Lawsuit 622: In the Tenure using of this Public Media including www portal site and Google, Youtube / Apple / Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest and Facebook (more than once)

Date: May 26th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Both the internet usage, the 4 point frames refers to our time as stabilizing our character without the magic through TV, Movie, Cinema, all stories that taken our too sorrowful life to all those equal to the regular citizen day-to-day their sad life.

Background: Many people in our society has a more negative tendency, including thinking something more than 100x worse, or 10x worse, or delicate that fear if we are the real democracy world such as Taiwan I say we are, but coming to America to learning that Black Ops, or the Classify materials, such as David Wilcock, Bill (Project Camelot, to later with Kerry, Bill's Avalon, or Inelia Benz), these types of the materials makes me wither a lot. The background story of this were that we have the surging use of the Internet since 2003, as soon as my university at UB (Buffalo, New York), our classroom that time, we have heard a millionair tale from the Facebook. He is younger than me one year. Later a lot of this Internet are a free access to my reading, including the Law of One, New Age, and Barns & Nobles for my PCAT supplementary. I didn't go to Kaplan, which is in UB Commons. We have more of the ebay, or the, not really this much of the Amazon in our current time 2023 we know of. 

One day I got into a whole like hell loosen psychi space all this ability comes at 2014. I didn't have a lot of the dreams, or psychi anything in my intention, in my belief system, in my practical aspect in life, until that one year. It was very very very excuiating to me that one year over my head like a circle on top of my head, such as Supreme Master Ching Hai OU language. Its literally one full year.  Therefore in 10 years, my ability are heighten to today where everything so far with 621 lawsuit in front of this one. Today I want to file under this Public media usage, for some of my past classmate are still alive, we are about 40 years old (38, 39 age ) crossing a lot of our life choices in the last 10 years. We all got separated, we all don't have that much of the communication other than I occasionally dropping everything everywhere, that is in our lawsuit long title, all those social media usage. You can calling forward this witness if they did "see", "capable to recieve" a free zone they claim that is a democracy world, that no one got shut down the internet over www, if there is profile stands in that social media, it was a real opening viewing, navigating, so they can behind to contact the police. 

That entire process I think a lot of them forgotton, it was a free choice. From my side of point of view, it is not so evidently clear, but I can see sometimes something coming in, that communication and my "wave of ability" I can sense, its too overwhelming, so I stay online. Other than every other excuse, I can sense the wave since the day I starting this Organic Chemistry tutoring site, I gone to UB NSC to advertising my site on the chalk board. 

When you saying how things becoming a national, or the international people to see, or access, not exactly the statistic are blank to me, but there are wave, so I stay open and question and answer included. That is what really happened to me.

Now I will turn my table to this beginning of the Opening Era (The Digital Era) floor to all my classmate that we used to know each other through my own facebook. I didn't really go to any of their facebook anymore. Not in the direct communication. Not really. But I find them in the end of 8 or 9 years separately. I contact them, not I really knowing they receive those message, but if they are, they can be called forward this time, if that every communication are sent through and being clearly see, that they know those message are real from me. This is one of the things everyone will not sure, if they themselves switch to my position. I don't really know whom are the field agent, no, I just directly message, and calling them on the www blogger format. My website its at Google Blogger. Its a free service. 

These are one of the discussion I put on my facebook to some people whom we all are processing our brain how to write a better lawsuit. 


A lot of people doing things very very exaggerating in their country, those mud and the wall where you don’t use your hand finger nail or toe nails soak in that kinda of the mud, any those looking. If you present yourself uncivilized - anything that Eben Pagan doesn’t like, he is like that. He just tells you no, he is in that New Yorker city life. There can be any reason he says no but I personally tell you, there are a certain outfit, Metropolitans represent and you insist the life towards China Japan this side - it will sound a lot more you understand someone else had the statistic.

Things going through your nail and the toe foot nails. That kinda of environment, you never never touch this flies around, smell around, uncultivated land. The reason you have a public drinking water, the city builder, the public sewing system and the pipeline building permit included - its you never venture outside like those !!!

💝🥖 Do you like the guys very direct to you ?
Meaning the entire culture upbeat, not dull? Do you like the guys have a groups of middle school or the high school kids, like you see some Japanese cartoon?
And their literacy are high ?
They being somewhat real like Revolution Girl ?
🍤🦅 When someone knew someone does things on purpose through that TV or movies - the last thing you can assure it’s by Love.
I love you that means.
You be with enough the guys in the science or pre-major. You tell me.

I keep saying that very very clearly. “It’s not the first time they doing this not even your own land neither right now on the map. You all located - you suppose inquisitive this one thing with them on the educator parts.”

What was I say lawsuit 275?
The ending of this ? “When the matter of life and death be seen as the first immediate point ...”

When you try to get your own point, not everything in the process done. That’s Tony.
His position - undress yourself number 1.

I have things to do, I don’t want to talk about these trivial things anymore.

You can only set your own target to grab “one guy” thing. It will never be that Nick’s son. But when you saying Zawanna... there is something between that veil you didn’t even see clear what he meant to say you are so delicate to push forward. Under those military WWII term, your country it’s the defeated communism past Poland or today America to any of them. You better bow, kneel, flat I say.

As a guy, it will be the most humiliating to see that the girl such as what he meant to say ... no one will fight with you that role. Your target it’s Dr T, I already say.
Whom don’t have a dignity for doing what claim ....

So outrageous to the out-loud cry the cat or Wolfe ... what was it the Color of Wind - Disney
Not princess. Primordial.
Adam Davis email is with wolf in it ... Hotmail.
Hot meal. You deserve it.

Sorry, wrong song. I just didn’t use the microphone to sing at it to 10 worlds. 

You say ... if I took the option as “the monitor serves as the public announcement board, from Anna’s online platform I didn’t have this withering uncivilized feeling why I cannot receive an instruction like someone types out of her face without the compensation in the people in such doing, I by pass a certain uncivilized quality just need to finish my MCAT and the class GPA, that’s more than some graduate degree really considering that lower degree communication Major was similar to high school without Eben Pagan - my mind it’s less that complicated I guess in the discipleship !”


“The compensation it’s you did that right to us the public media overall with a plan or with an excuse. In your own planet that public media - you probably forgotten which age you were to becoming a target at what relative time and space on our evolution class, you saying things to outcast in our time. We can just have enough compensation to live BBQ life in the wood vocation cabin thinking through life - that’s what we are told. “

“I didn’t get on the internet but some of my classmate might already did, we use her Facebook. Some guys some girls or parents if they have this google blogger label dates to their first post, I think they can all get compensation to fighting against the 194 in UN. I don’t know whom they are or what they started.”

Sometime you have some girlfriends around you, when you talk about the relationship with the guys, and those girls such as Dean's every past gf will tell you, "Don't try to control a guy", or like Keanu Reeves, just leave him alone 10 long wildness years, and occassionally you remember him, but not to putting him as a main point. He is an Asian, more shy in that business, more against him all around, he likes the white girls, but they are aging. Sometimes there is a between, he should be apologizing, but he is a tall older guy now in our world. If his time span of that evolution, all his friends or near by are forever youth, he won't need to bend that low in his current Time (or Space one day). He never thinks of the outside space to be this very immediate in front of him, or else in his whole life, he might done something a little bit different. That is a lot of them will tell you that, and especially "The One.". Your job its to just write it for the guys. They are not very literate on the chair "to write" about their feeling or anything more civilized.

I can file something on my side ...all of you just need to link back that one Mike or whomever smaller groups, to the end with all lawyers that leading back to this lawsuit.


A lot of reasons why me will never get a job, if I surpass that Online internet protocol all by myself starting in 2014. Because that was SMCH wish "World Peace", because it was her assignment but she got it wrong, "Legally Blonde 2", I say that on the Facebook Kenshine all cooking food pages, that time Facebook still have this "page functions." - I told people behind in my phone, and I erase all of them, or until 2017, I have a sim card in that Microsoft phone acquired in the Silicon Valley 2016 Jun.

Her argument was not on the pet glooming service whether their gender issue to the love its in the gay session. Her propelling all pile-ing up works were just slightly off that 2015, I had seize that attention in 2014, and now its 2023. Sometimes you saying the merits only lasting til that crucial moment, and there was nothing got done.

She waste her efforts, I cannot get anything through 2015 winter.

There is a lot of things happened in this 10 years. When they finalize their hellsih or be told individually, whether that is the forever or eternal hell, that the court might just be the middle man, saying "between the humanity and the public media the whole wide world population ought to be evidently sad and permissive over the money issue."

And all those sustain this claim reason, this file lawsuit statues will be eternal.

Every youth they use it for the money reason, so there is a case eternal reason. For the money, that is when people get up, never Heaven or Hell.

When people gang up and kidnap people by that sense whom had a belief, so there is a Title in Flower Thousand Bonees. Its not just a merely hell burn sulfuric acid jealousy people meant to tell them, they were the victim of the public media, their evolution at this Bible End time, its to hell, but they meant its the compensation. Maybe they should get both. + some of this guys' attention.

Money, Fame, Love and Justice. 

When I claim this 194 Music, Commander-in-chef (2021 2022, 2023 ----) , it was right at the Start 2014 ( OU Language these movies on the monitor I saying things right at the public site, so everyone 194 countries in UN if were told, everyone delicate to put their own efforts in. I assuming that, not that I am very sure about the public media portal through www. A lot a lot of the fear from the Greys starting at Pane Andov materials that will be 2011 before 2012.), 

None of anyone including Obama has 10 rudimentary subjects, to how later someone recording all this will tell you, what I really lightly modesty says. It was always the 10 rudimentary subjects starting from the beginning, no one delivers a transcript, I cannot GOT OFF the works 9 to 10 oclock at night, not 9 - 5. 

These free zone workers, you can label them as...

194 countries UN + none member countries Pixie (The border all line to public transportation, the rail road or the high way line right on their map)



SWAT team

I tell you a tale for the System Domino this lawsuit came across, I got thrown to this Worldly event to end up in Taiwan, it was 194 countries flag sports arena in Taiwan 2017 August before my brother's birthday (Flower Thousand Bone has a say that date or one month), I sit in those tormenting state, Babaji made me so worse at OP, so I sit down on the first person in the line to wait to get out of the door. He makes me soooooooo dizzy. Its someone counting the number, then there is no me head count, I wasn't standing it up. It was very very very dizzy and torture in there, myself. I remember it very badly. I am NOT supposed to be in there.

That System 2 circle will end up to "either or," "Neither or" or "Neither nor".

Because of the Flower Thousand Bone records.

So they called, I gone to this whichever they keep insulting me on the pamphlet, I went to the workshop, for the art drawing mental people. Its actually a VERY skillful drawing. I look at them....

Tell me how I did get out of it, I went to the metro, I ask the girl, does this place exist, because of the station name. She says, "It doesn't exist." I get off the next workshop by forcing my way right in the middle of that entire classroom watching. I left. 

You know what happened inside that lecture that teacher says "Line, dot, triangle"? Its hanging in front of my face, that front window. I turn around the whole class, no one head is up, and the teacher its tooo busy teaching. There are people living in a life right at their eyes peripheral on the desk other than raise up on their head, or meeting me at my eye sight at least.


I cannot tell you how many things like those sort for me to vent. Really.

The Royal Agenda crisis happening in our time

I personally don't know how far this 1789, July 4th things going on lasting, but here is what happened in my time, I suggested or you say "I predict" over my ability wise thinking, that is I am not sure the real file-ing procedure, in the legal court. I assuming you sort those files first, and then you getting someone to agree with you, so you have a case, or you will have a hearing. That is what I think. I personally haven't had a defendant on my lawsuit this far cases, other than my own plaintiff= my own name to trying to get to the court.


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