
Back glue 倒貼 meaning you favor the guys' interests even in the expression of the sexual cloth, or more expose your skin, no hiding, including the Tattoo...whichever you showing yourself every skin you are washing thoroughly.

Not every word a guy saying to you, a sex word, or your objective goal, you cannot see yourself inside the mirror, you slap a guy's back, when your rice are on your teeth or mouth next by? 

(I remember now, before, i tell my brother something about the packing order, but I don't think he...anything hears?! )

Back Glue 2 -  Your nature as a girl, you have a tendency about winning that 1 min

Something about he talks back, or you talk back. In Chinese, we have this romantic words saying the couple are in fighting as if competing the lips jobs. I highly doubt the guys on the news just kick that girl's luggage down to the stair, one extra word like that. 鬥嘴

Its not funny and cute, but you taken that is a sign guys liking about you. I am pretty sure if the guys expressing loud, and angry, and just screaming at you, you all over long time ago.

Back Glue 3 - Your humility running deep its for other people to see, not him one person sees you.

You dressing up, for other girls might say to you, other guys might at you, and everyone else all believing saying to you, you are very proud that everyone has anything good to say about you behind. Its the humility running deep plain clothing just like your plain face, just like your plain personality.

Back Glue 4 - you being argumentative

I don't know you always working alone, like me facing one wall. One nick problem. You have many options like you say, you are seeing many people's at your job? So that opening up your mouth including the weekend association or di-association are? Valued at everyone in your Class at your jobs, none of them are achieving anything, useless?

That is what you value at your reality, understand?

I didn't know or I pretend I cannot see it?

Back Glue 5 - You are not mild in your confidence building. Someone says one words as if that is the only judgemental things you know about or you pretend to know about yourself.

You have a money concept, that doesn't mean you know what truely means when you saying the guys will be your one marriage that comes with a vow at it.

Just love the way you are, he really going by your suggestion and all that. And including his money talk. That is psycho.

Back Glue 6 - to get near the guys for exposure yourself including skins = cleaningness per inches of your body odor included. Any hair process, because you are the White Race, legs? 

Shaving and all that?

You don't live up your physical, you mean just standing there you feeling better at it, the eye glasses hiding when you thorough with him? Meaning are you seriously imagine he cares you have the eye glasses or you as the girl having the eye glasses? 

Meaning he sees that convenience you give him an advantage up hand, but he doesn't give you that back? What is the difference? 

You mean its every relationship just come and go, and never never just simply stays together like the correct things, always revenge, hatred, seeing the past mistake or the gone, you crying out of your tear and truly hateful inside your mouth, in your words, or what. You cursing words I am telling you. I just didn't personally witness a girl can curse how much words on anything.

You better just vows to quit sugar, refine sugar, salt....nothing but the water going it down, and no chily, not red pepper hot. Whatever the hot sauce, oh `~ this commodity forms world, its how dreadful the back-end reports, to end up you already a girl, and ending up the per monthly worsen nature on your cramp. The guys NEVER knew that is how it supposes to feel, and you can choose having that felt and still swallow the chilly powder. Maybe I didn't say enough, WHY DON"T THEM MD label you all girls PSYCHO enough?

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