
Most girls don’t ever ever ever make it in life

You both are not the types will get anything with any guys to be honest. To be that stupid ….every guys you hate because you just meant you can, you will, how blossom not chest or breast-feed to last a merely what image you say you tale, I say without your kinds…you seeing which one of us insists til last !

Most girls/ women advice I give you including the upper world too.

There are the jails where some will keep insist to end up. For real.

Most the tradition Ancient Chinese has a tale, how you buy your Residence with the different talent people. Meaning mostly are the guys, train them, lead them …you didn’t have the classmate to begin literacy comparison to each other. One is refugee statues Vietsnese, one is don’t cry for me Argentina!

That routes once you finish your bankcrupcy… not just you hope the revenge to that 40 years unsemble whom done to you including the girls. It is not the karma you see? It’s the Truth revealing, the final lasting peace.  With or without you.

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