Lawsuit 687: W Two Worlds (Math and drawing Cos θ )

Date: July 11th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: From Arendale or from Buffalo New York, that is a backward drawing, Cos θ 

In the electrocity AC, that is what is known as the alternative current. That is Niagara Falls, and UB North campus highway I-90. I am sure you have a lot of those claim.

The high school musical math team. 

Sin θ, cos θ, tan θ, cot θ, sec θ, cos θ.

That is pi  

I have a music way doing that in the Google Youtube video on the organic chemistry. Its the piano I play. The hand gesture.

I think they go to jail in 2014 OU language, if that is all watching one or 2 people. Some might be consecutively being jailed more than once, if you adding up 1 year and half, and in 10 years, they ending up in the jail 3 times, that is really stupid. Flower Thousand Bone Ep 26 over a necklace which can heal the sickness.

Math: you usually drawing normal at the X axials that direction, you arrow out. In physics, that is the exactly the same math they taught you at the math department in any kind of the math. I took the math in Asia.

I think its the verdict coming in time, or some were never let out the jails yet. That is one side of the American Medical Board saying to the European Medical Board, for some reason, which point of dot ending background at???

The weather service on that Ireland is the West belt weather, meaning its not as cold as Japan or Buffalo New York, no matter how everyone understand the latitude. Unless they just told me its the David Jones Issue, Octopod today in my Sky album collection, that is the OU seal.




If you drawing from the chalk board, not the market.... well, the same. Your are right hand, I am a right hand. AC is drawing forward. It means they cannot talk, so we draw?

OU language.

Right Dr. Bing Shen's comic book in W Two Worlds, its a drawing device. No, not possible in the genetics. No. Those are the alive things, not magic. No.

Pi is 180

2 pi = 360, that is 4 quadrain of the coordinate in 2D flat paper not coming out. Just flat. Its X and Y only axial. You don't have any other math. 

No, Cos θ does not coming out of the paper. That is a math write-out. It describe you a thing such as how that shifting of the electrocity to the magnetic, I am not sure exactly the details, but I seen the documentary from Tesla invention. Its a box have 4 light at and that function of the math, its this W looking. You are not suppose to draw like that.

Its the air that I breath, the West belt wind.
It always coming from the West?
YES, in fact.

That is the West direction from Ireland. Forward that direction will becoming...
The alpha and omega?
Brian and Ronan on the table?

The dog they have the alpha and omega.
The food.
They have a tendency to use a spoon or something to poke their base of any cup or container. Ronan. He has a funny name. Ronan Keating.

I used to never spell the words.

We have the X, Y, Z, no W on those coordination math drawing. Its an equation of the first exponent, or exponent 2

Meaning X2+X+1


Y =  X^2+X+1

The shifting component possible on the math coordinate. Its at c.


a =1, b =1, c=1 to the above equation. In order to shift that, I think its at the c.

My c class its evolutionary biology. It is a biology. 

kingdom phylum class order family genus species

Dr. Bing Shen he does the vitro, the yeast. I think just the species he will say the difference probably. His techniques its one of those West gel. My west gel 2003?

The west gel means its big enough the proteins, everyone could see on the literally peer review journal. Its big enough....that is right. I say that. 

And the technique?

Its to be big enough and be seen. Like I say before.

I think among them Westlife or Boyzone. They know their own cover art.

Love Crime, Brian and...? Ronan I think.

Its unbelievable my balcony the afternoon nap I got up before writing this session. The thundering not storming. We normally don't have the storm. Its the typhoon. The storm is those in the continental like US, not West (Twilight, the lab scene)

Westlife - Love Crime (Hailey's brother name Peyton looks very identical)


Its a new way to sell your album in the end day I would think.  Combine their own manager. 

Love = dog, crime = bird.

See if the outside weather service turn out better. (SMCH dog white name Love)

Math again ....

The wavelength, the duration of saying the frequency that is why there is a Cos θ. The DNA study is not really a physical the mechanical force related phenomena, its a living memory, almost you saying one of those you don't know you are breathing nerve system. Its unconscious. 

Maybe they mean Love !

That is a romance and the family setting plot; the BTX, that is the adventure story script. 

Probably unless they are inside the TV script, they never think that has anything to do with them, the most humanity reason why they are fallen. Its probably one of those fallen state such as things got written over, run over, becoming the paper thin, coming out of the books, close a book. One of those script. Anyone else claim isn't your life, so your life its too perfect to stay inside that family setting. Its the same Tiffany breakfast, they have like 90 years data of the television plot coming or aiming at them. It could be Dr. Shen he never really go by the life such as a love game. He has to work. But it would have been the same everyone needs to work or else staying on the street. oh ~ the BTX has a wedding, its not his, or his daughter in it, so they get the second chance in the W Two Worlds? One of those going back to your ex or sleeping over the brand new other people's bf fantasy life.

Its unhealthy, just look at it.

Like it says, the attitude its bad. Its inherited, the ancestor sins. The father is too shameful, so it will be the first degree murder any later of his year gone by. The father and the mother parts I believe, and including the ex bf, looks like Hank. Because any governmental position such as our Taipei Mayor, he had a student die in front of him.

Legally Blonde 1, the guy needs someone serious running for the future position.

I think its real. Its when they both got older. You know how the kids murder their aging old parents? Its in the hospital, one of those they are too weak to fight on. 

Cos  θ

No, there is no minus Cos  θ. No time return. No.

I think the world when they training one hell of the bio-scientists like Dr. Shen your dad, or Lee. There is a very serious implication why they need to train them and all those training in cannot be lost. So, there is a difference between you and me, or you and your dad, or you and Lee. Erin married to Lee, another Lee in New Jersey. She sent me the invitation from e-harmony. She is a professor.

Your dad's personality its very very quiet, not Tony Nick's my son those type. Nick Tony's dad will tell you they got a whole Italian immigrant from Italy, all the bakery and business everyone conduct, except Mimmo and Tony. Explain to me why he dresses the black. 

OU language, the Black Ops America new student orientation. I think he can make it. He is a very harsh person. With ET, everything is bad enough, I am telling you.

oh ~ Maybe that means that time your dad, when I say things about you, its when you got married, my mother did say that? So it must be one of those when Tina got married to Hank, and this is 10 years gone. When Mimmo and Connie got married the 10 years, almost you saying Tony went to get married with Carla. Yeah....its in their new wedding table or the father and ex mother to jointly some occasion for saying, look at your older brother, that is 10 years keep married together. How do I know? Nick got home, he told me all that. I have no idea what that is. 

Time passing so fast, just like Square and Lilly.  All the TV background never shaken their faith in each other. Starting from the beginning, let's see 2017 would be 6 years gone.

I think I know which one is your dad's language for this.






There is a Square's drama, some usury involved on her mother, my mother got the scammiing money for my brother. 服飾德微笑還是方塊

浮士德的微笑 (或是方塊)

唐太宗的仕女服浮報 (是歷史課本)

We just thundered.

Ep 01:

Okay, Square has some face in my family when she starting young, or like Tina, these girls when they are born, as the kid they often you saying assorted by the appearance. You saying someone grew up about 30 years, you mean that appearance meant they still care about the guy's attention. But they stay with their best girlfriend. In the 亞太經融地區, your dad can see this word, I used to say, its best not the gay's movement. But those democracy rebelliation, someone done it for them, Taiwan pass the law, one year after she and Lilly together.

This story has a catch because its on the TV.

Most girls didn't think why the guy, no matter they are good or no good, meaning their structure of the height means to her a lot or the face appearance. And most guys if saying the dating possible, Square she is one of those, no guy this far saying to go on a date with her, so she had her best friend. She doesn't go and change her outfit like the Devil Wear Prada. That is 20 years pass. Another 20 years will surpass again. 

A lot of the girls cannot keep a guy or controlling a guy and at the mean time saying here is the stable life, make it a household together. I didn't see any of them possible. Not really. Taiwan is a very freedom endow every society right or left, even she is under that impression where her dad or my dad they were. To her grown up, she never required to learn anything. Not in my opinion views. 

Their inside its every step the way cared. 

Like the Smallville, like How to Lose a Guy in 10 days. The appearance or the degree of those small tiny talk, some girls in one whole life time, will never get a guy, and most of them will tell you its very very scared their whole life not stable. Their career and the money. They didn't think they gonna lose a parent home. Their room. My room was gone, not Tina, not Pang. And in Dean's these MD never stop program whole life time until they make it, you cannot invite everyone, so if you saying they have a place to stay as long as they keep studying, even inside the jail or outside bait out, they probably all have some kind of the accommodation, if Square so cared to ask. You don't think? 

The Twilight story, the novel version says, its year after year, every so often, they have the whole group relocated a new town, starting all over again the high school.

Only inquire and then fight on.

Everything else is irrelevant, because its always a roof on the top. You only require to staring at a stack of all the books, they may even give you a lot of the books if you just asking them on the table. Finish that. Not the outfit, its

1. To inquire

2. And to fight on.

I think its an invitation, don't you think, a girl heart-to-heart talking to each other? 

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