
Its really really really cold, I don't want to go out...very very cold. I eat bread here, some chips, cilantro I just washed the last 1 hour, and some 乾絲

What do I think the guys like? You mean you girls how old, imagination?

I tell you what I think about the guys. I think they lie 1 to 1 zillions for real. You need to have a money, and a stable jobs / career / ....I don't really know my finding all this you girls are very very very blind, and dirty.

To tell me the guys pretends they didn't see, or too careless to find out, or ever talking to another guy for advices, or ever just seeing the bathroom before marrying to a girl like you....including your diet the Blonde race girls, to be Giant, in almost everywhere in America.

The guys would be that stupid? Only I see? 

An Article starting the Title

Does the girls lie about the period? Facts.

My teeth doesn't have to bite ~! 

I can tell you when I starting with Adam, that Ella Enchanted, it was one time we went out in the Mexican food places.

.... Those like 2 people seating one side, that is what we sit together. You kissing hugging all the time in the High school.

Everything we done, except the real sex. Yeah. And he is an American guy.

Those European human, so gays world, they do everything just even hear about it, I remember what nick used to say. They have the family of the whole street swapping games, and his wife took him there.

And something that he came out of the room, she is sitting on another man's lap.

That sounds right description, really.

I personally think you girls will get cut heart in heart out, if you don't keep those guys, meaning in that another 20 years 30 years, you seeing him again. You all do those things.

Behind, all the time. They design this you can pay to find out the address or the phone numbers. Not just this facebook things, or else that facebook will never last til now. The decency to how you girls you are....you although need your personal space, you really get hurt, no matter its your 

1) Face

2) Shape

3) Your own kids

4) You fade out, and his arm really going on other girl no matter its what nationality.

5) Because one time, no matter how you did on purpose, one word you hurting him, including truely psycho methods, he will show you by accident, you don't belong anywhere if you keep coming near, no matter he knows not knowing you do on purpose behind his back.

Did I tell you, you girls are very very very psycho + tear + screaming + just copy the TV exactly the soap opera. And the guys just stood there, he fallen to the buttom of the abyss, or he cannot tell, that is = PSYCHO! 

You know how many times I keep saying that out loud? SO....unbelievable.

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