
How intimacy becoming a sex tale = the girls never had that drive. At least the guys will forever knowing you are guessing it whom you are and what they are from the smaller things.

Your weight issues to that skeleton bones. For why a guy imagine they carry a girls weight…or their jobs related, it’s they getting a lift will always ends at that skeleton bone weight. A lot of you girls swing and hit someone. You didn’t see where you going. You are not careful or cared that smaller things. Some guys can live their one person happy life, they live in their own imagination. 

You cook and you clean and save the hair and the skin tones. That’s an appearance! But asking you a lift to a lunch boxes carried microwaved at the 7-11. Met Ku’s girl friends? She never whine why that is how many lunch boxes she supposed to carry for the entire company ?

The appearance will wear off as the guys getting no meals of the 3 in a day, and everyone else girlfriend has what? Sorry another French Youtuber without the eye glasses.

Some guys will tell you, they are the boss forever when you getting a relationship with them.

Meaning you don’t talk over him in front of friends, TV, social occasion, including meeting the parents. In fact if you cut your tongue never open a sound on the words in any public occasion meaning Thanksgiving and Christmas, he will see that difference to what you committing to that relationship - meaning a playful eyes sight included.

Some guys will tell you they carry the SUV back door grocery and their car needs a car wash all the time. Not I put a hose in advance ! Or prepare a bucket, sponges soap exactly I see. Not you see.

It’s everything for my convinence unless he does that like Seth to his UFO.

There are the occasion it’s every your opening your mouth, you might just ruin a deal, a showing, a dedicate situation FOREVER and you keep doing it. It was a history before it started. Someone will tell you all that. So after break up, he will demonstrate to you, he immediately has another girlfriends. Not the battle field if that’s what you imagined. 

1. You didn’t care his 3 meals, not even his snacks no matter it’s healthy you or him. Absolutely no health concepts.

2. Dirty and lazy, you moan sound like meow for cat, women funny? It’s Barbra Straisand Funny women/ funny girl. 

3. Not Pretty Women Walking Down the Street (Past Tina loves movies he looks farmiliar?)

4. Public affection to sounds like his face, it’s holding the hands it’s a misunderstanding to the viewer: there is a Hope

5. He becoming each day worsen in his attitude and no patience, every 2 seconds he is edgy and you are hungry, he doesn’t seen to fuss, but “I am Hungry”.

6. Any girl has a second interest, you are already a history staring the black white wedding video til Ella Enchanted back seat of a Motocycle. 

This games never ends in Asia. Taiwan isn’t wealthy for the average, you will see the girl or the guys partnership the friendship. Or unless they knowing you don’t know why 430 David Scientology it’s on the TV. You are all nice youth faces that doesn’t mean…Anna has no way didn’t do things she always does best. Whatever that Sojiro in Kenshin Himura was her Past. There is one Past before the exhaustion point. But he has another real Past.

7. Your talking skills can just write and cry at your PC before you publish - however long before you click a submit the draft on Google blogger. You saying you cannot breath on a draft or Ola just one line public domain she gives up all right - and put in my comment box below. The website snd a link. She never think or occurring to her why that terms is one of the CIA list.

8. Up to this points just like every other days. We never talk about the sex parts, again, it’s strange isn’t it?

9. But you feeling yourself or the guys it’s in edgy each day real on the faces and the language tones. How Strange, things happened at your front faces to your internet search sex appealing games at night didn’t change one word, yet to be the future all your agenda failure.

10. I wonder why!

11. Getting married it’s not a sex reason, you always knew that until one day everyone gets free, just like you prepared too. You start to wonder that’s a money - you both use each other, but he seems to care more on the jobs meaning he really really likes you.

12. You never had a bf, if that’s what I will tell you. You imagine all the experience talker on the internet your life were just how many high school combine a guy talking to you more than 5 mins in a stretch of that high school classroom setting. Me and Wing and Dean were a lab partner talking g more than 5 mins, what don’t you say we go on a date eating in front of each other other than the sex parts.

It’s the brothers friendship parts - they call me to be the brother and sister.

You didn’t call your dad yet, how exciting it’s every meal someone did call you. Dean at my table to Karen they were. Everyone just happened to be in the student union. That day.

13. My dad or my mom never heard a word I had a date or a friends until lately all the strangers they never heard exist. My mother was used to be on my facebook. ‘Mummy or daddy starting the morning conversation how exciting my life sounds like.”

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