Babaji: Go
How come Tim Cook is at the National Park has no coverage, and 1+1=3....?!
The American Congress ...
No, not sports. Its 1 + 1 =3 most important. That is Tim Cook saying it on himself? They are not going to be ready 8 years, 18 years. What they normally do, its there are a team people whom training them. Not me. So they lock them up and train them.
These people front or only discuss how far their evolution or spirituality has evolve the basic sense of that service to humanity. Not sit alone being sad, not sit alone listening to the sad music, and very very negative, or getting into debts.
I describe that in the lawsuit, the low atmosphere. The low air. You given them freedom, you want me to read you what normally human IQ does thing behind? The girls scoop up the full container of the ice cream, not the strawberry sugar artificial beverage. They literally go and swallowing it down unbelievable in ONE meal what things inside their mouth when they can.
They really get upset over something beyond the psycho sense.
okay ~~~ There are how many nick(y) type, right? haha...
There are so many these politics students intern has to get on life, if the American court design, we really gonna have a screen facing forward outside, right....they the student club political students are doom, including the current politician. They have no immune to anything coming out of their brain if the entire public gonna witness that.
You hope not, so now everyone pretend to hide things behind?
Meaning how nice I am, to preserve you all shame on your faces, really. Zawanna and Kail they are all high literacy, okay? Not just the stable personality, and knowing every big or small pictures how you ending up the way you are, not love the way you are.
I remember this guy !!! hey ~~
He is ....
I will personally tell you when I go on the spiritual practice, the last thing I ever imagine I would ever enter the world to be this Heavy Top Management People from that very rudimentary positions. Meaning oversees a lot of this input of their learning curve in printing into their per page, per line, per words. Baby spoonful them. I am willing, not that I don't try to sound smart, and not just hand it to you, copy and paste.
But that doesn't really affect me. I am happy to do.
You want me to hold your hands to go there saying goodbye, each them? !
That....politics people a lot of people go to hell, go to jail, go to metal bar, and women many aging to a point, they lost life force, its written in his own creation since Bible.
He for sure never cares a sentient being like them, liker her.
Me for sure never cares anything outside the United states, or like her.
To both of us, those are insignificant people, that has no meaning to us.
No, I haven't read anything to look like an explaination in that OU language.
When does the God's word sound ever important, when I show up? That was 40 years ago.
The mortal they are subjected to life and death. Those are very real, attachment to desire, to shopping freak, to shopping mall, to shopping debts. If one day that consequence not her daddy daddy daddy serves her well Mark's movie, that no one knows a thing where that evolution gonna go, that is not God's wrath. Its just part of the missing the train, missing the life, missing the point.
~oh ! Today is Saturday, Hailey's Dad is finally a dad .....wa hahahhaha....
Some human mood, are constantly even ~~~! Maybe her dad is a priest too just ilke Dr. Gabriel Cousen.
🍏🥭🥭🥭🍏 Don't worry about it, Babaji he is just in the mood. Everyone of us.....Ancient Chinese always say 侍君如侍虎 🍏🥭🥭🥭🍏
That is always like that....
None of us have the mood, when we stand there, or sit in our happy world a seat, or throne, and he suddently has every mood for every single one of us, he is like that. He does that very often just look at the Charmed Leo and Piper. I told you, my back.
Do you want to go buddy together watching some soap opera, WE the other we, always have to stand there til when Mahavatar Babaji makes his points. Its always like that. 天下無事事
🍏🥭🥭🥭🍏 🍏🥭🥭🥭🍏 🍏🥭🥭🥭🍏 🍏🥭🥭🥭🍏 🍏🥭🥭🥭🍏
Busy, today is Saturday. Maybe I should get another week I am telling you, I cannot wake up whole afternoon at all. How come this weather still cold?
小孩子長大都有一種傲氣,有一天就跟自己的骨頭傲的意思! (中國印度,延伸炎黃子孫)
又由其男孩子喜歡把眼淚放在眼眶裏面 !
怎麼就沒有見過某些人把眼淚擺在自己的皮膚上呢? ! You gonna tell me that is alkaline, therapeutic. 鹹鹹的 ! 鹹粥。
加 Rice 的 !
Pinterest album
I forget, it supposes to be the ugliest things I ever seen this album. What was it? Keanu's contemporary Hollywood Art, the Hollywood Hill, that is not a mountain. What was it.....I forget the New Age or what things in that modern, right...the modern decoration layout. I think I stay in Taipei. Not in America. I think...because otherwise they will stop at the airplane. They almost done that, I think that is what I think. They did take the initiative, so the destination its here home.
Hank too. I just gonna buy what he says this home entertainment unit, he used to put that in Trump's Towel. Including a very elaborate fabric those lightening switch to what things that operates just a remote control. He loves best those garbage, so there was a AI arm remember?
Probably gets him a trainer or something. AI arm never says, but it won't look too pretty. A trainer and a doctor I think.
Its a instructional lecturing mechanism behind. Most time people just too nervous to be on the front, not necessary on the top of the stage, that makes that microphone super nervous. You prepare your draft, and you teaching things more than your "creative writing", because that materials are not textbook saying its per knowledge base, ingrain into what you say, what you making an example to, or a practical sense of that on-stage lecture, you given the audience a clear direction where they go about their research, their writing, that makes them remember some facts.
Its not for everyone, but I am pretty they meant everyone get on with it.
You trying to say you are confrontational. The day that really being confrontational, your temperament, your situation, your face make you stuck at that very moment, everything freeze up. You didn't interact with the people that much, you didn't capable not to blank out your mind, when someone saying something.
You channeling anger first, not listening first what that saying from that person. You blind enough not to see what they making that sense was from ADD, or from a fake enemy imagination, if you would have seen enough cases of just exposing yourself to enough human. Every human merits has a flaws, and every single year they all behavior exactly the same thing never changes.
Kail object all that !!! The court Judge I think it means it can sustain "Continue", you want to go to Kail Mursil?
Going through Black Ops. Its just a procedure, not the lawsuit. Using him, using me.
He just meant there is a process how to validate their per account life experience, they are the same age.....their worlds have the telepathy, not just by blind sight looking and reading at it with the eye glasses like that Zawanna?
There is no way she could EVER find those things out, that just simpliest statement, you want to say that to the Judge? It might just work every step the "objection," sound like he Kail was a lawyer, and you all just being obedience to accept the way that is.
Someone has to be in that seat, doing nothing but "object"!
You want to collect each morning here 100 birds, because if you put them in 100 rooms, to how in the end of my misery, they all can object by that one Judge ear head phone, trying to sound right they using 100 Judges just staring at the birds. My roof all birds. I cannot raise them, cannot shut up. I object !
Tell me the reason how your reasonable belief, which one of you fileing that Subjective Kingship ruling were not a regent, or saying the Law above all democracy is lacking confidence?
Westlife - Soledad
Give me a reason why that is a better to the whole humanity, your merely 1928 starting this subjective views falls, because I Anna saying so the argument only the Judge understand, that 100 years were waste in vain, whichever this called the Motion Picture, even including the American Classify materials, if were some of that being given from the ET and being oversees the careful human resource parts so there is a Hollywood, or else that entire mountain words, or the news, or the platform will all cease, include that Keanu Reeves, because 3 Art its on the sunset boulevard, and Anna been there check it out.
We want to say out heart, mind and soul, just like this video saying 100 years life passing by, no God saving us. As it is this life to start, that 400 millions lifes. Someone does that on purpose, we want the one more chance at the 100th life, one court like such...if that 100 lifes have anything extraordinary you at all......for saying Korea is 100 score, English is Zero.
All these money piles up under the Frozen reasons, were indeed never stop to proven how psycho we should have been believing it how careful in life, so that 2 circle how Anna says the System on her head, and on her suffering, its was indeed all true, the next 400 millions lifes.
Eternal sense almost.
You just telliing the groups in 20 years, your greyish hair, you as a bundle of the groups will be "re-united" again, care so much in the end of that movie reason, or the gaining resason, whatever that is the money inovled to the cases such as like the Frozen means.
Anna says the Taiwan court room cases only have 2 kinds. Taiwan is a democracy world running that system, you object that why you using their minority system to make that simple, America has 3 Department, and Taiwan has 5, and they starting is in Hawaii Chapter through that National Father, Anna lives not too far from the memorial hall. Its your subjective view, there ia Mc Donald sitting right at it. Its the American military staring at it, the democracy process since 1911 that claim how to human body dead blood, to becoming one nation Under God. Nothing but democracy society there in Taiwan. That is who she is, that is how our subjective views are placed upon.
And by the way, its that little kid little monks, they have Kentucky Durby betting on the winning cases. If someone asking them, those translation in Chinese they can read, they have evolve the last 2 years, its every case I = the title, always win, their subjective views just when they feeling like to watching that Flower Thousand Bone to do a side by side storyline, their subjective view to this Buddhism, they say they are the oraphage, Harvard Anna too busy not to going for it, to calculative that Mark Facebook landing there having a speech, we did nothing but watching them both side having a subjective view under that timeline, that is 3 Party against us in 20 years.
Chinese little monks, Anna, and Harvard, their subjective views are not tolken to count, we are the Harry Potter chosen groups with the grayish hair since 2023, Anna laughing all the way through that one Bible book for saying....eternity you all paying it dearly, she shouldn't be saying that and laugh at the public her subjective views, we get hurt. There is a future, and she was right about it. Everyone hears that laugh and proof reading per wordy lines inside that Voice Memo, were not going to against us in 20 years time down stream, to where, how she had create millions files or writing since 2018, its everything we imagine might back fire, are they?
Can you find out? How far each of us the subjective views, will be the Kentucky Durby betting winning losing money? And we are not part of it.
Why cannot we be included to any money, she just on purpose, side by, near by, Top by, with her IQ brain, everything taken from us, its on purpose, ending up on that Backstreet Boy, the last post is "Incomplete." this case is "Show me the meaning."
She says Shane made it up all stuffs, is the Backstreet Boy American they are all classified material, so Anna getting the title, the money, the unlimited, we want to find out, each this details.
In case we can subjective saying "that is written as the flaws, fraud, lies."
You lied to me.
To begin every questions to sound eternal game. Loving the Silent Tear.
Yeah, you say you are not the ABC group form Poland, Ukraine, Hong Kong, China Mainland, India.....we given up our parents same they told us no investment from our current parents, it means we cut of all the poland, ukraine, hong kong...all investors that behind our parents. We vow forever never return that country, it was communism, you suppose to know that, and someone does that on purpose to Hong Kong
In other words, we are the choosen one, we are the better one, exactly just like we snatch Harry Potter story in our subjective views, we are the better one, always humility running to learn.
Its their entire subjective views, from the parents, and right now we cut off all Past connection, the karma, the poor karma, the poor mentality of that country to forever stay in America, never missionary, never Christian force us to missionary, you will compensate us from this re-located resources, for not fixing us the location like that Dean, or he returns to Florida, not Texas, not moving West, not landing in California, we are having a hardest time being train here, our employee not suppose to play the map jokes on this, with this tiny confident to our subjective views, we being manipulate to this position, its a forever goodbye to our parents Past, because we are the chosen one, not them.
It his subjective view, my subjective view, its exactly like the TV now or 20 years later....why don't you do something, I prefer transparency results anyway?
My case, Zawanna meant you all going on the street, no questions ask. Never that Simon Cowell things we saying including Dean. Those Turkish airline, I think you all pretty insist that is the side line story, when you feel like, you never given up your hope.
I answer that
He answer that
Outside space answer that.
It will all looking the same. You can just get the Mushroom Professor in City of Hope now, in case that person doesn't know it just happened its his subjective beauty salon views, the subjective feeling how he does his hair, bothers the TV materials, its only your subjective views matter, to arriving these 20 years later. - The Crimson Love Letter.
Why don't you file exactly like she says 20 years ago? If not 30 years ago, everyone got screw if just asking her, I can see I am running around about myself never end in my life. Since you will never help me other than your subjective views other than I say copy paste every 100 wall on volleyball practice since high school.
You will re-done this 60 years starting? That is exactly what you are saying to me. The day you will all standing greyish white hair, to that I laughing right now this year 2023. I say exactly what the future, its you all standing in the court on your greyiwsh hair, how many time you seeing that Judge 100 time?
Really. She will retire.
You can just file all these hunger game investor, from all worlds, given you up from first life, not to reach 100 lifes, without them knowing the money disappear with that System things, so there is 101 here built on Taipei 101, Taiwan, and SMCH cooking vegetarain with the cheese book, page 101
Your situation all similar to how to swift the floor, The Day You Found Out.
There is no 101 lifes.
Or Slam Dunk 101.
And in 20 years, you file now, the investors inquisitive you its to hurt your feeling like the Micky Mouse birthday 1928. "Its far beyond 2028, and why don't you file everything exactly like Anna says 1 to 600."
That one lawsuit, you will all going down? On Earth.
Babaji: Go
Your evolution doesn't arrive, never arrive. That is what I tell you. At least OU language you will go to the City Hall at least telling them, you wish to extent your longevity year every 40 years completion this murdering the Judge cases since, I Anna file mine the last time in 2018-2020.
This 2023 a several major 400 millions dollar and eternal lawsuit are side by side being process, so while I saying no more 10 years interval, its 40 years interval, in case I forgotton, where my memory lies.
I am too busy, to be soak inside my mind, how those evaluation took place, of my longevity year having an excuse to live on and on.
I am making the a bigger pot soup and the same lion head with some rice. You are not realized when the legal procedure and transparency is. They prefer its a clean cases, while here...these will be many side you imagine why there is a group activites such as that.
Your whatever lawsuit "hindrance the justice department."
I just finish washing up my hands.
Cut, chop, paste, cutting board there are all the several eye indicator your eye sight are blind, or you are not careful that window open or close, in Asia is the propane, the most population are blind, inside their mind. You know you are competing, you know you doing it on purpose. That chopping knife how to send to the hospital, that is a whole bone, if you just relocated, and eating the 7-11, since the electricity age, will sound like you know its every no from the boys, you cannot operating a knife at all.
The water dew on the sandle, that is everywhere you stepping all over, you didn't need to care that is my floor, any floor ground reason and logic, you are not watchful, its the light from the window, or the distance to where the light reflect by the floor marble, there is a degree there is water, water dew, fallen water by your own mother, or smear by your sandle, you are too tired to imagine your butt sitting it down, or its my shoe you keep stepping over my kitchen to my room. That is my mother dirty all things, you don't need to enter my room.
I have every pick I say, you get out of my space, so I will have a floor, when this all being observe, you will be charigng 400 millions life, per each life how I am the title Eternal.
Those are the domestic marriage, patent dispute, civil right, etc....between interests that is in conflicts. You are defining you position to sue, I assuming that is the movie industry.
or ET to that Project Camelot related term "Birth Certificate". You didn't find your means how to write that lawsuit, you paying your lawyer like what? When you show up that per hour seeing, and discuss how lacking you are, or you were, or your family background?
You can do a biological family tree DNA testing online. Comparing your last name to all those ancestor family that reside in America. If you prepare things willing to go something extra, you all seeing different lawyer, or different Judge, sometimes people will know, you didn't just go and lament imagine everyone cares about you that much to write your own interests to your own very cases, to damage the entire population because you can, you will, you must be.
Exactly just like the TV meant.
No, not Ancient Chinese. ENGLISH!!!!! The galatic sense or any future to anything democracy under, there is an International language everyone agrees in the business sense.
Even the outside world will know that. The ancient Chinese, when I can no more express myself in those short English to the dummy like you, I cannot anymore yelling people with the cursed words to the eternity....
You suppose to grow
1. Away from the old regime, anything left over those communism idea from the Past.
2. The western culture, in nobility, in diet, in pastry presentation, in more music Vienna or the architecture or the old European sense.
3. The democracy its in America, they got a Supreme Court, and Washington D.C. They also have a classify system will reach that Black Ops and that Area 51.
4. I already say too many times, Shane that main singer he made it up all that stuffs.
5. If you are a foreigner, not White, of course you trying to see if you can get rid of your dirtiness, the New Age diet, the New Medicine, to polish your skin care, and to attract your happiness, its you like the White Race they are. More literacy, more independent, more in tune to groups works, more in harmony and justice, meaning not suppression, including the mental instability they alleviate your stress, if you telling them, that is what kinds of the jobs too stressful.
6. You given people not oppression saying.
7. You endow some declaration of America, that Constitutional Right they saying to guarantee your human right, including the girls or the guys, such as the Save Haven.
8. You don't need to get married, you could just die lonely, not inherited other people' debts or the gambling nature.
9. You don't need to raise your voice, you could just speak your literacy, manner right, talking right, look right, gaze right per degree you understand how that lawsuit be process one simple English phrase of "an argument", how you define what to argue? You have 2 side being seen by Judge. What is a process to take that case in front of the Judge to solve it. Or nothing at all needs to be solve it?
10. Starting that Micky Mouse 1928.
How ironic and stupid if you don't think in the law nature, before you saying THAT IS A CASE.
That is a case open.
That is a case in process
That is a case under the investigation.
That is the case at the Law & Reinforcement, meaning you paying the police or the private detector to investigate WHAT claim, the Micky Mouse Birthday? 1928!
That is really really fat. I have to eat, that doesn't meant, THAT in one shot. When I can exercise I would? Right now just keep on working, writing, and sorting. Not really BTX finished, no. Not yet.
I am not sure what's going on. But correct, I can go out and get something in the night market. It is a brand new fried chicken place. I only need one chicken drum, but you all eating those price?
🍏🍑💝 I says you all are not young anymore, what fried food or cake, you put inside your mouth, having this kidney weaken. 🍏🍑💝 The sauce. Taiwan number 1 of those...its Kidney failure. Too many soy sauce, and preservative things inside their process food.
Like certain Tofu product. Not the American kinds, those firm tofu inside the supermarket.
(lay down)
You....going to whose' house has a kid? That is a real scenario, or inside your brain ideal ideas? If you cannot handle anything of that, the guy spot you, they immediately know. You are a student type. They will never invite you as a girl to their house, I don't think so.
You pretending?
I thought we agree, no schematic every morning I wake up. Meaning you telling the Judge how that 400 millions stabs coming from. I never spent 2 extra thoughts to imagine things I cannot live with it. Normally its people force me to live with it that circumstance, not I have a choice I can do without it.
If I won't be happy, and jealous over his obligation or his choice in life ....I won't be there saying even furthur how to handle that, so cease that thinking inside. Its a forever never gonna possible, your age will pass on, without a guy. Not in the reality the guys will see you, not in your laws of attraction you never will. So don't think about it.
I only tell you a statement some people can do that kind of arrangement, sometimes its the background, sometimes its among the guys' network, sometimes its just one afternoon the dog and the baby?
No I don’t like the university life, not really. Last time Nick took me to this Barrie small school. I don’t like already.
If I touch their university every wall, they give me the library access, I do that rather.
If you got through the witness program, you just rest sometimes and they make you works or paying the debts. That’s not the debts forgiving program. Sometimes you love the school simple environment, it’s simpler. A lot of the authorship people will also tell you, they are a lot simpler people, their publisher it’s their boss?
The women association in America might have some women resource if you asking them?
No, I never like pet.
But I think you can adopt a pet like you adopt a community inside a kid - Big Brother Big Sister program. I think it’s I gone there myself. I sign up myself. I was there by myself. Where Melinda lives, that community center. Right straight ahead of her house. On the Main Street.
I think the lawsuit it’s you makes a logic all sounds right, they might just give you the money. You mean twist and turn ?
One of your assignment it’s women’s authorship.
You all given it up?
The Free buffet style and Christmas winter shopping New York Barns & Nobles. Your girls buddy together Heaven ? The thanksgiving and the Christmas invites? The women authorship and what you suppose to wear?
The pharmacy store in AMerica sells that navy blue inside I wear. That outside it’s from near by 101. AMerica had these insulated material about 12 years ago I purchased ?
Tim Cook tempament and Steve Jobs are different. High school means they cannot breathe …they like flashy things, Vola all the time.
That’s what the high school means and involves. Every case you put side by side.
The high school means they care about right or wrong or explaination - Steve Jobs’ points. There is an answer and question. You talking about an on-site personality, that’s everyone different upon answering a question. You mean my letter on my facebook? You mean issuing a public statement, all your Disney Prince and Princess dreams don’t die down. They getting too many people that’s why takes so long….it’s a real case so they process. Just…for some reasons it’s a lot of them.
Tim Cook…he knows he is not that kind.
I think …if you capable to establish something in America, it’s better.
Not starting at China. They got problem right now going to America, those Taiwan chips big company investing in China. They are moving to Japan or America.
I think…first if you acquire in land America, you will have 194 coming in, they find out. I think that’s how you do it. I don’t know if I ever need the politics in life. I don’t need to. Some people just stay home reading the books or in the library. It’s free!! You took some class in the university, you have some access to the university campus resource. No one cares what you do in their touching thousand walls includes. You are not supposed to have those problems really.
The American culture doesn’t need the family sibling be close. They are separate to live after they leaving their parents.
So no, not those Tina stuffs.
It’s a capitalism. A lot of people doing the investing stuffs. I go to the library at least all in English. They have these business magazine or books I research. I reading the books same like you engineered your own cooking recipes really.
My brother learning some stuffs but he is a condition human. - I used to say every single time I end up doing things myself without that Nick, my karma is 100x better, myself. For some strange reason. I told you Amherst public library what they do with their bulletin board. When I was in CA running errand morning to post office and Home Depot. I met the same Italian human whom lives there.
America itself losing the Digital Era by driving hours I think it’s true.
No, not Westlife. It’s bio Chem / molecular biology. Dr Shen got a new lab not on the ground floor anymore in City of Hope.
The day Dr Shen back. He glows !! 2003
It is Washington DC funding. I think it is mis-match enzyme mechanism. 7 years one of those long term?
Today is Friday. I eat something at the Night Market. One string of the lamb meat. Thin.
2 fried bread, and 2 small strawberry Korean brand. Its more expensive. Just like the TV. Similar. We test it before, don't we? Brian's birthday is April too ! My wall clock broken, right now the wall is broken, the nail.
Busy. Today is Friday. That is Brian McFadden and Nicky Byrne
Imagine my 2 arms....really. Is that the same thing to the waka waka lady?
They say left foot?
My entire left side so injure, did I tell you what these birds ever did to me? oh my dear. The real soccer ground, if going on the very lower floor, they are very very very fast on running, really really really fast. VERY. From the Top you don't see it. The real speed its very very very fast, the attacking those team, such as Italian that team.
You are telling me, you want to carry a conversation with them. "I think we group are going in the witness program. We are more relax but we have the debts. Can you check for us?"
Something like that? Shane?
Or you always dream or hope, you have more dignity in front of those celebrity guys, they seeing thousand of thousand people?
You dress your most debts made dress photo. Earing, or diamond, or gold what on your purchase, and put it on. They seeing all the debts at you?
"I live with my mother, I have a friend name Eric also lives with his mother."
"She cooks for me, or I sometimes cook to, for her and for me. We drink soup, she keeps slim. I gain some weight becasue I indoor working on the computer! I go out sometimes on the public transportation, we use Metro here. I buy shampoo or some magazine that stuffs, but my mother says I can just buy them in the night market, so I never gone back anymore. They have more vendor's food in the Taipei Station all around, such as the Tiger Sauce. I always wonder if that is really made of the tiger, I pass by many time. They sell at at the first brand city police station and the Chinese Medicine association, right in front of their faces, and that is no door store, eating water steam almost like the vendor fluorescent light. Its the tiger sauce on the wall. Huge and big anyone passing by can see. I bought the bakery, not that vendor water steam take out, maybe once. Just not the Tiger sauce. Keanu has a tiger you know that, a short guy. "
You have the audience, in a different age bracket, you finding your own age line to play ground?
That is Nicky Byrne, but the background? That is One Direction. You know 20 years pass by?
Their tour is the current event:
You can just say you have some reflection when the public vaccination being implemented on the local sense, how you waiting in line, or register online through some local City website, to almost waiting to register on the dates to get on those apps, or some location they never the same, there are COVID 1 and 2 and the supplemental after. They don't called the 3 dose in the Chinese language here. I think its boost saying equivalence?
You can talk about their singing, you can talk about your own group activities after you done those assignment, you trying on...1 and 2 and 4. We understand you, or I alone Close to you? My miserable has 8 more weeks to go. One for the local ballet studio, second its for the groups activities. But we have the main course of works, that is to submit the paper writing on the PhD professor we observe in their literacy - the real jobs how to use our IQ brain.
🥭🥭🍕 UB side, no I didn't submit anything to them the boyband side. I got grounded remember, how that happens? The Ice Skating Rink? 🥭🥭🍕
They move down. But you all so eagerly to proven yourself, through your own writing or the oral communication with the Westlife company or the artists themselves, so I say Shane Filan. I gone to AGT myself, I did all those works myself, I assuming you talking to the artists like the ballet studio I told those Military in the California for 10 weeks, that time for some music lesson in mind. Not sure where they been...they cannot breath or breath without.
I thought you all girls or guys, for example my high school, those girls graduate early, we had a girl in the commercial, she does her own talking like an independent person? Tina prepares all her CD production including the video and finding a piano accompany with Micky, that ending up on these video? So I don't see anything difference why cannot just talking to the artists.
Its Mahavatar Babaji rings Nicky Byrne
OU Language
NT second Ni (hand writing)
You have a Aladdin Lamp, oil lamp (NS
A OL )
There is a word Oter magnificent
I wonder why.
Diso is that Tamang's incident, he never shows up. But Nicky was the motocycle in Shane's design near the water surface. Here At The Wall, the words are "Reflective"
Diso = written D - I - S - O in English | reflective
I did that, that is how I written there. I write "here ....(I react) the words are"
No written sequence without back key, now. Here At the Wall, the words are "Reflective"
"Ehr" eat her for patient
He did, Mahavatar Babaji this afternoon did, but the image is Thor, the birds calls, its him, change the dialing channel. uh, not the first time like that? Way too long.
So you start to have the number 577 Feb (well my writing FeB, the top that lazy)
Its in Da Vinci Sacred Text.
This sequence and my last opening sequence on UB UFO Seth, the same 4th position? No...Bee is 4th words, if?
The first opening words and the second combine words are different.
I don't know how to write that stuffs.
Vu is a monk. I think this word show up at the first part, and the second part
Calmness Do Vu
OU = Gane Ceg Dovu Cod Bopi Nuxu
Usury? I think it means Babaji meant Shane the money what is that coming from, make the money, any of us, put it together in here, that is what he means. His money.
Red River Manga
The essence is C o D
Audi is a car. OOOO
Every day if you having this physical challenge, your entire mind set to how much you have to hide in front of the guys, its disturbing you. You cannot breath to live that life with him.
You all knowing about getting on the date, by the TV forces. Because of that TV, you are driven to want. You need to polish yourself up, including your health indicator.
You are on the current event such as, not this Westlife or Backstreet Boy? And ....?! You have a reason why contacting them for?
Yeah you talking to the their main page. It might be their company page.
Do you ever talk to a guy before? What kind of the guys? You know why I even asking you that for real? How long the conversation you and the guys usually talk? My ex bf is the one cannot shut up, because he is mute or tuttering. I told him you are the conditioned handicap, recently, I got so mad.
I think you have a problem on your eyesight many people in the Day of Life did. They starting at the bathroom in the morning time. You cannot cut your toe nail without the eye glasses, meaning you need the eye glasses to see, and cut it.
Do I know if I gonna be with Westlife? I think its Nicky. I wasn't even sure this morning ....but I thought about it. I think still its on Nicky?
No, I don't know. I got trapped I think that is what it is. They make it up their entire singing lyrics. Those are not the TV, those are not the movies. Its their own original content. The author's choice in creation. Only the TV and the movies are the classified materials.
Were I expect that?
Of course not. You would be told you imagine you have an assignment, very very blurry. I am too busy inside the home. The birds very very often calling now. My bed, my TV, my PC. I get up washing my hands about 100 times, because...I don't know how to tell you, if I touch somewhere I need to wash my hands before that keyboard, such as the alochol wipe for my cabin, my cabin top, the speaker phone, my hard drive, the cabin stack up together, in the middle of it, my finger goes to wipe it.
All the closet behind my chair, the table, the handle, the every your eye sight bathroom handle, my floor, my glass door.
My everything in my room its MINE, so I need to? Its my home, I do thing more like a home means. They have the resource here, the alcohol wipe, easy to acquire. I am not that into the guys's world, so I wasn't even sure that is what Shane say, or Nicky says, or Brian, because Trump were the other day on the TV. I got so so so so so so confused.
I cannot understand one word they trying to say.
If you girls determine to LEAVE EVERY guy's business out of your eye sights, I believe they will know, you mean it = Money you make your life stake on it. You and your current parents or family. Or you saying the sibling you care about. They care about theirs too.
I never say I really don't care about it.
Guess whom say what?
Let me describe you something.....about the curiosity of a guy and a girl's mind. Some guys they constantly looking for....outward gf. Most have zero money.
That is not sustainable.
I tell you my schedule. Let's say Me and Nicky. I don't think its Shane.
In the morning you wake up (last time were in a different room to sleep better at night), you prepare some breakfast, and rinse that sink. You rinse your butt behind as a girl, your whole night ass behind, and the front. My routine with Zawanna or Thor one of those. Nick house were too big, the floor too hard, we don't really go near that much. But here my mother's house, its right where I washing my hands, both hands with the soap, and butt + front.
That is facet running both the sink and the bathing facet for 30 second.
Brushing your teeth or rinse your mouth, including your eyes or your mouth all around. When you don't need to be with a guy, you don't need to be anything that elaborate, correct. I am not that lucky enough.
Later afternoon: I used to describe that Brian, I cannot tell what Trump says.
During these 4 times slots, you suppose to be washing your hands 100 times, keep looking at his hands, if he coming in home, food on the table, tea, water warm, or asking him in the car, if he wants the bathing water to bath in it. Whatever the reason you got separate that day, that morning, that houses.
But let's say grocery shopping, you holding each other hands, from that 9-5, most people are at works, these guys shouldn't be? Its just a nice outting, you seeing the price, you seeing oz, you weighing inside your hands, or in America, those weight scales are for the vegetable.
My used to be Marley's place, its tax included that label, you read?
In Wagman, that is Tax without label, you read?
The funny things that weight scale are looking, no one using it I guess, its hanging in the air. For Nicky, he might have family, not Westlife, so that life its me and him to his world people, whichever, you imagine none to do with that Westlife. So one pasta boxes is 454 g, you imagine that is 4 serving. Its written on the boxes `~~ you could just read it.
You save the pasta in the container or the cabin to where...if Nicky eats them, or some kinds of the stocking, you always knew by eyes sight, that is your brain IQ not that impaired, you cannot see where the isle, the isle top the words, the 2 side isle, you search by your eyes, but technically he lives at home town, there is someone doesn't know his own grocery...what a shame human he doesn't think that is running out of the human merits how to live? His own grocery store....
Technically in Tops (near UB), not Wagman, they have this sponge cake, you putting the sugar topping on top.
Right now, the Westlife told me they eating donuts, cake, sweet, or pastry....must be one of those French dessert you copy paste when I get there....or I copy paste when I get myself move there. Tell me about the white sugar, not brown sugar, not beet sugar, not the oganic whichever sugar, not the white sugar to say that boiling process its? To concentrate, condense that form of glucose, very very thicken paste, you don't need the flour, it already looks like that.
What you saying the Egg White Raw, you know 25 years I am in America, I never know what is that thing egg mix, to electric whimp to make a raw egg white. That is raw....and first time I seeing the human eating that, I scream.
We used to have the taro ice cream, purple nice mild moon festival cake. They called it the Ice Cream Cake.
The day I found out, might be from the America TV - The Food Network. Is that legal?
Egg White Raw? That is your Topping. What is the sugar frosting goes? Technically Egg white has no taste. I don't really know where the sugar frosting goes. Mathrew Movie saying the necklace like the commerical term, the frosting, my first time learning that word.
Frosting...probably just one of those topping reason, you check the Google Image.
So being with the guy's schedule would be home, outing grocery store, the weekend on the small farmer's market. If that is what he does. He might go to work, and I stay home. Still home. Washing, cleaning or laundry. Sometimes the bed sheet, the pillow case. Two people doing that jobs its easier.
They speaking Irish, probably just means Greek.
I have an impression their National policy required them to learn English too similar to Taiwan. know Taiwan College above, all the textbook are in English.
You girls don't think like me, MONEY if you have to stare at the wall for 20 years, you doing that nothing but the money to pay the bill? Be more eduated?
What if in 20 years, NEW possibility might be real? What you gonna do that time?
Earth has no IQ, people so cared about the romance games, you can easily seize all the knowledge from ONE Library, whichever you could "get one book." - Some world don't have a book, or a printing technology. Learning curves are not on the human merits?
Meaning to all those higher worlds, you can invent invent invent, discover, create here on Earth, making such Vola world because everyone is low in IQ?
I am not in any envrionment other than my PC and the Wall. You know how long its 10 years pass and gone? A kid grown up.
Why would a guy or a man adopt a kid? Sometimes initially were not their will. Most guys will tell you that. If I live for a looooooong time, might. I am a blonde girl, I used to think I am the Asian girl or not thinking about a lot of the White Race. Meaning when I got to America, I don't just pretend I am the white race, you never think one of those my grown up life? That is not a decent things to do.
Those contradicted life.
Let's say because later after my first long relationship and I heard so much things about he says....I still think sometimes you ask a guy before you trying to do that. Especially I arrive to the leadership. That kind of the culture, let's say the eternal life, its whole Earth going in, what you gonna do? You for sure still have to live and bind, and ASK first.
Its not a really free life you do what you want.
If you girls want to go on to every boyband, or the girls group, you go to the main singer. That will be supposed to...why they have a band for. Shane is a strong voice in that leading position, meaning he has what it takes to be in that, of course.
So for Backstreet Boy, I think its Brian? You all can try on them, or Nick in 98 Degree, or the some younger faces, if you girls have the money. I think you talk to them starting with the money.
D.C thing, its D.C things when they....whom are the leadership groups of people show up. In the guy's world, they have one of those whom take in charge, how to run that stuffs within them. I have no idea what that is in NSYNC, Justin were the youngest?
So I know for sure, I will tell you its the Westlife. That I can visiblely see. My club I used to be at. You talking about the choreography, that is the Captain decides, I am serious think. But okay, if they say Nicky, I go along with it. But I still have to talk to Shane.
In Washington D. C, you can see a lot of this JC Chasez be around this Sorority, he was near White House. So let's say me and Shane go to this One Direction table manner. We get a few girls leadership on the table to train them talking. The Youth girls. I don't care about it, but these guys so many guys around, they gonna get old another 20 years, just not right now. If they are family business, if they adopt a kid, if they are married, or divorced, or gf, 1 2 day, those girls are nice to hang around, training them more in the leadership.
I don't have those judgemental sense, you all hate every girl near by you. Those youth I mean training them, provide them some guideline. If I am with the guy, or not with the guy, they the girl have to emulate that. Meaning...copy and paste it.
I think a lot of the guys have a lot of the options okay? When they are bored, and when they are motivated by some belief in life, that is inside your movie, the muscle guy and a girl kid? Adoption?!
I guess some people doing that, and some other family needs a baby sitting that one afternoon, you know what I mean? Some people with some money, they talking in between each other, when they are all genuine people all around.
I have no idea what's going on really.
You don't go and stop the guys for living his life? I am not really jealous, I cannot wait to get rid of.....whatever things. Sometimes its one extra person help in. Some food, some talk, some guides. Everyone when they growing up, they will forget some of the past, whatever they remembered.
Some people's life only need that tiny bit, to fill up that blank in life, sometimes they don't even need to remember of it. You wishing them well, you wishing them better. Isn't that your Christian doctrine. I am just saying some of you girls cannot wait to get in between a family structure at your age, its EVERYWHERE, the girls got taken, the women got book and date.
Your e-harmony.
They can just go on there, to find 250 girls profile. Feel it.....
They always doing things = I have no money, so I have to deliver every jobs...that is what they make themselves God, not Shane, really.
They are like that.
Well, all these boybands they have to come to term, because some might have some charity, or what things they going in the band, I always thought its the main singer. They are the celebrity loves the profanity in their country life.
I have to maid in Washington D. C. til when I seeing the sunlight day time. Every street every blocks what they built things in there. They don't think that is something wrong here in Taiwan, or they do on purpose for me to see it? I always got confused, it the human right they say, or the ....Lake house movie telling me the Truth.
Show me the meaning how to be lonely? Every street blocks of the road, design, store name, or things in it? And becoming?
Do you know what it is like you alone, outside that APO, outside that Dr. T's office, no more Honor Program everyone hates you competiting each other inside? Outside CAC, you one person alone without your daddy or mommy to?
Get your points in life, meaning finding a job, and go home cry about it, if you keep your room for now? I lost my room 20 years ago? Not even one thing left behind. I didn't bring the comic book to the School. Volleyball High School I already left everything to the middle school.
You cannot breath in life without certain novel or the books? You laying on the bed, to read that book in the very dark dim light, with your eye glasses on, the words, or image? Meaning your parents home, or they are not home? You love that life?
So you done once or twice, to breath a little bit about your original self, really?
If you go to that Washington D.C, I still have to touch every wall to make a living, when they gonna give me money, that is one thing I didn't tell Shane? He and me might have to foster some dinner people together, or separate? What if? Because we are not having any...power into there, but we sit in there for some reason. He has Westlife, they live in Ireland. Me will be soft jail over there in the middle of it. I guess...
I have no idea what is the politics, or the things they are talking about the half of the stuffs, and I gonna be there doing what? Doing nothing but visiting the museum, eating, watching the street, listening where their building having a flyer to talk, or seeing things all around. Being jail inside the Washington D.C, til your City Wall marvelous they imagine they plan that, or they thought about that.
I tell them to go to sleep.
Its very late over there.
I ask them a few things.
If you like the choreography, you can just tell Nicky from Westlife. Their video show up on the right hand side, you like their choreography.
🍑🍑🍑 I think I might end up Washington D.C earlier than any of you UB. You keep this local how argument suppose to be written with your brain really....🍑🍑🍑
I just saw the news, so I think what do they say. I taken everything personal?
Yeah I am busy. I told Westlife already. Nicky he is the one does those Ireland...near by all around, so I am talking to him and Shane. I told them I have my things to do. As for how soon I ending up in the Washington D.C. Yeah, that is the conversation not in Ireland. We have to live in the D.C...I have that hunch long time ago, but I didn't need to think about it?
🍑🍑🍑 Because...
🍑🍑🍑 It happens didn't just in the military itself ....
🍑🍑🍑 Every Future "what if" ....
I need to wait for a month. All of them are on that Tape Water Factory whatever on their all cosmetic counter Top. Starting that Shane to Brian to... Ronan.
Nicky I cannot see. The other side of the Backstreet Boy, yeah, that Brian too.
They are the barbarian human or the spoiled rats.
You pine on the singing, or you pine at Shane? ! Now I am at Nicky ....Really.
I just read that Silicon Valley a month ago on Brian? The comic book drawing, I have no idea. You like them, or you wishing them? And on your desk? Where is your other groups band, the solo artists?
You gonna saying you don't have what you used to be, made of you in the Past?
💝 You could be more princess if you return to this Earth and elevate the humanity like any of this religion says. 💝 Earth will give you more attitude to say....unleash to your parents anything you ever wanted.
Over there, its a Universal belief, even in the laws legal methods accordance. "When the universal truth known the traffic light its red or green." - those only on the money monitization how many zero on the money count, to the laws and math, and business....
The power plant workers, its too little to describe?
Talk maturity, talking and standing like you should. Not lumpy your back, sitting on the computer included. you all be very baby at from your parents, meaning you will clash with the personality in those higher literacy younger or older manager, just like if right now, you trying to go to Mc Donald.
You finding their age is getting younger and younger, those people's look or the farmility or keep a job, get a job even in Mc Donald. Their laws are very very stern, VERY including those high tech manufacturing process. There is casualty, you could stay away from the most people, and lock up those Toronto high rise. Its a very cold mentality, because only the rich wealthy can afford the indulgence of the food, and they are. The guys or the girls.
They are so educated, their mouthful jobs are nothing but argumentative.
Otter - Ma Ko
ITS REALLY just copy and paste from the www URL from that context, you put inside your printing documents, in case.....the court room drama, every shows up? Including the day if Jury, or unexpected things, you alawys shuffle inside your yellow folder.
You trying to say how far your education coming back, were not a waste land far away....Right? How far you willing to travel....back, the reason to that "danger and harsh, a past of the shame, the past of regrets."
Let's say change this image to....
Even just one second, that one guy raise up his head, and say "Good. Put there."
You never realize, the military iconic like Ancient Chasez story Sleeping Beauty Castle story to be true, how beautiful that person truely is and majesty. One of the irony reason....from the Past to ignite the Future. You knew it that is impossible, but the sphere of the whole worlds, you wish there is one word from that gesture.
You have never met someone in that dedication offering time, what is the military iconic with reverence to all citizen of that Sphere planets, that God splenish them with food, climate, and business. Of course you don't want to return back.
Its just a piece of paper. Someone willing to travel far...what the hell of the rulership the military iconic he becomes. Every story you recognize. The pile of that stuffs he waves at.
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The group activities right now in front of you, these are the people.
Tell me about the Death says in the Harry Potter? You about to abused every court resources to
1) Murder the Judge Every Age, Every Era, Every Crime by pass so you can have a Title.
2) In the future Set Train, you coming back asking for more, "Swift and Flip", where the Earth didn't change a bit improvement, becasue you don't really need to stay behind, other than modified a legal paper.
3) That is spelling how special you really are, or willing to-be.
4) You have no choice. The humanity or the Judge are not the human, none human has the humane choices, because of you. That is what you are saying.
5) Why don't you saying the full of yourself right now? How the Earth define below the Astral?
How these 5 Lords truely means to you. You cannot get them, but you wish they looking upon you with some special eyes, even that time. You will agree the Title and the personality, has nothing co-relation, so that Earth Church and State separate in England Henry VII? You will admit to the court,
"That is correct. It should. Its true. The church and the state needed to separated. Its not inside the people's freedom mind to be bind less than that discipline or the freedom to freely evolved, its just by the choice of the upset family statue, or the color race, every hollywood purchasing products or commodity its the low humanity reason, I myself personally getting out of the sphere. There is nothing worth to say here, or there. But I admits I will be more superior for I have a background and you didn't carefully read that through that time or helping me this one piece of paper I am coming back to get. Its just one witness account. To the money or the power you truely have, that no one knows in that UB group activities she blinds all sight, none of you the Power Structure she indicates willing to do anything, so that my tiny background through the country past, were a shame of my years to ran thin, including to the boys. Those things do mean to me, at least as my youth evolution time, to disguise or to emballish your current Earth Statue in that democracy, that time, that hour, that event, I was wrong. "