Lawsuit 612: Re-callibrate, re-run, re-set, re-sort, repeat on every Generation or interval none, they got nervous all the way til they die

Date: April 18th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Sometimes in my understanding if you have the age or era that is empty, that is not as heavy you saying its every generation runs the same procedures like stated above.

Re-callibrate, like Today's Google blogger on my data.

Re-run, the MIB the freezer's death certificate, we have a Map issues, a several Map those floating bubble shows up on a name I recognize, its on the TV monitor. Do you need to re-done on the manual sense, or it will be run on every generation without the gap missing. Are you planning the future an gap missing? The youth will all tell you, they cannot live or dying the day before they die, they are all very stressful including their heaven or hell after dead.

Re-sort, meaning re-file or that is on the system check. Again. Is that manual, or the statement all of the above before "this line" (Re-callibrate, Re-run)

Repeat, how are you going to do that, a new methodity invented, the problems new found, the re-checking this data since 1900, by the time of year 3000, you will have 1000 years+ 100 generation you saying the youth are every 20 years doing that, or how many sets of records you overall settle. Meaning is there something new on the each "line" entry below?

"Its check all good." (is that with  " " )

No, we added the data from the next compound complex, the fish compound that one.

"I am the commander-in-chef, we have a situation, I am the male leadership, I need the quotation mark, I cannot read it right, its the first 10 years we doing this we found out, or this it the first line I have enough?"

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"We are on the 100 down the road, the youth separate to this group data, we run about between every 3 to 5 years, let's say its was not all that systematic on the 194 countries, but we are....adding some reference, we collaborate some of the countries in, they are involved Party as re-run too many times. We have the problems. We have starting input these saying....a lot of the past didn't have that saying. 

"We have the Hunger Game re-run similar to the 100 years ago data, not 50 years old that data. We are still using it the 100 years old data. The 50 years ago, sorry, not the 50 years old, they say they didn't born on that 100 years time interval, people die, they are dying that is what they mean. We have to separate the dying and the living, so we went on the 100 years ago with the hope or a belief. Its outside."

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"We have a problem, its 400 years from 1900, not year 2023. We are 2075, sorry...what is the date...2300, not 2323. These looks great, because the last time I remember the 23 years ago, accordinng to the real 2000 year to 2023, someone made a huge fuss on the internet since 2014, the key-in words amount exceeding how that difference of the 23 years were....millions words input, and 1000 department got called to re-done 5 million words or combine the data or the era before, we have the entry of 10x records set up the total amount input the words on that incident alone were 500 x per words / alphabet count. We go by the data or each initial. Of course there is a difference. There is a sign, we don't have alive record on keeping using her signature on sign.  Their Time, 2023 has a Sai pronouncing similar, its a ghost. Its on-timely record, right on their television on time.  We....sorry, the time before will be between the year they are dead on before us.....they found out something what they did, it was the TV not on their cable right on the same time. They found it out later on the comic book because they were also in the contest, everyone dead on their life term. Its not a really test, because no one participate. That never quiet time were still in 2023. That year of bracket. It is exactly the input time as she says, it was 2023 she written all this, we copy and paste, and now we will input the rest of it."

"Its with "" " They suggest in the Time frame of... the first Line. Not sure what time that was.

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"We are the 500 years down the road, how funny each time I typing it myself "" without a maid, really. " " You know we had too many this 500 years down the road, with 500 whichever side stories, or data, or their time of 500 years ago were Leonardo Da Vinci + a movie or 2 the neighbor of KR, someone did ring a bell. Guess...its she says she knocks on the door on, she input 50 times on this 500 years things, that is not a person she input. But if you saying the name input as the "500" the legal term passing at the Congress, the Earth is not 500 years old, that one? One name...that is 2000 times she inputs til the day she have a problem now as the 500 years really down the road. "

"This is the same input I need a new paragraph, is this green label on the black background, we were not the matrix?"

"Next paragraph...."

"Now its fine."

"Its this paragraph....I was saying why we are at the 500 years, its to say the year 2000 +500, but I am sure that is not what they all said before us. It was 1900 makes no different to that year 2000 how they feeling it was a big deal, but not the year 2400. They say they need 500 years input, so they are part of it."

"This is the part, not part of it. We are the real 500 years down the road from Y2K at the year 2000 if were saying there was a the One, there is 2, at 2023. She found out Neo BTX, or told Ep 14 on the screen so she opened it. No she didn't open the other one other than the first Episode. Til the small clips, Nasha die, there is a horror story, that is she says "AI did that to Hank, or he just put him the real position in the history as well?"  So my paragraphy without her " its that.... we got the problem."

"They had a comet, we have the barren land. Outside still darkness previling. Did she say...I say, sorry I input about 500 years ago your Time."

"Change a lane."

"Change a line" 

"She says is that the hologram, meaning anyone on our streets looks like the angel, or the angel arrives, are we still in the bliblical, how long this gonna extent? Is that the phantam but it was on her movie Twlight. They made into a 4 women thumbnail on a back and a sit-on."

"Next line."

"I was saying we spot the human real AI iconic, not the military uniform. Is that a real thing, we are still the barren land outside? "

"Sorry, next line. We are still at the outside at the barren land. That kind of the saying all darkness previling, it was still 430, their time were 500 years ago, but we have a precision on its Da Vinci born date, or death date, that would be starting at 14xx, ended 15xx. Her time were 19xx, end somewhere she says what math in it, they made her doing that 500 years on the 2000 on, she was told, now she remember, there is a math money she might have to re-do this history counting background starting at 1500, because all her math was 1908 at that energemcy time, imagine she was so busy, we are so fluidish ...because, we prefer there is the Da Vinci time. okay, I saw is 500x of the reocrds if were 500 company got the call, so the total amount of the words are the million x 500 + 500 x 1000 words per video? Sorry, the money sign. Its all the label of the math digits. "

"I thought I say I need the correct time or date, without the consideration."

"She Anna says, you should go to hell...really."

I was stopping at 7:54, just happened.  Or click to start at 7:54 the next second my eyes blinks on it. What's the difference.

【ENG SUB】《溫暖的弦》EP16 一心撒謊 騙取南弦關心(主演:張翰、張鈞寧)

"Can you imagine 500 years watching the 500 times on this....."

Not too late to introducing to each other....what the timely saying.

No, I didn't whisper, I just didn't as ""

uh ... not me doing that. The Indian lieutenant by now are the General?! My side of the script, not on the book. 

No, the Rain usually on my roof. Come over here on the indoor to hear the roof. Its that close....I had a several real lawsuit on that Vatican. I will tell you....I really don't care a bit really. Because it was the Earthquake + the rain ...and the real my time might have the real commanders they are outside in the rain on the roof too. 

I will tell you I am too occupied to care about it. That was very bad. 

I am listening to the Chinese but reading it this....fainted line of the English white., not me and Shane, or of them? No. Sometimes...well, my understanding I make my case clear to tell him or them, or whom suppose to be. Sometimes its people show up and we talk. That is what is my understanding. I don't do those I think anything extra, or else today you won't be anything written in life, sound like "I am fine"?! 

There is a lot of things I really don't care about it. Really. Not since that Vatican initial lawsuit Number 5, to today 612 lawsuit down the road. You know, my parents divorcing at 1999, I file that tax in UB myself each year for my mother. And their married date it was 612. And the bird on my roof, it was about 199.

On Ronan sounding real bird calling Ronan, and I don't know what happened to that 9 missing.

(No, I am watching the Youtube internal frame. Not the enlarge frame. )

No I cannot give you advice, I am not your Time frame person, but I can tell you what my timely timeframe here. There is a Birth Certificate, and New Age. Sometimes they will tell you, from the conspiracy side, there is the "contact", sign.

I will say...

Indian General: he is more like the mansion business oversees all branches that...can afford the mansion Business ALL crossing idea.

一心 = Thor, no, he is the commander-in-chef on the real ship coming up or down.

溫柔 = ?!

25:30, 25:18

I will tell you i cannot see whom that is. Prince William, when the first time Zawanna their Time, their Age, when the first time, when he was the Prince (?) or what he was? the receptionist clerk of the military orientation?

"5000 years I won't be typing that 30:20 on my finger no matter how high tech that to be. I need the real keyboard over that how many words I input daily. I like the keyboard better, not the interface, I don't know what that is."

"uh ...Thor is not like that. He is mild personality, a lot of the real these people, guys are soft. Very soft inside nature. I am not sure where our humanity meant to evolve, or the current guys are all soft too, just not very clear on the entertainment part, they talk out loud too. If I act up, I will tell you still, I prefer to shy away from the TV screen my own youtube too but I am a girl. I think some girls are super barbarian, a lot bad or worsen than the guys too. I am not sure what the TV meant all this says........I probably meant more of their real expression when they make a sound, a talk, an outward any physical manifestation as you see as they are, that kinds of saying. My time....the girls are a lot more barbarian than the guys. Including on the TV I could see it myself. I am not like that. And Thor is not like that. I know they are all the commander-in-chef. I never met a real human in my time, not to say a real Commander-in-Chef. "

35:25 鋪天蓋地 ....Because there might be 194 countries for saying Taiwan its on its own National Flag, saying 1000 military combination personnel, re-typing your own scripts at my time, that will be...let me say.....April 18th, 9:24 morning my Time in Taipei, Taiwan ROC time. They are outside day light or indoor re-type, and if were the universe or the Cosmo including the ET were not the barren land like that Gately says in 90s, to crossing Time. I hardly knowing which Space and Time combine, its all on the internet, alone in Zawanna sunshine too brighten those kid's hacking the internet legal even their political upheaval riot. Their current frames of life. I see.  (It will be a debate I myself question, if I gonna be dead yet at my old age, really in this one lifetime here on Earth, right now)

管總 sounds more like Zawanna those flair type of talking methods. He is a bit like the receptionalist job like Annca. Seriously. A little bit more sunshine, not like that Actor.  Lighter. His entire being is lighter.

39:00 No, he has that one servant...he has many, but one I saw. No, no eye glasses. They all no eye glasses. Reading they have. That will be the wine opening included. What do you call them, the kitchen, the drinks, the ice, the wine....the servant.

Up to 42:13. I think a lot of people know what or why that was said. Here I have to something to add.

"A lot of the more native land kids, let's say division of the local and the real ABC. When someone says, ' I am going back to America to re-settle life.'  that is more contemporary every life whom circulating among Western world or American world people, never return back. Some knowing that will stay a long time in America. Some ABC does coming back and forth. If you heightlight the part before the last sentence."

So the follow-up conversation - That definition was a false. 

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