Lawsuit 539: Arm 3 (Tim Cook, Steve Jobs/ Aria/ Sailor Saturn to a Scientists Egg, Hank - Aria's father)

Date: Dec 19th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Tim Cook is the Political Scientific 2 Wings Structure (Sailor Moon) 政治靈修

The real 4 sailors under his left wing the far border to all the way Northern Canada, as far as me and nick goes. That 4 Sailors are not UB APO, UB Honor Class, or CAC Clubs. Its in the UB South campus Nurising Ph.D Program + 2 other Asian girls, Erin's=monkey's friend. She is not part of it.

Monkey and 如來 Story and the celestial King of Kings story.

Steve Jobs and Tim Cook are both Apple's CEO. Conan Subaru.


I personally always say how the girls incorperate everything inside a TV = a Virtuous to start their every back-up plan, really. The cooking, the hygienic, the brain wave can manage the 4 stoves, the diet/ fitness, to how coordination to the 4 limbs to the 4 stoves to the IQ and the physical training, that allows the guy just has a happy life to start.

One of the home bound has to give up the work, so seeking another making money scheme on the internet. I didn't have a problem not to get out of the house to work, I stay with UB system that time. I always hear my mother say the school environment are more simpler. The chemistry to the minor medicinal chemistry were my choice. But MLS degree (Librarian Science and Informatics + staying close to the University School), its my mother telling me. 

Rebecca from EF used to say being a teacher is finer. Her husband was the counselor. 

When I am clearly indicates to my UB entire crowd, my used to facebook to listen up. Most of them will be the guys, not necessary any girl I particularly really know them. So I making a claim to the guys only when I want, how I want, whichever I want it with the comic book I do the interpretation including the movie or the TV.

That is entirely between me and them, starting my facebook 20 years ago, not just now. So all these lawsuit came after the first Arm (China company IT name)...funny things were I cannot make a what lawsuit just the way I believe its the IT, its the Medical, its the System Design, its the City Design, its the Laws / democracy design I say eliminating the hunger and the poverty, including eco-friendly / environmental.

I didn't know they are one direction straight-headed waiting on me to "What Title Lawsuit" related to their wish and desire to copy and paste. They didn't tell me they are doing that, they didn't specifically saying to me out loud open, including telling Michael Vartan + me together: We are copying your lawsuit A to Z, waiting on the Devil Wear Prada to make millions! 

I didn't know that is their intention. I start file-ing so I feeling strange, what is the things that I file my part, they can just file their side. Until now, I realize it was my entire Lawsuit has 2 title. One is the reading upper line, and lower line "Title" within the lawsuit. So that is what they are waiting for? 

I only write what I intend to write on the both lines, I am not calculative to every lawsuit, we are on the 400 millions item lists, so I just go by my wish, to file what I think its important including this morning, or every morning, I did use IPad still, they will have some news, I don't necessary reading every news often, but my location are the GPS like Hank in Taiwan. Here they have the debates news, the TV news, the Finance / Technology news. We are the technology island. I cannot do what I could be doing other than watching the movies? 

I don't look like, or sound like my own lawsuit whichever this upper line Title to the buttom line Title?

I will tell you, I saying it very straight already. I frankly making it statement to the Blogger, not necessary on the lawsuit, but I am sure all the name or Title are related.




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