
⭐️⭐️⭐️ You girls often are not those guys including accounting, they are selfish or they are dummy, rigid but one thing…in their life no matter what, it’s the bank ⭐️⭐️⭐️

That’s equal on both side.

You suppose to tell the guys your finance including directly telling him you have no back end road, never ilegal plotting. He reports you, you got taken to the women’s shelter.

Under God, you die on the street because you ruins your own very life never ends.

He and you are the equal under God.

He needs to know very very clear, never you plotting. Some guys are bad so….unless you seeing the target short or medium somewhat established all guys world, you suppose to give him a choice.

Tell him the Truth.

Never ilegal stuffs. Lose him your face, you are the criminal. That’s the correct act.

I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Once if you secure your finance in this world, its really just your social skills how you mean between each other.

Your people skill, and most time its your gossips to each other friends that best day of life.

It cannot possibly only me one human as a girl to fix the half eternity, while that percentage, I personally just telling you its impossible.

The women's shelter

The women jailed inmate

Very often I think that is definitely your end road, ending up on the road. 

The guys I am with these 10 years....

They live on their ship, or they live very little food. The stability, and the smell, so it is almost every single day I am washing my toilet, becasue I got nothing else to do and I am too afriad I am seeing them real or fake.

Very very seriously. I prefer none of that are real.

I really don't care about it, but they are not leaving so....

When some guys never aging, never wobble, all have the family experience, all knowing these money digits, or the jobs, or the careers, or the normal sense of talking = clear, positive, up tones.

Here you say on Earth its rare.....

I don't want to hear about it what you think the standard to pretend wherever else I pretend to be that blind mice.

I have a lot of the travelers here, where I mop my floors.

That is all the space we have.

Your evolution didn't require the idea how to make it the spirituality, and certainly a tiny thing how to carry your life basic "money" so you breath, to live on imagine without your parents, its the tears inside your eyes. You rather prays to the devil, never God, so....

The very very basic things its

1. Your mood, your self talk (no money, it means very sour)

2. Don't tell me about this TV means real, a container of the rectangle ice cream. That is not a standard. You are hopeless, to even imagine the court compensate you so your future sue the court for hindrance your Evolution Time.

3. Most guys will tell you, they are one person show all the time, that is why their mood is very sad, like those UB facebook the rest of those guys. True.

4. Many guys can carry a very simple 4 limbs swing their body, tiny food inside their mouth. When they are hungry, they know its not the tear inside the bed to shrink the Line App for....the guys also got affected by their relationship statues, but your entire immature acts, its nothing but psycho to me. They are regret its the psycho part, or its too late they found out, so the future life they better do something for themselves, to get up that situation? Really.

On Earth, there isn't a lot of the commitment. You all have to learn to pick up a skill, find that passion how to make a livelihood. 

I used to did believe what that Steve Jobs saying things.

Find the things you love to do. 

That was not one thing I love to, I can tell you that .....many things were not part of that, or at least I finding out a lot me, because that is what I hear. You have to carry a job because that is how the money pays. Its really not goes by the choice. He sounds right, that doesn't mean everything goes all right. Above it, its that God leading you, not really....all this talk, you won't know God's purpose, only if you align, through his Will, so everything in Him, that Him done.

I highly doubt you have anything meant nothing but your freedom part in the Constitutional laws, really. You only deliver God's will, never your own will. Not this SMCH talks about what so higher up, her ego, or her level....if God says its Astral world, you be in the Astral world.

If he meant its the second world, that is the second world.

You carried that will, that Him promises you the eternal life, not anything else, really.

The show's name is called the FRIEND. with .....

That is how the society lays out, what your friend matter to tell you. Most people are. No I didn't watch all of it. You have the obligation looks like nick's ex wife. 

sigh....a lot of people mistaken a lot of things, that's why. 

That Mark is an University Professor's job. It means Lee is the University Professor, at least as far as I could see it, I have no more facebook to tell anyone else. That is everyone moving out of his life the only things in the legal system, that is what the University resources capable.

oh ~~ That is the Joey and Rachel stuffs?!

They finishing watching that, that is what they are saying? 



The Playlist

The baby? 


I want to go to sleep

Is there a reason why I need to stay up and bite something?

oh ~ you suppose to say "Under the War Curfew any lawful degree, which I won't have and you suppose to have the American Medical Board, you will hearing about this every couple days..."

I cannot breath becasue of you, this survey its to gather some useful collection of MD to do a direction methods how we gonna use the on-line resource, including some of the participants already tried their friends suggestion on one of those Meet-up groups by the hobby, not necessary a public park on the music festivity. 

What am I supposed to do? To stop that? 

Because the original PDF, if you just sent me the download link, it won't take another 8 months that survey forms.

That is how Dublin looks?!

That is how they say s li go.

Not sil go? 

Sli go sounds like .....

Its the soccer, not the football, what the barbarian human races just like those American middle West Isisah those. 



That is how you guys all watching that Mummy (1999) and 1 2 3 4 ?

I am looking at some clips, starting from the jail area.

If that jail area never opens, you don't have any of that stories really. Not the dead, not the mummy, not the mummification....etc.




Did you keep yourself in contact with the American Medical Board, which state you are issued?

Through them the every sources whatever Anna's mouth coming out of it, you first asking them? That might be making a sense before you attempt to do anything like, where is the template, download the PDF, isn't that what I say last time?

You go to where to find a reference, the textbook?

One of you looking at your left side? You have a cheat sheet ?? 

You are out of the school, or you are doing your way? You supposed to be on that phone with the American Medical Board all the time, you suggest, you imagine, you find? Every 2 second, "i think that is a brand new reality over this case." " I think there is a better way how I invented that way by here 5 textbook page 1 2 3 4 5, my marking on those highligher paper, this is your offices?" "This is a unique case how my head hang on it, you ever seen this in your life?"

"How sweet, we talking about the same language or a different native dialogue, you coming from?"

"You know the native English speaker and the writing to those survey questions are not the MD jobs, its the physical therapy one of those? Guess where you think I met a physical therapist at? The common interests of the jobs junction."

This is one week pass yet, you re-write the Linkedin things I add myself a job? That MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+2 to that Mummy (1999)

If the American Medical Board already finish all that supposed to do the task about 2019 March from that Dr. T? that is 4 years ago, they suppose to finish those things to leave it on the map.

You are surveying each other, or you are staring each other those "re-write" things I say you go and download someone's format?

Let me see see???

There is a lot of things don't add-up. You use the court, and you use the court for that eovlution time you lost to exchange what money? You tell someone about how much?

Someone telling you, is that small tiny money they ever seen? No, I don't know you gone to the court, or you go to the jail, or one of you go to the jail...til you finish all this writing and keep sueing. Things its when they feel like, they jail whichever whom they feel like. You suppose to know that.

A home means you have to wipe, clean, cultivate, and do the laundry, the clothing or the bed / towel / sheets ...

If by myself still starting one human living, and built up? You are so sure about that life in front of you, in any land just arrival. You didn't prepare to do anything, or imagine you really live in that places, finding out the location, and all things seeing through?

Your goal is to how to talk to the financial advisor. 

You want that blame to be on someone's shoulder. Things you do, so you stay on your line app to tears on your phone, not really your anything you suppose to check and be attentive. I have no idea how you really meant you take in charge of your life.

🥘🍈 The house or the home design 🥘🍈

Its better you know this is the modern 21th century, what sense of that design really. 

Does Taipei Tape Water Factory they have money?

... No. Those are the preservation of the Earth jobs. I told you it was an aspiration it was not the reality jobs. You were in the middle school, you listening to the belief only to your core, whatever that supposes to be when life is easy at it. Taiwan we lacking water, or those pure water resource goes to washing their chip, Semi-conductor industry here. Everyone knew we lack the water here. They told you right on the news, television?!

Like the modern kitchen counter top.

Like the modern kitchen cabin, or the glasses, those trend for the Modern, the Contemporary, some design sense, something more like the architecture you know its in it. Every kinds of the design, with the things look like the design.

You have a lot of these attitude, because you don't run a household, someone else cannot just create a proper household, when I get to where I need to be? The proper thing at one's life how suppose to do? Pang would tell you that, not I tell you that. You cannot wait to get out of that door, go somewhere else. For some reason a home is not a home. 

🥘🍈 🥘🍈 🥘🍈 🥘🍈 🥘🍈 🥘🍈 🥘🍈

Why do I keep going to sleep?

What day is today?

Today is Saturday?

Do I go to hug that things intentionally?

You mean "Do I EVER intentionally to go and hug that thing, unless I knowing it to go?"


What do I usually do hugging the pilliow? Dizzy ~~~~~

My eyes closing, but hugging a thing that will have a sound, I get used to it. Like the talking, and hugging so much, by now I know what is a hug, how to? Not my shoulder pain, but its a cuddle things.

Stay there until my mind doesn't fallen asleep, or my nose too near that thing. I need to close my eyes like 5 mins.  Its a life I keep living with it.  You all girls have no stability, not even tiny bit. What a mature human and a stability to imagine ....ANY future existence at all. 

Those behavior are women jail inmate, I keep saying it. All those behavior, you just didn't think or know anything, that's all.  You never seen a human stable, stability, stablized to go to sleep, get up calmly, doing things clearly, make yourself less lazy, smile, happy, laugh, live a life in front of you.

If you make it all of that, maybe your government just meant you laugh way too loud, the birds gonna sunk the sky?

Those...anything with the life, you do not get up and get things done, you will be 2 more year 40 years old, you have to keep saying, you have 2 more years, not 3 anymore. Your body, your metabolism, your junk food you stuff them inside your mouth. You literally really really really getting those ice cream container inside your mouth like you scoop from the container, not bucket, the rectangle container?

Or really that Mongolian BBQ, you sitting alone, you don't even call your parents, at this hour and time?

See, no more invitation, Lalla 心要真的死掉在叫做痛快呀 !


haha....want to say, keep saying it? Its endless a reason with a question. Quest?

This is so funny, how the guys sees themselves heart dead.

They are the girls?

Tell me...so much talk. So..here tell me ...how

Can you sit on the ground lean on the wall back curl, lower your head down, 2 legs inside out open, 2 arms on the floor.

Heart dead, 1 to 10 steps.

Not 1 to 10 years.

They usually just hugs, its a pillow, and 2 people hugs close....its you don't have money, not us don't have a money, and a bed? We stability on the tradition, which one of us the photo doesn't look like we know what is a big deal game, so I get up, then I sit, or I eat potato chips, I write to response. 

He won't be telling me.

🍒 Does the guy 20 years later has a kid since the high school? By the way? 🍒 What the hellish 6 years since that one Tina Jojo...you wonder and knowing so sure what is the family holiday, I am telling you.

Every single year. 

Its every week or month she has to be on the phone with her mother. Cannot stop loving it.... She has a brother, about the ABC age.     🍒


Network /ing? Whom?

You mean socializing? I think you need this someone keep approving why your life spare to exist, its the lady talking or the old man talks?

You loving it so much the idea, its you sent out the invitation and see whole life waiting, if its that the public annoucement board I say...its only the circulate information board. 

haha, right? Then sent !  Every year you collecting the stamp recipes, like a loving heart talk. Its a stamp and the post mail stamp.

No face? haha...what the public announcement you have to make that complicated a reason.



You start to freeze? ( Let me imagine, its 2 or 3 hours you are there.)

That is none attended agenda?



🍓🍒 You go to a guy's house, or my side might be the Westlife combine house....can my life to be that complicated to just sit there finally eating one meal normally? 🍓🍒

I will tell you it is always like that. You never invite the guests, or you were never a guest, or you never had a real job meaning manage people, or bossing everyone else around, to sound like....its really really just a sit down and eat meal?

They finally having their own dad, father, what not bosses showing it up other than that Shane.

I really don't care about it. Some human makes to be that life hellish complicated....name not to be mentioned at all. 

We might just got paid,    me    |     any human in Westlife Free that day, that lunch

Never ending transpassing that door, front door, door bell, why did I explain to you how the household run to every trivial things to be that humility running deep, don't bother to show up, the door bell?    "I just pass by."

Every day I have a routine, I forget it...a lot of things it comes easy at my eyes, I show, but I never think?

That is the plate I eat, but I am not moving inside the house!!!

You thought things every day, you never think until you seeing yourself opening up your mouth with those movie, and with or without that guy bulging in. He agreeing so?

SETH!!!!! Not back yet. Its sun down. 

The old people present its actually very easy, its their home, they talk with their saying things on the table, you never required to input anything at all. I thought it is a leisure things ever do....I never care about really between them, but if I understand the language, I walking in, I walking out hearing if I understand that is English or Irish. 

Shut up, birds.

You have 10 more years to proven you are not 50 years old yet. You remember you used to be 22 years old graduate the Freshman entry the society....well, I will tell you the very bad news about it, its happened every single year.

Tony high school, one time under that big tree, we, me and Promo and his wife....or his son might be too. (nick may not be there...why?! No idea, probably Dimitri potty)

He deliver a stand up speech all by himself in front of that Promo, an accountant, never like that Dennis to be that rigid, if those Sailor Moon just even asking me. He is the O-town boy's father.

And his wife is a teacher (Movie: Up, the neighbor)

They 3 not dead or super giant, really...worse than Hank.

Someone like Promo, and me recently NEVER stop file-ing on the paperworks to really seeing the money will be present it, I am telling you, human world how funny, why anyone just get fat on the chair, doing nothing the weight on my knee. I told Shane that. I show him my package of those noodle.

I regret it. That is all I eat. 

Its best you leave your in-laws, those are not in-laws really...just some guys with their gf and parents show up

Sometimes their age people retired, just go to where they belong happy places, no matter its too old to be true, or just happy world they retired. Sometimes its between them the things they do.

I finish telling my parents things, then if Shane they are done, or Ronan, that is when they calling. Things vanish without trace, including Taiwan Youtubers, I really don't care about all the things they pretend to be. But the truth were, you keep...

1. Asking for the approval, either your ex, your new love, every older mother / father to baby you. You could just talk to them like you own the whole world. Or don't bother saying a word, my eye brow itchy, my ear itchy.

2. You listen clearly how these older people talk. They talk different, or they done that for the last 30 years, because you could just pay attention once, to learn that every single meeting. I think...


3. Sometimes its just a virtue, everyone win on the conversation table, I never care about the winning or losing, that is how I ending up far away with the too old. I retired a lot of things in my life, I don't bother telling anyone, including this time I have to bulge out this leadership things including that Shane things showing it up.

4. Talking art, isn't a new generation art, it might lost it all....so you only have last 10 years + another 10 years you imagine what a really needed talking art they sound like. You hate them or you cannot just see them as a stranger, sit there, listening. The native English speaker, what do they sound to you?

5. You constantly seeking approval

    6. Agenda

    7. Plot and you consent that right?

    8. I have no idea what that is.

    9. You cannot carry a conversation

    10 Looking for an interest through them.

    11. I thought its just a sitting down, no one bothers nobody, they keep talking, I sit and sip my tea cup. I never thought things would be this complicated, so you are very nervous from that first 10 lists, I have no idea, ANYONE's life could be this

this this this this complicate, no one can breath, no one can live, no one can be that easy going, to be honest, just sit there....eat and drink tea. Too far away, I don't have my eyes glasses...oops, its just the tone different. 

Stark !



I got confused, that is neither name I see Google image directory.

The tape water factory all issues, every old clothing. 


In-Law has other kids, oh ~ your prospect his sibling, their kids okay, I understand that

You choose which table, one guy? Or every guy prospect? Your sibling coming together with you all, friends, his friends, all friends all showing up that one long table? 

I don't really care about the movie or the stories, but I am sure you have something to say, the lady first. None of that I can see its me.


I don't have a draft for 10 years, because the circumstance were too bad, you have any sheet show up, in case you cannot read it clearly.  I don't have the eye glasses, I can read it now. 

Do you have a particular pen you use?

You ever play any table chess anything involved with a different color pen? I have. That is why I ask you? If you don't have the preference, its okay with me.  

Is this for the discussion or the personal? I can write next by or you have another sheet?  Anyone else has the sheet? and you talked to each other before compare the sheet, or you have something in common, anything different on the sheet, I write one, or repeat?

"The roughly idea I think you 2 can combine, or separate that cases to....I listing here, its for everyone to hear. If they ask you. I put the contact after that, the email."

I guess that is how you talk to the in-law, or all the family usually are very very confusing. I met Adam's father's side entire Thanksgiving, I cannot understand one person.

Nick knows my attitude with his family, he will tell you, he probably can figure it out, what was I ever attitude with any of you. He knew all that.

You usually are a type of the girl, its the older people ask you a question, you talk.

I used to gone to that Karen's family dinner to talk a story about my car.  You formula a story in front of all of them, not just the parents, you gonna have everyone else all together? Or you imagine its per bf prosper in-law by the movie decree?

I think its those Wayne Family Lunch after Church sounds real. Its the cafeteria style. With the current time, you talking to the old people like you talking about the business, or how soon you like the senior home Erin's wii board exercise? I tell you its per quota count movement will sound like per caroles burn out, they cannot really doing that, but...there is a reason.

The last time I talking to Vince, Nick's friend, was the First time I talking to him. He is on the TV with the Monica the rose bed. I sitting those small tiny tool watching up wall TV, I turn back looking at nick and him in the kitchen table.

I have my hair up!

My side of Seth or your side of Seth, all your side? (ROOFY, SETH!!!!!!! )

I really don't care about it. The court has a final conclusion that is what you all gonna do to the filling with the current "parenthood", meeting each other?  I used to have those Wayne's family Church lunch after each sermon. I eat the eggs salad with the eggs and the dressing. Very sinful things to imagine it. 

I cannot leave my seat right now, these entire circle human have to move together, either its NASA we tour, or we go back to Ireland included, one of those....if I move, some human moved to, they just never told me the exactly 1) System People 2) Educational people 3) MD next those MD 4) watching here the Asian edition news whom from the American Medical Board, probably its MD......5) American Military including the foreign military, I seen it.  You don't remember a lot of things.

I remember.

No, I don't care about it. The money to invovle at the court room real lawsuit its more than those....you mean dining for the romance reason, or to inspire the past kindle idea? I just told you every relationship need that 4 stove, espeically you all rural, meaning its per Holiday Thanksgiving and Christmas. Me this one human living daily in that Ireland court, they might insert some Supreme Court China or America, that is 3 court room I run about. I am not sure. There is a certain mentality of the human mind, if that day its how much money, I will tell you, I live that 6 long years this life almost to 7 years, I really personally don't care about anything other than the microwave.

So..according to me, you heard me saying there is a subject line called Ancient Chinese as one of the transcription grade. True, separate with the Ancient Chinese history, I forget to tell you there is a reason why I keep saying they are together !!

Yeah, most Chinese will tell you, if someone told you.....商鞅妲己 they wish to see whom that Lauren is. She can make a living out of herself, really.

But....not the entire bigger thing because its very very bad. They can look at her, but not keep a photo of her in the wallet. No. You girls still to fantasy your short cut like SMCH selling herself on the karma reason. How come you get those idea? Your skin or your face to sell the photo?

The art scrabble, the poems, the meditation supply, the meditation tent and seat?  The Celestial Shop. com? One of those?  Every junks she ever compiles, I already seen most of that stuffs in 2005.

In-law would be like mother-in-law, the father-in-law, that would be the girl's side like the movie: Meet the Parents?

oh ! 

My side of the in-law, they were older than me. I never speaking to them a word, really. Nick and I talked different. But he carried those conversation with his son. I talked to the kid. Its different when 2 people relationship, because my side of the world its blank, no friends, no family. He knew that. 

He has a lot of the sister and the neighbors though, and those ex gf, never end. But the in-law are their own race, so they talk best to their own race. I really don't care about it. We don't eat the same thing, its he cooking...did I tell you, there is not one time I understood why, I never ask him? No. I never think of it, probably he cares about his own hygenic more than me? One of those the garbage thing i will poison his kids. Only he will coming out of those words from his mouth, everything he does. Its his son.....

They eat Tomato sauce. 

I don't have in-laws issues when I show up at his age? My ex. You mean your ex bf was the history, or just like the financial advisor things?

I think you are doing a very dangerous things with your life. You are shaking with your every decision in life, and with those financial worlds, you have to stare at the monitor like I am occasionally looking at my LinkedIn or Facebook? They have an emergency they call me? But those Wall Street, there is no agent calling you? That is truely redundant things to say isn't it?

I never had an in-law issue, its your new bf prospect any time soon, or the court telling you what I see, to where they found, to that 1 or 2 years,.....because they say more than one your future bf looking. 

What is this in-law anything to do with me? Or you just mean you nervous, oh ! Meet the Parents? Not that Ben Still again.....not your in-law. Its Ben.

Seth !!!! Not here.

They called it the financial advisor - meaning if the court room fight they compensate you the money, you have secured some capital. They calling out which guys Allian, or Allen?

Zawanna I mean or Thor (George), I don't know if they are the same person.

Plaintiff would be you yourself. 原告

I writing that word this much lawsuit, at least I know for sure that is the English word. I roughly remember that was the word, so I used it, God know like 200 lawsuit pass, I went to check the English dictionary just to make sure that is me = 原告

The financial advisor is those with IQ, you sit in front of them talking, you could just go to Key Bank those front lobby to wait or in California, I used was HSBC. They have a better furniture, and youth age. I have nothing else to do every so often, I get into those cubical and talking in front of those small tiny human. Those are just the cubical bank staffs. Not the financial advisor, you want to ask your dad to go with you? I have no dad.

Shane is not my thing, you imagine I care about a lot of things, when I finalize a lot of only I realize things? The most arrogant human race not just imagination they have the protocol, not necessary they make it work, but they know about stuffs. They are the American military. They roughly knew that is correct, not that they ever hear, someone moving Justin Timberlake Song, how you make that feel Vola concert...whatever was the name of the song. Rock your Body. Otter. I just seen the Beaver, what the ugly things than those Otter.

Ancient Chinese, its more...

They probably sent a couple of this Chinese people, I get farmiliar with including those cleaning supply I really really care about it. I heard, not that I know about it. Sometimes they give a name on the Title, I just volunteering check those Ancient Chinese they compile including the Chinese history.  No, those are not the publishing stuffs. I am the Honorable Superior stuffs. SMCH has those desk paper jobs to do.

I don't have a job to do, why I design things they show up? 

If you spent the next 20 years in your own landing visa countries, with your parents, whatever the conversational that language, at least you have 20 years you think its better off, you don't have to be in America. 

(My stomach acid flood up to my throat? oh dear, drinking water down.....my teeth, my throat...)

5 Lords Review the internal, Congress or the Military finish compiling. The decent human does the decent things?

5 Lords Review the external, well.....SMCH would be told there is a situation, and her book. That extent you mean the kitchen jobs on No Reservation, unless that NASA means I leave my seat or why they had last year, or my calculation isn't inside my brain, I guess its my birthday, I cannot be dead. So temporary no outting. Everyday this birds cannot stop talking. You imagine what that life is about. They are on the phone to .....those fading out human. 

UB Alumni is a per year subscription fee, they might have one of those magazine, some sibling might be still there for some neighborhood. They selling mugs or t-shirt stuffs. Sometimes you can just get a contact Instant Librarian to the instant UB on-campus police, where you all about, including that witness program in progress. 

I have to finish whatever I told them jobs I remembered all these past 10 looooong years.

You are all very nervous to put a lot of responsibility to a lot of people. I don't do those things. Not really. But correct, I know whom they are. Right now, my jobs its to staring at that NASA, when they gonna finish, I have no idea. I cannot have my mind anywhere else.

But true, the math skills are simple for me. So those things if I see, i understand, I comprehend, I study, i learn, just because Nature Magazine its just on trendy in the library, its one of those things still exist in UB.

Everyone has a different choice how they go about their life, you just tell the Judge or the Police your future plan better, or you planning on not telling them at all? My jobs are not going to finish that quick, they cannot possibly know I have any plan? To be that imaginative.

People whom have done things in life, its to clearly confrontation to that one cubical the bank front door entry, keep walking in and out, and just one youth talking. Nicely asking him things, sometimes you get a word, sometimes you ask about what that is....and you go home and research. I tell you I knew zero things at those Warren Buffet's world.

I think his business its the Insurance company.

There is a name, I saw it, I knew that is his company.

🍒🥪🍕 🍒🥪🍕 🍒🥪🍕 🍒🥪🍕 🍒🥪🍕 🍒🥪🍕

🍒🥪🍕 🍒🥪🍕 🍒🥪🍕 🍒🥪🍕 🍒🥪🍕 🍒🥪🍕


 Babaji: Go

Back to my monitor, you mean that Westlife Mark?! Your partner to this 3 3 10 Peach Blossom Anicent Chinese story, and...what story I imagine it will be, the Valentines Chocolate?

Like one of those Princess Diary Dinner table, that is what you say, or what your military officers says? Upper?

He gains a lot of the weight to loosen down. You all motivate him just looks ...like he would. Right now the overweight issue, he will not feeling too well, including the stress. They have another concert coming out.

My firefox crushing in these news sites. I hate all these news I ever have to read. Ronan becoming a grandpa. Garbage stuffs to open it. Everything freeze.



Ancient Chinese

開發財源,節省支出,以儲蓄財力。 語本《荀子. 富國》。

Of course I know what it is. 

When you saying per phrase, that will be made of similar to the Chinese poem basic lay out, 4 symbols

4 = Ancient Chinese phrase

Poem grammatical order







低  舉  疑  
頭  頭  是  前
思  望  地  
故    上  月
鄉  月  霜  光








The first sentence, that is how they used write the history documents, you can put different words in other than the 4 word ancient Chinese normal slang saying. 

Slow (progression) makes a haste



Where is this American military - Ancient Chinese?

井底之蛙 (my father eye glasses )


李維名字叫做 mist or fog

Aries = r

Remember which thing Dr. Steven or Nick says? I stay away?

把 fog mix r

= frog 

Did you knew what Dr. Steven or Nick was? That time?

💖🍲 You get 5 yellow folder - each inside stuff like 5 A4 sheet. just blank 💖🍲

Sit down.

Take each first sheet start labeling, "Fitness and Ballet Stretching at your own dorm for now."

"Music, single or pair, trying to sing at the open air, screaming, you try 1 and 2 and 3 times."

Shuffle that sheet back, forget about it.

3) Youtuber, we heard about that Taiwan 2015 this guy name is what "English", their current female President "Broken English". Strange, but I record it down, today's date is March 11th.

    2nd sheet: I have look Anna's Pinterest, here is the URL link: 

                      Its about the printing art, how she created the demo, or affiliate software, or the local shop trying on the printing technology to compare each arrival that day, right now to her, it makes no different to her, she told us. But before these 3 things she personally touch-and-feel the day they arrive in the mail, or pick up the demo from the car drive or the competitor look out, walk-in the store. She feels blank. She is blank of all kinds of the glossy, words, or the description, untili the days all the mail arriving in. She only says she sses the Visa, Send-out-Card, and Orillia printing shop, and Office Depot and Hallmark she has visits.

4) I have a current this pilie-ing professors 10 subjects line, I seen and meeting whom, I remember some feeling about this.

a, b, c, d, e, f, g ....

5)  Returning the school

    a) The career office

    b)  Inside has a alumni list

    c)  What is an alumni list means?

    d)  Tutoring and the library how to use a database, in case I becoming her, one thing without the mistakes.

    e)  What is the graduation expected date, at the tuition office, or their mail boxes, she says UB has what, the drop down mail tuition box? On the wall, on the career office across of it. Adria......That is the 400 millions dollar deficits next by.

    g)  I wonder how broken I will ever be in the end of the expected graduated dates, Ballet studio and the fitness plan in the school. Is that the same sheet of the Ballet sheet that one, its two different location, we currently has none. 

Shuffle back each of this one sheet, or 2 sheets to that folder, you have a name tag on top, calligraphy on it right.

棒球 - 我其實知道職棒 (Baseball 2023)

跟 HANK 的電視沒有差太多,台灣的主要球之一,你們小巨蛋的原因呀 !


🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙 🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙 🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙

🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙 🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙 🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙🥙

Okay, I see what this is. No, I didn't see the face. Lunch

You mean the solo artist is one human, and you don't have Mark, this Mark? Of course, they are the Westlife known on our CD cover for a reason? You...have any reason need to assemble a singing group, with you? ~~ this is not about Disney the High School Musical, you gonna be single or Pair up?

They asking you doing that?

Babaji: Go


How come just 20 mins, I am inside my dream

Those plastic mode to make a chocolate.

Whom is this Mark? And there is a difference the Asian chocolate on the valentines day?

Japanese Cartoon below - War soilder coming back


The ASMR on the buttom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CopqpabihGk  |     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myiwaJS2k3o&list=RDmyiwaJS2k3o&start_radio=1


Westlife is next by it..... The Better Man Rehearsal, anything about the dinner, or the run about after, the rehearsal dinner?

oh ~~ the real singing, the music rehearsal? With whom?







You girls care about "fun", and keep on leashing different guys, not the kids, not your bf cared about what life, in his own world whatever that worlds supposes to be

There is a community, let's say even I built a home, and that community its neighbor on Watch, you ever seen those police sign somewhere up? On the electric pole? You reading every sign here around the neighborhood, they broken the car windows its on the wall?


You know why you laying down inside your own perfect home, to when you get up and doing things? You have no where to lay down other than the couch? There is the school magazine, there is a concert, there is an activities, there is donation boxes, there is this and that....you one person has to land somewhere....even if the court room if its short, not every day I imagine. 

I thought might be very very very long time....loooooooooong.

You walking and you talking to the neighbor, how long you staying in this community, we just move here? 

You as a girl, imagine to land with what, every day showing up to the bank, that is not what you do, or I imagine that is I always land on my own, and finish how I can stay indoor my perfect life, the perfect furniture however I can inquire?

The community news is where that neighborhood you seeing they are the family oriented, what kinds of the business they have? What do they do with their dogs, whom and what dogs are none stop barking, Shut up!

💝 When the kids coming over you and your bf home, what you gonna do? Wrap them in the blanket? Cooking the food, or cutting the apples? 💝

Putting them in the bath tubes, playing the water, and they need to nap, if they running those water hose play ground all by themselves, one of those summer? After the Farmer's Market. The sea belt, the car seat.....oh at least the man exist for that reason for that car seat. Mimmo or nick. I cannot do that. You need to always put the blankets everywhere, they wrap themselves in, or they get up, they sitting in the sofa, cover them? Its the food, the water, the dinner, the fruits? 

They participate the event, or the bike ride....you watch this one little things walking on the road, you yourself watching yourself how to walk at all? oh my God....I already cursed you all enough, really. NOT Tina Jojo's perfrume, or night out drunk, its the family life. We made noodles one time, so the kids rolling the dough, and roll it the machine? 

Their Nonno is talking, "Go to Nonno?"

The kid likes to throw a ball inside my room, and oops, she needs to see what is inside my room? Its in Britney's video.  The kid has to use the IPhone, the facetime...what you gonna do? She always called.

Something about you dating the older guy? I ... didn't say that. I say do what you want, I say Tina Jojo will be 40 years old women? So...she at least having 3 dates this far, on and off....one of the middle told her only 3 months

They all have at least 2 kids, and first one has the gun. She wasn't even divorced yet with Hank, you could have people like you girls doing things, not just fighting with the ex husband on the legal paper, and went on 2 kids in the home, you going out mid-night Gala?

Some guys even...you mean my imagination if Westlife those far away corner, next by England, yeah, the guys can roaming life and in one of those split moment he decides to do something, or his age is real, or not real, or someone else adopt the kids, or something happened, the kids sometimes custody for the friends, sometimes...people have many reason why they have a support, let's say by themselves they make it that wealth or fame, or 2) they come from some background, and the guy decides in his own world, some friends talk, some friend's marriage, between the guys' networks, some guys doing those things. 

I have those friends just not wealthy, but you are among some wealth friends, just the husband and the wife never stop fighting, or one of the kid got dropped at your door steps for 3 weeks? 

When we grew up, we have one of that. Its not the Nanny, its not the mother. Its .... 乾媽

We always remember or I remember how that felt. Its my father's side friend, they have some upper manner women. The literacy clear, make-up, some fashion, tradition too. 

You calculated your expected date when you finish your undergraduate school

You don't finish immediately?

💝🍒🍒🍒 Military - you know how the internet took off, you starting seeing Taiwan these Youtube the earliest day 2015? 阿滴英文 meaning that is part of the small business through Google 💝🍒🍒🍒

Do you want to just stain on those idea very fast? Going in and coming out?

As fast as you can, and when you landing back to the University known resource worlds, you have a different take on it? Fast.

I don't have that Glow to Go business, but let's say I am in the military, and younger...meaning you all having the young age, I don't really know how you ending up in the military really. So I have this Art printing jobs, I go and print them, second I got to Send-out-card, they sent me demo, in the printing format.

I also use the Vista on the business card + one of those demo format.

You seeing my Pinterest, I gone to the post mail boxes, to get this yellow similar size of the cards holding together air bubble things inside, and display and photography in the UB south campus the library. 

I took a Farmville game Facebook back then and IPad 2 Farmville game, that gasibo I created in the UB, I went to take a photo with all my printing art.

As that, I never gone anywhere. I then go to the Hallwark to imagine things. I can open an Youtube, and go and asking my entire Line Family uncle and father mother not dead yet, to use their youtube account I applied for them to subscribe in my channel. And submit that one to the military before you get back to the University resources after this surfing on the Science Museum.

I gone to the Office Depot on the printing - that time the Orillia has those small busness printing technology, that is the ConnectingEra Farmer's market, you seeing that lean on big poster?


The audio is Up!


Tell me the Medical Board, its going up or down the weight?

The trainer of whom has to record over that ending periods of that COVID 19?

The nurse? or more harming people let's say the physical trainer? Weight lifting hurting all the muscle never regenerate back, and they are not ALL bankrupt? 

Adam Levine's body guards looks like Taiwan famous fitness known center open channel, every seen him none stop?

I am too upset this morning, coughing none stop, the American Medical Board, its the exam time, not the patient to me? Really~~~~~!!!


I know how this Simon and Lauren Jewish means to you...its the Sea Crest Isreal I pass, they have the nail polishin technology like an eraser of your faces. You all don't know Chinese, but that's okay.

The photo art it is where the kindness photo makes the family bound and the money luxury, to all these per muscle indicator and per show you straight ahead your road to imagine, the wrong ideas how to sell out each other in APO.

I knew that game or I wasn't saying it yesterday? 

You willing to see someone get hurt, because you are deciding in America education system never suppression, you have your want, and that wanted were the pulling games of the possible Power and Capable. And Simon looks a back head drop human, just not sure this Silverman will agree with you, after all its the Upper Town Girl story. Between the Jewish not to slap its own God's faith, there is no problem each other stepping the foot toe, to believing the gambling upon the women, some too thin, some too fat, and some just not sure that the Wind unturn, you play the police just you meant it when you can, how to unleash, or leashing them with the idea if Simon could? There is everyone knows that, right?

To the Era comes, all these Eben Pagan how the NO No No no , if were Silas major the psychology is the positive words, so helping you, you deciding no one better than Simon were 10 years ago, and that change to the dynasty were 25 years ago from today.

Isn't this funny, how that gambling bet, its the moment your eyes sees, the brain register, your mind run, or you wishing me to explain to you...your finger on your mouse, to click, your eye bigger, still...

and that thought to running out of the door...to or at?

The replacement of each other, you were belielving it, what the America suppose to stand for including the APO, including this Mike or Ayo or Emily...or you gonna say Wendy....so funny

Laugh a min, clap clap clap....its the voice sounding to make a rythmn, to the Day to truely feeling it, so many possible revenue, you didn't even make one possible?


這方方的餐廳,這日本旅遊是六年開始?以為是 Ryoya visits 所以說日本的 Consumer Report 誰在監獄呢?

因為反正 Taiwan Youtuber Business 你們永遠並不知道呀 ! 這種好玩的遊戲


Whom for that Square jail, still Japan touring?

6 years pass....you never all growing up, the Taiwan Youtuber business, right Google 101? 

做醫生的就是兩條腿一直跑到不需要跑了不是嘛 ? 監獄呀 ! 多的花樣多好玩呀 ! 要記得通通笑的燦爛無比呀 ! 不就一個林志玲的前肥的經紀人,這三生三世十里桃花的肥女人

有很多中國藝人+韓國男星只有看看緹娜的裸照呀 ! 跟你的存在

知道是誰嗎 ?呵呵好玩的遊戲~我什麼都知道呀 ! 兩個肥的要見面嗎 ? 

For Hook Channel!  No Time to watch !

American Medical Board, Fire, human life its you don't need it anyway....

This is the pink towel !!!! Tina uses?

I told you, its eternity suffering I promise Lords, you really meant it, not one word you hear it to your heart, when that heart being pull and stab on, you will feeling it just like now, except its so physical just like those queen....ahha...how hell no one sees, clap, and laugh, this whole universe, you meant you have every right, don't try, really. 

That's Fanny (old now)

You all need to fill in and replace !!!


Pang has the spanish in high school, I have the French in UB, you all need another language?

Fanny is German translation for SMCH, the early disciple one of those pride start, die in proudness? 

You cannot keep liviing inside the picture frame TV stories, you need to get up and doing things? These are in my playlist, so I am checking it, that several video in the same playlist, if I saw, I saying it out loud? They didn't know their homeworks, or I didn't have time for my own homeworks?

Good morning, Good Night, Good Evening?

You always meant it you don't need that one job.....one organization, one institution, one hospital? One research affiliate hospital? Meaning that is the research and that is the hospital?

I do the bio, or the Intern there?

You always just assuming the life has any job, you touching the building you will find a job, like remake their pavement road, one of those? Irvine not to far its the wireless free sky City.

You don't like the Porslin doll, can you just pick something you are really really comfortable with, and someone else took care of the rest? You do TED!!!!! We might never open before I die, how sweet, I never needed, the service no longer required?


Me, Mushroom Professor City of Hope, Sayor looks like that longer white hair, has a twin brother producing movie in Hollywood?

There is a First guy position that is a blonde, the bio?

Our age, it will be Sayer the oldest.


You don't need the Porslin doll, you want this Harry Potter?

Its every new Jonathon knew his own mother, he knew how you look at him, in your school yet? You cared that one frame from City of Hope vs Roswell Park Want to go to their any Pinterest to sound like participating their conversation, saying anything other than the Harry Potter, seeing things they post there? 

That is only one frame EVER important, and you want to guess about a year and the half, they will be deciding if they line up their own internal people, that is One City of Hope the current researcher/ MD to this Roswell Park researcher/ MD

And UB not far away from it, and none of them are in it? Nor cared about it? You cannot enter the building to transpassing the department to department, they may never even know the location, if I Anna doing things, I touching my walls, when that open or close cutting ribbon days, you will all be coming out, whichever the flood or the fire alarm coming out?

You doing things so there is a purpose you mean it, that is a project, that is a video clip, you glue on them looks like, that is the ONLY thing, not the club that they are useless?

You glue at which junction of the career choice it is related to you?



Do you want to try out some career choice after the graduation, you don't need to be home immediately, I wasn't that wealthy I remember so I did do my resume, with the activities seession, and the lab works experience few years ago? An uncle I never talk to at all?

No, no reference.

You planning to that career choice, to hit and bump in life, as your life philosophy, not shrinking inside your dorm to what decoration furry, or I imagine the Star Light, indoor decoration Pinterest? 

You don't know your graduation degree in the graduate school, you going back a Master degree if the financial situation could? My brother did? He works a several year more, and he went back he has a condition, or you don't know if you way too shy away in life, the tribulation of life the home girl, the home boy?  

Do you planning to work on-campus, not driving all around?



I don't know what you think we can communicate in English as you seeing it per word, that time its the science / math I understand, the conversation English I could hear and knowing it, the rest are the English writing or the comprehensive Greek?

The internet would be the beginning of the ebay, not the Amazon, so you live in the Barns & Nobles, remember I told you, I didn't use the Library, I didn't know how to, where to use a library, including that one lab, I gone to this one male analytical professor, I never USE the chemistry database, I have no idea what it is inside that the class, the WHOLE semester, to EVERY SINGLE paper?

ITs the female professor lecture, not the lab professor? oh my God, you imagine what life that is in ENGLISH in life? 

(My teeth hurt every time I opening up my mouth, is there something I need to know?  I cover my mouth opening, no wind.  )

You like this boyband, or your new other lists, you cannot be in the concert every single year, you need to make it in life .....

You want to send them some cards, will that cooling down your mind, heart, and soul, or you expecting they reply you on the facebook?

How sweet to just imagine those money on counting? 

I used to met one girl in these freshman, they were younger than me one year I am the sophomore, you thought it didn't mean to my pressure in my head imagination......its one of the girl is the accounting major, one girl is in the psychology major, Dennis wasn't there, I am speaking 2 girls other than those class, I just met them on the road somewhere. They are not my classmate.  The facebook didn't exist that time, and everyone trying to make it in life, I just land new in the UB, just like them freshman, except their housing are taking care of, I am off campus trying to sorting that what I should be doing in life.

You imagine sophmore on that transfering, PCAT its you apply Junior, you know about the SAT used to be? TOEFL and SAT 1 and 2, this time will be GRE or PCAT? PCAT can taken 2 times, I think best. I might took the 3 times.

My brother is applying for the University with that ACT or somewhere he took 3 times exam, I say no to my mother? 2 times. My entire family has to coming in the NYC, he and my mother are not the best situation, I have to be alone in the Buffalo, and that resident tuition I have to hand in the paper, she didn't speak English, I am?

There are gazillion things to do in life, including walking to campus life.

You try to be in a life, that everything looks correct, but not one things everything will be correct, the best it can be?

This experience I don't know its for how long you staying in that Science Museum until your duration of staying there to transfer your real University life? You are older, or you are still the same age to your own Class?

You want to visit their Career Office, and seeing some of the Alumni list, I used to transpassing that Adria might be at, the resume office, called the career office? 

When I was in UB, the very beginning, you imagine what a National Exam waiving that chem class, so I ending up the Honor Class, its I am already sophemore, you know I am late one year in EF? So combine to that English I don't want to study, I have to pick one major under that per-pharmacy situation, and abide to those class, I need to find a several pharmacy school to imagine I must putting into the course works before I apply. The place I choosen was UB and the North Carolina the pharmacy school. I just hope that was not Dr. T's school? I forget where. 

I think that inductive logic, its their requirement? The Fallacy? 

(I open my mouth, the wind sip through, sensitive! )

Combine to this Ballet things you trying to do, you know how expensive, or venturing the first time, the 5th time, to the 9th time, you knowing if you wishing to continue that every mirror you seeing yourself, you be conscious about your body posture? Sometimes in life, you trying that if you really like idea, you shape your entire life philosophy, some people might just finding it the reason to every day more discipline, but you starting on the first try, the first time, and you stick it through til the 9th time, you realize...if that part of your life, you like that solitude in the ballet studio, staring at yourself, and what the reason you seeing your life be more happy, if you adjust your own very day to day interaction the school or the environment, how you walk among people, how you talk, how you squeeze your forehead, or the eye brow, or the eye sight, you bringing your which eye glasses and see? The black frame, no nose job bridge to hold it?

You don't need to stay in that studio, you could just walk out 10 time the studio, you doing that at home? Marley's home has a big living room mirror?

How you stand

How you walk, how you transpassing the 99 cent, rude? or your eye sight at, rude? From the cashier standard point of you, you walking like you are a thief? Hiding?


You all girls finding your task? Why that is below a backstreet boy? They are looking for a functional girl? Look at this.

They are in the age, if you don't get in between the fight, and you having a functional career and these home utility keeping household? How you cut in, all by yourself, one person alone?





People when they are younger, they are more edgy to where the life were no direction and running in running out, so was the family life, so was everything up or down all over their head, they finding their purpose or the direction in life. Now you can talk your sense OVER THEM?

Open your mouth?


You girls want to get some small tiny upper wig? The very TOP, just very small tiny even, its a clip on? On the back of the volumn issues, because too lazy 30 mins extra EACH DAY?

Of course its the hair up !!! UP!!! No one cared, just you looking at it, walking on the road once, no one cared that is up or down, at least out of my faces, demo on the pedestrian in the ENTIRE ASIA CITY Metropolitan? 

Like this:  https://wigemporium.com/product/curls-small-clip-bfs-339-by-look-of-love/#

I think there is smaller than that. Its one clip on the VERY Top of the volumn ideas, called that scarf lady? You only need the volumn, like a small tiny little bit above your beginning of that pony tail, or crocodile clipper?

It might come with a small tiny crown, or what is the decorator thing?

I am the small tiny human age? Female?


(Second time, yesterday I chip my teeth with that fork at night, I think I chip the teeth tiny bit, the very corner top of the middle buttom teeth, right now the second time the wind sip through with my mouth opens, the entire half below windy up, sensitive? ) - What does that mean the entire wind below up to my teeth and feel it?






You want to meet some paper thin Youth? 101 those dragging the luggage, too big of the black suit with that compact luggage, they are in the fluoescence light under....

Transpassing the building, and the metro but no one looking at them.

Behind a computer, their mind, their brain, their ideas when they fix their attention when you asking them a word? What can you asking them to carry some conversation to sound like 2 worlds apart, you are SUPER HAPPY? They are looks even when they asking you a question?

Like I invited you over? 

"The distribution of the AC, its a electricity invisible power that required the today's copper wire that fit into the sky or the ground under that air or the water exposure, and for worsen, its the rain or anything liquid sipping through the soil included, the factory or the farming pollutant, the last time meeting we talking over this wireless city planning, there are the rural and the city life how this wiring system being design, for that you calling in the artitechs, but for other convenience, we have the idea not just the implementing the lawful ideas if these are the legal side when it comes to the residential uses, we didn't divide these into the Corperate industrial zoning district line or the civilian day-to-day the school bus stop sign and therefore our arguement today in our meeting, apart from the last week we keep going on this when or how the W two worlds the which separation of the usage TO THE renewable energy, we are imagining its which side comes first? Of course its the industry side. Why? They got kids, we got bus drivers? "