
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅญ Do they mean you girls want to get away from the guys, if ....?! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅญ

Its legal but not recommanded, becasue you all don't wash the guy's 20 fingers, fix a lot of wash, they are very tall. So if you pitch in to really cover every hygenic works.  The bathroom, the bedsheet. I think they might be similar to US. We have comferter sheet, for the girls better.

Pillow cases, you soak in the bathtubes, but you clean the entire bathroom, including the facet, the near by those hook, steel..how do you say, where the water coming in. Every silver part, I washing them. Occassionally. Glasses, walls, the cold water. And I gone to hotel in Thailand. I use the towel to dry the basin, and then washer / dryer. You mean you washing that like 3 months, or 6 months. You rotate your bed, the way how the America I used to hear. I didn't rotate here, so small, and so spring coil harden. 

Like the girls hair, I am not that long. But the guy's hair, the entire body, I used to wash nick's back. He got stuffs behind, so you using a lot of soap to scrap entire things. These guys' age are not that old, meaning you can change the entire metabolism very quickly, plus, they had a good foundation to start.

They cannot possibly be doing all that every single night, but you can technically change the sheet when they to be that psycho, seriously. I personally don't think the guys enjoying doing that, whatever they showing it to you. I meant all that combine. I thought its separate !  It doesn't look like its a separate game. But you just washing that day, everything, including the floor, the door knob of the entire house. They touching it with their hands. The day they entry, and get out. Don't bother coming back?!

My bed here is a real bed, meaning there are header, I wash that. 

Plus, if you moving to their country, its too cold, you will be sleeping separately. American they use sheet. I don't use sheet. My comferter its ...feather thicker, not feather. You can get as much feather inside, for the girls issue. So it won't be staying there forever. And I only change my comferter exterior cover.

The guys temperature, they can all sleep together, and bundle together. 

When you living anyway outside Taiwan, you will sleep to their setting furnance on the heat. That is a torment. Its way too cold in my room. Me and nick sleep separately. I am not comfortable, becasue I am cold all the time. American doesn't have those right comferter. And the weight of that cover, your both foot, unless you are not a real girl never had 4 limbs cold cold cold cold cold?

Right now, here I have this electric blanket. We have a setting, so even my room is cold, we can bear it until the springs comes. Our temperature its very cold right no. But for the indoor no heat stuffs, this can last a few days when the temperature coming back up. Everywhere else out of the Taiwan these Latitude, are the far worsen dream to any girls. You should get out, too.

Alochol wipe its cold. As a girl, you don't even touch your lip, or finger to one ice, shock your body, one day you be that sensitive. You wait til the climate be more warm, and using the alcohol wipe (cold) to wipe your 20 fingers. Right now I don't do that, I washing with the soap.

I practically just live in the soap bathroom.

I told you, where in Taipei Station, I found out this 11 NT soap, I bought 6 last time, next time might be the dozen. I try last time, then I bought the second time. Its made from Indonesia, where Melinda they from. So things can be cheap, if you go and finding them.

At the beginning of the Y, you don't require walking in any line behind. No. Its right at the front few store, on your left side that entire stretch of 4 store. The ending left.

Turn left at the door going in, turn left again cashier on your left side, one of those isle, on your right and then the soap at your right. Its not giant. They don't break into the piece though.

Different reason for the pipe. Some people ....these are the guy's soap color, blue, or white. The store selling pink! They might have the pink too. Last time I bought Blue, and this time, its White.

I don't know if they put a lot of the make-up on their faces? For me. its the eyes only. But still...those are eye-liner pen below my eye frames? Well...there are small these mode, you girls are so dirty....I washing with my head under the sink. You all getting too fat. You hit everything everywhere.

Now, we Asia, its were you walking toward that night market making an appointment, oh..no, before the Night Market. Its next to a bar, a salon shop inside, they do this simple surgery. Very fast. Very very fast. I got something before 2018-2020. I told you my very first time on how to applying a make-up eye liner.

I don't have the time to study those BAZZAR magazine. Do you know its my mother fill up my entire make-up foundation and these powder, you ever seen? I haven't finish using them.

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