Lawsuit 704: This is the executive order, those whom needs to become a monk or a nun immediately do so.

Date: July 21th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title:  Against the free will

Since Flower Thousand Bone (2015)

You cannot control your mind, or your thought. Nothing is a free lunch. 

There might be some already in that group, and they came out about 8 years when I am dealing some of this issue at hands. They have about 8 years something at them, they can speak of their terms to this case.

I have my reason for saying all this.

TV: Dream Exchange Games (90s)

If the medical board meant not one person dead, they doing nothing but hearing me, how soon that will ever be in whichever they imagine their responsibility and the duty not exercise that the human free will.  Whichever the TV meant, that is exactly the final verdict of the final judgement. You at least embarking the same direction at all.


You didn't have to give them an excuse, why you don't align yourself to the galactic final ruling, meaning align, figure it out the rest later with the human efforts. They never say you grew up on the first day. Its never gonna be at your own evolution, but you try to side by to all this TV material. You know what it says, you imagine what they say. You are not careful with anyone's life, especially those whom have to delicate to the overall population in the large mass of the benefit and the future.  You probably intend to say a lot of things.

Those are all recorded. You didn't need to put your heart at the faith, that God didn't give you anything, everyone works hard to get this far. The money, I am sure that is what you say, "The privacy be at your service, not be at protected."

When I was growing it up, I don't know if my mother age they just meant they have to get married, or arrange to get married. 3 of them. No matter what, those memory its staying with me. They are the perfect human, but they grow the kids, they go traveliing with the husband, they stay with the husband, and sometimes even in that thought the Charlie's Angel, it did mean to me as I grew up. I don't think my volleyball any of them getting married. Its by the money. Meaning you just look at their legs...

A lot of people you looking at their spine, their leg, the guys or the girls.

One day their grey hair will be white. They never had anything in their life for saying anyone else life has anything trying to lean on them. I think that is what the movie: Ella Enchanted means. Its the family background, its they don't have lean on, they have to figure it out all the puzzle, but by the democracy less than the military National policy, they say, its their all free will does whatever they want.

When things coming it down.

Its the immediately jail or execution right at the Party, right at the ground, right at the court room. I won't care any min to waste time, just too much the mouthful jobs, the birds outside are dying, the climate are warming. You mean.....something its not your TV responsibility. 

Dragging out, drawn and go to hell.

The helicopter to the middle of the ocean, you mean you can swim it back. Together buddy. Like Simon and Dr. Steven Hairfield, they are the buddy together. Westinghouse and Mark Twain, one Katherine Johnson issue, just like the movie says. 

All Flower Thousand Bone (2015)

Its only high tech standard, I say, per thought, per word, per deed. If you starting the 100th time planting trees, because you writing it down its per time you doing so in one human life. You literally doing that to that one Bible, every God says word.

This guy his name is 天啟

The outside will tell you, the reason you gonna go to this your American Founding Father not to say they pamp you on this weight scale - the balance scale, how to argue, you are a girl or used to be a younger guy.

Who did what service on each side of the scale. Its they say the constitutional, or I say that is the humanity degree you will never grow up. This will be the temperament when you believing it, any position your air that you breath, you are not subtle enough, you are not educate enough, your brain fuzzy with the alcohol and smell. 

Every commander those in seat in the comic book, its just a fantasy. And you are right.  You can just start with one China and one America. Try not to trigger each other's anger, with any language or bias, you are if on the public domain URL. 

Google, Facebook and Apple. 

I give you an example about this Evolutionary Biology we had a lab

Not just the rest of the chemistry class, because that is synthetical. If you chop a fish by the educational branch of all sector, you didn't need to go and buy 100 fishes to be at home and chop it. That you say its the karma. Correct. Not the collective saying the America, or the UB itself they are the umbrella above you. You given an order, you finish it. 

They looking for the people life after life was a medical doctor. Whichever that looks to them.

But if I describe to you, between this Evil Society of the human or the Goodness/ Kindness embellish you mouthful claims of the Legally Blonde, the small kindness of the small prosperity society, you using my words to against me. Just like Harry Potter's Snape says ...

Let me remind you something about the height difference one of this day, in the Deli shop or the sandwitch shop. Because....when they told you, or I say to you, a person wave at the Taxi so sad with the eye glasses on, and the bakery uniform to get to an ER, your entire day shift was gone. Your finger got chop off.....this one scenario how diligent you say you are a worker, or you are a slave, you trying to fit your bill from 9 to 5. A lot of the Tiny home I see on the TV in America, those are the boys or the girls buddy together to make a mess. To that ending, it was you figure it out in a tiny world. 

You know what I mean?

2023 this is away from 2018 photo.

July midth 2023.

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