Lawsuit 595:
March 25 2023 (Copy Paste, other links are not provide just the dates)
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💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥 Do I feel ashame they might be copy and paste my stuffs from UB? 💥🔥💥🔥 Want to hear the reality?
People like Tamang or Ola, they are competitive. They are.
So in the reality of the career field, or you saying they are MD and I am not? I am not sure what they are, the international medical school. They try not to make a mistake, including I called that "the group activities", but they have no experience doing it.
You seeing anyone other than me this line WWII talking about it the world wide, and Wing they 3 ending up on the straight line down? So ...I don't really know, how would people willing to make a mistake, other than just copy and paste, so if they did already file to the Judge all this time or when you think the Frozen in proceeding? 2014?
Guess where I was 2013 and 2014? Tina Jojo not dead yet, remember? Why isn't anyone just talking to me first of all? Their ego is very high, both of them, and both are so much wish to compare, be competed, to....side by, we are not the same. Not thinking alike, not imagine alike. If you imagine at your work, and your all have some classmates?
They copy paste you to? to Get Title, to get paycheck,
to get reviews especially in the MD field? They are motivated, that's
why they are still there. They go and changing things, its on their
records, not that they don't let them continue. A lot of people retired,
so I guess that is the way it is.
💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥
💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥
💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥
I don't remember how old this Ku is, Adam Hailey about 10 years ago, they were high school to College yet? Where Anna I am at? Not in UB? They gone where? Snatching their own interest, if not the lawsuit file-ing are still in proceeding time? That is 10 years now?
Let me guess....these UB classroom activities were like the high school Twlight ! You know there is a word in Ancient Chinese for those court room cases they air on the TV. Its an Ancient Chinese format...that sentence its = "contempt to the court" - its real. I just didn't make a joke out of it.
These entire things are the groups ending up on the maps, but no one be less selfish to coming forward how to solve for everyone else, other than me seeing that is my facebook, so I wait...did I know how to do that on the first day?
I cannot just wait wait wait wait....I cannot understand a thing all this? Things be careful, I can always be more prepared, and then show up the court room? I didn't hurry to get my interests if that is what they are proven by the debts I am telling you.
No, they are not necessary be dead, but if their parents during which time if pass away earlier, they cannot cope anything in life, both are them are not that strong....a lot of the kids are not strong.
Sometimes it takes a man and a women to make a household strong, but most of those UB, by now...are singular human copy my side of imagination to hope to get their own Self interests. I say get things right, ....not all that.
Maybe they will be sorting into the witness program, relax a bit, and having the parents somewhat near or heard by whichever years left down. You imagine the kids could let go their 80 years old old old old parents? I didn't grow up with my parents, so I look like this everywhere...but a lot of the kids, they calling their parents "dad" or "mommy" including on the weekend, of the holiday.
You know how I used to treat my grandmom, from my father's side.
I slam the front door, right at her.
I think ... ? You want to ask me what I think about this UB on the TV...I think?
... It may not target at me. Its their witness program assignment when they get in there, they will receive those assignments, and learn about "Rich kids", "Poor kids" probably not.
"High Priest happened to be Raw."
He Zawanna is an educator. Do you know what that is? Like that Twlight next by Blake? Saying to me out loud, there is a Zawanna? All my vision? That is why I stay for them UB tiny bit, because .....sometimes in the real sense of the entire Earth, no one will EVER put up these much of the garbage to educate them for only their very very selfish interests.
But what I didn't know that time. It was all these might be real, its all set.
Let's say 10 years ago, I was not told. This Ola and Tamang went to step the line, so the Classify went to get asked, or asking ET, because the court will find out, how come like this and that and this and that. My face is not in it.
I tell you, I think its their each individual all around, a facebook friend, a classmate, an outting activities other than UB, they have a witness account. I never left UB, remember? I always staying in the UB extra-curriculum, or near by VA hospital at that UB south campus. I am not too sure that is what it is. When you trying to vola, and clientale your facebook, you will hit one of those stranger.
Frozen says: Strangers.
I never really met a stranger. Not the professional workers, I never went out to work.
What I truly think? .... I am trying to find whom is the educator. Meaning similar to Blake's dad. I cannot understand that movie: Twlight.
Because, if I knew,...well, I just told you I didn't know a thing for a very long time to be this mess up. If I would know all this 10 years ago, I wouldn't be doing things like this ? I will tell all of them stop, drop your pen, or chop off your 4 limbs? I did say that, remember?
I guessing there is an educator, not that I know for sure, because most people major is in the accounting or something extra in UB you won't even know what they do in the honor class. But if there is one human that is more in the educational format, meaning...everyone supposes to do things right, including I don't step over his or her jobs, I won't know whom that exactly is.
Meaning I back down.
I am. But I don't know whom to hand all the files towards, so I can come down of it.
Nick Carter - Addicted
📲💻 I will tell you I don't know a lot of things. I know Zawanna's style or the personality, but I don't know all this garbage on the way. I know the job being expected, but whom suppose to deliver that job? 📲💻
I just need to close off, so I am. Or else I will be still watching it ....sometimes people have to know what to put down the pen on the information to the real court room formats. So many TV, so many movie, how come not trying to be decent and fair to do the right things? My personality is like that.
I wait, and watch, and not personal?
I am not a lawyer, so I am not supposed to write the lawsuit?! I am not the accountant, so I am not supposed to math? I am not the educator, so I am not supposed to keep trash them like saying your methods all wrong?
I am not the Judge, I cannot try to verdict sound like a real thing?
So...I have been thinking. That is the real things.
But I don't know whom is in it. I cannot see that. If I knew, I just tell that person, switch over. For example, the MD goes to this person, the account goes to that person, the fail school GPA goes to another person. You know what I mean?
I cannot get that. I seeing that in Twlight, but I cannot make a sense, a word what they mean they say? You cannot keep doing this Scott and Blake used with Sammy we play a game, a board card game, Eddie Bear and Rebecca will be imitate some act, and you say the words from the cards?
Okay....I look at Blake, next by.....
Its a blonde. I know he got married moved to CA. But its his Dad that psycho Zawanna meant your evolution evolve you will learn the right things, to do the righterous right methods on things.
I am standing there at the monitor... "uhm?" " Again....?" "...uhm? " " ..."
I cannot make one sense that TV at all.
We used to play a lot of those board game, in the Rebecca's house. The kids they play. I know the rules, but I cannot understand one word out of it. You can fire at that interface, you know the middle screen, what is on the other side?
Similar to that Wallace's TV? There is a
screen door in the middle, a divider, when you are ready, you fire
toward the other side, but you cannot take the middle screen out of it.
This going on and on and on. I cannot understand a word. Its the human
does on purpose, or that is ET, not to say Zawanna?
If they are more capable....I would have expect them to go seduce someone to get to the classify side, they need that President back them, inside that treaty, what did they clause things at.
To end up today.
That is what they suppose to do, not what I need to do?
34 American President: Dwight D. Eisenhower
UB Lawsuit 595, click to read more PDF and Print
May 13th, 2023
Write him or leave him facebook wall message
“I need to talk to you, Anna says.”
“Are you drag Queen with roaches it’s as long as money buys without your parents know?”
“I was wondering to the airport sandle plastic bag to wrap or sneaker your reaction, she says to everyone we have a very very very fix inside. It is a very very fix inside, that’s the way the only be.”
“Mummy says blind, that person blind folded….it’s a west game or it’s a what you see what you get?”
“There is an image between what I wish someone to be, Anna says not Simon says. You will reply or you wish only Anna replies for you here when I told her you don’t talk? This image.”
“A drag Queen is not Britney’s says a normal office cubical worker ! I know what it says and I trusted !!”
“Do you contact with Bill, we wish to see or hear what that is, Anna says the voice.”
“We thought you are the hope!!”
“Not the turtle hope. The beamcan hope, are we gonna find out after we dead, what else things we will find out? Your parents knew you don’t contact?”
“You realize Anna gets her way, every step!!! Tell us!!!”
"Today is Friday Night. I just washed my hands...its about the time going home or eat light meal. Tell me if I copy that Korean Drama with Tamang or with City of Hope, that is called they de-fy you. Tell me that words Anna uses."
"Against the authority, or against one's willfulness, for that image."
"Against someone's willfulness by image, and if there is a money talk, you will say you are willfull we don't fit its becasue of the twist of turn like a girl, or its the drag queen you lying no matter what? The beacon light house HOPE? LIGHT HOUSE, Inelia Benz movie with the Michael Fassbender, like Adam Pascal like SMCH and her german what Late husband doesn't look one thing like Adam Pascal. "
"Anna is lying or you will reply?"
"That details thing that counts?"
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"There is a detailed difference things between what ET meant inside that classifed, there is a range between Anna lies or they lies. And there is a difference between that HOPE and lean on we imagine....what the Truth ought to be. There is a what Truth yet-to-be, or ought-to-be...the military order you are on draft. Tell us what that means in the Smallville and WHY?"
"Melinda at CAC those Anna's best pal, there is a TOM and Ayo with those date to be escort out of the runway style SA Drag Queen Show. Are you anything to do with the SA? SA president?"
"She miss out you walking it out, or you imagine you walking it out with the height issue?"
"What is your escort name? The phone number and the address?"
"There is a literally plastic wrapping up the sandle or the sneaker, right now my flying range to Texas were Anna suggesting if we asking her where to land on the first night. We checking the route number or the money on the expedia. All of us. Tonight, where you will be tonight?"
"The action against all of us, all of us, All or Nothing, you being a MD you done on purpose to hide, or you done on purpose in the end of all death, that is Orc says, or that is Reptilian the Green says?"
"If we becoming the Middleton, not the opposite of the Middleton, its after we dead we find out, or its now we find out, telephone number and the location you are at Texas which clinic now? Anyone is in there tonight? You are aware of? Your parents?"
"Its Westlife says, or its the Mummy says?"
"Anna has a brother, ANSWER ME, ANSWER US!!!!?"
"Its between we die in vain, we die like the Orc, of you one person responsibliity of the choice between the above or this line? ANSWER ME!"
"We literally becoming the ORC?"
"When you 2 were the lab partner, in front of that Black women TA, you saying the human error its YOU?! Are you an AGENT? Its US or YOU? "
"You mean you are the drag queen for the above listing ABCDEFG....its the ending exactly like the movies say on our bad term, and when we are in the hell, you gonna drag Queen Justin?! Which Justin or Bill? Such as the Witch position in RED Mars like SMCH at her own MARS video the U.N.C.L.E?"
"There is a difference between you are the GIRL, or you are the DRAG Queen!!!"
"If Wing gonna take you down Tonight, or vice versa were you are hiding never doing anything one thing. After you zombie gone, its me one of all these girls pushing that Asian Wing out if like Anna instruct every road and Dr. T with his wife didn't lie inside their mutual office space, SAY IT. Is Dr. Ester on your monitor is last name like Anna wasn't got lied to? What is the FULL building blown up?!"
Anna says, there is someone meant the money unlimited uses for each of our girls just flying in with the correct money, flight routes, numbers, rent a car included all the bills in.
"Not all of US, its all of THEM, and next facing UP Wing will NEVER be the hope of the beacon like YOU?"
"Answer me, SAY IT?"
"I am thinking one thousand thing, and one of the things Anna says will NEVER be this one plan, she wrote out for EVERY single girl us to this line."
"You will be sitting over there, talking normal with your NEW perfect world tell me one thing Anna will tell Wing to write it down, which things it you talkinig normal to every kinds of your too perfect future, but not the past, and that would be a hide out, when we will find our exit becasue you are irresponsible for the rest of your life to that 50 state medical liscence board no one does a thing in the investigation !!! Its becasue you fear, or its becasue you one behind knows all this time. "
"Explain to me Fatima is, or you know you are implicated at, everything Anna used to say at all that can ever happen to the UB Honor Class."
"Say it!"
"Tell me a description, when we all girls perished, including however Anna forces to the other side to starting this Edge of Tomorrow, and we are known this behind in the shadowy of our spirits, because there is no more will be against to lean on one side of the wall sad in your eyes, were to whom you are sad tears inside your eyes? Any of this movie given say, or Anna gonna make it up all this statement once again, these are the real ET classified materials, we are the mummy, we will not make your the zombie, to imagine if...what is the next line? "
"How do I spell if?"
"How do I draw a f on the poker card?"
"Were you there with Jonathon and Tamang and Anna at the poker games inside his house?"
"Anna says she was vomiting because of that one tamang in the bathroom, so you married? You have the kids, or you trying to hide away all that, you never have one patience care in your life or brain, that will be the disastrous exactly 50 years later the Good Will Hunting, Anna keep saying the keyword, you keep leaning on the wall with the cap, tear. On Whom again, I am asking you again? Say it?"
"Therefore, against us, you didn't care one human being's life missing, not one life, its ought to be exactly like the TV, and you lost your consciousness on that leaning wall with a cap, because it just happened, they don't know, she doesn't solve yet barring outside the wall, and WE cannot know because if we are the zombie and DEAD, you are what? The beacon of the HOPE?"
"What happened to your car?"
"Say it. We won't judge, we want to know. "
"Tell me, Anna says this is the walking free trial, isn't it? Walking over my dead body, us against the world, all of us, except she were the villain, you are the beacon hope leaning on the wall with the tears inside your eyes and a cap. Tell me she is wrong what we imagine to see, you lost your consciousness inside your eyes. "
"Tell me the victimized side of that Thranduil to everything else she represents in her tones of the language...."
"Someone TOOK your roles."
"Next question - Anna has all this flower in the Pinterest yellow down."
"Whom is behind this classify issue, because we might gold ourselves without the Black Ops?"
"What did you do man? What did you do?"
"You ever tell someone one person in this world at all? "
"One person !!!"
"There is an ukraine war. Tell us, its all of us against me feeling like all over again. What she mean that
'Its the family emergency, please respect our privacy.'
Simon dead zone on if he has a heart. "
"Are you a real doctor or the human error? Because none of us can get told you are not the real doctor, or you are part of the us leaning on the wall with the tears inside your eyes, until all dead, you are still lean to the wall without the day night before 11 oclock. "
"You know what my comment really were, you shouldn't just be dead ."
"You will be dead in thousand pieces!!!" How she makes you feel.....but you got a secret to hide. She wasn't the first immediately conscious about it but everyone met you knows your voice its wrong. Its one indicator, the first the most visible indicator.
UB 250 URL sent out on Mike or Keegan's webpage our UB full load....what did you do man? What did you do? Its your monitization against us, or its against them all?
"Its that the Starry night her Geo department video on money or the vision when she felt /feels down? I speaking the English now."
"The first or the last one to go? On your too free pen, say it. "
"Tell me if that Mark is mocking you?! They done it on purpose?"
"Its all of us walking free cases, or just you foremost first one to eyeing on it?! Really~~~I don't even know, what she never sings about it!!!"
Anna says, there is someone meant the money unlimited uses for each of our girls just flying in with the correct money, flight routes, numbers, rent a car included all the bills in.
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