Lawsuit 567: 閃電霹靂車

Date: Feb 6th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The financial calculation after the "Galatic, or the Galactic System" situation (re-calculate)

His name is 加賀  城太郎

Math definition by the actual words

Add = 加法 ( add Laws)

Subtract = 減法 ( minus Laws ) similar sound like cutting the hair (Legally Blonde 2)

Multiplication = 乘法 ( multiply Laws )

Division = 除法 ( divide Laws )

See this full name, in Japanese they have a front 2 words, with the 3 latter words (symbols are similar to Chinese, I don't know their Japanese words means. ) - this is at Tim Cook Political Spirituality, oh no, not that Prince William, that is not a thing. They owns the lands, including in Canada, when the Earth being evacuated, that is a piece of none sense paper.

Again my eyes are haze. His hair is green mix orange

加賀  城太郎

加 = add = strength + mouth  (Flower Thousand Bone 花千骨 lyrics moth getting near to the fire, an Ancient Chinese saying 飛蛾撲火, the song name: Cannot be Said. 不可說 )

賀 = 加 + ( sounding like be = ox in OU language)

 (Original Universe Ox Ocean Original Only Omni Of)  | Of "This is made of, of hair" this is the harif o my head ix I-X yeah, its' funny, You cannot imagine.  

城 = city (sounding like multiply the verb 乘 ) = earth or ground, right side = 成 = 乘 (Austin, Wallace Royal Chef Guards position, his name is 成成 meaning double or exponent)

太 = too (my lab report are 10 weeks, on the 10th weeks 2 things broken, that is 000000 too, you put the vertical means)

郎 = wolf

W =W  Two World, this person owns a Television Station with how much background money at his inheritance statues. If (  Like OU language "of" this ix, I-X)

Details about on the "Zero Field Ability", entering the zero field ability. 

More of saying he acquire this ability "entering upon the Zero gravity, or the Zero absolute, or Zero Ground" to join this race car contest. Or meaning from that Zero absolute field he taken something out for that new acquire knowledge or ability to ....

This Keanu Reeve in 2014, has gone to a race car, this year 2023, I just add a JC Chasez facebook page after Adam Levine + his body guard with another General, this time its another military rank next by. He must see it. Its a race card F1. 

I personally don't know what that is. 

For example this ability: You all people don't like to corperation when I succeed to keep file-ing this paper, its on my monitor. Imagine AI calculation in total. You just meant its when your wishing to use your own laws, for your own democracy reason, not my personal reason in well wishing.  Looks like one of those Dennis person. All the time still there. You want to be born in Africa or in Taiwan, really? That having no support felt?  You want to say you look like Tim cook

Its when he starts to know it.....right?

That is what this picture means....

To the guys' world, becasue I never stop comment to save the half eternity on the girls parts. None of the girls hear much even in the guy's world, why they need to be more successful, so here I will tell you tiny things all this military uniform.

Somewhere in your evolution, you acquire one diagram, correct. That I am the slope passing that (0,0) math 45 degree up. Yours are red line physics those Cos (co-sign), that 180 degree up or down up or down the AC fluctuation idea but its once curve up, curve back down down idea where it gone to.

No, most of you are not going to serving this military what I called it "the entire life time" Pixie idea. 終身職 you may not even know what that is. If I am aware of that term, there is. I don't know where, its a military bound duty jobs. Only. The whole lifetime. One lifetime right now as you born, you will die.

To this entire world, sometimes you joining in the military, not to get injured, there are things you wish, or you had, or your family pride including the donation of that wealth, going into the military. I am fully aware of that. 

Now, regardless of all this wealthier upper, there are mediocre or you saying no parents, parenting you all even one trace of this Asian paper thin, the parents 17 years old, every pamp jobs, you starting to see when you are in some kinds of the jobs, every single year, like my brother having whatever he can afford that Ferrari car. You might even have the home mortgage debts, like I told everyone, if you use your brain and math, what is the average mediocre guys in that one house full paid, to one house half paid, I guess you wasn't interests to listen up, every single time.

To some of your senior, or some where the power side, if did or will be present in that your military senior officers, I don't know how they being set up, or they will ever be in a better position than most of you, or they of those youth becoming the older generation in the description above. The time pass, they are the same guys like you are, but they know what kind you are.

The guys.

As I told you, the guys world, as the girl side view, in the most explicitly I told you so, tooooo many times, this is also in this diagram, you keep seeing the right hand side corner down. You all won't becoming the friends to each other, and one day you will have to discharge that military duty, sometimes those younger one, are those Bill returning to the School. I met a girl, got a disable pension because she falls on the running part. I fall on the Ella Enchanted, but I got no pension. When you got that movie at Time framing, that is not the time in the publishing date.

Now, as I am telling you one scenario how this world might becoming the future, if that open galaxy materials were or are soft opening through that Westlife material, you seeing the material, you seeing the talk, you seeing the presentation. None of that should you doubts, there are higher life forms are currently right outside, somewhere, somehow, some unknown reason. 

To this every World I travel, to that ever points I enter, with or without this Zero Absolute field to disclose a lot of things where those Sunshine really feel like, the mild temperature and harmonious worlds that just the air that breath...its the exactly same things on your paper thin world 1) Central Idea are thicken, 2) Accidental insurance are higher at rural side, where the race cars at. 3) Professors salary might be higher, but just like the criminal nature, they destroyed others, with themselves in it. They have a better argument methods because they are the guys. They are not the real guys.

They never met the real guy, some guy.

Back to this Earth, because those worlds are currently unavailable, there are decision to your own character building, if you finding it more suitable and comfy, no more war, you could sit in those male authorship the university literacy side of the higher ending professor. Those do exist. are just like a girl. But those package, and literacy, or popularity among the girls, soften, highly teaching, high literacy when people hearing them. You have those 13th century, those UK my class that book publishing era, whom black what tall height all looking like, including that prophecy guy SMCH backward writing in her magazine, French. "The red religion will win." Remember?

The military itself if your background are not steady, that is not a very lasting job, you know the money sign, or you feeling it being push out. Some of those are just short live ROTC starting points. As for it they encourage you staying in the drunk California coastline, per night Friday, some will tell you, you look nothing better just a piece of uniform, and a fantasy someone doctrine you to have a honor. You don't have a style, you just had a fist power to collect 10 football guys to bind together in the limited year of 5.

Therefore, this Digital Era, to where I am currently telling you this On-line landscape 1 2 and 3 (4 in the writing notice), your boss will truly wish, meaning your senior officers or those whom just meant it, why you are listening or not listening, how comfer this military within life, there is a real financial indicator everyone is learning. All seems dispair.

But you just didn't try enough to find it.

The youth, the age, the tire or too stressful. They meant you die in stressful, you will make it the million dollar clubs, that is what all your senior officers rather say. You understand what I mean? Not that Eben Pagan, but its everything they given you support, if you just try.

The Youth, what they got in mind. She Anna, that someone did what things in front of all of you. Even in the language of that second language to did more than one video hint, to continue hinting 1 2 3 and 4th time.

They wonder if you really hearing she says she opens up the TV to tell Jonathon those MD what 27-37. They meant they just keep hearing this, they wishing you all be hang, with the uniform burn. You know why they have those attitude? Your seniors of every kinds? Those smile, "I am not sure" kinds?


Now (I have to keep copy paste this same photo, I am not finished)

Your senior fatherly officers might hear this before or seeing me keep doing this big wide talk on the 400 milions per lawsuit, but she Anna says one thing before. They are so sure by now, there is nothing she didn't do on purpose, or what things if she saying it once, per that day on, its the DATE marking big and wide, she knew it, and she keep doing this....we cannot relate to each other things.

You know what it is?

Because even if per lawsuit are 10,000 US dollars lawsuit, which some compensation will be more than 10,000 dollar per lwasuit if were....that is if the combine someone receive a lotto like 1 millions dollars, and she received the total sum even if only 1 million dollars, you know what are the people on the street whom are having 1 million dollar in her age bracket or long time ago bracket? 

She meant if you omit the parts she is doing "on purpose" inside their mind thinking. Where there is a reality to meet the more mediocre such as like you. They are so sure your eyesight to that degree of being becoming the toddler of someone's kid, or the girls did to her, there is no difference at all. You looking at the tall girls, are curve their back, and they looking you all imagining the prince uniform?

You military guy's perfect community marathon ending up like Tina Jojo

Those kissing Friday night to that Karen/ Chris, Adria/ Billie, its your only forever vow to step them both down to the buttom of the hell, and you are standing next half frames of the useless. 

Shane was not smart enough, but he only driven one concept only. People's mentality only staring at the money sign.

Its your only military agreeing how you acquiring your power through them. That aitttude you want to look at them the Karen / Chris, Adria/ Billie

To truly sounding like bi...billing..biillleeee?

Too perfect sweet heart, drunk Friday, the girls have no background or the usefulness, your all entire upper senior officers, meant it, you all not sleek enough in your own too perfect attitude.

That is not acceptable. 



Your Military because of the wider range of seeing....People.

They themselves also seeing some different characters, no one needs to be just like her Anna's attitude, just every intend on purpose. They understand that.

But if you all military prince format, on killing, the very first should finished, will be every girls near by, those useless Karen or Adria, you know what I mean? Cry, lament, throw all in jails.

You know what I mean, or else? 

Pamp the heart at the soft, so that sorting of that uncharacteristic, the military just meant it

"Kill order" only. Got it?



Correct, your military senior knows that.

I Anna will send them each free, including that Shane if I can. Its not a super big deal things what she is stating, or listener, or all around hearing, all kind or the evidence collected with what they have. She meant if they are gays, they can just go forward, telling her exactly whom, she will step by step til they get what exactly wanted, the love, the community, that very friend in soul, young or old.

She had a different experience in life.

Just like their older senior officers. Its only 3 meals a day in home setting, always with someone, its not too cold or too hot, or too many phone message. Just a reality to make it. She didn't know that reality most girls don't have that 3 meals affordable in the head, in the math, in that someone whom like they themselves getting old, that one thing to care...she did say. Its Math per 3 meals every consecutive days, and those 4 stoves, floor, ground, wipe, in all touching of that hands, to every common share places. She knows that. She says it too many account. They = your senior officers of every kinds. 

She didn't need or care, if that is too hot or too cold. Just mild in pleasing, everyone doing their own day jobs. Never need to be around to worry, because she has no one bound, her evolution arrives that way. So its your every senior community upper whom has that power to make you, or break you. 

They know. 

Correct. Every things I Anna say it per line, per paragraph. 



The way how she Anna talks, about nick or about her life

She didn't mean for others to go and get jealous. It was a busy family life. She is trying to telling you all something, about some part of life, some part of experience, what things in front of you, sometimes it isn't anything immediately seen or know or felt. Including might be what she calling them and saying what behind.

She is just a type of quiet person in the true reality, of no other people's gossip, whom got married, whom involved what, whom has an accident, because she had only 2 people in her life for + one more her dad in the last 25 years only seen him like 3 times in total combine. That is called the 3rd person adding in her life.

But anything if you just asking her one question, she just look at you. She answer you just directly what she knows or what she finds out things in front of you. There is no rehearsal, there is no draft, there is no reason why she needs to calculate anything in your life, she is way too busy the things in front of you. That Joomla you all never use it behind. What she shows you, what she did, what she graphic, how much time that is.

That life you meant it an attitude to give you a hot or cold attitude, they, used to be, just like all of you. That is what they are saying. Nick used to. He knows all the difference from 1 to Z. She didn't know but he knows.


She is the least person ever in this entire world will ever doing anything to you, once she leaves. No matter to that family he had, or friends, or all around. She didn't care about him that much, including all that around. She shows that very clear every step the way. 

She is like that. She only cares about the works, the money, the math, because....he is the one grocery shopping, she never shopped. There is a lot of things he found out, she didn't care one bit of anything. Not the appearance, born at, not the later she becoming, not in between how she was, is, will be. She didn't change a lot of things, because....her life just like her aging situation, it was never evolved to anything else other than in her own world, whatever the reality inside her mind, she says, she write it down now. She didn't do that before, not even a diary. 

No, she knows. But because the material on purpose putting right there. She had no choice. She knew one of them did found out. She knew one of them had or whom had some what else experience to get this far might be all of them.

Because the way she talks, there is no such things called "The Home Owner Manual". Whatever the experience she didn't say in her life, or the things she did running around, all the things can been seen on the TV. There will be those, at nick's age, they know every step of the way what she did, or choose to do. But rather she had no choice, if in that situation, she not necessary to go and hiding, but she has no choice. She already says a few things. But everyone knows, might be including those guys, you can have a "Car maintainese manual", that is where the passenger seat air bag below. But there is no such things when you purchasing a house, have anything "The Home Owner Manual".

Those 5 and around, they have their own houses. 

And the case study to every words coming out of her per video. She has a different life before, or just no one knows per degree everything she says. She meant saying it, and she did show.

It was all because she had no choice. The materials ending up there. 


She didn't have to put the guys away, for saying she had a choice in the Uptown girl, but the worsen things, it would never be what she says the choice she really got.

It was not about the guys.  ( her underground water Mexico museum, re-make)

She probably didn't know that is on the TV, what is a choice with the guys means. Because she did all that ....was no choice, may not anything she sees, she reacts. You would all choose that line of the lyrics, she probably didn't hear it. Or later she found out.


Normally, any music, or some sort of those Tina Jojo, why you having a CV reasons

Its because you going out networkinig that Linkedin, she didn't see that is the linkedin on Dean or Lee's world, or she never register the real world scenario, because she never seen the real human in front of her, and her years are not going to be younger anymore. She just believing it, the money on the paper wall, or the TV, or somehow she may not inside any music world, or rather to say.....she always always inside one world.

That one world of the career choice, or the career jobs, or the people, or the attire, or the situation....she is completely soak in it so smoothly never realize, no one had that one jobs, including starting 2013, the day or 2012, the monent she starting this Tesla things. She change the entire literacy including all the correspondent from the Day 1. There is nothing musical gerne, or you saying why you even need a LinkedIn. That is not the way how to use a Linkedin with NASA. You comment in the box below, so they know you exist. You get a contact, you seeing in a real person, and you put up a proposal, or something in that work field, everyone knew the flows chart. She...her methods its nothing anything of all that. Not one thing. She is either too confident knowing that is the field, and which field that is? She called that the industrialists, a while year before. That have to be so sure that exist.

She has these photo

Attires, were not the first day she dresses like that rolling up the sleeves, that Very First Day on with those words she forcing into say. None of that, are the connection to the music field. Including she gives Simon a very directly saying or looking, they have no relation in 10 years since the day she is aware whom she is. She may not even know exactly what Simon does if someone asking her.

To someone like her literacy and insist to pressing on ...almost every degree the money sign, because everyone knows, you have no reason doing that if you are not sure. And with those IQ to break down things this far.

Something is not right. She keeps insisting those vocabulary words, not even one thing did to that Simon Cowell, she didn't need to lasting 10 years without knowing one boy groups or some singer, or some gerne if her attention its supposes to be that Tina Jojo, on .....Simon + the musician, to sleep around, that is her sister's saying worlds. She is?

At home 10 years on???

Breaking down the entire world. 

She implant something, she could just be any of you girls type. Receive the money to coming back in Asia to make more Vola.

She is not that type, and she says certain things, right at the government included. She probably knows that government, or someone or something, she is like that. Every industry has that kinds of....someone knows something or deal someone or something. And there is a "If...or... " "That...or else....". Because the freedom of all nation traveling, you can say every girl just moving back and forth. She is saying she built up on that land.

That land does not speak in English.

There is no one will land at a place, for saying....there is a TV you make on purpose material. She will land the first Day, to becoming every other Day she used to be. 

No matter whom no one knows she had a past, or just an empty promising words.


On the Statistic or the human lazy nature

Her age to her comfer, or to her pig sign nature. She didn't have to gamble on....starting Day 1, starting something new, all by herself.   People whom with the money, or how she used to say you all shrinking mechanism the moment you have acquire the what amount of the money, or supports, her final destination at that what age, its not her photo art. Its a reality, landing on the first day....she imagine England was right next by.

She either doing that too often, too used to, or just having no obstacle for saying one words, in repeating 10 times, that is not anyone would ever do or say, or imagine, or know what she says, or I remind you what she ever says?

What did I say? (End the lawsuit here, see the photo below)


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