
Payton = my brother's position


1. Running away that day, he was on the floor looking up. I had all white jacket, and make-up on.

2. I had a this morning hair blow dry, a darken red "Angel" hair dryer = no make-up.

Birds I think it stands at the buttom of the tower =本 the buttom, so its Eben Pagan? 埃本


Making some bread. Was for him...but then she says he going out. She was very exiciting, so I just going without the cheese. But then he needs to cook? Today is Christmas eve?

You girls like the Public Dance?

Yeah and go get up your butt and move it.


Who is she? A princess


The First Lady (2) - Do they need to keep shapes?


I prepare some shredded carrots + cilantro already washed + the left some Bok Choi washing takes time. Salt, and rinse, and then soak the facet water let the salt coming out of it. You never prepare anything in life. It takes time. Going in the kitchen coming out of it.


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