
Back Glue & Cooking Tasks (?)

okay ....

I personally will always think any guys, not necessary just those in front of your "Tasks" or "Assignment". How do we arrive they are your assignments? Most guys probably have one of those tale how the girls acting up very strange, they have a lot of reason why talking to them its like talking to disease, for real. 

Your definition as a girl, growing up pain its everyone other than me, its everyone else targeting at you, and now I am one of them targeting at you. EVERYBODY.

You have a very bad language, you wish to train your own talk, because you cannot express yourself at all, but you always coming out your own liking + judgemental to someone, to something demonstrate you have 2 cents. Until one day someone telling you, you really wish you are big shot, its everything unpleasant about you. "Get out."

You have this measurement EVERYONE violating your right, step over the line, or invading your personal space.

Want to repeat these 3 tiny things 1000 times, until you carve your heart every second of it. We finish talking 1000 years later. or 1 millions years later.

Says it, "Square, join us, say Yeah, YEAHYEAHYEAH!!" "Oh Ho HO"

You don't have a personality why the civilization its only aiming up, other than your own very very personal selfish interests, tiny words, hurting other 2 second you feeling so up in the air bloating, Wait and see how someone take you fly....and you will be drop by 1 milllion km height, you will learn....shatter in pieces to that one life ends.

You are so sure, the very first time any guys seeing you = It will be FOREVER IMPOSSIBLE

Want to ask them now? The first day you ever show up including opening up your English mouth. FOREVER.

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