The Chapter 2 - The City Development

The higher ground looking it down, a cloud descend on the University building inside the windows, on that side of the seeing internal, the instructional class on the chalk board.

"The importance of the history of the Past, the Creator given you the river of life that provides you the fresh water and the strategic location for the tribes to form and in the seasonal migration they arrive. Therefore, there is the economic establishment since the Ages time ago, at the intersection of the road and water and air travel, such as the piers like in New York City.

Their division of that tax is different when the state and the City life people paying the toll truck and the toll booth that jam up lifestyle busy in the early morning traffic. In this junction of life, there is the international travel that arriving from the ferry such as the big ship in the beginning of the 20th century, they are known as the 1910, or one of those 1912 the Titanic event. Similar to the film maker they made that movie in the end of the 20th century, called Titanic describing a lover's tale. 

The prosperity of the city development its going along with the economic structure, that one day that Niagara Falls project since 1893 the White City Chicago Expo, brings as far as these 8 hours to the New York City, one of the nearest metropolitan their population growth on the statistic since the end of the 19th century, these water falls electric power, with the wiring process tower, today its the physical wire mechanics brings that usage of the electricity to the New York City. "Let it be the light", the Bible God spoken about.

That economic development since then in the end of the 19th century, it was the technology heighten that brought out the most of the immigration and the immigration laws that increase the air travels to reaching all this ports, including the nearby Toronto, Canada.  Both the city life such as the New York City and the Toronto City design are based upon the economic factor, let along the growth of the population and input in the city life where people seeking the various jobs. No one will ask you where these electricity comes from, because in that Age, in that time, in that period of every 20 years, their small e-commence structure of the business can only go to the extent to reach about where this New York City to Europe, they often travel to the international flight, including today we have the currency exchange time zone such as the Wall Street.

The mass distribution of the technology development is only very limited to a few hands, never those you saying if that is the governmental agreement to then those are very few people if these regulation or the genius reach bar of the profit, its evaluated by the money digits sign, or the company that allows those technology swiftly spread to access to all walks of life. This is what we known since the end of the 19th century between that 1893 starting that heart on fire, as the DC or the AC war after and in the century down, rarely anyone zealously required to know, or to learn about....just how the moving truck on that local very distant far to reaching a city planning where the new economic development took place. Because most people live in the one single apartment, those bank transaction to the amusement park and the local science museum, those professional attire and social meeting has becoming and evolving to that central dictatorship on the monitization its toward more of the personal choice in that living standard and the living envrionment. The big company those pay by the monthly or the yearly bonus in the annual year of the gala or you shall say the congregation of the central power, these political digits and the political movement do not exceeding anything else extra than the people's belief. You talking about the millions people in every metropolitan life, not just a few elites high education will derive the merits from the Past......."


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