
Too tired....I gonna go to sleep

I was busy...on my phone.

Babaji: Go

Cooking some utensil are heavy, you girls are not those selfless doing the lazy human does things? Watch your own wrist? Casserole, what kinds? That is a man on that youtube....


You want to start again this one girl living alone, best scenario other than that snack on your sofa, to staring at the LED flat screen at no light living room? Small tiny apartment? You need to have a job, that you counting on renting that personal space...

1) You don't forget your car key

2) House key

3) Fire stove

4) Drive the car away to go to work 9-5

How many years, like 20 years on that same jobs, so you never imagine having a saving, or a home, just holiday coming home to see your parents.

Do you plan your life at all? 

A monthly plan on your cell phone its a family plan? Buying the charger if not the car charger, where you leave it at?

Your math on 

1) Electricity Bill

2) Water bill / Trash Bill

3) Heating Bill

4) Cable + the Internet

5) Gas money

6) Rental, or leasing the car / Car insurance


I am trying to explain to you, your Congress or the combine that the military reporting to them, that migrant ending up this First life and End life to this Bible....what a karma, I am telling you where that ceiling debts coming from?

Your accidental insurance inside your own home

Saving the time to cook, because your grocery are too far away.

Some human will show up that time, whichever time frame, we will think about. I am not thinking about it right now. However that sounds like ....

You girls are everywhere on that Math, and like yesterday I was talking to Ola, or Dean. Not really anything why you all girls might exist, and you are foggy at your brain, or mind space to that sitting down Math?

And, you get nervous? How none-compassionate, I ever to be.....

Math means, let me guess

None of those numbers are uniform digits, and combine that 7 or 9 to that second digits, are just too lazy to lay down the sofa to look straight up your vision issue to your phone and eat something inside your mouth.

Games of Thrones




Come here for a second, because my guy"s", they are on their concert, I am on my TV hair brush and here is You on my entire youtube Cpanel. There are a lot of the Youtuber, the guys or the girls talking in their audio words so there are followers. You want to make your own happy money sounds like you all aiming at the money, or I have to tell you what you are doing every step the way? Other than getting up jiggling like a circus or shape up?


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💖🌟💝🏮🥃 💖🌟💝🏮🥃 💖🌟💝🏮🥃 💖🌟💝🏮🥃

So many degrees of it


The TV material, I usually just go with it, being assign to. Nick is short and so much this my head hurt …but life sometimes doesn’t need to pick or choose. Just cared about it one person it him.

That Princess Diary - so many people like second movies, those are by choice. 10 long years I never stop doing the same things really. Every degree when the TV near by.

Every girl is having a lot of liking. Something like the guys pays all. I probably always gear what I say I do here. The wealth, not those taken an advantage on a maple card on what? Split him in half per monthly ? Instead of that being calculative….the mind vast big to were ought to be.

So many people running in and out of the weekend on approving whom has this 4 stoves. Mother-in-laws. I used to gone to Erin’s her side Sailor moon sailor scouts at Tim Cook.

It’s I wash the rest of night they 4 dishes. 

Met Taipei Mayor + Eben, cynical guys writing falsehood how wrong other to be and pretend to be? Guru

Not sure another Taipei legislator triplet.

A lot of girl, not yet a women SMCH a religious leadership will just call the police behind.

Same Zawanna, prince Han exile horse Poo, not dead in the comic book. I saving his affection faces under the police What whom caught him.

No one will tell you, how your evolution front, whom you are, because they are all mortal needs loads faces how right they truly are, Keanu Reeves the One!!

You know writing 20 points you are wrong. The very very selfish guys no such things compassion, it’s faults all the time. Then one day, you reading 10 subjects rudimentary starting every science open books has no exact answer like the medical. And one day legal fees were my bank account.

None of them are the dating personnel. Not happy, no friends, cynical, very very selfish because they smile when they succeed finding false and get reward by any or behind “agreeing “ with them, not one sentient being they care other than themselves imagine God descend. 

If I want, all of them will be pieces every single step of it. 

You have a lot of creative writing not just the creative thinking !! You have to be inspired …I didn’t try to help?

Helping its a human nature, crying it’s a human attribute. 

People like you kind, when truly put on 1000 spot lights, you cannot coming out of a word like now. Try again? It’s a song, South Africa waka waka lady song, Shirika. A lot of girls just like you but you are so much older.

Every girl wish to maneuver a talking over mouth jobs. Want to get notice? You yourself wish to maneuver a guy still part of the equation, less than this my side equation. It’s 2 different business ideas. That’s a brand new world?

Despair, despiritism ….wanting, desiring, bursting chest out, to your body shape, it’s all poo cluster at colon area, the size you are more than chulby. Look at your mirror? Most guys worlds require a shape not a writing. I will true to tell you. It will forever started at the shape to a guy before you say you write at, or too good to be true preparation homework’s. Everything it’s useless submit. 

You want to say something ? When you Turing right or left or your head?

The variable among, most upper admin places, like the Hollywood, White House. The entire legistration or known “denoted” family. Me only sees Nick or then my mother. 

Nothing else exist. 

Certain fantasy doesn’t have any evidence even on trying to imagine a public flair of twisting turn butt Right? Like you yourself.  How the jobs in total opening, this are the guys all around. Right? Near her, nothing will not sip through, right?

Just answer me. In a different language.

See, you cannot shut up all by yourself Alais …🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 You want every posts on reflection or? What showing off the Power means?

In all that president legistration, it’s that president - the commander-in-chef?

Every words sounds?

I am that I am. So these politician has to be trained….in seating this soon to be 4 to 8 years, or next humanity 8 to 12 years whichever anyone on and on fantasy to whom other than the jailing nature. So…you hear?

One of us has to hear it right, right?

These are none you wishing it to hear? Really? How I AM …haha…

SMCH, you hear? This one life, it’s like you free. But then again starting very very First time you had a fame all over this universe imagined …one thing I say to you.

You proclaim to that under God cursed, you vow eternity.


What did I say? Do not talk to any one single girl in nunhood.  The freedom and the family gathering when you most needed “Tangle” not “cha cha”. Is that Chinese words you learn dancing ?

Haha…when I ensure all people dead inside outside, this open galaxy will assure you, how this public fame someone given you, its what you imagine, with or without me! Someone could demonstrate something 1 to z not just the mouthful talking art, but then again, hey, you bet on the delivery rate it’s?

Every step the way.

A fat, short hair, brown hair women. Eye glasses. Britney again that same almost identical photograph looking women. 2 posts ago.

Like it?

Anything you prefer me to read, breaking Dawn or?

This is 4th posts? How you like it? In Chinese it means ? Dead.

🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮 Can you ask them, the ET by ? If they brings out SMCH parents or ….these material sunflower whom on Britney ? 🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮

It’s not a goodbye, breaking down not “Breaking Dawn”, that’s the movie name Twlight or I imagined? And… Sailor Moon North Pole, the court can process ?

What if this UB UFO its more Seth very very mild guys, not that Steve Gately exactly like that FRIEND materials internal those…one side I say you are, another side it’s??

He got accompany and might be money. Which of whom gonna do? And where it’s the police station protocol to meet up the universal police?

I prefer to think the stories like this, but …

The guys show up each others, they gonna kill each other at the table? It’s all over the Television monitors. 

Is that legal, they beat up each other with a cap on? Outside ? Any all over planet materials just between the guys.

To any girl, they break down immediately. It’s “don’t worry about it.”That sounds right every degree of it.

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Babaji: Go

On the average, the guys almost....by that half population will yell at the girls with their mouth opens, the girls will retrieve back or cried. That doesn't mean the guys feeling anything better of.

You cannot just always using the guys, that is what you saying? Or just put another set of the guys behind that girls numbers, how many out of that 2000+? Really? Or I imagined....  

You know that China representative...are all uniform. You want to look at it inside that TV?

We encourage the education or its just....impossible by the salary amount? You yourself as a guy, or male, or within, you are not scared by each other yelling at each other? Really? Between the guys? On Earth, so taken all the girls equation out. Just you yourself looking the same guys humanoid. You put each step on this proceeding methods.

I don't know what to tell you.


🥃🥃🥃💞 Maybe you need to prepare, one of those military behind, no one seeing you....if if if if if .....you think what Greys or Reptilian sounds like to look at it. And other humanoid, like your TV, you know how those male-mix between human and other types of the blood mix? 🥃🥃🥃💞

Every word you fail

On your own monitor behind, each and every time. Without the entire Earth knows. You know....I cannot be there. I am not really part of your unit all by myself here. Remember that true reality?

🥃💞 You know there is a UFO Congress, or what are those? The citizen hearing of any kind?

🥃💞 Not the negotiation table. Before that?

🥃💞 Great....how you get behind, and then public table?

🥃💞 Really? In America, or without me?

🥃💞 I am not in your unit.

🥃💞 Not really. I made myself looks like, we are not really on any paid statue check things.

🥃💞 No one needs to know, but....is that the public trial?

🥃💞 Red River Manga, the ending of Tonawanda? Kail's Step mother....what is that?

🥃💞 Re-write.... Thank God, I found you? 


🥃💞 If you considering a Time frame, training begines....5 years 10 years, not the instant gratification to the instant manifestation. You know what i mean?

This is not 194 countries, then you at least need 200 human in total number, that is the male oriented, or has to mix one women at least +? 10+ out of the 200 human stock gene program? 

Whatever you trying to sound like the military Snowden those wiki.....He won't even survive himself how this much public frame, yet him ends up Book stand. A kid on the block to the Earth, its not why or why not exile out of the US, and out of this Harry Potter he knows that himself or not?

That sounds like a perfect plan when he started.


🥃💞 If the citizen by laws they request behind? What they demand to know? Can they?

And....is any part of they force things, as the public its valid in the democracy worlds, or the communism methods me on top would be? Shut up, no comment?

See, what the system made of its workable in such scene in this manner.


🥃💞 Back up from 10 people each UN seat? 

10 x 200 = 2000 human.

You talked to whom yet? And?

I mean Reptilian or Greys those kind. Your have a talking art most possible place its in the law school .The real battle ground to some lawyer whom made it to this legal system at the local court or the Supreme Court itself, like....per day, per week, per year, they process this "real life" stand up at the jury, to....talking art, meaning debate, meaning finds out, meaning paper works, meaning confrontation to that Judge + the criminal side.


🥃💞 They talking nice in the camera, or in the court room?

They can be used? They got a degree, I got none.

There is a legally blonde? 

🥃💞 They say how much time you really got? Not this in one year stuffs? Last Christmas to this Christmas? oh ~ you are not going to make it.


Continue this backstreet boy video on....money! or some life you imagine your Samsara, tiny spiritual advice...if you are so into your Babaji. As if you just might listening if the life being up or down

I never say anyone can just make it their evolution saying deattach, how to cope yourself....in any circumstance.

The practical idea why you have a money concept

You need a senior care when you imagine your life....one day you woke up, you cannot keep living in the university campus life. This sort of concept.

💖🌟🌟🌟💝 America, how much money you need, Asia entire psycho guy cannot talk out of their mouth. i need the teacher, doctor, language, emotional uptight one of those girls flower per degree per word, per sententnce, per paragraphy record per quote those system things. 💖🌟🌟🌟💝

You give me a number, in the money you need and add

Hand me a proposal what you can do with those money. In the next 20 years.

Including training your own people preparation if that take 5 to 10 years continue this you promising education 194 countries.

These guys cannot verbalize nothing but psycho mind cannot talking out of their mouth right stuffs. 

1. Language, verbalize per words one day to playing their True Love whatever the games.

2. The public hygenic included.


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I probably have one more video, after Lunch, Lunch first. I watch some news

Babaji: Go

Yogananda their ceiling debts lawsuit



Video uploading....wait.

First last to End Life (Bible, lawsuit proceeding at Lawsuit 574 SMCH and lawsuit 575

Lawsuit 576 Flower Thousand Bones 

After you do your make-up you always have to wash your both hands with the soap, then touch the mouse. And that brush inside the eye shadow? I bought a small tiny box, you break that in half all the time? And this is New Year, change those brush? The small eye shadow.

They sell one size, longer, but you just need to break that in half? Insert in the same eye shadow boxes?

🏮🏮 You yourself living, like the toilet lid, the side by AI touch...you don't have to use the alcohol wipe all the time, just some tissue paper (you save from the cloth from Target, one person living?) And you use those tissue paper, some water...🏮🏮

Wipe the lid, you seeing, anything? Some women's blood?

Some dusts?

Just one side of the lid, then you work toward the middle, This is the AI lid.

Then the middle, the back, some dusty part, you don't have to clean your entire toilet...let's say from the ground to the floor, to the basin, all around. You doing that how many time a year with the floor? But you always put some force (strength, your muscle strength) to clean that.

Sometimes inside, because....I always close the lid when I finish pee. That internal lid on the Top, I use the alcohol outside, kinda just wipe the inside? You know what I mean?

The girls pee we know, its in the front, so that facet from the shower, just dragging over, 2 or 3 times a week...its not a big deal ? My entire bathroom small tiny? With the guys, I have to jump in that shower 2 or 3 times a day?

You don't have to put in your mind, your entire day are in the cleaning, but when you capable to do a small task here or there. Only the flushing or rinsing that edge all around the water, just the water with some those magic detergent.....you wait it....you can do something else inside the house?

Then keep rinsing the water, around those toilet, I don't really use my hand down there, just the brush, but I keep rinsing it. oh ~ I don't use the gloover those. I have to soap my entire 2 arms, just not right there? 

The water itself has the flourine and the chlorine, so you stand there keep rinsing 30 second? 10 second?


SETH~~ I finish hanging those !!!! I have to dry the comferter outside in the air.  You peaking it down, its right on the air-conditioning.

🏮🏮 🏮🏮 🏮🏮 🏮🏮 🏮🏮 🏮🏮 🏮🏮 🏮🏮 🏮🏮

Air my bed, washing all my sheet, skin alive these bed, pillow, long pillow.... SETH~~ Good morning !!

I have to separate wash.

Fill up thermal bottle.

Keep drinking down 2 cups + 1 cups water

I need to wash my hair, and put these cover back on my airy bed. Open the door....Washing Machine.

Good morning, BIRDS!!!! Airy my room and watering this plants a little bit warmer water. 

I actually have the morning routine every single day its like that. Its just I was on the phone late with Brian, so I got up late.

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Girls should not drink any of this Taiwan not good water, with the COLD ICE. I go to bed.

You are the girl, don't do that!!!!

Babaji: Go

In your life, you get training of something, you learn how to cope your life better.

You cannot always have this tears inside your eyes every weekend, no one cannot breath on living. When the harsh words, harsh punishment that you do to yourself, you blame yourself, you blame others....there is a lot of those self-improvement things. You don't need to get in between anyone's business.

That is one guy, one you, mind your own business. Say it clearly, handle things before anything happened. You don't go and dwell on those feeling inside your brain, mind, body soul.

Not every guy is out of the illusion, so will be your EVERY girlfriends.

The guys if they putting their 4 limbs on the works, it almost like the military idea, you are too tired to think about the reason, you go to sleep, you get up, and you go on another day breathing living. You don't put a lot of this mindfulness inside your mind. Stop that process of the brain. 

You trying to? Empty your mind.

That is your 4 limbs 4 stove all the time for the girl, that is not a job to stay indoor only.

NASA robotic oil, cooking oil ! Not really olive oil!

Long time ago they have those TV with someone wearing a red show, so there is a scary crew and a robot.

Cooking has the fume, and the heat, meaning if your face staying in the sun like those birds at my roof, its burning hot after 1 min, seriously.

Black Moon Clan next by.....there is only one phase of the moon behind the sun, that is the dark moon phase at. Really. 

I c.

You have a lot of the concept, you mean magic ministry or the teleport. From the Sci-fi stories. You cannot make your body beaming into the dusty particle. You die. You have a physical form, can you just deal with the physical means? 

Like most time people see, hear, agree upon that reality, its called the physical universe.

Sometimes just eating a meal together, reading a book, make a book invitation lists, you like?

So with the physical universe, what it really boiling down will be:

1. Melting point. M.p

2. Boiling point. B.p

That is how the most substance vanish into a different form. Its not a living creation, so you thought that is the phase of the elemental.

oh, MY GOD!!!!


🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🍅🥃 I went to sleep a bit. 🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🍅🥃

Eating seed weed. my teeth hurt .....when I have the pain killer patches, oh ~ so much better off, MD. Really. Something about the pain killer patched, I can feel it.

The pain killer patches on, I don't have the teeth hurt. It gets more sensitive. I might really really really need these pain killer patches. Seriously.

This seed weed has nothing but the salt on it. Water...

We are always on the girls issues. There is no hope. Some guys really wishing those games, but none of the girls be that.....I guess Keith's wife. Not Lalla type. Not really.

They two are different.

This is garbage. There are no girls in the existing population to get trained. There is no hope!  I am the one actually putting that agenda including the explaination per degree inject right at your every brain, the girls.

Guess what?

If the TV did something to you, you will be the First to Run Off! 

If something happened the guy really those insurance guys to send you off Turkish airline, they are all like that, because that is ilegal, you suicide.

You want to be New Age, you want to be the Healer, you want to be....those Ella Enchanted Old Tarted Cloth, not the office suit.

I found out a lot of this 1 to Z. Unless we can cut off the external world communication such as, never in my life time, this life time, we pushing this open galaxy, I don't have any method, any word, any more this.....There is no hope. Zero.

I have no idea what to do. That percentage is not coming up, its very burden and heavy and as if bursting if were the hope, its lonesome, and slow in breathing, no live air. You don't have a life?!

I talking to my monitor sounds like I have a life never end since 2014. 

America, get that. Re-sort. Too much issues, people at this End time, no more this....all things must be hellish. It will be more hellish seeing THAT.

Not con-figurative saying. How do you saying English. Re-draw?

The approach, the entry ...the grass green, the sunshine, the air, the happy sounding, the melodious song birds.

Terri? The Fat church black hair girl. She is ?


She singing at the Church.

Let's see... One day, you will be seeing those beautiful thin girls singing just like, melodious such as a form like annie Hallaway (Its cloth human type similar, cannot see it. Just the feeling)

You remember what you are, what you didn't evolve, to everyone despite you the moment you passing it by. They shy away.  This life....its the life of the promise.

You didn't....

People like them, people like you from the second generation the native born American, you could have so much right. American they give everyone right...but, you are right on their land.

As long as you refuse this running in, running out glory self ego game. 

You wouldn't lose your birth certificate or that VISA statue forever...with them. They have a guideline to give the service for everyone, for some bracket, they willing to use their life to...whatever stupidity just like those Middle West ROTC, but in the end of the every thing they say they will given you all freedom and equality, as long as you try.

I put that weight on the American. You suppose to help them, you deteriorate both them and you yourself, trying what? A fantasy, will get worsen severity. The American birth certificate, its where you could hear a word such as Shiva.

One word God.

You only need one Name. No matter how hell that is, it will NEVER be forever. 

They gain a lot of the weight, the one doesn't gain weight like that Keith's wife + Derrick....she is a school teacher. Keith brought her in. They are so giant fat. Everyone there. The girls, and Rebecca's husband Eddie Bear. The school consular....

Hiep gets shaken like that, when nick put her down. Which guy? Or me all the time anyway.

Your image surface. You wearing the eye glasses. 

Danny dead on the television from the Hollywood, its right next by the Uncle JC. He married to Becky, that name is Rebecca, she is a big Britney's height.

I really don't know where that Adam went once he gets that movie on. But....

The movie: The One for the Money, there is no such Big Britney I ever met. The one near a priest name Keith and his gf, or wife looks like Lalla short hair, at the beginning of that Victoria Secrets. He lives in the trailer. When she was a girlfriend. 

She slept over in the school as the teacher to a guy name Derrick. Madrical where me and Martin sitting very ....edgy I guess. That me and Martin never really talk, but that doesn't mean, we don't know whom these people were. 

Derrick is next by Young. 

Imagine, me and Martin on that 4 seating madrical rows.

========== =========

========== =========

We both freeze. Very often by now. 

The middle west they are barbarian or something.  

Martin is from German, often studies in his own room. I usually don't talk much.  The EF. I think he knows Adam. Adam knows Sammy, when we were together, that is when Sammy came. I highly doubt Martin has anything to say about that Adam, but he was the year before. When Sammy came....

This time when I end up in Europe, I am sure....that Sammy won't shut up talking.

Some people they go to sit on the bank front lobby, just every turn at.....your parents if not there, you literally dying out every number you are in fear, not just the exams not passing if that is still on and on.

Not those other imagination really.

You sabbtage yourself, and you imagine what things are gravity between Heaven, Earth, Sun, or your own very mind, to where the cerebrium fluid, or all these cells in the millions inside your own very brain, has this force of the liquid. The cerebrium fluid.

See if you can file a lawsuit on Torus, anyone to do with SMCH, its one Ring cut off all dead.

Its very cursing, cursed. 

"Back! All back. " 

Find some pain killer patches, your entire back. Some at your head. 



In a block of the 5 houses in front of you. You count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Try 1, 3, 5. (as if there are 5 houses in front of you), you skip 2 and 4.

So count and staring the house 2 and 4. 

5, 3, 1.

4, 2.

2, 3, 5.

2, 3, 4

Looks okay. You are nervous, but not THAT. Ringing.

No, you are ringing on 5, 3, 1.

In the math, you have coordinate. (you don't take the exam year after year?)

I cannot talk! 

X are horizontal line, where the Time in the chemistry chart in (t). You really ringing none stop. 

Checking account. In between there is a Visa card, its neither that Saving account nor Checking account. What did I say? 

There is a card, that doesn't need to be bind in either of this 2 account, you can put it on your mother's account. (Ringing louder)  - These are not the numbers, these are the statements.

How does that becoming a german song?


I told you, you are not the only person doesn't have a brain....lost line and squares. Do they do that because of the TV existence, or that is the only tool I can see from in front of me.




🌟💝 I didn't hear Wendy comes back....🌟💝 So...still year by year, or Tina's best friend. Studying?

I don't know. I got told different things. So many things told to me its fake? It will hurt me, or I have the hope that is true, so the other is???? In hell?

15 houses of that division of 3, that is 5 in a block unit. What did I say? 

Square, cubical, 3D? Its a residential idea.  (No more sound, the photo not big enough full size?)

Now ringing, you cannot see my photo if that is not the big size?

Last time Hailey's dad, you looking at his face. There are the restaurant automate recipe? Tax 15%? Pretending? I forgot.

 You saying the evening outting food expense in America, Buffalo rate? 

10% and 20% middle that is 15%, or saying cutting 10% half its 5 %

You reading it, or you just brush over those words I say.  

Try this.... 15 half its 7.5

7 dollar half its 3.5

(Your brain are ringing)

In the temple business, which, most of this UB you all ending up...will be. Might be one of those very similar to begging to live, Flower Thousand Bone consequence

Its competitive. You understand in the spiritual practice, that is against the God's decree? They all doing it, inside the temple. Compete all the time. Its every blastomny that is.

And you want to do that in your life, how to....get on those Capitalism in a different world. You think American are the cold cut, or some very very realistic side to, you acquire the money, or else?  I see something, I will go and get it done. It was not told to me. I thought I live this one life I die, in 100 years in total? Only living as long...where are those American dummy to be? Re-write? I thought i have to live on and on. One person keep going?

You need to shape up what American being contact before. None of the outside world its hurting that American, they think they are? To? Which system?

You all puppet face card value? I told you, this world religion church, although its in that Westlife whatever... I cannot understand how true, and how much money are in it. You can be jailed, its a name here in Taiwan. So for America, the only legal methods, its through their own very church, that is called the Christian, in different denounimation, they have all the similar running method. 

I didn't just see something, I got told, I even write it. There is a difference, someone dare to audio tape me even putting on the public stand. I say it out loud?

From that day on, I change? Where are those dummy at?

Try again....you have a bank, that you saving the money in it, called the saving acocunt or the checking account. (you cannot hear ? Why your brain beocming so ringing none stop?)

Whistle bell gone? 

You never learn a word in Bank, other than when you deposit a check in the bank after you work? Did you read any label, or pamphlet, or their name card? Anything standing in the bank?  

There are those glasses panel personel, the younger generation when I arrive in California, a brand new reality away from that Buffalo bad 4 banks I ever had....so I gone to that bank how many time the entire Hollywood outting? I doing nothing but going there? I got nothing else to do?  Does the court given you Ola and Dean money? Any of that Movie or Lee is somewhere near, and why is he on the street means? There is a name, and look or eye color? And? You all didn't go to the court to fight out your right, what happened?  

Try if you deposit a check on the counter to hand in to the clerk officer. You seeing a pen, a name card, a tag in front of the marble, or what that is...somewhere has his or her name. And so you can ask him or her, or someone you sit on the chair until someone coming out.

To talk about anything if you plan on your small business...you could just acting like I pretend I have....so we have a direct negotiation talk. Such as....that interests rate for saying the regular banking account (see....you are doing this again.)

And if I planning on this is my name card, and I gone through this town clerk for setting up...meaning I want to learning more of these number you are saying so, inside your free phamplet, you saying that is 3,000,0000 on the VIP cards limited, and there are 4 cards, you saying which card you only put the number on it, 1 2 3 4.

Show me.

(You brain exploded. See....Dr. T's TV means you are dead. I wonder why ..... )

Some people are motivated to work....even there is money. Just work to work?

Some people retired yeah.... I didn't tell any of the Westlife my plan, not really. I call them, but except my plan. I told them all in public. That is what I did. So many things I am just saying it. 

When you are loosen on what? The language skill on the facebook? A cooking skill inside your own home, reading a book? You divide yourself inside that city or the community. I told you, you all got a big problem to that reality. You didn't learn at 80 years old to beginning like you were 20 years old? 

oh ~ imagine what I know about the humanity. None of you nice to any guy, and those guy becoming very very edgy too. Along the year, just to talking to any of you, as long as you all opening up your mouth. The tone, the look, the gazing, the stupidity....

Woozy means you lean forward, fatigue, lost consciousness. Slow. Foggy its ....

I CANNOT SEE ANYTHING WATERY....nothing but foggy on my window pane, its raining outside my roof. 

People like you don't have any capability doing things without others. Its best people will tell you hiring an accountant on the Tax year. But the reason I asking you to go to your classmate 20 dollars per hour, its that its very very cheap rate on them. 

And you will feel a totally different confident feeling even you have to paying your way through. The personality like you. You are super super super super not confident.

SUPER, not tiny bit. You need people to agree what you do, you need others to take that responsibility, you cannot stand up yourself you are so sure what this math is. You cannot be sure those simple things including a pan lifting up, how to turning on an Asian fire stove. I show you before. That is the gas, or that is small fire, or gone? Then shut it off. 

You are not doing anything in life. You trying to stay alive, and breathing. 

The reason you fail that Capitalism, you cannot do any job. Let's say, you can do small job, and you really got the skill, and you got fired. But you have that one skill or they test you or evaluate you, = you have a skill and they just fired you.

The liquid inside your brain, its like the cerebrium fluid....probably one of those saying like the spine too....or you saying the cellular membrane fluid. Because the cell are not red. Only red blood cells are red?

Meaning what those water inside your brain, you are very woozy....you are so needed your parents. Your parents need the money just like you. You never really trying to help them, so you are alone.

What do I know about those fluid woozy inside your brain, same to me. 

You could just publicly telling people you getting the money or will be, or did, or plan?

The math in 1 years its really 12 months to divide in 4 quarter, but saying 3 months. But you saying the interests rate from the bank, they doing that on their own, its the Bank industry they regulate that. I never listening in, in case they didn't know I was so busy.....NASA.

That interest rate its what? 5%?

The real estate was wife husband team 5%, or 3 % x 2 = 2 agent...in those Canada very very high tax country. 

100%, to 1%, meaning 100 dollar bill, 1% its 1 dollar. 

Can you still read the number acrossing your eye, that is percentage? not the actual digits?

So your brain are foggy, not just wozzy. You lost your attention so soon, so easy to get nervous, every word saying to you, nothing but edgy, pompeo...you cannot focus on the numbers. What did you do in life? By the books? 

Let me look at this guy, he lost his brain, so he got chosen on which ship?

I am telling you, one of those ET will never fail me on Math, just by imagine the hope to breathing on.....I cannot contain myself.

20 years later you will start to hear, "Her characters are always like that. She never changes."

You know? What they all looking like.

"It sounds like the same to me, when we used to think. Its the same thing we think, that is the same person in front of you. We know that."

These time, so limited girls you listen or you learn, every word copy? Any kind of the guys.

4 Stove, carrying one very long relationship regardless the raining day. 

4 Stove means, you may not be the first day on you can do anything, but he says what, you copy paste. Never Chinese take out any food, in any color. No Asian exist. Not that kind of the soy sauce with the salt, they wipe their mouth stain on their side by cheeck on camera, with the Asian eye glasses. 

Don't eat in front of the guys.

Don't talk until he saying something why you exist there.

Everything else I already says. But this 4 Stove means you had one relationship by certain age, so you going on learning the second relationship, you almost meant you emergency anyone in the world large enough in life, its nourishing food, and reason why someone wants to live on. 

Clean, wash, cared, because you love to make food.

Or else you go to Asia, those Hailey human continue to evolve. That is the freedom you going there for. Small wage til you marrying in, or one of those....one day you have to go back to America, and die on the street. 

I already say Zawanna they have loads those girls, I didn't see them all dead yet.

They wishing they are dead, not I really know they killing the girls on purpose. But then, that day you realize what is the Capital Culture, not those Pet what was the dark wizard wolf packs to go...

The real Cultural of the Metropolitan, those girls....you all just so high intellects to poking each other faults in the end, but saying, kind heart for the lower bracket, and bagging nature the priesthood...no one does that for a living. Even that time, you might have to learn how to earn the money.

How those days on...its just the breathing point lasting til.

Being with a guy not a bunch of the girls...not in thinking, not in uttering words, not in killing methods you are to die in every degree...I am sure you meant the guys real or not real saying or without saying, really.

Every guys say they agreeing with all of you, all the time. How come the day I woke up.....for I never had this American dating culture to find out, the guys never really meant it = its the forever American culture or that European culture = insurance guys only methods to ship you all to the Turkish airline. 

So interesting I can keep saying that to the legal court of every kinds of the human exist so publicly. 

You all so sure about the guys saying things inside your brain. I got that.

I told Ronan them all the same things. I assuming, that is 100% I assume. Correct. But I assume, right. Its an assumption. But its 100%. Because you all girls are emitting. They are not evolving to know how that feel to stagment in the air for a momentarily stumble. You will feel it what you really did to others one day. Or they will.

Some very very superficiality European those types of those white guys...has one thing inside their brain, between that is a girl, that is a guy....starting this harvesting cruel methods of the human souls.

You know what it is? Grey its known the geneticist. Project Camelot has no quality, but pretending to utter a few vocabulary sounding like educating the mass until being deleted, one buttom. They saying a lot of things.

We used to have that Taiwan at my grandmom time. Every girl sent to other family to become the host family maid. Just not her, someone says she was special. The heart pace grandmom.

There is every guy's nature in this world, as moving up the ladder....they meant they are the real guy, none of you listen one word, kneel, bow, flat. They are almost like God. Very very soft.  I am not sure that is Dean did or Tamang did.

In case you don't remember the account. That some guys very common nature, are very very close. You aren't trying to be any where near MD, or priesthood. You just trying to floating on to live and breathing. Without your mother breast milk.


Your mother is the one insist no military order, so she goes to hell watching you per day marching on.....why and regret in hell. Just like the Queen. so many people only cares.....its their glorious moment and reason for that democracy world.

But then God never need to exist, just you exist. Their age, won't stay very long, so...make a choice, all of you. How long the time lasting anyway. The momentarily short gathering won't bring any peace or harmony when you each other seeing each other aging faces.

You imagine....its me every single day on.

That is the First sin.

Second, the day you will all be separated, its in all different kinds of the world zones. You can contact each other, but you will suffer in that new world. You didn't abide any rule in this one World, for every world almost I think....has some collaboration how the human character only survive or dying on the street til you bend mechanism. That in this one World people will tell you only democracy and citizen, never yeh or neh fantasy on princess and prince idea. But since they hurting you, you got compensate some small tiny money.  

You didn't strive to keep your mouth shut, and surfing along what is your diginity or ego trium things...but then again, to that every new additional new life, this small tiny TV, its all you ever got. Its Anna's old facebook together against her on the rebellion to whom's regime?

You didn't need to believe in it. You will find out that one day. There is only militant iconic throughout that known every words be heard. No one ever be a face card, not in lawsuit, not in medicine, not in weak character, not in digitnity for saying Mastership to students or disicple.

But you all meant you are truly special. I think you will be killed before they moving you ....at all. Your perfect American land.

If you want to file the witness program, I gonna file in here from my side Cornell Sam / Embassandor's daughter like my aunt Youngest princess (Porsilin doll)

Your destination its one of those older type of this temple looks like Kenshin Himura, what you don't bother learning this making money, making public gesture, making flair, to washing, clean, renovate one temple looks like that Japanese....hall. You know how to wipe that day on.

Zawanna would have told you, what it is like to work in there and given out. He didn't kill you in his world, sound like a favor to you, really. Probably smaller than that. 

Certain worlds meant, how they running this whole universes, you will learn everything you regret, you didn't, and marching it on the very Day 1 on.  But you will say, "You grateful to God" anyway....

The witness program doesn't care for what reason.....

You just be in it for any reason why they meant you are in it for. Everyone uses that TV for a different reason, and that result of Today, its I am not in it, but with all your faces perfectly embellish in that. 

Its just cold


Old temple its not marble. Damp, dark, saving....but its an empty place. Big enough.

The commodity in that world its a little bit different. It must be me showing up paying him I am telling you. He does all kinds of those very trivial things in case you don't know what the guys they really made of.  Your Ice Skating book. 

That has to be Dean or Dr. T anyway. 

You learn that lesson every single day on. In case his face never made it very clear at all.

You are the type trash your parents but need a community that don’t know you are Pompeo til the day you die.

Let me guess at that AMerica military thinks…

“The useless people like the jailing mechanism no direction of the reality, for some merits, they need you all to stay alive.”

So I say that program, but for a very very long time you will always cage in until further notice this guy say when open galaxy, you being displaced. The true jail inmate cannot cope without 3 meals outside that building, years go by…that confinement it’s the only world they can stay in. You will lose all the capitalism under …any character the America says. They do that on TV only for that very reason. You all stay that line in. 

Until a furthur notice. 

A religious Dalai Lama is begging for food nature. This guy called Zawanna should have known that better. The true character you willing it sounds like you never requires to beg others lower your voice to live. That, it’s the final verdict so it’s on the monitor. Your evolution may never require you to be that cold cut Simon says. It’s just without it, leave. 

You can be whom you are, no one forcing you that capitalism falls on all of you. Ask. Shall be given. 

Your math skills are not good. Your brain are very anxious. My math it’s how you saying ….by what means so the math I don’t repeat on which sheet?

You worry your math.

You want me to tell you your decision on your math ? No I don’t care about your investment, you can just label ABCD. You wish you are very very sure. That’s not inside your head? You are so worried that math you check many times? 

If you all gone to that program, you want to ask some whom has a better math skill? You can pay him them at? No you don’t have to go through me. They are like what, 20 dollars an hour? 

Wing and that Eric/ look Eric/ Jonas/ Brian

Never Dean or Tamang. They are girls. Like your brain anxious. The wedding crashes has 2 guys, one guys is homeless to a teacher in another movie. Him teaching 3 boys, one of them looks like “Look Eric”

Owen Wilson. 

3 ice skating I re-assign that list. The brand new list. Never that list.

If I receive the money, yeah, I want. The tax usually a year…I sleep or rest for 3 months. I told you some people 20 years don’t do a thing on certain stuffs.

I don’t know if you all receive a very huge among of the money. You are not healthy inside your eyes. You starting going around people say or neh.

I am not you. 

The boys or the guys like the idea having a sword or a horse, like my brother is a horse, next by its a little dragon girl.

When you in the witness program, then you more relax to sleep up a few weeks. When the people’s mind more relax, you can imagine what you could have. Because …

Among all that porsilin doll Taiwan (VS), Bible, Disney +Flower Thousand Bone

There is a sword.  You cannot use it or maneuver it, it’s the Flower Thousands Bones has. That she cannot control it at all. Want to do that?

Just found out if you having it. It’s a lot of theme this far. 




Babaji: Go

I file on the Ender's game this account, you all file-ing on yours

How the singing bugs always end up with no money.

💞 Isn't this about your own facebook, your best friends position, or switching each other best friends at the New District Zoning, for the movie or the TV reason, you wish to know the money reason? 💞

The double date?

You talking to your past best friend on your own facebook?

On the court paper, you cannot exactly using my vision reason. I only can tell you what I see, and it might be any reason but the TV reason. But when you file that even, isn't that....you need to omit the reason why or how Ronan and Lee binds together the reason on the street?

You have more than once imagining the Sailor Moon Happy Table only existing the girls, and in there, you imagine the best friend, or going out and trying to see how each other taking this movie material to fit your own perfect reason on what ?

Now I seen these people, I freak out! 

I cannot relate if you are truly happy with the girls table, and I assuming that is. And I can careless you have a best friend position, or you really mean it? Finding a best friend?

I cannot relate any of those account. But I can see very clearly every other account other than you girls reason? They might be so deeply in debts. Lee gone to UP. That is Tony, my Landlord University. It is Ivy League.

Seeing Messiah, just to run, they have no money !!! oh my God. I screaming.

Its not a bottle of the water. Wallace's material, its a bucket of the water

And ...I can tell you the plot. 2 girls in the room. The imposter with the softy, the imposter married to Wallace with a MD.

2 guys + 2 girls (Direction Left and Right, the Left moving in the room on the Right, there is a bucket of the water coming toward the left, full body soaked. ) 

What is this drama name: 金玉良緣

Meaning Heaven given in the Ancient some good well wishing. And why any of them to do with Zawanna?  He is a MD.

Me = Wallace = the weaponry department, national defense. Well, the TV scripts.

The Math does not add up? Which math does not add up?

Maybe switch to the guys. Your coming forward, its when I turn around, I will see 2 guys?

Mat    Ola

Billy    Adria

Ola is smaller volumn, and Adria is small volumn. And Billy is not that UB Bill, or UB Bull X Man?  So Lee = Mat 



Let me guess,  Ronan

                          X Man

Maybe there is a reason why they should be on the street, other than this reason at all?  

oh I know I say Ronan and Lee bind together, other than this I see? The TV?

She is looking like That (Westlife), oh and Nicky and so Queen is dead?

Why Ronan and Lee bind together?

Its Ronan wants to give me a bottle of water on my face, something I don't know, on my face? The backstreet boy yesterday did? 

You mean Ronan looks like Lee = a girl. The paper thin person like Lee is very thin person. 

What I see its more of the internal things. And their both data on Messiah to almost identical position. There is nothing good to look at it at all. There is a ETR, right at T saying Mat? Seven Heaven?  

Ronan looks like a paper thin person? And how does this bottle of the water ending on my face?

One of those governmental debts people will not be found on the street. They usually know your home address just like when you landing in the airport.

Taiwan, we can only first land in England, they have the landing Visa for Taiwan. Well, I gonna use the American Passport. But for the Taiwan airline, they only do certain things, how small tiny we really are? 

So Ireland is next by. You ever knew you could land there 3 days, and purchase another ticket in, just like Buffalo Jetblue to JFK, at least you know that for every New York City coming to UB?  You don't know how the jetblue works?  I thought everyone knew how JetBlue works. From UB to NYC, they from Long Island? 

Why I don't go to Ireland straight? There is a Dancing on Ice. I didn't intend I really going to Europe, but...since I am there? 

1. I step on their Ice, nothing happen.

2. Jump, nothing happen.

3. One loop, forward, nothing happen

4. Back loop, nothing happen

Get off?  You actually think I told Ronan those things fake? Ukraine and Russian War? They have to split in half their commander's IPad, IPhone. PC? Any Tablet?

I personally doing that. This time? Why would you get hurt?

On Whom, not one of those geography Prince? Whom is him related to any of you?

