Lawsuit 705: Before the Open Galaxy, every pairs of human on Earth get married lists.

Date: July 22nd, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: On our Earth has one of those seen problems too

Do they use money as part of the e-harmony, the lower bracket girls ending up at the lower bracket guys, and what do they have any data, how they put together as the lower bracket the girl and the guy?

Somebody finds a method deals with this.

All this stopping in the way, its per day your karma, or our world meant we can open galaxy tomorrow if you all just putting into your correct order of life, starting not to stepping on the Earth investment with your money tolkien or the debts counts to bothering everyone else.

Jail them, I need the court to get something done, if this continue to send in here pictures, they are on the way to every karma, its how soon they kill their mother, I think. The first degree murder. 

Either getting together and produce 1 or 2 kids and going on the street homeless, or getting jailed soon. Someone made a schedule of all this get done before anything else this sky outside. I told everyone, the traffic outside are very very busy. 

Get it done.

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