking at each other as the human. A human looks at a human.
I look at the 4 side wall and a monitor.
You know how much money, one commander, one Star or Galaxy transaction? One weaponary deal.
I file those lawsuits, those whom needs to becoming a monk.
Immediately admission.
Against the free will. Immediate this is the executive order.
I cannot wake up....
194 Pixie + 194 Military, I live in trance, if I don't live with the guys ....
What did you say ....don't remember a thing.
Peaching Wedding ?!
Wait, I have to organize your file on the "date", its relative new, so I might just archive as your title here, not as the Georgian calendar year date.
Most guys are soft inside
Softer too, not really you saying they doing on purpose you mean every tiny little things, with the age too. They prefer people to grow with the manner specially the girl. I never seen a guy really go and swing on someone, especially any girl. Even that was a lot more gentle or gentleman in the overall population.
So Nordic, same. The guys are the equal that, but their IQ are so much higher, or train, or including a lot of the statistic department. If you glue to that department, you just meant....low IQ, low disease, low hygenic, low poverty line. In their world, their social fare probably similar to Europe. But here our world, people go on the street to becoming the homeless. In Zawanna world because he knew everyone kinda of being take care of, that decency its not everyone on the road to the last windy shed to live.
But correct, he told me not to. They have to figure it out how to grow up. If the government makes them on the street, that is entirely their problem. Most guys are not like that. But they start to picking up a lot more older people world, because they need to grow up to Zawanna those mentality.
I say its the statistic department, every 2 cents coming out of the real guy, younger, those mouthful words, will be "how stupid they are" "Idiot" "lousy" "lazy" "Bad bad people" "Do on purpose".
Is that even the normal food in Ireland, on the Pinterest, I went to this ....."Show me" buttom.
I can only tell them I make Pizza. The worse things of the day, you only have the pizza, pasta, or quiche. The spanich + ricotta cheese mix up, that....its very fat. They look thin to me.
Potato rosemary, or Focaccia, I only know those. The Chicago deep pizza or the Italian pod. You can use the vegan cheese, I personally don't care about the cheese or the fake cheese. Or you eat the gravy with the rice, some gravy like those Ellen Degenerate has a chef on her TV saying this burn onion, its for the gravy. Its one of those BBQ grill.
Is that hard to make a bread?
No. I knead my dough, Taiwan is warm. So the yeast package is very very simple. Technically if the guests coming in, its Kian and Nicky invites them. i have no guests for 20 years on and on and on.....
Pizza: I can just do a wet dough, no kneating. I think that is the sour dough idea.
Pizza 2: if its a dry dough, I kneat them. you can do a lot of this Pizza Plant on the transit going to someone's home, that way, you have this Italian Pod, or the double pizza layer.
This rectangle bread, 20 years ago Rebecca she uses a bread machine. There are many recipe if I arrive there to find their bookstore, I learn those word. I might have an electronic dictionary here if that is faster.
The Science Aspect
There is only one way doing that. Its to keep your temperature, and you looking at that thickness, and the tool they have. So the inside cooked. The rectangle breads its a thick bread.
If you saying a pizza dough, no. An Pizza Plant on Transit road those Italian pod, no.
You mean you have the package of the yeast that allow the dough to rise. You didn't put the yeast pack in, it will never rise. You give enough surface tray.
You got nervous, or you need a recipe each and every time. Your IQ low, I keep saying that. If you start arguing, other than just move your 4 limbs in your space and time, I typing that doesn't mean I open my mouth to talk at all.
Some guy like Wing, its very driven doing something in his life. I don't know if that is Thailand election, Erin used to have some Thailand Ph.D nursing student.
The Sailor Moon from Tim Cook the real batch of them. Far away from each other. They cluster at a border, all of them 4. If you help Wing, including his stability of life, he might just never get to one of those riot ground, and get heated discussion over too many things. Or you have to go with him.
You teaching him per word, write it down format. Just go to the court, so many this proceeding situation, you can just get your argument right, to every you imagine things you got rejected from the court room. You saying you as a girl to imagine a leadership in front of a guy.
How come I never had that kind of the desire doing any of that. What they are going to put up with, it is not any of their brain IQ can reach. The details are not took care of, the legal words are not processing, and you saying both of you, or a cluster of you, your first language its mix between English and your parents countries. You saying you want to rally this entire second generation kids?
1. Not to kill your primacy parents group.
2. Before they dead, you arrive your own countries.
3. Pass this MD whichever MCAT, or USMLE 1 or 2 or 3.
The Earth laws are these, you have to read a lot of the cases, to understand some situation. But mostly you are saying your personal dispute. You never taken any international affair or the trade laws, or the trade heard things, not even a rumor. Your everything is heard from me.
A Day in Life 你們一天做了什麼事情
I written an article in the music website:
你們不是也想做這種你們一天做了什麼事情? 在英文裡面,你們有所謂『每一天的Vlog』,其實就是 Daily Vlog, 很多人因為習慣這種詞彙在網路上,簡稱 Vlog, 其實就是類似 Google 這種 blogger, 你們如果用其他網路設計,通常會有人問妳們是不是一種 blog 的形式 ! 意思就是格式的意思!
Backstreet Boy - Nick Carter July 20th
Its 9 oclock in my morning. Good morning, Carter. There are a lot of flying birds on my roof. I am happy you are back home safe and sound. We have a tax season, my mother is running in and out. Kian in on the phone battery. I need to running from this side of the house to the balcony. Swan is not funny?! I saw the movies. I told Kian, can you go and talking to them? Thank you, Carter. A lot of people....hi Mr. Carter, I am telling you after COVID 19, they didn't say at the beginning of the COVID 19 or during the COVID 19, its right now everywhere, why my mother and me running none stop. I have a brother and Tina Jojo, she has a...ex husband. Its from that police station on the table. The birds on that side of the window calling me. I was just curious.....passing it by a desk. I cannot even describe to you the rest of the other things. Talk to you later. Bye. Love love love. I cannot go anywhere right now. But I know you are on the tour right now. Bye ~~~~

You were saying? .... the leadership before this Neo things. Keanu Reeves or that supposes to look.....the mock up of KR. Imagine seeing the real thing.
He is an Asian here on Earth, from Earth. You don't get in those real people's life. He is very very tall. They are happy in their own happy groups whatever that supposes to be.
Alias, the girl with Vartan, she is the main role. Not that dad or any other roles I can think of. Same is the Legally Blonde. Its Witherspoon. You talking about the entertainment production behind. The material I really don't know what that makes in the end. With Harvard, the school itself supposes for saying that, or Harvard in that year around, they enter in that entire field on the education purpose, like Mat Demon on Ocean 12 lightly says.
That is the similar year, I staying on the internet with Meaning the oversea we have a name in the voting calculate the balet. ballet, ballot? The tickets from the oversees election and the place where they say those booth supposes to be. |
Where was I 2004....Internet.
Westlife - is that Light House
The Light Between Oceans (film) 2016
By Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander
Movie: (She is a robot)
Movie: ( She borrowing from a fat blonde girl that has a grandpa)
Cartoon: Father and daughter (looks like Howard Stern 烘培王 = Baking King, hair like the bug, a bug means)
Victoria Secrets : With You (Cello, Benz at first with her daughter classifided world til Neptune looking like her = me)
Victoria Secrets; Criminal Mind ( Last one green, Spleen Keanu Reeves doesn't have a spleen, the moto bike accident, Bob Dean says Spleen words)
5 Lords reviews
BAZZARD: The Heart Magic Red fingers all over the girls' clothing, Nominji, Joann (Annca) and Ola.
So a women name Lynn (went outside the hospital) came back with a stack of the magazine to me and Annca desk. Literally drop in front of me and him sitting across to each other, we probably got shock. She finds an image of this same clothing Father and daugther.
W Two worlds its the father and the daughter. The picture on the wall. These are all the pictures I am literally telling you, on the wall, she was standing or just flip that page. Same.
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Not to sound less dramatic, meaning I sit in my own room.
Sorting your TV monitor to sound like a real person sitting behind jobs.
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