
1+1 no matter how you written ? 一 + 一 has to be = 2


Every 5 oclock in the evening I walking outside....here are all the offices buidling all the way to Daan Metro Station, its about 2 full blocks, how you seeing every girls walking, and to my height to even be telling you, from your back, from your shoulder, you slumby walking, not zombie walking only....
We have so much population here, so its walking outside its the reality right under my eyes, not to say, I was lightly telling you, your hair, highlight, your hair are thinner getting, your hair are oily, your hair is blacken, or your hair its mess, you walking in the most zombie dead walking methods. Its right in front of my eyes.


Like nick has 2 junks + they each have kids too.

You know what you suppose to be doing or imagining you had your Western Holiday, Holiday or Christmas, including he has an ex-wife, that is where his kids' mother? Including they growing up to their own uncle, or the other side of other Italian tribes? They play soccer.

Not my own kids, like you all saying you going to whom? The older people now? My landlady she herself has 4 kids? One disable. She met a guy has other kids they going into his house for a Thanksgiving. She just sitting there with them on the Holiday.

Even your Landlady or Landlord expecting you disappear from their sight at the Holiday or every Summer time, really. You sound like living a real Christian world, having a real life, gathering, sitting there, venting?

You don't have the kids, and you are not willing to foster, or sponsor, or somewhat the social responsibility, you want to tell me you ready on the Older guys?


If you really meant it to be your heart. I tell you what nick almost did, or that Zawanna really did. Its they are sent off the boarding school, or far away from it all, you never seen them, hear them, knowing them exist, at all. That is probably what happened !

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