
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go


Means ....in English, American English.

Ep 24.

Where is American Police? 

That is not Robbin William's movie, there is a robot what saying?  And Zawanna has an invention? !  Meaning patent at ... and he is a MD ! 

I have to wash my hair, leave it on my head right now....isn't that 豆沙包 ??

oh ~~~

Shane ~~~~~~ where is my phone.

Sometimes one home means a lot ....to carry what you mean "You love someone you mean it well."

You care that one person if you included his life in it. You know what it means "What cared means?"

Not laziness. Not gluey.... passive unless the toilet bathroom all together palm to palm robotic girlfriend like he says?

What was it, Nicky?!

His birthday is Oct 9th...far away !!!!

Voice Memo: hot water bottle

Home means





Maybe I tell Hailey's dad myself.

"In the session of you will see in these entire wall of the fridge, cold air coming out that wall having all the food display, 7-11 putting up a session just for the vegetarian. This is where the busy hustle and bustle people coming in very quickly to get out, including the microwave food, me eating those vegetarian with the scramble eggs in that bento boxes style, I sitting alone staring at the Window Glass, at the end of my night market 2 blocks away from me. 

That is where Simon's dryer before I met Shane they were the Westlife last year. Or them I told them the video She is looking like that, that same market, has an full ....washer dryer on the top, one guy living style guess how they design which type of the dryer and washer combine.

Its on the second floor.

Anyway....to that 7-11 because Asia we have this population of the religion practices and SMCH is one of them beside that Oneness Taoist, we have milk vegetarian away from the egg vegetarian / fish / seafood....

Therefore that entire color labels you need to print it out probably per store count. 7-11 will be the most professional store you seeing that right on the shopping tab when you looking it down, right down to your height. How amazing, I didn't have to clutch my back end spine....that painful to it. I usually squat." 

Just hear the words

"Lacto ovo?"

oh ...our chinese words are more "milk directly symbol words on it, like my snack recently on my video 奶素

We don't use "Lacto, or Lactose...maltose.....one of those in Chinese words. Not exactly everyone knew those words other than milk-containing. Milk-substance traced. "

"The food ingredient not necessary glucose, or fructose....these are the imagination of my blood stream, blood work stuffs. I mean more of the ingredient label other than the nutrition side box. The ingredient side....."

You were told to say that or???


~~~~~ SHANE~~~~~! Your or Mine Bank Road~~~~!!!

Sorry, Hailey's dad, its one of those ABC Pang is the entire Lords of my family when he grew up nothing but vegetarian, every year he comes home before my pa's mom dead, they have the family reunion just for him. That is the new place ...here.

Its cheese in it.

Smoothie, that? !

... ... That is very very expensive.

Imagine I NEVER made my video, at all.  If you just telling me the next time....If you are in the 7-11 without the vegetarian attitude.

Korea Spicy Chicken. Pork Dumpling, 2 of that bags near my bank Road (SHANE~~~), it was one time 2 for 1 price. Imagine that was 99 NT, I eat both the Pizza + pork dumpling.

Pizza is one of the option correct. I wasn't sure you all still eating the American food anymore, all your video to be that friendly here.

No, that would be the closure Frozen session, you have to open and close glasses door. The one above I describe you....well, don't look like your store, but every store in my CIty here, are half open, you carefully seen the tag, they don't make that vegetarian to be that GIANT looking. No, not here. Not really. (No, that is not particular true everywhere here. NO!)

Did I show you the lunch boxes I had?

When? The entire piece of the...MEAT on the rice? 

oh ~ is that on the facebook? Must be in Zawanna's desk....Sorry, Shane, not for you. Its for my facebook. Do you guys come here to talk to Shane? They are in Ireland, Nicky saying that. Its the time to introducing each other the brothers....

.... .... ....7:10

Can I ask you something....? That is not the England muffin bread. 

That is not the dressing you purchase between the thousand island dressing, or the Japanese 和風醬 on the very left side of my 7-11, freely.....choices. 

You like sesame dressing? Inside that container? oh ....I thought I just said free choices !!!

You mean you buying your own food, by guessing that, or that is not 7-11?

The regular breakfast place in the morning, if you just grab 10 of that sandwitch...Hailey's Dad bites, you know what I mean, you like that kinds of the bread this much !!!

Probably you mean the guy's appetite you eat for the video?

Appetite means like an appetizer in American Chinese restaurant menu. 

oh  ....


Isn't your DAD getting my lawsuit he is grounded here, cannot return by the way? I did that? 2 weeks ago? 

I am pretty sure you hate that kind of the black ear mushroom, you want those real instant noodle hot water, you seen Self-Help the entire brand new menu in 7-11 ?

You really drinking that Oat milk? Or just for sometimes?

Taiwan has 3 Vegetarian groups Youtuber also gone to Google 101 here. One of them will tell you, Star Bucks now has this Oatmilk you holding it, to make....your one time purchasing one cup tasting...that oatmilk imagination vegan lactato ...lacteeeee....tae

U-Bike too tall for me. I gonna fall on the street. No, I never try that. No.

You can buy my night market Fireworks, to go to that far away your video Park you bike at it. The only legal way to play that fireworks. Just like the cartoon Line and Dot. 仙女棒

7-11 Menu

You seeing your height, sorry, my height. Triangle seedweed wrap cold, you can get like 10. Each are 30 NT. You are the groups of the people. 

They have in the Family Mart, of the yellow branding pork rice wrap, those are microwave right there, taste better too. Not this cold wrap not 30 NT. You mean you wish to just eat like you should, and with the correct money digits. 

Frozen session, you ask the cashier if they have 2 for 1. What is the 2 for 1 in the freezer session, what date of time, you usually lean down to see your eye gazing at it. Open the fridge that horizontal bar. There is a period of the sale. 

Right now Taiwan are lack of Eggs. But that is 10 NT each egg. You know how filling if you really eating that? With one instant noodle, not Udon.

There is something marinated combination with the bird eggs....in the Family Mart next to that 5 Star Hotel.  I eat that with a branding of SUPER spicy instant noodle. I only use the half of that spice amount.

Hailey's dad are here 2 weeks already? I didn't see the TV. Where was I ? My phone hanging or bomb at the wall. Anyone wants to make a terrance on this Roof all around? I never never never coming it down anymore.

Seriously....oh mine ~~~!! you know just to think I imagine "Let's assuming I am coming down the stair to the elevator, to going down 7-11 for microwave food."

Today I gain weight.

69.55 kg, so I told Shane no...not that OU language 569

You know what I mean? Cafe in French.

By the way, "Hi dad....your son. Ep 13, some lied being exposed, so someone innocent free of the pleading guilt. That is in English speaking words. Literally."

Sorry, re-word. A lie being exposed, someone name "Gentle" are free of to that pleading guilt.

Sorry, cannot speak English.

A lie being exposed, 溫柔 is plead guilt-free, sorry, she is free, sorry

Won her innocent, oop.

A lie being exposed, she is ending up free-guilt, sorry, ending up innocent plead, sorry, won the majority seat in the jury for saying, thanks.....down the winding path road.

Like your today video.

Otter - Ma ko


"Who is your pink? " He walks toward the left side of the camera lens. Happy birthday Ma ko. You sympathize to whom? The girl or the guy? And you are....?! I think the Olive Tree means peace the last time you trying to...?! Resolve. You know what the word "resolve" means? You and him. Now its never you and him, so its him and her? You eat Salmon not the rice. You tell him you are water habitat animal species.

💝💖 要怎麼跟阿滴講話? 女孩子 ?~我寫中文不代表我講中文 ! 💝💖 (台灣阿滴英文)

Voice Memo

你叫哥哥的那種 ? Tina Jojo 以前很多這種中學知道小孩玩什麼遊戲? 阿姨還是誰是誰的什麼

我從來沒有玩過那種尊稱遊戲 ...台灣的小學還是中學時期,我在看漫畫 ! 提那應該是用我的電話,或是進來偷漫畫的 ! 我現在有覺得某種可能她們是不是把漫畫帶到國外去了? 意思男朋友都是假的,找工作也是其中要素之一~因為緹娜有灌籃高手的 DVD ,整冊的!


😘😍 你們要怎麼阿滴講話 🥰🥰🥰🥰









🥭🍊🍊🥭🥙💘💘 🥭🍊🍊🥭🥙💘💘 🥭🍊🍊🥭🥙💘💘 🥭🍊🍊🥭🥙💘💘




Rush Hour = the biggest mouth of the Univerise (Loving The Silent Tear)

uh ... there is one of this I am not sure where you copy paste at we are, or at they are.

Because Kail Mursil knows his book. We here UB textbook, that is a straight sentence. I just took the part of the stuffs to make looks like, that is the only arguments, but if the textbook doesn't have that, what can I do?

Taiwan Youtuber 阿滴 ~! 好像...

我其實不太清楚 ... 我因為是不太在乎的那個人,是我的錢吧 ?! 我說 ....意思有點像說這台灣怎麼說方方那種語言『 是我爸給我的車子 SUV 在美國開車上學的』


『對了,我照相給你爸』 她不只下地獄+去監獄 蹲~

『因為杉杉其實,小名是小山,是 ...小山叔叔,住在那個哪一條路的小巷子,其實是跟小龍的爹,不對,爸,她爸的不是她媽的房子在加州是化工的,所以講 爸爸是...我爸他們年紀的時間是我媽的上面 8 屆東海的,看過愛哭學妹嗎 ? 所以~~講金子,有些女的喜歡金子 + 人格...』

關於更上一層樓那一種,因為那種廣告有,很多種可能,大概是那樣吧 ...還是問方方他爸的? 他媽的在夜店上班當年唱歌的,不知道是真的放棄職業還是叫做『方圓百里』

要問我爸嗎 ? 叫阿滴去找我爸好了 ... 因為我很久沒有見過這個人了! 是方方的大伯父,根據電視這種 『溫柔的弦』,我以為是她們彼此擔保所謂烈火如歌是關於,誰,叔叔的那種繲衛,因此管好家人左旁右鄰,除了

電視裡面講的任何其他位置 ....罷了! 





幽靈列車 (See what they look like, underground ghosty Bus | Trump +daughter+ in-law)

But you see....there are an array after an array are deceased dead generation, sorry repeat the last sentence, dead souls, or the dead ghosts, or the wild ghost, even they cannot understand English if they don't learn. As the ghost, or the wild ghost, how can you talk to each other anyway? 

Drawing stick on the ground?





Life to me, or the life like Prince William, or like this actor

They would have saying it.... Its without the given or taken.

I would have saying it. "Life with given or taken...." and you see the rest of them, I couldn't shut up by watching the TV video first, to imagine how I engineered the ghostly realm all this far enough MIT or Harvard since whichever whom I calling them for....that day on.

oh ~~~ so, the ending its....

One of us scream !!!! Right? How do you writing those says, TTC? There is no job paycheck written on American pay rolls IRS anywhere, right?

There is a routine, routinary, itinerary...one of those English words speaking of my time sheet. How to feel out the per correct order of the paying things to get the number to Linda's offices, so I had that one check about =2 weeks time? But I receive more than 1 only check from the New York State Educational Department. Every 2 weeks?

1 year are 2 semester in America. We all knowing that.

I were in CADS 4 full years.

Even the ghost knows where to hide, while in thinking to teleport, you belief? Whom like the conductor himself, but let's say, its just TTC maid for how many that 2 weeks checks. It makes no difference right now for....its all minimum wage every dead soul will tell you that, because everyone is barely making it in the life with 2 kids in one family setting. 

The winter was too cold.....


 Just because technically Tim Cook cannot engineering himself at the current mode.


Really...what you see its exactly what you got at the comic book....really.


He cannot make a 2 cent what I think or written down for him what I think about the comic book right on my own facebook. Because technically I am a citizen without a dime.
And Silicon Valley didn't got move on the periodic table. Only.

Sorry, its He cannot, not They cannot. The first error word.





The American Medical Board (The OU Language before the language 2014 569)

Square's mother is side way eye ball concave out, not straight looking at her.

High usury at Square's TV 浮士德的微笑 (方塊)

My father is also giant eye fish ball.

But that 3310, its Ola. The seen figure it Ola. Not that fish eyes balls, but if you scoop to fed on Tina's mouth, you will see, that is how the eye ball looks like, concave out. The eye glasses or the heavy prescription will distort that shapes of the eye balls.




Babaji: Go

We both cannot think something totally not what been told to us, the day we both leave that Adria's houses.

Melinda knew what Tamang went. I am very sure she remembered that.

But both of us imagined we knew both of you gone to + 1.

Like your own facebook. If Melinda telling me that movie its somewhat true she is at her family gathering, I believe her. I just told her, I had only my mother in next by that division room, over that side. Its just 2 people here. 

... ... 

... ...

If I am typing on my computer right now.

If I am looking at my clock on the wall now, that is toward South, I look at my clock new purchase, and Melinda's direction, just happem we are on the same Time Zone, I seeing her faces! 

I didn't look behind to the American side, that is what I mean, because my computer is...facing forward !!!

You know what I mean? 

Let's try another scenario, you and your this UB sweet heart, me and Melinda knew. You all got married exactly like your facebook say or the movie says.

We think we happy for you.

If we think that is real. Correct, but we are not sure now. But let's say we both were happy for you all, including the rest of the Sailor Moon, Anna's APO, CAC and Honor class side, all having the perfect facebook "Got married having kids", "be together with someone."

Me and Melinda technically think, you are the perfect lands does the perfect things. Meaning you and that guy just like both of us transpassing Adria's house, you all meeting your paycheck to meet at each other's apartment for winter summer Christmas, Not ON Anna's Christmas Facebook or SMTV. Meaning Me and Melinda thought about 20 years were that you each month having a paycheck, so is this one guy sleeping next by you, you go on the weekend the friends house, for the last 16 years. We both exit your life. Melinda heard Anna get rids of that one guy and switch to, too many invisible guy. Only she will ever say one of those things.

We never talk about any of you and Since Melinda didn't know the rest of them, she usually keeps her mouth shut. She heard everything sounds worse enough. 

Let me repeat again how me and Melinda imagine or Think.

There is a per monthly paycheck both me and Melinda works in UB received before. That feeling we know. Its a paycheck in the mail.  We never have to be with any guy to find out long enough.....its both of you too good to be true girls + your husband or ex bf for outting never made it anymore the life after, its your per month bank that check, each of you are separate your saving.

You are not Common-in-law.

Let me telling Melinda what I think Canada and US me, its if I die on the street, I rather DIE on the street, they make a sense she never had a lawyer to begin she thinks he is too poor enough in money. 

You feeling bubbling and nervous.

I will have told someone, I am so dead tired every day morning or evening, drop on my bed, and go to sleep, really. 

Drop, literally drop on my pillow and go to sleep. 

You wish that love gonna let you get away one meal he treats you. How many meals, 52 meals, that makes every single day per year, he loves you that much, you say for the rest of your life, this one stranger guys will ever treat you what? 10 meals?

Not your parents watching your every meal. 

You treat a younger guy, 10 meals in your imagination he took advantage of you, why he doesn't go to his parents for the food?  You think you love him enough? Starting 7 years old, in 10 years, that is 17 years old.

You girls want to dream about the guys, or still on every mistakes being done in the Past Anna says for the new venture, meaning next 5 to 10 years, to 15 years. Because it may not be the next 1 day 1 month to 3 months. So saying even 1 years

To 3 years, or you imagine 5 to 10 years, what kind of the relationship.....you hope you will delicate yourself in finding love

That is part of your personality, or you ever thought about it?  Meaning if I ask you some questions, you have the most intuitive answer. How do you go about this 10 to 15 years, if you saying next 3 months, you just open an E-harmony similar website learn about it? Put yourself out there?

Your plan in thinking its in 10-15 years life, you won't give up your love life, so explain to me, how do you plan that, exactly? No one seeing you, no social gathering to your work ethic places, or you mean on-line dating service, so you mean 3 months, you didn't mean 10-15 years?!

Like I wonder each stop they make in the Asia tour,

How much they make on the concert money and relative sale on everything else?



They got an website ! Its they are still making money since 25 years ago, as if that is a job on their own. That is not unsure. They talking like they are stable. They earn something, they plan something with their Westlife Life.

Not Shane Filan Facebook?! And yesterday Friday Night it was mid-night I go to sleep. You have some human want to tell me...where you will be the soon immediately Friday night, because someone message you, how much that lawsuit might costs. Is that your parents, or Wing? One of those right in the middle of the American Map.


When some people making money on their own, Westlife look like they themselves talking normal on the interview ? Just earlier post, when they grow older than the 25 years ago video?

So Anna for the last 2 months since the NASA gravity, you didn't hear the first time, since Oct 2022, by then you already knew my personality, I went onto Linkedin at Lee and Dean's front....to talk to NASA. 

And I have all this MD re-write scenario before this year Feb. What happened after Feb on? This year? Really, I don't even know myself.

You want to make a claim to something that is more personal assault and more immediate, what you see, its what you compile, and that is what they willing to do. They will find out behind.

oh, they can tell. But how do you describe yourself to the Judge? I think you are barbarian your way into that court room saying things as if they oweing to you, because you can tell they make a big million dollars with your story. Did you find out, WHY there is a story on the TV first? 

I didn't have time other than running, I couldn't think there is such Dean were so important without that voice. I would have remember Bill more? You mean I talk to Bill more than I talk to Dean ? 

... ... I guess the first impression I wasn't talking a lot as much as I am doing it now to anybody, that is what I can tell you. 

The most immediately life being harm, that is Melinda's cases. She doesn't know how I look like I guess.

"You finish your bloody slap on your cheek sounds like the diligent work-out minimize your meritorious account, on my IQ. "

This is this year !!! 2023 Jan, is that before Feb they got here in Asia? ~oh !



Westlife 2.0 ?

uhm....you know my acrossing me building 1st also have this 2.0 how to Given the Sea restaurant, because 1.0 they have no customers !!!!

Airport Tunnel


Westlife arrives at night








Babaji: Go

This world is full of will. I am telling you.


The way you like, the charitable if you promise the God, the starting points of you believing it yourself, to the point you break yourself.

I am not the Christian. I didn't start without the Ancient Chinese up to my Middle School ground.

So tell me the last post what did I say? The ROC on that sister's side, grandmom they used to be 20 years ago, they had a pride, that small tiny circle everywhere they bundle together. They have dignity, they have the social circle standing, meaning the happiness within that women to women, the higher class women. That norm are still many place restaurant owner will be telling you, if the husband always going with the pink, or the younger girl. I don't really know. 

So coming back to the first Tina Jojo list. 

There is a full list of something you need to correct the guy, or correct me what you think the guy's think, or else I Anna wouldn't really be that free, just doing what I want yelling at Shane behind, and No one WILL EVER know?

Ask Nicky !!!!


Voice Memo

What is today, Shane?


Shane, I actually forget ....


Shane, where is Nicky?


💖💘 Let me think 2 scenario 💖💘 1) Tina Jojo lists of yesterday guys without that list. 2) Someone far away so near (love talk) when you open up your phone browswer such as Friday Night

Its so near, so talk.

Its so far away, so near imagination talk looking at you.

Its one browser page away. You could just shut it off. 

Let's me and Kim having a conversation, that is she is stable, having a home.

Let's say me and my father's sister (grandmom) they used to have a ex husband house in California, all fruit trees similar to Isebel. They are all Asian decendant of the Foreign Affair Department people, not just below that General Speaking, its the "Wife" and "the Social Military Circle", their tradition is the small tiny circle within the Taiwanese.

Its a transpassing a home, that is freely walking in the front door. That space sounds a different talk without the 9-5 saying whenever I want to run a mail box errand.

From Hank and Tina's El Toro home, its....one street over, the same road everything on it.

This scenario would be I water Kim's plants, I am talking to Kim.

So saying one of you girl talking to me, its Me watering my plants, really. Only I cared about the gardening on my Pinterest. 10 years later. 20 years onward.

Tell you the scenario between my father and my mother.

That for sure its that my father side never bother to talk to ROC, my mother they are democratic. 

I personally not sure how they met. Their mouth to that political realm will not shut up. Her mother, not her. She is disable inside the brain space. 

Your prayers its through the Judge.

Your prayers its through the Judge while you succeeding that Judge, you walking free in the zone of the public, saying you doing charity events.

Quietly, the will you are, the way you are, the derived merits that you are.

I just told the public, go to hell with it, you all started on the street with that Simon All together on roaming the Turkish airline. See, they had an Earthquake, how the merits running thins on human just die.

Me and Zawanna is different. That is what I say.  Its his recommended words, so I trusted, and implemented. To my own...personal space, NOT the National Policy.

I am his puppy, I am his slave. "That is a fantastic idea! How come I never thought about it." You see, every time I born brand new, that some assistant from the Upper...uhm uhm uhm....is this Apple organic local grown? This is not cotton candy from the vendor twirling purple clouds with a stick and a plastic wrap.

What year is this? 2023

This is more new!

I really really really wish I could stop going right or left, or keep spinning spinning like those otter did on the string.....when I got time I can sit down watching whom they say they are?

Can I imagine I shifting this profile photo icon looks like I am talking to a real human?

With a real vocal sound.  You know, per day, the birds talking to me truely in talking is more than my own mother in Chinese. Never in English, even the birds speak in English, oh mine....








I am not the Law librarian side. I am the regular librarian, so I can only advice you til "The behavior science", you yourself know how you beneift, or learning curves. You Yourself in your life.


You cannot have 1000 lawsuit looks exactly identical, including keywords starting the behavior science. 

You do a discussion on yourself. You breaking it down several point to make an arguments. For example, for me or Eric perspectives were on Laws. He is the real law student UB. I am the real spiritual power leadership. 

Let's say his points will be in the American modern laws.

I can elaborate his points, so saying me and him combine his paper, if he gonna publish that peer review journal, its me name after him. I have no paper. He is the one writing about it.  You can take 20 years to write a paper !!!

If he writes a book?

.... what makes you think he writes a book? Eric?  He may. I don't know what his occupation really in or after UB Law school. Did he take the Bar exam, or he gone to the MLS after Jonas debates. 

I am the Gold, or the Gold Top, not just Top Gold bracket.

The Real Leadership Gold Top.

So No. Not that. I don't need those name. But I understood what it means or says. I would prefer the Judge just staring at the bank side, because that whomever might just confirm with you. Its the gold means the literally money. But then, that is really subjective view how they each imagine the case that much significant to this one video clip meant to me. It didn't mean to me 10 years ago....as if. That is Keanu Reeves, how handsome he ever be?!



SMCH didn't have to say the public followers, if she got anything, they didn't think that is her representation over

100,000 hours video DVD published and air, and create or manufacture, no matter its 100 people only seeing it, or 1000 people. Something might be fake, but as long as she just sits there nicely, I seeing that efforts she made just sit in front of it. I personally don't care that is 1 millions people or 1000 people pretend to be there and watching it.

To me, that is 1 millions people combine have at least seeing her on the tapes, just by the retreat I seen.

No, its I say she can keep her hair blonde, and long ....she might just wear a wig, or....she wants to cut them short. I don't know where she is.

Like her refugee SMCH statue since high school. Its a reocrd forever when she enters anywhere glory, that monitor that one person knew poor daddy poor mommy, refugee.

Not charity enough buying the honorable key in America. Its the war zone refugee. Not the TV colorful background makes an artists...charitable. 

Its an eternal records outside.

Its a forever record on Earth. 

If one day you all becoming the what? Witch Top? 

No. You cannot change on Earth forever, you cannot change outside Galactic Eternal. Like you stated it, you cut off that American Medical Board the moment you can when you moving toward outside Earth. Not right now...but imagine that. The wild ghost really don't make that much difference really. If I were you thinking....that is worse or worsen scenario. 

One or the other. That is very very simple. 

You want to keep argumentative of your free will, you keep doing that. No one says you cannot. You vent, you lament, you dare, you trying....its the same priesthood program starting the elementary prayers. See..right now those fame on the map unreal, its a prayer how people think inside their mind, why you believing it, they seeing you all against the One. 

I put one Wallace in front, you just don't blush on him.



If you becoming Tim Cook Type, or next by?

No. You cannot change on Earth forever, you cannot change outside Galactic Eternal.

If you becoming that Central near by Tim Cook is just the sunshine citizen?

No. You cannot change on Earth forever, you cannot change outside Galactic Eternal


If any movie plot inside special force?

No. You cannot change on Earth forever, you cannot change outside Galactic Eternal.

System Data - No you cannot change if you file a real law case 10 years ago against someone. Consoling the lawyer are fine, or the librarian. Those are not in the system.

The court room drama those are, or the police station.

Forever, on Earth and Eternal in Galatic.

1) How you handle it, 2) What really happened on the dots 3) whom associated, 4) Facebook obsession included 20 year ago.

Those are just the data. You are interested in it. 

What I gonna tell your parents are .....this is what I gonna say to American Medical Board. "At the current I will not initiate place to stamp from America going back to Poland, Ukraine, Mexico, India, Hong Kong or China...."

"Their re-settlement of the home land."

When your parents coming in, if I have the resource that time, I will talk to them the printing format of the map I can find from the Google map, that doesn't mean I am very oriented to their own book store, or the traveling map in their country. They should be all democracy format right now with all the international flying routes true to its nature.

Yeah, its one-by-one. I coming back to Taiwan though, I don't have any location in America anymore. So that American Medical Board has to know my initiate points its from Taipei, Taiwan. Its near China, India, and Hong Kong too. They will be the minority. 


Your parents need to have some incentive about that map, when me and them discuss. So when they do show up, its a real life situation. Meaning not one of those American Medical Board don't take care, they meant whom else have more leisure time to talk one person-to-per person. They willing or not willing to state their problem. They can just go to their existing medical family doctor including the UB whomever can oversees all that.

But technically I did tell your parents groups. That initial points have to start here Taiwan. This is my base, my job now.

When I finish Washington D.C, in the future, whichever 5 to 10 years included, I still flying back to Taipei Taiwan, let's say, that 5-10 years I start to purchasing the local property, or whichever this Shane, they are not American included. It might be Japan, or Korea...?? Is that the flying route to Ireland, it is shorter. But i cannot understand a word what Shane says.

You as the American side....including this MCAT never gonna finish the double major, will not help anyone other than you finish your exam first. Meaning That is European, and me, not American.

You should understand how that plot out.

Its European side, not American you all = zero things delivered until the MCAT or anything else pass in their liking. Again....I say.

I am living in Asia, facing Europe. There is nothing in America other than you all keep studying. No Party, no business console, no location, no housing plan, no groups, no reunion like JC says. There is nothing. My base is here in Taipei, or Japan, or Korea...not sure which one of them.

I live in Taipei right now, that is what I mean. For my own very reason, I really need to live at my security not feeling threaten, like you all parents being threaten by you all.



Technically your parents need the Medical NOW, meaning any related costs they found out. So next 1-5 years, I am not moving really yet?!

And also becasue when I landed...I found out these birds start opening up their mouth + Japanese Otter, or they always been clear to the human factors?

You might have 194 country police networks alone, including right next by China, got nothing but the money to opening up these birds, SAY It? 

Under that situation = When I land, I found, or WE found out....

This entire situation need to modified while I landed place becoming the priority somewhat for "the directed cause, or to the causes and to the benefits from the local or the neighboring countries in desperation",  therefore I cannot be in America, to taken your parents one by one to the hospital, or their own countries one-by-one to the their Poland, Ukraine, or Mexico Hospital. That is the standard. But what I can do its, I asking them coming in, and if they have other networks, not dying out, young or old Polish, or Ukraine, or Mexican, or Indian....they can all just flying in, and make a schedule of it.

If my future which time-frame I return to the US, they can still visit Taipei Taiwan hospital or plastic themselves on it.....that is entirely their freedom to their free will, including their youth, their gf, or their every other 2nd, 3rd wife, or 2nd bf, 3rd husband....etc. That freedom is solely they found out Taipei, they coming here.

As for at that time, they want to, still using that expensive American hospital, or their country hospital system, they can only talk to me WHILE I land back to America one-by-one. Right now you are all very very very selfishly not to take them to the hospital to find out. I have no other ways to do it. 

They have to be in Taiwan, I talk to them one-by-one without any of you. You are not given them the opportunities, or just the tickets money.

I tell you UB what I gonna do with you, I remember you telling me not on the facebook messager where you all come from. Me hearing that.

Most of you just because of the life itself, you cut off from your parents. I am not sure where that Dr. Bing Shen were since 20 years ago that Ella Enchanted. Because some people traveling back and forth, including nick. I am not sure if he always staying in Canada, or when I am not in Canada, he is in Italy, one of those they live in Italy since 20 years ago with those family.

I am not too sure. I hearing some of that.

Now....with the court, they should be able to tell me per details what I see, or here. They understand that doesn't mean I understood all that strategic planning, because your Visa if says in Canada, it supposes to mean in Canada. That is what I believe. Not this why I think you are moving it back or he is moving it back. He says the Romanian took over that world, that town.

Because your relationship is so sorrowful with your parents, and you vow, they will NEVER be taking care of other than your own very selfish living one person world. They might already throw you out. That doesn't mean I don't welcome them ...this MINE birth certificate its eternal correct.

The Ultimate Darkness Supreme Oz Life after Life Cursed glue methods.

Its their hospital bill here,...they can all group themselves coming in Taiwan, to finding it out the warm, or the relative the social costs, the hospital, and the safety of that neighborhood. I welcome all that. I cannot do anything of that in American right now, and for sure....if you are telling me you are true, where you come from, that means its where they come from, not you yourself coming from that important anymore.

I can have my wish stated when they land here past, present or future. They are younger, or they are the same age as what it is now = your parents.

EP 10 溫暖的弦


Is there a Medical Doctor in this China Set of the actors in it? Too many conditioned human in it. The small tiny language those.  

I only listening to him, and my own script, or that is Lee's script. Everything else I think its garbage...but I roughly heard the overall. I have no time.

Its the same behavior science, most the girls are not talking out loud to the guys, even to those degree are fine. As long as the communication can straight out, some guys accept that. To the China overall education standard 40 years behind Taiwan.

Someone made another sheet - the observer to this new immigration of the Second generation life after life. If they die immediately now + Prince William, they go straight to hell incluidng the ghost format. If the legal court can saying this movie bind if, nor....somewhat that is lighten their consciousness, they are never God's law, never the foriegn agency interest.

To stay in America, for the higher end of the accidental insurance life after life, they will insist they finally have no more parents, to cut off them, if not doing it so with my help this year.

So saying life after life, you will writing this "Observer side", as if the ET observing us, or the other civilization observing us. This will serve as the micro-level of all circle, they are not aware, they are not told, they are not taught, they are not forced. Its all free will for that future road they becoming, including that Ola = 33 10 ending of that fish eyes girl...fighting with a local man. 

You can find out whom is that local man, and whom else imagination were the Poland behind....or??? Too many adoption kids, nor the father just getting in between the education side, if they were so educational even.

Imagine if Taiwan Youtuber this 阿滴 plan his fake kid life, sounds like a too perfect father starting with the Aunty that is more fashion and capable.....that is probably I am trying to say clear. ET telling me something....I imagine I understand.

Because, the Poland ice skating its whom I contact to. 

As for is Nick has any contact or none, because....I was more saying we have a pathfinder, if the Italian Vatican were that collecting the 194 countries, that is Poland and Street Art Roller Blades China, not Taiwan, we have a few degree of the "Street Art" international on ice skating or roller blades.....and so long this Pain Killer Patches if were sipping through them, including the women's medical overall 4 limbs situation to their period improved, or unless you saying any of them submit their too near War Zone law proceeding methods, no one wants to go to war....

That domination right of the website has a Date and Time. You all given up these line and zone, or the country flag. That doesn't mean, I don't know where you all come from....

No, re-word, saying this 2 posts of that 1000 case re-examined, "other than" the rural urban planning or community college engineer the One, like their major for the personal use. Re-examined on ALL diplomatic, international relationship, international affair, international crime, the Justice on the Ship or boat included.

These words such as the domestic included, meaning in-land, in-line (The National Country border line, in that FIRST definition), the international relations, and domestic relation, in the overall spending to the foreign agency including the foreign travel, the foreign workers training and cultivation all this personal staffs related costs.

You cannot tell this entire Asian Pacific Region of this Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and Indonesia, Malaysia, to Australian, we NEVER exist. That is what American President they are doing.....or imagine what I say about that, they imagine at it....

These costs of something will be stop on the first Day, not the Hunger Game invitation.

Its this 25 years - 7-5, those age on purpose dying, and American are not in-land, and the laws are not proceeding, and they knowing that to on purpose dying out of those years. ET saying ET things, I know exactly what it says. You are minimized whichever interest Party in your own liking because they don't speak English that well nor the Law degree too perfect. What your American Medical Board guarantee is more than that. I know its more than that.

(high light my words on the post title " Urban Planning" and "Community College to double E" - the One, the high school, Eben, Coco Club, the Community Center. 400 millions deficit, Bank fold ) 

Now, here is the catch.

There is no them from the beginning like the public television says. Its all the Youth such as 2014, how Putin and President Xi and the North Korea leadership being switch out of there Kenshin Himura, the pots and plants on my photo telling me. Its the youth behind are needed to record all this including re-words everything if anything are not in the planning to this  "NEVER their president face card on the front to be more fake on the personal interest", you go to jail, really. 

This is not the executive order - I state it over and over and over again, or every post invovled this I will KEEP saying it = this worlds its democracy world FOREVER or ETERNAL.

All business and commercial sectors to where targeting the movie material, be AT the COURT, because I personally don't know what to tell you, they bringing the Medical Board, Technology, Law experty...Like those Librarian Corperation side of the Vendors, I think they went to the ship, out of the Washington D.C or however they saying that. I have no idea where is America.

To this sense, I don't have time for saying 00000000000000000000000000000 this huge amount of money, where is my money at the court? What time do you have? When I starting this 194 countries, if UN its the one talking to this Open Galaxy other than America.

I will be in WHICH skill workers personality at?

On Earth, we the have geography map that is all the flag under my one piece of paper here. To me that is normal, the only normal thing, FOREVER.

We had a French revolution in 1789 but the Church and State Separate were in England Henry 8? I don't know all that history. Someone gives me a sense I don't want to hear anymore this First life, First Royal, whatever garbage I keep saying it was probably a regent nature too, and that SOOOOOO EON again Eon after Eon after Eon, Kalpa after Kalpa after Kalpa, Wheel after Wheel....military I think. 

I don't want to talk about anymore this why running a law cases, or why that 200 years, your court room case + the amount of exceeding 400 millions dollar fees were similar to the Medical World business. The law itself, the local court proceeding all money charging similar to DMV liscence plate and the license charge?

Can anyone in that flag room, in-line Supreme Court, to this 200 years Laws proceeding methods in America alone, what's the money invovled for saying revenue if not Gross income?

Can you imagine, I even knew THAT WORDS? The gross income, the net, the revenue?

How strange.

Don't talk to me about this Royal stuffs, really. There are a serious business only conducting in the right mindful set even the Communism will tell you that is not the Royal Bloodline entails. Therefore, before this Communism fade out, or they ever will, they need to go to court.....uh...one of those 2 circle entwind, you make a case of...



Either, nor.....for sure its always the economic finance gears toward the population amount exceeding to the metropolitan, we have a National Emergency backup food or water, but everyone expected to go to the university or the graduate school in Western World for learning the manner, independence, the girl or the guys, the stability of that NOT tears inside all your eye frames, really.

Learning about the bio fuel, learning about the Pet laws, learning about the Black Ops, learning about the conspiracy or the POLITICS structure fore verbalize your per degree statement to sound like a civilized side of human, NOT APE for Tomorrow. What is the movie called that name in Chinese or in English? Really?

Upon the last post to my first excautive order will be K1 - K12 examination through that Movie: Twlight hinted (the other way), we used it not just the real life scenario so they going on their mind boggling debates in their local City Hall....

Its upon all SMCH delcares since 2010, all materials this transpassing astral, or Heavenly alike all toward "in-line" structure to our World under all National Flower, all National Anthem, all National Flag, Persian does not exist ON THE MAP. The dinasourt is not on the land stepping all over the pedestrian road. The Taipei, its 20 years, the pavement road its glasses shining in it, made of. All corner arts ....of One Block defined.

All walking-in, souls humanoid looking are required to be examined at the border to all these passing Visa issues, and landing Visa issues will be upon now in the discussion.

Its either you stolen the memory by telepathy, told to do like those baby Otter the physical body sense the parenting telling you doing so, we separate the baby all without the air be seen in front of them, its the trust that bond, I declare, you technically process that every paper works saying your mind are sanely normal why you saying you are all Military Iconic, Commander-in-Chef, and where is the Helen Keller, upon our planet, or next by Mars.

There is an Bio Hank AI.

Between me and him, why don't you find out how to channel all that one AI, for ALL the soon-to-arrival statues: entering upon the Earthly Gate force Open Frozen story, we are not on-Time?

"Its simply statue I am late?" (Princess Diary)

And Shut up ~  This is the final Bible Judgement DAY. The Earth doesn't have the Bible anymore, nor spirituality, nor Zen, nor meditation to all mind not examined at the AI statue, its all fails. 

No precepts starting. Tell me the exact liquidarian / breatharian above human population data. Between the man and the woman included. 

All 194 countries through that UN, stack up K1-K12 all textbook materials, if you decide to addinig up the vocational school, what kinds and the community college, the college, or the University textbook when you define what is the undergraduate.

That is post secondary institution.

Get your every word corrected, upon all this Visa, Landing Visa, Special Skill Workers, and one of those American only looking "One person walking out of the Universie Commander-in-Chef", define what does that mean? Their personal wish and pray


Law: there is an array of saying

Yesterday account 1 and 2 were true. Including Pixie I say 2017 never stop, not just 2018.
The Conclusion, they are right outside (1000 accounts). Did you call 194 all Pixies?
What that means right outside?
K1 - K12 all be examined up in entering the line zone, I give all decree before. 
What right do I have? The emergency executive order through them? 


That’s 5 Lords I drag Annca 2 human 
6 Ancient Chinese those cartoon
愛在如初 2016 July I think ….or August 

If the mankind culture were in the development in trying to establish the Laws and the Medical to eradicate disease and the poverty line including rising up the women social standing and independence for finding their true love in their will, 
If The American history were 200 years and that lasting peace were upon 2000 years, 

The open and close the books nature cannot just be the only none moving constant it’s the ET American all world 194 UN seats movies classified TV materials, we suffer just breathing on air or ship, or sea zone uniform how Ukraine ends to Women we need to soak in the water half days in life. (This Earth temperature too cold for 4 limbs)

But if we saying the strategic plans were not on baby producing through the free will, the density of the population it’s based upon the economic factor not the survillience structure because that way American land it’s always on the EF mood the foreigner exchange, special skill workers, Aviation training, military commercial pilots transporting goods and technology, the Medical surgeon doctors, IQ laws in processing logic and Silicon Valley IT communication laws starting Edison 1900, there are prevalence evidence how that strategic means were in the convenience of the in-land police force and the gun freely distribution and Law Making at a certain district continuation on the democracy system ETERNAL since 1789, needless to say why if the first part be true on the citizen land but the economic structure is shipped only jobs outside the laws to be anywhere else you cannot bound… as long as not that inline where the gun purchasing order are increasing heighten through the free trade.

In other words, it’s police, fireman, and Pixie jurisdictions you can have the safety including the accidental insurance upon that unwelcoming world through the constitution bills it’s favor Native American laws to becoming 3 3 10 half lifespan be cut says. 

That free will at this emergency time, I personally can request. It might already in motion….I just legally request one person benefit because I am way toooooo tight up, seriously.  Those W 2 worlds firing gun in that 25 years - 7- “5” years if were them being dispatch to 5 only years, they cannot possibly not knowing 
Either they are not Pixies nor all moves scenes when the gun fired without the hand touch it.

It’s 8 years after 2015 I open this or 2010 13 years later I open X man. I cannot understand a word they say. They called the Eric in UB Law student I met him in the library Lockwood while I was working in the MLS stock department. The boss is Jason.
Prince of Persia, Sand Of Time (2010), I am actually welcoming someone find it out the early years if were just notified me for saying my IQ too laws, the world too leisure to reaction on BTX after we’re nothing but this President I remember = the only democracy iconic, not the military iconic, for saying I have a way more too leisure time to spend on idling !!




I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

I can tell you what it means. X-man apocalyse. My mind Never weaver.

Not really. When I say I meant every word, it never turn any degree just because everyone is so loud on saying every opinion views. Mine is the only statement, and promises. Eternity of it.

That eternity Karma, you don't have any spiritual power behind for being any leadership, so that politician is always ending up in hell. That is what it lightly says, you could just saying that to Black Ops, if SMCH its ET says and meant true.  And that power to this equality of you saying...lightly judge on playing how to get away this apocalyse.

Its when that wild ghost realm arrive, each one of you....what you should set you all free.

Out of the human body. 

But to that unreal reality, its only after you dead, never required to...Judge.

You taken 

1) You only require to stare at the TV to learn English.

That will be that civilization not the karmic law to operate. How you live or die, it is never require under the Free Will. Some can seek the eternal glory, that is with God in every single second.

It might be the Final Verdict of the Final Judgement.  

Statement 1: If the free will is given in the society measurement for not transpassing the telepathy sunshine world, you assume that society must have to be no telepathy on the majority of the human percentage in population.

Statement 2 : If the civilization its gear toward the Open Galaxy and that on the way its on the schedule of whom might know its at our time the Galactic Console meant its real, it is firm its for the civilization of the future that does not await of the 1000 years.


Neither the free will nor the telepathy were placed upon the Open Galaxy to be on the schedule of those whom might know, its not the future that does not await for the 1000 years.

Find out anything of these I wrote them to this one movie. 

Tell me again what are the most simple, and several rules of all this. It normally didn't start at "If, but..." I add that in. Because its too confusing to too many people, and your current laws are probably not operating on that nature.

We have a lot of problems, I am telling you.

A lot.

IQ - All IQ targeting how to processing things.

Not their IQ really.

X Man Future Past



This is funny, is that the Classify movie TV content is the only thing that never change, no matter if moving land, sea, air?  

Most people just talking out of their mouth like in English, or even to a lot more CSI, or something more scientific language of those English, its already way to ahead of them. Knowing about the mutation, the environmental cause, the word for advertising like Steve Jobs did in the Apple. All those are fine.


That would be Salior Mars.

Melinda can get the compensation.

You say ....

My psychi space are not supposed to think, that everything I do in my life has a very vivid On TV, public space, if that figure its me. That story plot is not supposed to be real. There is a line on Anna, and me to this on WWII interface line. I start to gradually discover, that is talking about us, that is talking about me.

To that Anna which lawsuit that told us the W Two worlds how to do this....entering this field, having that story plot line, facing right at the current American President, if all things fit, this is the exactly stories we are right here on this line.

I think that is me.

She says that is the compensation = the story is not supposed to meant for real. Not in the degree you are completely not aware of, you are being "display" in that almost identical story, you are out number. That is the real sense.

Very very very out number, we are not getting anything from those whom are supposed to do the job UB 6+1, its becasue they are all very short in money in saving. To that situation if were all true, how Anna did this Dean's position, and with all the relevant Justin Timberlake story. You are damaged my entire life to this one psychi space, because of this one WWII interface line, we don't know we can move, we don't know our life being restrain and on the back of our mind, she says, if our spiritual power is not existing,....its everything on the TV, are affecting our psychi space, not just Ola were getting the elemental all over her body to slam at the back.

That is horrific. These stories are true.

I can process this story. 

This is the story of the oversea staffs to this 25-7-5 years, that pointing gun its 5 years story after 25-7 years.....Anna made that happened. Just the other days.

X Man Apocalypse

Trump cannot go near China Pixie border line, his daughter issues its on the wiki. I say that. I done that saying all over the internet. There is a Pixie line. Its either whom filed.

Trump, Trump daugther?! Pixie, Me.



According to this saying.

Trump doesn't need AI, he doesn't need or want anything other than retreat to his florida, and taken him off the public television as he put the porm star on the public claim. He doesn't need the digital era, not BTX AI, not anything he gonna screw it up. He is old, he is deformed, he is brain head, not healthy, not fat, or he was like China President Xi 2014, Kenshin Himura, there is an Obama role I say.

They all got switch it down.

That time.

He can just retired in the "Warmed" Florida weather, that is where their resident or the dautghter-in-love + the son-in-law, not in China waiting for him. That is an illusion, whatever that says. I don't understand why they are in a 2 different placed, meaning she was detained, and as long as he didn't ask for seeing her. She can return that jail forever....gone.

Is that what it says?

Hank = High Tech = AI. 

He has an building issue, behind...that scene. All deformed.  His age, and his world, he is not going to help the Ukraine or Russian to re-built. Check it with them, if the War is over. The News here say, Russia to Re-built, is that real?

You all need to plot that time in this scene. That is War scene, but he is not going to help them. He is official take it off, or taken down, or willing to be off. He cannot carry that jobs as the Commander-in-Chef. 



💝 What I gonna do with this lock things, the overseas things....uh, wait until I lock them behind a door. 💝

You all don't take TOEFL before, or something English comprehensive in the cram school at the Taipei Station?  SAT ?

I seen a BTX plot, is that OVA 14? ....not the Real BTX? So what is the story in the real BTX? 

The idea of this WWII interface line, didn't just end at Taiwan. You have Japan Oversea staffs, Korean oversea staffs, graduate students, because Caro's ex bf was like that a Ph.D, and Charlies also came back....or traveling back and forth. They are older too. They are not younger age.

From us here going down, that would be Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia.

There are all kinds of the overseas staffs, one of that norm would be embassy, similar to that Red River Manga on the Egypt side, Ramses. No, that is not the first time they do those things, NO. I think BTX just keep key-in the keyboard that is all I ever do, really. 

I am sure? 100% sure. They done this before. The Oversea. Their destination its to go back to America. Me is I am the citizen but I am trying to remember...



I remember the problem or the discussion, but not the solution?

No one telling me this gonna be real, at all?

For example, some of this oversea staffs, they will get married and have the kids, or having an original family from Taiwan, so their kids are ABC, and their wife are similar to their same age, so they are retired. That supposed to be one of those UB each of them assignment, because we have a comet issue too. They just meant they want to secure their only job, never moving to California, because their local current job told them: They are not the reason to move away, its to stay there to be train for the rest of their life.

But they are being display on the map. 

Correct, they don't need to move out of that place for the rest of their life, they stay that mode for the next 40 years until they being trained to that jobs, or really passing the MCAT or PCAT. I am not sure what they make them do. They say they training them. They do on purpose not to get things right, because they are not a good kid. Not to the parents, not to anyone around, never gonna foster the youth.

If their parents are the overseas staffs, only their parents knew, or their friends. 

These entire groups suppose to be working it together, but none of them are that character, they are not frugal people, so they spent away all the money they ever make, there is no extra, not for foster anyone, not doing anything good to the parent's retirement life, including that Dr. Bing Shen. He will get all this problem when he returns to China, or he will be jailed over there. 

There is a reason China need people to stay outside China, including the billionaires. Learning English, and that fashion style life, not life the local, not going back to the local. 

I came in, not as the Taiwan, but American citizen. They got those things wrong. 

But I have no idea what ET says...if that is what it means?

Flower Thousand Bones 19


No, not Chinese language.

Need all the Open Galaxy, those Black Ops. Sleek, per ruler, per metal, per technology cruel cut. meaning the measurement 0.01mm , one of those measurement, to every sleek nature. All things high tech, all things English to that international business, to Western Worlds America and Europe all democracy ruling - Laws. 

But I am looking for .....Higher ground.


Need to speak English, GE, German, all dryer, electronic appliance.  The kitchen modern way of processing "Every Family" wants a kitchen made over, or every family has the Kitchen re-done.

The American style of Calvin Klein, Annie Taylor, Ruth, A & F, Hollister, American Eagle. The American mall, those are all fine. The Laws, the law board. The Medical, the medical board. The pharmacy, the pharmaecutical / board. IT Silicon.

But I don't know where is American went? Didn't I say that I gone to Silicon Valley? 

Music, like Music Capital its in Europe, its called Vienna 維也納 It is in the comic book 變奏天使  that is Tina's comic book. If Hank and Me going to England for that lawsuit, its fine. They are democracy world. Anything democracy, the law proceeding are fine. I just don't know where is America, they seriously vanish, or they going somewhere? 

When I found out? 

Both the American music, or Europe music are both fine.

The Hip hop, soft rock, pop songs are fine. Vienna just mean the Classical Music like Orchestra. Those are all fine. Need to switch your brain to process in English.I never read a book in American on the history or democracy, so I technically have no words. I use those words from the middle school, I cannot figure it out which word would that be.

But practically my brain normally day-to-day, its custom to the English. Nick speaks English.  If someone saying something both in English or in Chinese, my first intuitive reply should be in English, that expression or something I cannot describe to you. 

Some words no, I know the Chinese, because those words I don't know in America. Certain English I don't have as I grew up. The details how the native American to be the American Doctor? 

I can mimic the sounding practically all the Western language, because they are alphabets. As long as you say, I can repeat it what I hear, I just don't know what they say in that meaning. But alphabetically, I am not that was 20 years ago?

And you guys suppose to know you have a situation on my facebook - the Black Ops, all this garbage outside?! One of those Bob Dean human alike?  You have to threaten sound like you speaking all English, that is the international language for the entire Earth.

Today is our Friday Night. I am home....

I gain weight, so eat home now. Friday night is where people go out and play ....

Cooking food Photo to Westlife + Ronan + Michael Vartan


Onion soup + Oregano, smash Pumpkin, Zucchini, chopped 4 season beans. Salt and some sugar, and one orange juice.
Italian Foccacia