Lawsuit 608: ☔️ Under the circumstances of the modern media news room, the internet protocol, the presidential campaigns soon to take place 2024

Date: April 12th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: To that American President not gone from the public media, it’s his cabin OU and NASA on the sea to that Eastern American military foot hit the coastline (coast-to-coast radio)

Under that circumstances until the current American president disappear from the public media room or the newspaper or CNN, it means the ceiling debts can continue be extent under all War conditioned that jurisdiction to 

1. On-line protocol 
2. The democratic commander-in-chef is an President or Prime Minister
3. We have a paper book in the lawsuit before lawsuit 399, that the open book world are +1, the book edge the curses nature !!

It’s the current events that all public citizen participates !

It is influence a dialogue or a conversation since last 2 years that Tamang looking CNN+ the music album he remembers the himself on indigenous nature that promote the local culture in the music, art and theater. We Taiwan doing that in the 2017 Roller Blades championship!! The local tribes to encourage them away from the smoke or gambling casino label for their body structure are more stronger but more volunerable to the education that’s not costumed to the more dense population worlds - the economic worlds based upon City and Metropolitan running the science, and math advancement to the technology advancement !!

Therefore, to all the circumstance above all how we defined as the paper thin civilization, our solely goal it’s to just guessing it by me - it’s to keep file-ing this eternity lawsuit but I need to make a clause or a sign here for the caution. 

To that the 流亡政府  government-in-exile state in any given time or that interchanged to the biblical End Time scenarios such as Senior Bush, Junior Bush, George Clooney, clone means duplicates 11, 12, 13, 14 target Conan Detective Japanese anime, 15 like ISIS, 16 Loving the Silent Tear California one time only broadway, 17 Tesla Marconi stole patents methods, 18 my mothers birthday 19 anniversary Loving the Silent Tear back DVD ( after the show the real physical copy)

To …this OU language of 20 waz, it’s a language digital format above the Tim Qo Tu region for no more numbers or sounding, it’s inifinite double or infinite x infinite

For saying Tim Cook it’s a past Political spirituality leadership 政治靈修, for Sailor Moon 11 dress shirt like me myself and him doing nothing but staring at 4 points frames, we know nothing outside this worlds because our behind people + 2 of us, it’s not capable to staring at the Washington DC, for we cannot help to wonder…if that’s real.

They are like the Tibetan or they declare in any given history time, how that trial and error we 2 are paying for it nothing but staring at the 4 points frames inside device. 

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