

Given by God, given by the providence,

One life time in accordance to that what is given, let that shall the Kingdom of God, or the Light of that Torch barriel, all the time bestow upon each of our daily life, in this busy City life with all those abundance of the plastic culture of this socialism, its the credit card that makes the swipe becoming a new greater good of the red ink. Often we think beside of our passing moment in life, sometimes that one extra indulgence of the chocolate are nothing to do with the preference of that privacy protect, or those hustle and bustle tenure reason, each of us imagine a different reality other than the one existing right in front of us.

There are many reality existing in all walks ways of life. Many people fallen, many people tremble, and many people surpass. All those moment of some diligent past, were also the privacy protect act, each makes its own efforts in the Kingdom of all light Shine.

No one says why or how the origin of the Past and the TV commerical to that one bottle of the drinks you input inside your throat, like that Hunger Game of the movies, its the ghosty gerne in the movie sector of the decoding process less than the NCBI reason, the genome projects, it becoming a brand new Tenure of the other people's life, whom considering the subtle idea of that IQ ought to be preserved and let that Shining Light be the guidance of the Providence.

That enclose, we always remember that each of us, didn't come to repent that very way of life, for the given and taken of this Capitalisms in the new nature of the commodity Era, let that assure, to that success path of the Cooperate formats, you will be remembered each that clocks of the ticking, the movable outlets of the new tablet, all that seen and unseen forces because of the technology advancement, its something we cannot describe and forgotton in each of this frames of story. 

Some believe, some will not. 

Its close enough. Let your own self prayers to be your own very guide, let that God says the words on the weekend, such as the Sunday sprinkle of a story, reminds your each morning 9 to 5 jobs, everyone daily, all having a brand new beginning of Easter Sunday and Merry Christmas. 

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