
Did you try the Loving Hut the Original cheesecake, not the branding I told you on the left box.

Those are normal to the real desert. They selling the healthy choice. They still existing.

A lot of these bakery trying to get the award, because....it has coming to a trend, how you hire a chef, and so on so forth to drawn the customer bases. Its through the magazine. 

I told you the material science people don't lacking jobs...they are none of them ever to be the material science brain. You didn't understand the math? 小資小本?

She did nothing in the last 15 years, nothing but at the retreat its about the asking to those Loving Hut, how they operate their vendor, or carts or the restaurant. They get up and talk. 

I do those ugliest things, called Isle 1 to 10, to 20. You say your numbers wants, without the plastic wraps within the glasses you can see. I pick up the food for you in the container. No more garbage.

It will be the BIGGEST number you EVER SEEN.

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

No, not that Raw Bread "That is a very known Chinese words in that bakery" meaning those toast without cut. The White toasts full loaf, its called the Raw Toast Bread.

Not to have any injury, one time, I heard, or I see....someone says the kitchen people cut their finger, to something got hurt. That is extremely horrible. No Machinery in the shop.

I will tell you exactly what the humility running deep, the consumer psychology EVER EVER to be ending up that store every made of, all your every holiday perfect world illuded.

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