
Does the girls feel the same having sex, you mean compare to the guys?

The way I am, no. The way you girls do things, might?! Some girls on the internet, they say they have the need to have sex. 

Nick used to told me different things on the age. As if the guys, or the more experience guys can tell, if you are that type of the girls, or what they say....Heat. He has all those words, I am not the guy tell you from the guy's view. Many different guys do different things.

I personally tell you the girls are different than the guys, the organism might be similar, but the girls take a long time, meaning touching yourself. The guys the majority they know exactly where their things are? Most time they will not tell me they cannot find it, they don't know where that is, how they feel, or their head space....etc.

The way you girls are....You are hopeless on any subjects like that. The guys they even spent the money to go to the professional. You can assume what the guys telling you sometimes are genuine. 

But, the more I learn about you girls ever did.....to me, on the TV, behind me, behind to the guys, or what combine together. I personally can just tell you the guys hating you all girls existence one to one zillions too. 


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