Lawsuit 679: W Two Worlds (The birds belong to the page 1 Bible under the Sky and the Ground after created, wants to control him, healing him) ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฑ

Date: July 11th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: This is not W Two Worlds, but the birds its an Kingdom of Itself (Victoria Secret, Birds on Paradise, it might be lesson says)

They probably can tell Ronan they are his God. That is what I am saying. Its a division of that horizontal gradient if he seeks like that in the W Two worlds, but here we are all the Bio Tech World, the Bio Science, the Bio Medical, The Bio Fuel, the Molecular Biology, the Genetics etc....the birds will have the wish to get rid of their smell and the sky has told the "Virus" department, it might be the vaccination world included.

The medical or the pharmaceutical field. 

For example, Dr. Bing Shen's major is Plant. Like my cousin Square's location restaurant name, exactly the Plant gluten free means. He grows the roses behind at his backyard. Like Westlife song: Tonight. Nick's house Wilis and Dr. Bing's wall. That is how the rose being grown. The money drops or spread in front of the Willis door. 

My major its the Chemistry, B.A and the medicinal Chemistry one class missing minor.

Pang's major is in Business School, the Russ Business School similar to FRIEND, and his minor is in the biochemistry.

The outside world will be nothing but the money and the academia talk all over every sphere here we going out. THat piece of every paper starting in the university degree and the cultural shock or the high technology development, you may not be compassionate require, but somewhat I am very sure that movie is side by side in the Sweet Nov. 

Exactly that tempament, exactly that face.

TV: Charmed (Babaji and me fight, Leo and Piper)

His name is Brian, and look like Ronan Keating.

Charmed 5x23 Remaster - Piper's Anger At Leo Becoming An Elder

[CC] Charmed 5x23 โ€“ Piper begs Leo to come home

In 2014, OU time.

My entire body sensation are being manipulated. I never dream about any guy, one nick its WAY enough for me. His brain inside its not.....very rudimentary subject lines. You cannot talk a literate sense to discuss anything, not IT, not Joomla, not graphic design. Every 2 cents, he says he was 10th grades. I am not happy, and he has 2 sons.

But I have a long time spiritual practice including the diet starting the 4th grade. But I don't think my whole lifetime its a big eater neighbor. What I wish to say, its when I was born, I am away from the human affection with my parents, so until 30 years later, all this Hollywood, someone manipulate my body sensation to wish that Keanu will do something because I swapping my house 4 times with that church does not exist on this map anymore under the Capitalism. If I truely understand that, I would not have leave the Orillia. With all the things Tina Jojo ever do to Hank or me. 

For example Mark Twain Dr. Steven Hairfield in that Steve Jobs mental hospital looking movie, one Tina Jojo Katherine position. Anyone like me at that time, if his radio is not the mouthful jobs of that per Wedn, it was literally slap her faces out of the door, if he just coming it down for sometimes.

Pang made it a few day better, I can breath. When he shows up. His height.

Personally you can say the capitalisms, you lock up the metropolitan city life. Kinda of like that movie saying to one you, Ronan. That movies probably its not about me, or any Westlife now I can tell you that. You as a position of that, cannot just lock up inside a room doing this 101 Asian guy doing their finance, behind on the computer or monitor.

Maybe reading through my Prayer session letter. The public will tell you, under the Capitalism, that approach of the priesthood. Its the new domination of the all sphere, they wish to see one day. No matter that is the industry involved or not. Music is not a profession, but when you going out, you will serve as the pop, sex icon. Not really a religion nature anymore. You can just cut off that church once for all. You stay alive for the rest of the world, as long as you don't die, and the outside willing to help you.

You can serve as a public idol. Meaning any life of the Simple Favor, how random of any girl's job, if one day you becoming a girl with you Ronan spirits and soul as now, like that Dean, you will be way toooooo useful in the real mundane worlds. Because most girls cannot hold up a situation and you did.

But for the man's world of any kind, including the half eternity of the women population if they understand they are the pipe world....I will tell you, that world exist.

You didn't care one thing about it.

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