
๐Ÿฅ— The psychological settlement, meaning your stablize your physiology, not anatomical structure, your English....words. ๐Ÿฅ—

When you stabilize your environment, to that internal metabolism, most time, that breathing are highly taught in the New Age science, they have all kinds. But for the basic breathing, that stretching exercise are meant for you to feel it your muscle. Most guys will tell me, if I ask them, where is your back, they know where is their back. If I am asking you all lady, "Are you sure?"

Your second time would be your neck back? 

That cage your same thoughts often, the time schedule are included. Not freelance jobs, included. More steady relationship with all around you, that will mostly included your family, like your parents, father or mother, ...because since my middle school, I am not talking to my parents, or most time since the childhood, I never have those called the heart warming, heart to heart snuggle talking. My brother did, he was small, he usually cuddle me or his mother. He was short. 

These kinds of your family ingredient won't die out as you growing old, or growing out of your comfer zone, same that, or same alike to all your existing parents, their parents are dead. No matter what, it meant to them, just like what it means to you. 

Those textbook, lines and squares, to undergraduate double major, at least you would opening up your mouth, how you will end up in jail if you continue to do on purpose, your brain circuit didn't study the words right per page.

The Textbook (The Undergraduate science and the graduate degree)

The introduction to the later part, often has a diagram. That is a square if you looking it not just the Harry Potter textbook. Diagram meaning inserting a graphs, all around corner, its your 4 frames corneal eyes inks in it.

Its really every junks I tell you, its when the upper sphere of medicine, I will ever to becoming...without any of you, really. You cannot read your textbook for some strangest reason. The day Eben Pagan finish his school, or worsen me and my brother starting that middle school, he middle, I high School in Taipei, by the time we finish major, you are still not finishing the 7 years, or the pre-cursor of that 7 years you never capable to even arrive anywhere near you.

The Brain Chemistry like the Heart Department are Separate Cardiovascular disease nature

Those are the specialty subjects that in the 7 years Medical School, they would have asking you frequently, which doctor you wish to be, really....

Those are the surgical department, and whenever this open seizure, sorry, the open chest, sorry, the open body chi out of your body surgical operation performed required...like those surgical knife on the baby delivery methods, no more nature born Ancient Time Tina were like 10 hours I think....

Those are known as the external medicine ๅค–็ง‘

Surgeon ๆ‰‹่ก“้†ซ็”Ÿ

So that when you defining a clear definition where that TV coming from, you would have known Dr. Jack his specialty were not the internal hermone, glands, including the tear glands, male or female soy meat consumption liver glands, those estrogen are the women, the man are testoranent, those are the internal medicine ๅ…ง็ง‘

That are the basic Chinese words at Ieast i knowing it without the schooling, better? Its not from the America at all.

The Eyes

Like the previous above, if were just you all fixing your gaze right like you should, at least you knowing what you are doing or those definition why those are the external medicine area, you open a opening, you cut open often, what else you have a cleavage defintiion? Your body opening a skin procedure anywhere on your body, has only skin cover area, so those are defined as the internal opening up, you seeing inside. The External Medicine, Surgeon basic separation in their area.

I don't really know why that is in Chinese I comprehend in here Medicine, I am sure you understand the TV, I mean I say my words, not in the English textbook these.



Fix your gaze, or fix your focus, you gonna tell me you don't know how to focus on your blanking out eye sight? Its the way how I look at you, really anywhere any time and space ! 

What the melancholy, makes wondrous gesture, how the melody moving with your body .....its so thoughtful just by the power of the imagination where I think you all American military ending up Pitch Perfect 3. 

Brain - Circuits, the Synopsis


They are so lazy...the feedback system its a circle, the penis is the feeling, that is why it says, the hair is dry without the water like virginia....really.

uh, i didn't write this.

Every time you seeing a srugical knife, all the time

Its the external surgeon area. 

You never doing anything internal medicine for saying the women imbalance hermone, you use the medicine to cure that. Those the chemical, bio-pathway, inside a human body, that is not very balance after delivery the baby.

He is the External Surgeon, I keep saying that. ๅค–็ง‘้†ซ็”Ÿ

Its actually in the theme song transcription, or somewhere. very visible in the Asian language. 


You all never graduate MD 6+1 ....really.

My program has to be at the eye = Aviation, not even TTC those, on the land, for some strangest reason. Did you at least settle that part long time ago?

Your eyes has this you tilt your head, at the darkness, or lean at your phone on your couch. Albino, has one of those helping their nearsight, want to read it, in English? I cannot understand what it says ....their vision are poor to the near sight, that is what it is.  You girls have every piece of me hopeless, sitting is not sitting straight, laying its laying in the Darkness so the LED flash light keep beaming at your eyes corneal. 

The posture its your back.

The posture its your back, that is where there entire spinal center piece all the way to the head.

The posture its your back, that is where there entire spinal center piece all the way to the head, and the balancing center on the small brain, not the cerebral ...the below one. The sporty arena, those student althletes, the reason why they exists? 

Your entire internal medicine has this your are poor in diet and nutrition, but also another factor would be your sweat gland, not the tear gland....to jumping up and down for that lympth system to imagine the Tribollin reason.

Your upside down your bed, your foot on the wall, upside down...some of this inverted machine design even not in the medical board expense, I purchase, for that reason, there is some credit to every medicinal equipment in the New Age, not necessary design at the hospital side, has some alignment to your only back muscle, all straight in my dancing video.

For some reason the guys never tell me, their brain can fallen with his.

Inverted machine, not just the iron machine.



MH has another this foot horizontal your flat body, shaken on the foot level up. Its still flat. Its a belt type of looking things. Its an automation, not really by manually belt.

Its right and left shaking your 2 feet, you lay down.....that shaken, will shaken up your both legs, like those bone doctors why you going there to see short or long legs, one of those issues.

Not standing up, not the waist. The foot. Maybe they do that on the ankle. Why don't you all supposed to call that MH long time ago? 

So when you are saying these - per word per study

Anatomic structure (Anatomy)

In America, the bone study doctors are in the field called the Chiropractor. Did I tell you we have the bone doctor in the Chinese medicine side. Their internal medicine in the ancient, its "No blood ever stain" so its the needles, but they are poor, no rice or chicken eggs, Mel-nutrition but not dying in fatness, every degenerate ideas when you are overweight, those times the needles will seem to reflect so much more so much reason how they are SO MUCH functional, when you just STOP eating your way to death bed.

Its lunch time, how surprise ! 11:11

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