
Can you re-define, what you doing its your most happy moment, not with all this package food you trying to cook? You are not happy to find which isle in Wal-Mart without your dad or bf.

You are not happy to wash those dishes. You are not happy 2 people indoor life, you need to see other people, and tend to that your partner will not dare to give you shit in the public space, including in front of your parents?

You are not happy any food you yourself create at all. You really need to soak in that sofa, and just an instant noodle, if that is what it has on the food cabin. You cannot process any food for the taste bug to sound like a proper meal in front of anyone. 

And when you are busy in your works, the last thing you wish its to cook food, for anyone, for any holiday, other than obligate to be there, its your family tradition.

You want to be seen as a serious person.

You want to be seen not the porn.

You want to be seen you are having a career

You want to be seen like your own website, unless you telling me, which is your business name card with the logo, none of us knowing here, its not hector just go and tell me what they find? You imagine everyone knows you are on-line?

You want to leave a message below my box? Your blogger, your business name, your intend the business associate in that page, or any business what invovled?

You never say you don't want these guys attention, like they are the rock n roll band.

You never say the video inside you have no ideas what you being seen or they see, or I Anna keep saying seen, you have no personal take on your entire image are as if being compared. You do not wish their bias comparison are so limited to....what they should favor you?!

You never say you don't try, trying to find a reason why all these have a reason, meaning you are too good to be true?

You are gambling "You are the Princess Serenity", in a different context or format, when the court front, you have a piece of paper you wish that is the private right to the Judge. When you are desperate, you willing very high up!

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