Lawsuit 553: IRS Tax (194 if the Educational Department = the Capitals, National Treasure 2)

Date: Jan 23th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I have to ask the Westlife

The principle its the Education. You need to have a skill, that will be my principle skills.

I know what I say second part: Finance and Economics.

Meaning the Movie: National Treasure 2, Riley has a saying. Its lightly say. Taiwan its a book publishing business so much cheaper and stable. If you look at that SMCH and Mike Adam from Natural News. 

But I am not talking about the book business. The last lawsuit 552, you can have a periodic chart inserted "first", but the other content are the religious nature. SMCH Top those human just say there is no Forbe 100 for Quan Yin Methods on that 5 Lords Reviews. Practically you don't put a reference book on the religious nature, if that Power is questionable, or the "Eternal Love" 三生三世十里桃花。

The square and even with Mahavatar Babaji to that 4 points frame, one lawsuit I list A to Z what happened. 

There are many kinds of the business to that 194 country categories, the 1)  Infrastructure to that geography, Taiwan how we begins, we start 10 infrastructure. 

Most country probably already done that this far? Such as the High Speed Train, the technology in the Bus Metropolitan they say. The traffic System like in Los Angeles Downtown.

2 ) But let's say those are the governmental projects, but these more of other nature of books can deal directly at the customer psychology market will be supply and demands. That is where the Finance and Economics coming in. Whereas the Bank real business to merging that Governmental debts has to have someone to go and purchasing in. Your children's encyclopedia.

Let's say to my own parents house. You imagine we here if we can keep our house, and buy another 1 or 2 houses, and keep that on the stock or the sale, to even have one profit to one house. That is as much as to this Bank I say my own standard per 194 profile to start this Eternal Game idea. I didn't mean how many zero to add on top of that. I didn't do that to begin what? To solidify the per household, I will have 200 credit cards / saving and checking?  I used to remember UN is near that Sammy at Europe - Swiss.

You know how this Kiki noodles come from? We have this Taiwan local several celebrity, that is all they ever did. Exactly identical. The very expensive instant noodles under their brand name. My brother passing by the last Christmas is or were not knowing the Westlife yet? Remember that I complain never stop? I think I just realize whom they are. the Westlife. 西城男孩


Food, Clothing, Real Estate, Transportation

There is a division what you mean the human living in this life, has the basic of that 4 categories its daily must carry on. No cared to what Digital Era is or will be, but to that Past, Present to Future....those are a forever daily necessarity carrying on and on. 

You see Carol's dad is business at (NSYNC), its the corn syrup, its our bottle of the fruits made brand of one syrup. Its a semi-liquid format. Similar what you American saying that more healthy choices Agave. It was aired on that SMTV.

What you seeing that Vietnamese spicy bottle commercialize in America, they have a film on those documentary. I seen it on the Food Networks similar channel here in Taiwan. Nothing but the food how they made of. 

You didn't have to be the manufacture to everything you coming about on the first century. You could just be the National Mascot. The degree of how the knowing to what detailed for example, I can just go to England to buy books, because those are written in English or Amazon. Our bookstore in Taiwan collapse. Its entirely demolished one full block building. Can you imagine that?  There is a marvelous thing happening here!  One day you opening the door, things in front of you just completely disappear. Twice.



I can tell you a story

A story of this what most people imagine that Ancient Chinese Drama were saying the past, or were really happens. There are 4 Ancient Chinese Art, called 棋、琴、書、畫

Go Game, Zither, Calligraphy (ink), Painting (Impression, black ink painting)

To that Ancient Chinese, what you saying the 對聯 

Its a 2 side down, not the 4 sentence poem, just like they had a skill for 4000 years, if were saying only 3000 years has the paper inks. 

It was a game and IQ, paper thin idea.




The anticipation and the future vision

We have an open galaxy, or the soft opening to that future coming. This world on the Earth has one revenue with or without a name. It can be a business sustain itself. A small business office, its a small business run idea. But the Corperation methods, are just as mentioned as it says.

Be aware:

My major is Piano not Cello. But in sometimes the future however the time passing gone, it will make no more difference. You probably didn't know how I end up the cello. Its my mother likes it. The girl inside one of these video.


10 Rudimentary Subjects to that 194 countries, I stated above, its the principle constantly year after year money similar to that University of Kentucky ThinkWell.

Not just the insert periodic table to try out first, and unlimited 10 years on that (2013 on) Lords of Rings or Neither Painting Nor Movie Reconnaissance. (Behind the military, or the private Corperation ) 

Here is the situation need to be added. I am very sure some are looking at it.  These 2 events started at 1) A confrontation  2) 2 human on fight started near the cliff.



But the first picture saying the Ancient Chinese are an episode in Wallace Huo 霍建華 笑傲江湖 (2013) - This same name TV shows never dies out in Asia Pacific, that is why they re-made. The Youtube has 2 kinds of the video, first edited I see. The other its inside the episode itself. 14 and 15.

The Backstreet Boys (Geography to the above case number 2 - the government debts on building the infrastructure)

The story of the First Life to this End Life, Bible Revelation when that Purna expel. She did had a background and a father ending in the Dream Exchange Game - The best friends with his father used to be a general that "Honey and Blood" one photo to her.

King of Kings story:

"King of Kings, Lord of Lords"


I talked about this 蠻人 story in the Victoria Secret Chess floor. Its neither Reptilian nor Grey.

(The American Congress last year 2022 pass a budget Winter Time, the Military to this interface line)

My Middle School Geography Teacher 孫雅琳 and maybe you should do a review on her methods teaching, it was a private school tuition other than the music fee I asking that Obama in NSYNC video, "Music of My Heart" and "Pop".

I have a music theory website, one sheet only:

Victoria Secret - What's your Name, the shoe height.

No, I have a Master degree. 

1/25/2023  (After First 2 points, to the Parents house saying the one house in 194 countries)

I have a comic book I roughly did all the design in the White series in the Pinterest.  I put the 90s comic book to that 亞斯 general by now, his illustration of all these color white on his skin tone. It has to be that pale white. Correct.

So my plan will be to make some making of it. They usually make on their own in the 194 countries. I just file the content in the lawsuit, I never say I am really doing it right now, but that will be a kind of like the demo house. Its not a big deal. We all know that is the white.

These books names are: 白色圓舞曲、白木蘭圓舞曲、紫丁香夜舞曲、戀舞曲

There are a particular pale white Amazon I seen the bag, or the clothing, vest or...similar you saying kinds of those kinds looks like NASA, Big jacket. 

The conception how the human perceive a color, that from the outsider, not you yourself looking at the mirror will have any color registry other than other people really seeing it "matter." Your own view is not the view. That is what I mean.

1/26/2023 - Reference (Education)

Concerning to this Lawsuit Blogger posts I written on the Education (Primary )

How to use the right side column Archive dates on Jan 22 (The earlier article bracket 1/15 -1/22), what you do its going all the way down to this "Newer Post" and "Old Post", 

On the left ,"Newer Post"

🏮🏮🏮 When you open your eyes to live through this Life experience, your entire being construct its inside your brain, you are sad, you are melancholy, and you are dirty 🏮🏮🏮

Why is that anything to do with Brian?

Do I ever tell you my undergraduate study its what major? Chemistry ! Right .. but you didn't understand that is what the high school teacher does?

You know one Conan Detective, one white robes !!!!

You girls want to do those Riley's book scene, or what Riley did in that entire National Treasure on...Karade? The martial Art fighting Kung Fu?

You didn't think what some high school science teacher, like that one you seen on the video?

You censor MY comic books, to which only you want that those flower girls doing things? Want to listen to that music sounds real, by watching the High School Science Teacher from where?

I am very sure what you mean by skills

You probably never did a thing in your life, like....usually it happens to the guy, not to me. But in my situaiton, I cannot talk to any human at all?

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