
Simon is not the crime like those boys telling the whole world....and Lauren has 4 sisters? First time I am reading it right....they are all Davis?!

 oh !!! You know Venus in Chinese sounding like? 維納斯

You know Simon's age right now, not that old for his health if he keep pushing to 80+, he can always change a brand new look out of that newspaper, you know? What you all gonna do?

I like my career better, I never give up my career until I know what to do at all. 

Whom is Drew Lanchy, a guy? from 98 degree saying NSYNC bye bye bye...you gonna tell me Justin is not Dean, and he says, that singing song?

Running out of the time, why don't you reading that line? I never stop running thanks to him and Dean? I am so dread it. Its per word they just singing out, I have to deliver the jobs. I just didn't die on it. 

Whom is 

Aaron Carter Charity Concert: Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, O ...


oh ~ let me check youtube, isn't you attending your career other than the guys would be that Simon Cowell, or is his money, or his personality style....something he is older than my age groups those? 

Simon is at one of those Jimmy !! 15 years ago?!


Does anyone asking him what school he gone to like it used to be the union civil war, he ever remember the 1899 before those Era, where he was? Its ilegal if you didn't finish your K1 to K12, in America in the 21th century. I becoming so much aware of the singing bugs statues !

oh ~ 3 months ago? Today is Dec. Right, they are in the concert.


oh ~! Hey, you know if not for this History garbage him and Barbra Straissand,  + Keanu Reeves, I would never show up anywhere near there, at all. Did he say his business in here, were to putting stuffs together including to shape up the Westlife or anything he says in there? So those are the real works he ever done, or he sleeps way through like me 20 years?

The Material Science idea people, like I told you, its more like those Edison they used to do, or the Westinghouse used to be, but they are no more like that.....From my perspective its a nuisances the day I showing up in front of him as the impressionalist. I know what it sounds like .....but there is a history on my back burner. How come he didn't have any comment? I didn't have time thinking through I already know I have to keep going until he really sees !!!!


I never care that much becasue you cannot really go on that career in the real life. We, entire family 3 of us, are all the music background, I am telling you. Its not small tiny music even.  Saying how many family really did putting through any music training. Not us 3 combine. 

( okay, I ate half of that entire chocolate, happy? 1 cup of warm chocolate milk + 1 full cup water + .....another cup, poo required now. So I thinking....now I understand what happened on my toilet seat.)

oh my God ! You don't see the boy bands, you keep looking at the Simon Cowell to imagine the next Big thing for your career? What career is that? Taiwan, not China, one of those...or Mongolian but never China, the External Mongolian or the half in?

Or Ola says that Blondie girls singing under the Moon light?

Or you did see the boy bands, same thing like the Simon Cowell, same things like all the guys near you, or you ever ever met the guys with what kind of the look talking to you kind of the girls?

I tell you how about this

1) Be Happy K1 - K12, what you becoming so its your circle and environment, and one day in the University like me UB undergraduate or the graduate school, you meeting different guys, including the boyfriend his entire junks yard guys.

2) Be happy at your own environment when they are drifting away from you, that facebook lost his trendy....Time and Space passing by. Goodbye, waving at the far distance corner down kisses hugs. I have new things my life cannot be too that perfect. Don't bother me.

3) You trying to nurture them if you still got the facebook. Mine are broken about half month ago. 

You don't know what I am saying that for on my toiletry. I finally set those temperature right, now 24 hours are the warm seat, not the instantly cold to my skin. I cannot take that in this winter temperature.

⚽🌟  I am so occupied in my happy world, I don't even seeing what is you doing.

⚽🌟  You are aiming at Simon Cowell, for your career.

⚽🌟  You are thinking about your career, so that guy next by you only the temporary things, for that one Simon + Lauren, or you all split, or never ever together before the sense. We just all heard "you all got married at."?

⚽🌟  The guys renting you a space?

⚽🌟  But not both your property labeled?

⚽🌟  So while I was saying the old man, that old man were meant the Simon Cowell? I don't think I was talking about him Simon at all. I would not do that! I just tell you a general sense.

⚽🌟  This is not love or war?

⚽🌟  And....about the boy band, its about your career, or about your liking them, but if you showing your liking to Simon Cowell or the boyband, the guys near by you already stated you are the piece of junks long ago, or never end, so you cannot bet on the stupidity to go licking those Simon Cowell or Westlife guys?

⚽🌟 You can, but change your.....tone, behavior, modified your per word language including the pronunciation.

⚽🌟  So you are fully conscious its your career stake with them ANY ANY Boyband and their manager Top, so this is not about the Love or Affection, I keep saying sex your way in, starting your 4 stoves + the cleaningness? Do they know that? You are aiming at your career? You mean the guys appreciate you going to their career one of those? In the open public, intend to love the way you are?

⚽🌟  You don't need to have a career.

⚽🌟  They will listen better. They will NEVER NEVER be with you, but they are happy and truly wishing you well, when you conquer yourself to your manner, situation, not causing anyone's life troubles. For the life partner for that one lifetime, or next life, or consecutive the human longevity statue including saying average year you count 60-80 years = 1 life, if that longevity continue, so we spell at 1 or 2 or 3 lifes that kinds of saying....You will never be cared for that position, because whom you are.

⚽🌟  In these people's life, they seen enough some women, including when they were younger, they seeing some the older upper other women, or what's going on in their own mind, whichever sense, although it might never be sex ideas. None of them were lazy like you all are.

⚽🌟  You just hearing about the Cleaningness I Anna say or the 4 stoves....did you EVEr EVER EVER had a guy lead you to have sex at all? And what happened the every other year after that? Not every guy just finding a girl to fuck on it, for saying you were a virgin to start, or you absolutely have no hope at all?

⚽🌟  And?

⚽🌟  You never want to deliver yourself a 4 Stove or the Money on stake means?

⚽🌟  You be honest, you are the most selfish sense, not one guy you truly wishing anyone happy to end up a religion or a cult, so the ending results are so vivid on the Television monitor, looking so bad at? Including your entire family know, friends, associate, or your very Top? Not me included I guess.

⚽🌟  So these are about their career?

⚽🌟  I keep talking at the wrong things? Which career is that? The existing Linkdin, you mean I see you Bill or Dean looking at Jean Grey?

⚽🌟  Its never about another guy, you saying Live EVER AFTER? So...how do you build your career ??! With or without this guys? A meeting, how?

⚽🌟  You never want to care about the house, the cleaning, the cleaning of the bathroom, the garbage disposal, including washing the dishes, doing the laundry, you actually admit yourself to be living like that for the rest of your life? Live on the rental flat house, shared with another roommate? And whom are these roommate? If your Sailor Moon never get together in the same jobs geographic location?

⚽🌟  You know your short coming = you will NEVER NEVER be long lasting to do that routine useless maid jobs? Is that what you are saying?

⚽🌟 You are not determined to committed to 4 stove nor cleaning, nor your diet, including if you seeing the giant fat blonde girls, or women, if someone that diet get out of the control, you don't care about it? You know you eat, that is what it is? 

⚽🌟  So your boy bands????

⚽🌟  You know already what it all says, but to that all the saying, you will NEVER NEVER make an effort to these guys as your sponsor, you need to wait them coming near you, to splash your proposal, like those Pitch Perfect to Bashar Guy?

⚽🌟  What would be your imagination proposal?

⚽🌟  You mean you riding their shoulder, step on their head skull to rising to the Top

⚽🌟  Those anything sound like a hope, and....Anna I say you must becoming that 3 name lists are, forever impossible, you have doubt.

⚽🌟  In facts, anything Anna says, you have all the doubts, about the sex, about the conversation, about the back glue, about the insist that the guys have to talk to you, you cannot talk to him.

⚽🌟  You doubts that about the back glue, or just so so so so sos  NO NO dignity if you starting to talk to the guys first. Because the plot is really a slap and then the kiss, like I warning you, but it was the Square those, come on come on, want more punch? 

⚽🌟  You are way so psycho to me.

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