
Every celebratiy has a company, an agent, like they have a manager, I just say how they are killing each other...never ends.

They have their life, their fame, or they really have a fan club, meaning seeing the journalists. These people might be the girls you even check? 

Sometimes your own religion means you wishing them well, really.....the guys they ones I know them just by looking at them, they have no patience in life, and with the height, its just mean it, they do exactly what they wish or want to their facebook. They are the White World. I am not the White world. 

When you even being calculative on your money domination World Strategy, you reading from the biography of those some very known name, how each and every step, your final destination has only one goal. You may not figure it out on the First Day, but as every step you going along, you wishing that threading steps its when you seeing that crucial moments you set your life up, you don't go mingle other people, to screw their life, and with your life in it.  

Those life has a lot of smoke, Neon light, not Fluoescent lights, wine, bar, Disco, noisy...their entire minds are shatter by their own sounding machine. 101 selling those for the Guy's world. Give them one each, and just die on your own, happy those Bill Rap music in his entire community center dorm - UB Front Loop.

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