Babaji: Go
Ep 33 - Contribution (The future) TRUE!
All those invention or the special field of any Ph.D I think thesis will be considering to the development of how the technology comes to a practical use and gains the respect !!!
Being dignify respected.
Maybe not really shown in the TV here. And when you are being respected, you will drawn some people towards you. That is what they are saying I think. The love, the respects.
I would say technically right now right outside its very hostile, including about a month ago, I say you all switch your own physics NASA and Medical Anatomy to those outside and Greys. Did I say that? Where I am?
I think it didn't change.
That's WHY?!
How am I going to solve it? Hey, I don't think that is my story. That is their story? Are they adopted kids? They look alike? Whom is their Sensai? Its one of those Japanese swordsman Sensai? Lee? There is a Lee there?
Westlife - Acoustic(Why do I love you-Swear it again)(part2)
I keep doing that, you are not tired of just looking at it?!
Ep 37 - how to fill a form in the hospital, how to find the assistant living for the elder, your parents, or talk to them nicely. Talk to the doctor, talking to the nurse, the package they have.
Just throw them in there?!
How to fill in the address, the form, asking the Doctors about the health indicator. You bring some food, buying some warm soup watching over them. Teaching them about life and death. Talking to them about what they firmly believe, the Bible, the verse, slowly reading to them.
Its not limited to Robotic, or MD field saying Ph.D a research specifically field. Like I Ching? That is far away Future I think. Not right now. Far far far far far away.....I cannot even relate to you why my reality its more of the gloomy and despair than imagine the future, how I ever feel.
My career ...I think they already decide for me. But I cannot get rid of my darkness gloomy and despair really ~~~~ Its Medical field related. It may not have to be the Earth preservation CAC those or the heritage center smokey ash smokey, and certainly they never say this saving the Black Ops, and desperation and despair out of somewhere the Universe, nothing but me saving this how long the miles getting to travel.
上面的影片是說有人,我說人生不需要這麼緊張,可以去玩水呀 ! 海灘,有些人做寫法律這種訴訟的東西,寫不完,我沒有說真的去華盛頓,準備好在以為吧 !
但是這個影片有一部分是在講 Hailey 他們包括他弟弟應該是要去做,真正的 missionary (Church 相關的 )叫做 ...你們啟島燒香拜佛講經的那種,超渡眾生緣的那種,那是講佛教,他們是他們的那個門派,可能還在等他們的未來決定,人為什麼要相信那種事情呢? 我覺得是他們的爸相信才會在那種教理裡面,現在很多小孩不相信那種叫做,巴巴基講的那種 Service to Humanity.
清心、清欲、算了~鳥很吵 ! 他們不知道在吵什麼!
I am looking this so unreal worlds sunshine and Fast information and upbeat life, happy, and sleek. We are slow, like parents they are dying out. You care for those senior care slowly.
And they will die.
So its the guy, so you attend them one by one.
But those worlds......beside I don't really know where I gonna end up after I die. Whomever could enter it, its all Efficient High Literacy, high stake of perfect your life standard, IQ, Star ligation or Galaxy console, meaning the alliance, or the ally, or some of all those talk.
.... why would they even bother telling me. I ending up anywhere but a classroom, a room, a studying room to aim high like a sunshine world.
How far I have to travel to this OU I thought ....
I really hate that kinds of life. Really.
Ep 36, I personally think Zawanna he writes the medical textbook or including the medical research Ph.D paper. I told you some can be a MD, Ph.D. Some people can arrive to those IQ.
But I told you in his own sunshine worlds, that is also not a normal thing. They like the Corperate books, or the sleek idea. That is probably still a very prosper for the family pride, or the big family business, or some grandpa and grand kid....people's general concept and through the TV, and through the social norm.
Ep 37:
I personally its a girl. I don't care about the guys thinking about me. Because one day that business might take off, but my SO SO SO traditional value how junks MY FATHER, DADDY so badly EVER in my ENTIRE elementary school life to MY ENTIRE life, it was those business up or down make the life SO horrific for my mother and some comfer, you saying Princess all Disney TV. Those ARE NOT REAL.
No, Zawanna its Earth preservation heavily on that side. Mask its for....more like me chemist on site human not breathing dust or ashes, anything....I feeling like very ashy to my nose.
He is Flower?! Meaning those alive things its part of him? However he sounds like to me. The preservation of the park, the forest, the land, the fall leaves / leafy, its part of the Earth maybe those hippi New Age included. But he is the Medical Side human to enter bare foot in the mud showing up at the small office sleek Medical Board liscence ...where is the Earth Preservation anything to do with the safety tank, he step into those Hailey's dad safety tank?
Coming out of it?
That is rather odd or new. What is the Earth preservation department has anything to do with the Medical on-site State liscence board? Its one of those Star Galaxy I told you just like our those darken floor carpet, those more relax chair, can bend behind shorter back, but white board? The standard of the small office, but its just one small office like 15 people those chair? You seen those silver metal, next by those not leather, what other options they have?
Its a relax office chair.
More like bending down, some design its not like that, in between that entire back. shorter.
Can I imagine, same human using the cup, using the mug, using the white marker board, and those small office its our standard size, not too huge? Exactly oval shape of the evolution desk?
its the fluorescence light, what the wonder things. Its cheap on their electricity? When his hair longer black, looks just like that Steve Jobs, longer hair imagine, coming out of this comic book teddy bear dirty. What is this Earth Preservation department anything to do with the Medical Board State / Star/ Galaxy their examination board, or the liscence board meeting room relation to?
Do I give you the wheel chair? They all using this exactly same Earth color of this office looking everywhere.
You mean, you remember this old guy long time ago....
Tell me with your eye glasses on, what did you see?
That video its a bit blurry. I don't think you realize its per breathing to hold on your life....seriously what kind of the life I am living in....Freedom!
You all very very rough, like swing your hand back, seriously when you are on your phone.
When you gone to American salon place, does they hold your head to more your jaw at the correct position inside that mirror, so they have a way to hold your head skull.
You feeling their finger tip not to poking you? Those small tiny thing? My guy last one doesn't have the hair, cannot touch it.
Tell me what you see, really.
A lot of this guys, they might be real inside a space they do fitness, I thought I seen that Nicky did that. How old are they again?
The entire guys' bracket all does the fitness? That is per muscle, per limbs, per degree 4 limbs, are only 4 kinds of the straight cannot possible don't know what you cannot see it.
What it means?
Do you ever caress your own faces? The hair line between the forehead to the hair? So you ever been to the hair washing places, you brush your own hair? Sailor Venus and Sailor Moon?
You never massage your own head, caress your own jaw, or face line, to the ear, and behind?
📲🍒 No, I don't need the eye glasses or a lot of light, I have the make-up desk that light on. I can see how I get up or laying it down. 📲🍒
You know that Two Weeks Notice, leaking the envelope?
You literally showing a person next by you a guy or your parents, something you all touching each other these finger, knuckle, or turn his face up or down those love touch the human parts for whichever reason?
Want to learn this torso body, or whatever torc of your arm sitting position inside your own office chair, you sit straight up back and two arm horizontal, opening up your palm turn that arm inside staying straight. That is per muscle, that one human in front of you....
How I make you feel !!!
You are all sitting in the hospital chair waiting....You and your parents are close.
You know I laying down and getting up out of my tiny bed...small ...I have a pillow long and those side put the bedding to cover me.
How do you laying your head down on the pillow?
Literally drop your body weight? You got a sandle? Or your socks walking all over the house to be on the bed? How exactly you doing that? Drop yourself on the bed, or the couch, let me imagine that NASA guy has a couch to sleep on it....
You bring your phone to the bed, so you watching yourself, or the phone? IPhone, too big or normal phone? Talking to? Let me imagine how much I care about my phone in my head if just calling at it.....its one buttom click.
I get up and I type. Including sit up from the bed.
I literally probably thousand times on getting up laying it down...with or without a phone.
💝 Its best you go and talk to someone "you really really want to be that Tina Jojo Torus in the TV with Simon" never turn her head back to the family, and live in the glory, and luxury. Holding hands eye sight never look back.💝
Talk to someone, you really really really wish that life. You feeling so much better now.
Seriously. For example you want to gossip a friend of you might be getting together with so and so, and every time you looking at the couple walking on the street, or someone they all having the TV wife, how much cared that they look to you, you wish you yourself are like. And when the TV material comes, you really really really seeing you inside those frame. You wish that life badly, anyway to get that?
You talk to Psychiatrist.
You say you being very very very very good, really calm and nice person about it. The man doesn't chase behind, a friend told you he doesn't even know about it. Most man doesn't perceive those relationship like that.
Then you say, "In What way, they think of it?"
"I don't really have a goal in life, or I did working out some life goal, not the exactly the oriented philosophy, i will describe myself groofy, silly, and sometimes being laughing at my lips of the tips to say I reading a book of a tip or two, I becoming the character of my own imagination. A friend told me to tell you that, what you think of me?"
"You need to give me about a rating from Zero or the minus 10 to 80 out of 100.
When I told you a written description that a friend wrote me to read it to you, I need a number here, when you seeing me, seeing the way I talk, to really being a guy or a man saying, you first impression of this reality check. I always think she lies to me.
She says its the guys lie. "
📲📲 I personally would suggest you go with your parents to the hospital, the way you all are....very inexperience to this medical facility transpassing the building. 📲📲
You learn about the price, and showing up in the clinic, and hospital with one person near you. Me and my mother takes me to do this surgical works. These things don't usually happen in my life. My hand was for a long time.
And you shape up your profession to talk less fear to your parents how you handle your money and the future. I personally not sure how clear you are doing your own toe, your nail, that is 10 each upper and below.
As the girl, the boys they live in those public toilet confess they will smell.
The girl like we are the AI toiletry I had we have the warm water setting. My brother in America not those pipe line, its cold. For the girl to washing that below, its pee smell and the toilet smell. I sometimes going in the bath tubes to re-washing the entire pelvic below. Because the under pants have to keep changing it. I don't care about it. I drink too much of the water and holding it too long.
Now, we Taiwan has this investing parts of the medical care. They have. I read about it.
If you sustain yourself and your parents, you teaching them the language, the life to be dead soon included.....your parents are the one does your nail, your food, your ear, or your body wash, the most patience that person.
I saying that goodbye was loooong time ago.
I process my own toe and nail, or you want to tell me you don't know how to cut your own hand nails?
The toe I starting to apply this iodine, but I washing the sandle with the alcohol and the alcohol wipe. That makes me very very busy indoor, inside my bathroom, I really really really really really cared about it. Including how far to washing that toilet. Its a spray, so after pee, flush, close the lid, one motion.
You washing your hand 5 second dry, grab that Magic Detergent spray the base of the toilet.
I am telling you.....
I just have to keep doing what I believe.
If CAT scan doesn't have anything, you are fine. The MD will see something if you band your head very very often and very hard at your steering wheel. Some people really to be this...silly.
Inside the car.
You could just ask the movie those insurance to your physical body being affected and damaged. Those are part of the Wind, windy, you lost your body momentum.
I don't really have those things. Some strange things happened, yeah, but not that often.
This close....
At your head. Its made of the skull, yeah!
There is a difference between, "You are eating at your side of the Table" (it is in English saying, not Japanese). Do you wish to boil those stuffs and eat in the warm plate, not the cold shower on the porch? Treating you like a civilized making a claim otter? I lit the fire, I am a chemist by essence. You know how to tell him "boil" the stuffs for you?
🍒🥘 I personally feeling like I am back to my middle school, processing all this logic stuffs, and its in English.... 🍒🥘 I don't do those what I used to be walking UB 4 block times, you saying I give you all a sheet.
You don't really need to finding the match maker, but that supports are there.
You can think about
Picnic in the park
Camping as the family of 4, there are the camping gear, BBQ fire stove, the purchase.
The SUV has the camping tent if you get the kids.
As the family to family, you invite the friends social events on the weekend.
You outing to drive somewhere like a cottage, or near the river bank.
Like Sakura Clear Cards they going on the tour in the temple or somewhere they go as a group, it does not need to be UB, or anything you knew right now. Just the one agrees with you are fine. You getting some money, or you speak out loud, seeing whom they extent those help, then you do what you want.
Let's say you visiting your grand parents, or the uncle and the aunt.
Some has this family outting ABC between the younger couple, playing the video games and the poker cards.
Some have this family eating out, its indoor, but its on their porch, somewhere you eating the afternoon and they prepare food for each other. Some girls and some guys drinking party included.
Some of the TV you all hating toward each other, just drop it. Leave, just go to your current happy groups and you don't really need to use my sheet anymore after 4 days, not 1 week. I personally don't care about one thing I ever teach you.
The Black Ops its not a day-to-day word you keep that in your mind or your brain. You can just forget all the American Classify nature of anything behind, in front or on that Project Camelot, the Mass people are in the slow motion everyone knows that.
They have the examination and the height to the brain IQ does not be dead on drunk or waste lilfe in the drugs. They have a duty to that National Flag they ought to question themselves what they really doing in life, any nature to the external factor, they might just retired early.
The English writing, the formation of your own language proficiency, how to carrying a Corperation Style conversation including how you making your own money. On this one planet, you will have those circle of people existing, I just haven't seen a real human to tell you how much I care about it. You have money then you learn about charity, you learn about your ways to the investment or anything...for example, some people driven by their own charity by buying a set of towel, I might be just the public hygenic high pressure volumn water to disinfect the entire ground and fence, just the odor smell, because that is the Hunger Game looking like TO MY TASTE.
Its not the police. ITS MY NATURE to clean clean clean clean clean.
So that's say that SMTV you used to watch you can just drop it. In one book, one any bar code of that governmental ladder, you can learn a lot about anything pushing your money or driven things to do.
Whichever for the tax reason.
Some are the Earth preservation service. That major and the chemistry are utterly different I think. I am the synthetical bio things in it to smell....decay. Not clothing that raini dew drops and fallen out of my body sleek line.
The polyester.
I wish you all the best luck in your money pursue including to the court room. You all starting at the local court.
😍 I personally think....if the Open Galaxy this ONE day facing them all scenario will going through the Court paper and these Classify America, beside to speaking in English, you finding the guys even in Taiwan, you never leave find those leadership position, better.
But we might never Open World, so....its not as important and as urgent. You all having this going on a date and finding out the each other's interests. You will need the leadership or you yourself becoming the leadership more in every aspect of training yourself to face a lot of the situation, including managing the people at the stake. Most, its the money.
Let's say the leadership don't usually get jealous having people coming in the 5 Star Hotel Venue those food on the table cloth. Or if you are as a girl, you getting near those leadership guy. Like Carol with that ex Ph.D student in UB. I think both of them might be holding the position when they first met. I think they were.
That is what I think....including that short hair women next to my Dad. he has a nickname.
You need to know how to process the paperworks, IT somewhat oriented, speaking the English, presenting yourself on the microphone like a 2 mins talk in the public, or the group of the people.
Someone missing, a temporary hold of that microphone?
The literacy, the profession attire, for you all whichever major to say Law...well, I can personally tell you this case to this SMCH, within her internal organization, that is not what they telling her.
I = one person, she sorting their loyalty first.
I will tell you my side would be, the Spiritual group in the Universe speaking, you need to make money to sound like you getting into those conversation. On Earth probably it doesn't look like that, outside will look a million times worse. Its all by the Corperation Money. You either understand that, and get up with the full speed forces. There is no other way out.
There is a difference between she is the evidence or she is finding the evidence (Today CNN)
There is a different of that Wang Professor or King Professor to that Business Dynasty King, for saying Full of the lawyer groups not the loyal groups, the capital one credit cards?
The full professor, I think that is where the Biden was the associate professor.
When you saying the full professor to the legal experty the full scope of the teams lawyers, not teens.
Someone is doing it on purpose.
Ep 29 - 我自己洽詢王教授 (但是這邊是姓王),是台大教授 ! (這整個情節是講商鞅 2013 的那個 37 /2014) 那個電影叫做 妲己的姊妹 Some Kinds of Beautiful 是我自己找王教授~所以結尾。
17:22 or 16:00 starting the cheek?
I personally dressing one of those Net human near by that A 11. Some shopping mall all those I could see in one frame, I think some guys can see them too. Every expense of those clothing, the purses, or the shoes. I still don't have one dress last time those Brian human processing his Tonight, I got mix up telling Ronan, remember? That was in Feb. Before I was talking to Mark figuring it out....what\s wrong with them Westlife.
I only care about the stuffs I already say, everything else I really don't care about it. You all true love to which degree and your parents are dying, things don't always go well in life, really. I speak my side of the English, even I hire ANYONE I still have to process all things personally myself right there, seeing, listening and hearing.
I am not like any of you doing things. Not even that SMCH little nun I have anything to say, her occupation its a nurse. Everyone knows what that means here.
No, this entire episode 這整個情節是在講 ....那個女的做那種 37 2013 商鞅的事情,這電影裡面妲己姊妹住地落地窗 ! 王教授會聽懂得,整個教授不是律師而已 !,在講個什麼 !
This entire things (I add the blogger post title here)
I am the one personally find this Wang Professor ( Last name King, its the first University here ), that entire story plot its about Simon Past that 2013 someone 2014 /37 years old. That Movie: Some Kinds of the Beautiful (Here the interior Design) - the Fallen Window 落地窗 want to google it?
If I am personally processing this SMCH little nun stuffs.
If I am personally in person to this Wang Professor.
Its just me.
但是你們知道這故事的講過去是說,這個女的去幹嘛 ? 找證據
But you know what is this story passing by to say? This girl gone to? Find evidence
... ... 先問我覺得這是在講什麼
.... .... First asking me what I think this is saying what.
I personally don't think you all watching the TV for some stressing points / the important point to this Indian General 亞斯 (his name)
So there is an ending
That is the ending
What is this Westlife - I have a Dream?! oh ~the Wedding bride it the angel?
It must be that Peyton!
Its the playlist:
Its best you don't go near those political set up regime, the Washington D.C. Not on the personal relationship or anything I hear today. Go to England is fine, or unless this anything to do with that Hank?
Watch TV?! 亞洲男孩子
I live in my lab desk .....white robes with another technician, looking outside the door, we only had 2 desks.
That is an Asian guy. 那是亞洲人
I think Carol is next by this England Troops?! the Coronation !! I personally file the democracy paper for my money....we are the enemy, really. Never gonna show up ! Too far way....BYE Nicky ~~~~!!! Kisses and hugs ~~~ don't bother coming it back really.
Super Spectacular Extremely Rare Midnight Rehearsals Of The King’s Coronation
Haluka sounds familiar the beginning of it.
In English, the American English 在美式英語裡面
When they saying that the ceiling its leaking water ...not Steve Jobs say the ship leaking water from below, his job just needs to make sure the ship its steer to the right direction !!!!
我不知道怎麼翻譯 .....
This is Pitt from my side. He is on the Facebook, that is him.
Maybe you message them like you "express your interest" if they have any other better choice than those President, I am not sure they ...the current situation having any other implication.
I personally in Taiwan NEVER gone to the beach, or the amusement park. My father used to be around, not dead yet. They had the amusement park in the past. That time he might have some security. I got nothing but a roof...right now. I don't really going to those Tina Jojo flute her way on venting. She did....Eastern side.
Mimmo and Connie with the kids they go one camping, some people doing that......
Maybe you all loving it these outdoor, I am getting too giant fat to move anywhere currently.
I forget where she is from
Wait, hold it.
In Taiwan, they are getting expensive just about everywhere too including outside the Taipei district City. I just never gone out of that line. Not really. I personally because NEVER require to join any of them, you saying the Public seeing the Tawian Youtuber.....this video like they all getting a drink next by, remember my video? That paper made, not the plastic made?
The money its different !!!
The one I bought its this = not this price, its online price 義美奶茶
15:15 anything looks a bit like Westerner, or not Westerner some food menu its VERY expensive!!!!
I am becoming super giant by the way....I never move out of my chair, remember? My knees...and still have to eat like last night.
Something looks wrong with this, but here they are next by !!!! These guys they are match-maker. Pitt is in Shane's video those time 2013/ 2014. I don't know what to tell you.
Carol (Taiwan), you are next by that Pita Milan (by sounding) 台灣的那個我以前室友,你是那個飢餓遊戲的女主角
在那個男的旁邊 !!!
今天有兩個總統在電視上面,我不知道在講什麼,你準備最好出現一下 !
Today CNN has 2 President on the TV, I don't know what they are talking about, you better prepare yousrelf to show up. Next by that guy.
She is a taller girl 她是高的女孩子
Taiwan Graduate Student Association in UB 台灣大學上面叫做什麼的學生會
Where was your ex bf PhD we met? 你以前那個男朋友我們以前見過 PhD.
📲 If you are immediately dead, you ever think where you go, being told, being accused at, being felt no justice inside your heart, soul, mind? 📲
You were taken people's advantage, a Life Review Before Death.
That is not one thing to think about in life? 📲 I am just asking you. Yo want to find those China preganent women no education compare whom did this to the whole construct of the overal low IQ or being concluded drop the IQ, losing the line and square in the mentality of the women losing hope, losing statue, losing lovers, losing life misery, you callibrate yourself jealous, sad, negative, you need the money.
If this court room paper process like the school homework as the group activities, none of them are like Anna. Only 1. She can literally bossing us to even literally if we were puppet all the way including we got our share of money, she coming up so she didn't see those are the money issue for you and your family.
If this court room paper its to fishing out the special talent in the court running the democracy scenario for saying how to lie all the way, there is only one person we all knowing perfect for the jobs. None of us gonna make it this writing. At least for this moment right now, I think.....I start to see something totally different to anyone could be this upset my entire system inside and outside. But that time if coming, I struggle over the strangle ropes to die, I think I will still struggle. This is the best thing I can see this far. Right now.
I need some times off, I prefer everyone else derive an overall situation to out argue her One Anna points, because I don't really accept her point. Her points gonna throw me and all of us off what we seeking for. Each of us has the reason to file it. The way she runs that, as if that is not a real court room paper. That is not acceptable at my current statue. I need time to learn more. I need time to think, and to talk about some people.
You are not happy, are you tense, do you like the coffee shop outside you spend those cup money and be happy that alone time there?
The writing takes the inspiration. Mine were...they don't leave me alone 10 years, I don't even have time to prepare myself. What I hear that is all I got to make something quick or the next time. Learning right on the TV, by hearing. I don't write things down. You have no strain or restrain how you learn things ....
You could write notes, write it down, learning it several times, or asking in English some helps, and per day learning your own language near the law site including making the friends, with the IQ right on the spot.
You feel defeated, and you got taken back. You seeing the some real language, and you seeing the question being answer at your own lawyer side, or the combination near by, or whom else finds out.
You really thought you had it all under control like you planned. Remember the night you were so happy whatever it is done, you close your pen lid, you knowing, tomorrow you submit, just another day another sunny day arendale, you report this world like a homework.
Do you like this Nicky's video or Westlife or Backstreet Boy, the real concert, happy momentarily? You don't want to or you are not capable or you step back how both direction 1) how wrong you are 2) how bad it already was 3) you cannot continue if the argument was never about you you you.
I wonder why.
If you are not planning to taken on this, because they are talking to overall all situation people can submit anything to them. I think so.
You all meant its the arbitrary court its where you all if being approach by the opposite Party, I think that is what you all prefering doing it. The free will to these cases. Because you don't really know what the American are saying or the CNN saying at all. In any cause, the President they will have the most known information including the behind its the American Congress, the military and the classified. You won't hear to understand why or how things ending up like that. But one thing....
One thing....about how this is all know to the more transparency of the governmental branch, in whichever incentive to going forward, you will be writing in those which language most all world are welcome to their circumstance, that related to what its more favor to their current operation to their strategic in their own world, whichever that worlds language used at all.
See how much I love Nicky this ...noon I need some audio hearing him as if. Sorry, its as Love is my Witness Nicky Byrne.
How I feeling it better....Kisses and hugs~~Hallo Goodbye, where you been? Belfast?~~~~!!!
If your side of the CNN, or Fox one of those news speaking English, you are actually rehearsal your writing like 100 times to re-write....your own native langauge in English.
How you paraphrase these saying but they have nothing to do with you anyway.
I can tell you when people like you are very confident your own secretive roomy, dark light with the curtain on, those solitude hours of the American landscape, my outside police siren very often time breaks the silence of all those noisy, not just becoming very very very strong confident, no one knows in that quiet corner of the small room, what is the familiar safe, feeling safe of your own expression. You trust that the Court or the Lawyer next time or the submission its safe and you confident your own English.
They all suppose to better at me in English, I have no shame of it. What time is it maid, Nicky? Its 12 not 10 yet. Whenever....whatever later....I decide!!!~~~ Kisses and hugs ~~~
What the bucket of the cuttlefishes, that is one word ? What is the catfish? That is the ASMR eat? The crab or the shrimp side.
You suppose to address "Mr President of the Current."
Sorry, That is Biden Administration. Sorry. wrongful words. uh....
Dear White House, none of you will ever use my English word to say one more plagiarism.
You UB needs to come together to submit what I did "The group activities". I believe America they have that words not just City of Hope. The sheet I give to Eben or bossing him to do. Even with Eben he is small tiny, but still, people like that if they are confident their business sector somewhat accumulated his staffs to 70, you assuming something else you always be more professional on the First Answer Correct.
Its the Group activities to start with any of your argument, especailly to CIA or the President. Mr. Bonjour.
Do they send those jail inmate to you overal depress UB 250 town for arguing this saying?
I am not sure that is a case, but CNN present something at the news today. I am sure you all learning your own CNN, what do they say on their side, they talk about the politics right? When you seeing the President, that is the politics idea. I thought it is like that in America.
💰 CNN - these are cattle fish of a bucket? 💰
You have a choice, right black, or left eye glasses, = 1) One paragraph combination words of his English, 2) the bullet points.
I see Trump I feel better but he commit the crime right? Your future, if not this one life, you will have A LOT A LOT A LOT A LOT of problems, he is just a business man right? So no English too much on that Black says?
No I know what words to use, this is the political science Intern supposes to be at, I guess UB too lazy for being here every day watching this CNN myself how to relate this saying from both of your past and current president, on the literacy or the literally stuffs coming out of their mouth or that situation.
The cattle fishes of the family laws. Being humane that is why they are the President.
The reason you go to the court its like those Political students to get on their career one day to be a lawyer meaning CNN are the journalists flooding ground supposed to be the every new orientation table, only they know which words they saying it in their own script written to the 194 countries at least here its the Asian Pacific Time Zone, the Asian pacific only no one cares the white or the black, to whom are you....English speaking methods. But this is at me, I guess UB them, or the American Medical Board til which Year their Contracts ends back here?
You see the Time rendering the thoughts "I forgotton", its not the image, it was literally English words I have never heard this much literacy in my life about per useful words someone said it to me. You ever heard the audio English that much? Meaning you copy paste per he description line right?
I think my photo HTML code its not the at the best....
The fleshing, sorry flashing sequence of the journalist on the right its a lady with the eye frame glasses, that is the journalist. But there were the image and the stories to that CNN says.
CNN means the TV station called CNN. Its they CNN says.
So the story of the description of this overall timeline were took place in the Trump administration, to where both this time Today, both president shows up for each of them have a statement they issue to the public regarding that time, or may not be right now, and Biden is saying it after Trump talks.
The event
The cause
The whom
The actual words she really saying it, that is the accusation toward someone.
You know what is her name?
What an interesting fact!
The audacity of the ponder, like the sun rise of that moon was in the darkness. That is obscure means. To where and to which the adaptation to this story line, there is a cause being said and being asset that facts someone meant it to say, that is why it even ending up on the Television the Department of Justice because technically, some can be dreaming say like me.
On the internet, my own blog, not on the news, not at the CNN. There is a Party difference.
So the CNN literally present a case like the Judge is in front of their TV, and make a judgement call. That will be the same how you all UB ending up the similar process. That is what happened today in CNN.
No one speaking English here. Your Visa does not last forever here....literally no human reporting that is 9-5 jobs, you are stuck inside your own facility, or the medical center.
Babaji: Go
No, I have the money, you mean the bankruptcy, I am talking to the government, not any of your small tiny human. Those are none of your business how I squandle money, really.
I repeat it again, those are the back-up singer. Don't tempt my patience one more time....
I need Shane, with Nicky its fine. They tell me what is the going in and out of the stuffs facebook header image. I already say, its backup singer, but for all your faces, I say 2 people just talking to me in here.
Because the ENTIRE world thought I lied.
Its the main singer talking, but I don't know what's going on with this Nicky, so Shane sit next by. Tell me which part of his faces its either a stunt, or a back-up singer.
No, not those video.
Nicky, afternoon after I nap
I eat my microwave feeling better. Is he really in Taiwan, like those Westlife Mark looking at, or Annca looking at Eben, or I look Eben as the high school?
I just think they lie to me from the Day 1 never long this conversation has to end.
Isn't that very bad? He does that? That guy?~ That gun is aiming at the roof, so the girls the tanning girls left. Technically, was that a memory, because my peripheral, the police head him down on the table, not the ground, he got shot to dead right at the head.
No, I didn't see the firing. I only seen the last image, his head down on the table. Its behind him, so very fast. That last frame stop. I got taken out. Cannot see it. I think he supposed to be dead. So the after description were later.
There is an Asian guy, not Wing short, no. No eye glasses, looks more like Sigapore down there looking that Neo ASMR probably thin, only see the head. Not bold. Its a young guy, he lied.
Neo ASMR The birds confirm.....
Birds !!!!
No eye glasses, beeper, beep.
The computer game watches, raising the cow, pet? Bird beep. Its raise the bird. The chicken I guess. Its day light at his space, the police hand coff him behind.
That is what I see yeah.
Bashar meeting Music Pitch Perfect 2 those studio, white paint, very very white paint. The not cubical all desk open, white walls, creative artists roomy...creative suite I guess.
You have the agent in this boy groups, right?
You say, they all lied, you are? Say to them, "Second wing, they all need the second wing."
Re-write it all again.
That is first
That is Second Wing, I c.....
only I make out this language on the movies???!! Its a real fucking indoor, of half outdoor those looking not the boat, its an open concept, no bugs ?
Left hand, not otter, its a ice sugar 冰糖 like Carter that Chinese girls uses, the Squirrel are 抱著啃 holding it up to teeth on it 啃
Japan??? Conan Detective. How is the third position is a squirrel?
Shame Asian Sugar, or Shame Asian Squirrel?!
Birds?!! Right side.
Shame Asian Squirrel !!?!
Squid ...dudi doo, no. Quarrel, no. Quil? the pen feather? No.
Its quil, goes by me saying here.
Inelia Benz that feather is quil, then there are 4 chicken eggs on the painting or the notebooks.
He is the guy playing the shoot guns clubs those Target. Like W Two worlds.
I guess its the photo on the wall!!!!
uh ...He is the Pitch Perfect 3, all of those characters are the prostitute? Like nick's that !!!
They are all prostitute positions. The prostitute business girls on prostitutes.
And there are the women or the fucking girls, which of whom no image, its crying, but there is other fucking girl cry or moan I guess. That has the image, the audio no image.
I wonder what is my job description the occupation only. You literally raise a gun to the ceiling roof, that is 2 or 3 girls, sorry, not EVERY girl in one room, that how many girls in the Pitch Perfect. Nice tanning all darken yellow brush light to this no windows, or sky open, the darkness descent, if
I am the darkness...from outside, what the brighter housing, you could see it in the yellow light!!!!
Voice Memo (0:53)
Someone looks like Shane, that black frame eyes glasses, the dark night similar to those luxury residence.
Those bulb yellow light from the ground, near all small brush.
Those individual all luxury housing. The contract is in the vault.
Mix between the green and brush, and the design of the black frame metal, bar bar bar, or stoney wall, at night with those lighting especially looking good!!!
The police got in, the head dead yet?
He is the ocean Chinese guy, loads of the women calling in upon the service. He is not short, but he is that Ocean short guy. He is not Asian, that movie is the Asian short guy looking.
Tonight all your time. All groups calls nicky or Shane, its close. Every committee fax in this Taiwan time somewhere in here.
If Nicky shows up today, nothing coming which compoany name or the boy group.
You are out. Starting dialing. I say no one exist other than the sea groups, you can all go to this facebook whichever military commander all at, convince them that is 400 millions dollars lawsuit or the eternity of it.
Every committee, of every Music upper, one person name missing sign, "its close or open galaxy".
Do not mention one word in front of me. and when i say UB only 9 bow, 10 kneels flat every degree greeting begins they open their foul bad breath mouth for repeating one more time I already writing them down per word, you will be writing one thousand times on your arm strong blood shed, carve in your own flesh and blood, because its really really really really not repeat one word I already make it clear, ONLY I SAY SO. Democracy FOREVER.
You have 20 mins.
Right now my itme is 9:35. Til 10:00, fax in all signature, one name missing, you will see whole the country pay with every blood I mean so, you daring...understand? Boy, hear me?
Re-write, you all boys groups saying, each of you talking to me individually, or the groupy wise.
That is what you saying?
Voice Memo:
Open Galaxy (7:00)
The boy groups leadership and the group members, again. (4:13)
Priority (1:17)
Friend (2:22)
Let me tell you again about this UB (1:46)
Music industry
You didn't know how people lie to each other from every single committee board sign, or else, each of you do not show up or FOREVER, I say hell that day was starting this one life, understand? This Bible Army....only one way, and for the Corporation interest, you don't need to be part of it, and I will tell you, between you or me, I never die. You will all die and go straight to hell with it.
I cannot understand it ! Nicky in the middle, and below Shane in London eye glasses and ...... 2nd short clips frames its the nick bear.
I keep asking you on the FIRST DAY WHEN SHANE, where is the phone number to calling me NOT guessing EVERY 5 mins?
Tell me, 5 mins.
Brian Lauri
Instant pot Meat loaf Mashed Potato
Again its nick on the second frame, short clips. We keep playing this, or???!
Nick love letter 13 years ago. Great ! Westlife Christmas letter 2007
We still on this no number called, no phone number, I say when I was in 2014, I suffered.....don't hear me? Every SINGLE DAY?
Next 5 mins 5 mins 5 mins, you want the loops, or there is no calls EVERYONEGET UP!!!
Til you flying in all over, or else....we looping every 5 mins whole week, whole it?
Next, where is the phone number at this interface? Why you don't just call? 5 mins.
Let me understood this?
You are no more bosses now? Its 6 out of 7 when we are on TOUR?
Nicky hair cut its on the right side.
The middle its you 4. You mean MARK?
Or you mean Backstreet Boy?
Is there somewhere NSYNC, or A1, what is A1, never heard about it? I never open it. How many the BOYS groups, what did we say last time, 98 Degree now?
Oh ~ Now I remember this Australia, you mean the Savage Garden.
Shane in LA, German CAT on the roof corner, you mean
Shane in LA, Cat in German.....these are the short clips saying. I am becoming so good at this, I am telling you!!! This entire Youtube to human whom I cannot TALK!
Something about Mark, Kian and Brain.......on the third clips, so Nicky got pushed ot the 5th frames.
You mean you all didn't decide the Breakfast, SO WHY THERE IS A BREAKFAST?
Let me think how to make the next 5 mins question, my madness is over my head, I CANNOT THINK!
You all making it up stuffs inside your lyrics or your group presentation or Vevo. Or somewhere you all BOYS before 25 years AGO, still BOYS now, you are not sure, or examine per paper clips on every Vevo or the lyrics if those WERE your new invention of the classify material BY SOMEBODY Else.....AND you don't know each boy groups of the SAME AGE bracket....
What did I say between the BOYS and the ON TOUR BOY, your Star War Atlantis like yesterday?
I haven't think the questions, you are coming in, or WHOM are coming in WHEN ALL of you finishing the CONCERT? Or you want to tell me there are other boybands HUMAN, that beside this ONE NICKY in....its YOUR STAR Atlantis SHIP?
WAR ship on my photo stream?
That is what it is? Whom else or that is next 5 mins, you gonna tell me, you goona introducing me, or what is the decision WHY YOU HAVEN"T CALLED?
Its great
Its all Westlife human 5 faces all together, and there is a President Snow White room speech, let me listen. And, let me imagine why I would be listening to this? You or the 5 or the 10 or the 20?
Whom is this guy? You have no results at the court room, or you all imagine there is a seriously implication of the President Snow, or YOUR legacy ALL together, for saying all that?
If all of you not ready for the breakfast, I thought that was 3 WEEKS ago or 1 month ago, I keep saying it......WHEN YOU ALL FINISHED!
You guys are just the boys groups, the singing bugs + 2 prince inside the jail, or walking free outside? REALLY? I don't even NOTICE!!!
Where is my voice memo !!!
I talk to it. My eyes are closing....
I write this on another page.
Every 5 mins, I cannot understand it
Whom else set a clock every 5 mins. If not one word I hear, its whole day we keep doing this you make me waiting every 5mins, getting up sleeping it down. You can live with it. Whole day long...breakfast!
Its the season of the sun but in a different position.
I cannot understand one more chance, nicky. Is today the breakfast day?
All Ireland waking up, we will continue this every 5 mins until you will show up.
Everyone starting on the clock, getting up your Home page youtbe page click, Ireland. This is funny, right?
Next America.
I have to keep waiting this 5 mins talk ......
If one person show up wrong faces, that is blood filled all land every Corporation interest i say Ireland all goes. Your entire company every human on the street, no food, starving to death, you see its my money worth, or all your slow motion finding me 5 mins every interval I
78位訂閱者I go to sleep
You are a very smaller world where if you make a mistake, you wonder how extensive that mistake is, and how can anyone does that to you. When you got putting through the professional life, that is what happened. Those Vita Health report your medical intern.You rather believe you could go and hurt another person.
Babaji: Go
How do you spell SOrry?
S or s ?
o /
r = /
r = /
y like Nicky?
So what does he say?
Not Ukraine Got talent Sand Art I share on my facebook? Dean is from Ukraine, he told me or he told everyone?
Fr zen
without O
My mother is O type blood.
S rry
Big Her 6
If Frozen without O, its one river apart.
If Sorry wihout O, its one against all.
So if Big Hero 6 without O, its beat her?!
I have to see the trailer.
Let me describe you something.....if someone !!!!!
Like me living in America to becoming this PROUD human flag national world. (National Flag world citizen) for saying....
I land to a brown line ...let me think how it looks like a circle starting at the animal welfare. I hold up my phone to turn around like the Smallville Cloye or that is when I drop my phone.
There is a lot of the story plot can end up like that.
Whichever...landing required!
Behind me = OU, you mean the Past are gone, or that entire land gone?
So in front of me would be W Two world. I got that.....its an interface. WWII, that is I told everyone, what I grew up the schooling knowledge.
Big Hero 6
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Did I say that was an interface, sorry erase that, its starting at the O
Sorry, I mean the / at the O.
You mean Frozen ?! Not OU?
That is perfect, now there is a straight line called the sisterhood. I am the singular? You mean the duality theory? Its not cut in half, its W in half. Do I want to know what is W in half?
www, I know what that is. WWI it was 1914-1917, asking me WWII? So W in half would be?
V Vanranda, sound like Miranda. You mean England V?
Ireland has this ViKing, I practically saying certain things to this Nicky or Shane already....
You want to tell Nicky, they are all looking inside those entertainment world nothing but those Ronan stepping in the forest, ashes, smoke, ashes, smoke...if I place a TN ..... T saying, I would have make the entire reason becoming the love target, you know what I mean?
You try to deliver the sentient being meeting in the enemy line. Wave the line, ash or smoke, wave wave wave, left to right, right to left, how I ever describe someone like them in the Hong Kong Chinese food style, or my imagination Smoky gambling nature file.
Sorry, Frozen saying it again, what was the plot? There is a saving, so that is the villain, guess how many time I staring at the Frozen Movie. I am too busy getting allergic !!!
Its best you telling me exactly which high tech frames I am looking at it. I remember clearly these image, sent in to me. Really !
Its unbelievable, I cannot describe it all to any of you.
Dennis is a restaurant where UB were, how Pete and his wife met. Its egg in it, Melinda knows. That is not allowed in our method, but we see blood on the TV screen. ... I am very sure SMCH says there was no magic until Menton she changes saying she needs the magic herself.
Its on the TV.
I see the blood in the Flower Thousand Bone, the Entire Chinese knows that. Those are not the potion, or the magic sex drugs, or inhale or magic spell for the love potion. Every Medical Board doctor will know if someone insist you have the background as the pre-med, you will NEVER be New Age. And for sure never period blood, or the baby blood. - The Black Pope.
Like July 7th Da Vinci Sacred Text over this Inelia Benz used to be meeting Bill Ryan. They remember those account, how the karma multiply in the end on healing. Quan Yin methods does not allow that, not that, not that.
Quan Yin methods has a lot of the forbidden lists. I am sure the Medical Board supposes to be aware there is a lot more DON'T I saying it so. Not just Zawanna knows what he is saying it.
Any of you shorty smoking at the car ash fallen, you were one hand on the steering wheel, answer that to me. You convince me what I think of you.
💝 I would be the joke of the Day to 194 all Pixie world vs one SMCH if she continues to making fun of this classify materials out of this OU, every step she pays dearly jokes of every second to eternity of world 💝
One side me vs any you degree you dare singular saying 194 countries Pixie to some governmental for entertainment making fun behind shows. We are not the main stream, I am setting them up as the strongest defense over this Earth on those 4 points frame. Everyone is uniformly on the same speedy information. No one gets confusion. If I become aware, I quickly solve it.
Its part of the story I used to say, closing the book, "Dream Exchange Games."
Most people will probably tell you, they didn't expect this to be the culture between 194 Pixies + 1 me. Doing nothing but making fun of the world every parts of this TV 4 point frames some slavery waitor didn't end up on the street yet for swiping the floor.
Get a day off.
![]() |
When the Sisterhood of Traveling jean Pants beocming the discussion forum, its every day you all showing up perfect courtesy for slowing down process.
When I keep saying that 194 countries strongest defense on no moving your facial muscle wasting anyone's time, I am very sure your free will buddy together those talk-over, didn't expect I had an original job since 2018 or I claim that in 2017 behind on rehearsal.
You could say that is almost like a Nation Party on those bad rulership | how you all looking one room with the soften nature without those blue-purple bad looking.
They are all very very very bad behavior for becoming those jobs I can tell you that. I think they are. I never met them. But I told you they are. They usually meant their gut feelinig and your brain IQ power its their gut feeling over every literacy to sound a perfect analytical tale.
That is what I say their collective karma is me.
You can tell the court that you willing to stay on Earth, they compensate you, you stay on Earth til you die.
One of those saying.
Earth climate its very very bad. We have to all be relocated. That is what I told the public. I have no reason to lie, really.
The birds and me probably don't. I have no idea why. But ...All your health and degree of the education its the results of the laziness and bad National policy or the mentality, you never strive up to the righteous living like the Bible taught you. You lost the way of life. They given you all free will, that is probably what they will ending up telling you. They didn't educate you.
If the Earth can open the external world to the upper sphere, correct the American local court judge will appeal that hurtful on purpose to the detail compensation to you, if really like Anna claim its one of those Zawanna human educator did to you.
Whatever that means to ending up like....all this.
The girl like you slavery type are meant to be on the street some guys will tell you that. Regardless the reason if there is another world. You never gonna make it your IQ. Your attitude, your langauge, your decree of that humanity service its exactly how they putting a TV a brighter show for all the guy's world, other than you all girls be on the street in the next 40 years span, see whom will be the first to that degree Sailor Moon.
The guys against the girls Harry Potter saying. Not meant to provoking you, but every guy they all talking like that. Its on the street, the room getting smaller. Even Shane will tell you that. He changes his account on that Asia singing tour.