Lawsuit 534: Motocyclist (KR friends 2014)

Date: Dec 15th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: A conversation between me and the Motocyclist (KR nearby White bold hair friends)

Hi ~ there are many ways he learns where he will end up for the rest of his life.

To this 400 millions dollar lawsuit. You do as I say, because I don't play last time, as if that is when I show up with the money, all around him, until he bow, kneel, flat right here in Taiwan.

Southern Taiwan that Airport 桃園 開始 are poor starting. Meaning only motorcyclist these small U-bert economic landscape. You do what I tell you to do, and research.

1) The General House - right across called the vegetarian very expensive Miss Green right next by. You can just look at it, all green = It exploded like every Solar Panel Tiny home, or inidividual without DC home, it will always happen, they are not the GE DC or AC company since 1900. You know what I mean? It will explode right in front of that General Residence. That is how you callibrate things.

2) The Prostitute Thailand girls are very young, I went to Mr & Mrs Smith island honey moon would be a Cosimu island. They look like you, very giant, so you use ARCH those thai girls riding to transporting all of the other side of the European.

3) The European are the majority ending up here in Asia, they have the property or somewhat acquire to a warmer, or girls location. They use the prostitutes like that Hugh Grant gossips on the news. Not Terry's curator - meaning per sale on the Art works or the Art Auction.

4) We use those name motocycle its parking lot, or parking space all around my house near by, they all turning into the parking space. The birds did sound on the HSBC Bank Circle around there. These parking space are charged per hour. 

5) The Car and the motorcycle - different landscape to the parking space to sale. Irene's brother has from my grandpa. To the vicinity around us, you all cannot afford, but you can drive the car and the scooter. 

When you all finished reading these, + Today' the noon news from 11:15 to 11:45, nothing but you all exist.


I am looking for you all. 


European coming to Asia / Asia Pacific

The Raw Chef, his name is Dimitri, from Greek. He does what he does to raise somewhat 3 girls in his purchase location in Thailand. You can go there too. His blog I show you all last time.

My mother's Romanian DNA Police strip cars...he married in the Australian, where that Pane Andov at. South Hemisphere, the same Timezone like us with the Eastern side of Russian Military for how long they were always in that timezone guess what? or why? The cloud told me so. That Romanian business guy he looks like the Ocean. I told you all that my father's client, not my mother's client? George Clooney. They say its the DNA strip on the Police BMW car 21th century. I say those bio things cannot ending up on a car stripper bar code label glue-ing on any car, no matter what. Not one trace of the bio substance to be found or else you will have a bio War. For real. Everything has to be synehtical measurement, I say that about gazillion times. I am the chemistry major doing all that for. Nothing bio in the 2nd category major in Taiwan 第二類組

You checking my house near by that Trio Wine Bar, Taipei. You seeing the Map, they showing you the real location map? I see Castle. No. Coming out of the castle on your right, that is the Trio, next by its the police shooting each other 2 side on the roof height (First flat floor roof) seeing where the UFO landing site.

You all are super giant and fat and tall. We have taller guys in Taiwan, many too. Their motocycle, you mean they are all scooter, may not be that accurate, if you just acquire the Google Image Directory for looking the guys where they end up, not the girls on the pinky.

You need a helmet no matter what here. Taipei are the traffic road lane divided. Meaning one way going to 101 that road. There are the bus line, or etc. You might just ending up everything south than the outskirt of the Taipei City lines, like those Taiwan Youtubers where they all end up currently including the promoting of their real estate. 

Those tales never changed.

You can acquire an international driving license, that is how I enter the America, in the past, can. I think I just get the American driving license, for real.

News about Taiwan and the Scooter

In Amherst New York, we have a Shoeless or Payless shoe store. Its better you buying your snow prevention any wind sipping through sneakers shoes, they are very very cheap. I might just call that Jonathon until he shipped himself over, we get the UPS to their store, for some easy convinience what is the cheap or why I need those things than this very very expensive the First University campus around, they have the branding shoes, not the American general sell every shoes. Cheaper cheaper, you want it? You can just look at their website. Amazon your own size really. The night market, cannot purchase too thin material.

Don't wear sandle, clean your foot, alcohol wipe. You can get rid of all that stuffs when you weight down. I never had that issue in America. The mode don't grow in the cold weather, I had one year last whole full year doing nothing but the knife jobs, I cannot last that kind of the jobs when I am senior one day to 100 years old. So this year I fix that issue, you wear socks, sandle at the home floor, wipe your both sandle and the external shoe all the time, these alcohol wipe, no matter what.

The marble floor still, the smaller size you get, the easier you routine cleaning those house indoor pet like me. Not those big American house.

There are the body guard white European looks like Adam (Hailey Mormom's that Adam, Ella Enchanted)

No, I mean a real European speaking the Chinese here. Getting a real job as the security, young too. Thin, not looking like any of you. I can tell he is the European one of those. 

When I need anything, I will land in front of that person or that things I need, exactly I mean it.


You can do one of these things preparation : Tiny 4.0 小世代 (楊冪 blind girl in 33 10 peach blossom) to that Sailor Moon 4 girls, I say to the guys to Chris and Billy (Karen and Adria), to get a police training certificate. ECC has one of those anything you get its a certificate, at the court order. You can do that to that Keanu Reeves are the Earth Prince, the One in both Matrix and Sailor Moon Franchise, and you citing in that Ocean 11/12/13, the window glues are the ghost Night Fox. Nick were nickname as the Night Fox (GE, General Electric)

To how details you writing your own paper, its depending on your stretching of your brain. The age one day will get old. The wind usually are just migrant and too cold in any highway, California or France.

I think you all just cluster somewhere else, before he does once again that spleen things end up in the Bob Dean's material. He public says that in his video. You can just ask the Court. Really! 

Westlife - Amazing

This is about Zawanna (Red River Manga ) + Black underground 亞斯 (白色圓舞曲 General) + one more guy to detain this UFO UB Seth in Victoria Secrets (Take me to Church, Gay right intervews with Hozier's)

I highly doubt I knew whom Seth is, whom he was UB 2002 -2006 (Graduate the University major B.A Chemistry) and 2007- 2009 (Librarian Science and Informatics MLS, the Public New York Librarian. Its a State certificate)

I found that out in 2017. The vision and then the TV. I wrote them down in the IPad, but I delete everything. I know whom they are. He got the UB accompany. No, not the first time like 12/8 I see Zawanna all right. Not the Indian black, you mean Angel and Demon Novel? No, I didn't know that until now. Its 12/15/2022.

I have no idea whom is the another guy are approaching this Seth, that is what the video says. oh ~they are the cops? 

I didn't invent anything.

I didn't patent anything.

I book right the Art format in the Library Congress, Washington D.C, America. Next to the Congress, next to the White House, next to my was National Archive Intern. Its an art form in the wood panel 4 by 4 home depot and that Parchment paper in National Treasure (its on the back). 

I didn't get the patent, per yearly.

I didn't get the investor. JP Morgan are dead. That is Berny.

The art world its as long as you show that is the art you create it, that is the original ownership no matter what, not to say that is ISBN number seal on Top. BTX says the scientific congression gathering, I didn't do any of that.

I don't have the small business name anymore. Its in the Irvine California El Toro Road that clerk office, town office. No, there is no ET there.

The book is the ISBN number that or a serial number the American Library they issue. Its just a book. They have a certificate saying they hereby, that is the book name, and what date were submit to. I didn't bring to the publisher, nor anyone to discuss the future.

The art is original work No Matter What. 

Tibetan Flower ceremony are their Mandala = this map = Buddha all those graphs in the Mandala 4 gates like the Bible, like the Revelation, like the City of Light, like the City Jeresulum.

The architecture are part of the Art, I didn't do that.

Practically Seth and I don't know each other. He finds his way to hell, I didn't know he was on the air flying when I am inventing never stop since 2004. I show on the Youtube or the website, or the lawsuit, all those ebook. You see, all the e-book are the original works from the writers, technically no one to be that elaborate on the Organic Chemistry re-draw the textbook, they will tell you that. I use a very time consuming methods on the free software, its pain in the ass, of course they are all the original works. Its by per atom, per line, per curve, per dots, showing up a book format.

I got nothing establish....there is kind of like the copyright, to the original art works. They are all the original drawing paint works like Chem Draw. Its a graph, a picture, a diagram. 

In that basic sense, it is the art work on every piece of paper, for saying why you never need a patent. I am the Art Original creator. I done that since 2007.

Why would I sound like I am lying to you anyway? 


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