
Sometimes when you delicate yourself to the Medical Profession, meaning to understand how to nurture another person, willingly, including the disable, or someone somewhat a lifting.

You doing a community project so that you learn how to reach out some population. No matter what color are that. 

When I left APO and CAC. I think I was in another Main street one of those community service myself. They had a community center near Melinda living street, or just right at the junction Main street before turning right. Me and Melinda might have pass by. Its an indoor. I forget its here to another place. There are the black kids. 

Having a career, having a little bit medical training, including the University curriculum. 

(My brother and my mother just got back together, all at the same time. She asking me if I want the juice, that is where she goes)

You have this mind, you don't settle for your own entire freaking it out, your future, or will be, or was ....how to lose a pay eternity wise. You tend to choose what to believe, as if you knowing that is your career. That is not a career. That is how to make more mess in everyone's life in about any dimension of it as long as you are willing.

Career ( at least interests in what the most guys, if your conversation included those, they might just listen up)

Your choice of that is a boring subject.

Be Happy (Equilibrium of your monthly statue)

Less than to be a psycho.

Sex (It is to do with your make-up statue, lipstick, make-up powder to be eaten)

You might just be more mild person to a lot of things you understand, less this what the guys liking, knowing, insisting to, or looking for. Most girls care about a guy standing right next by them, and as long as they can live, they suddenly dropping out of their life momentum to where the new girls coming from when that wrinkle statues coming forward.

I didn't start my happy life, so I will have a less aging issue. But it is related to how I feel including learning the body with or without the guy's help. You always lean on another guy, or responsibility to blaming on them. You almost just make-up your mind, they go ahead, you kick them from behind, if the mistaken shows, you are the first to kick them more and run the opposite direction. 

You want to check your own mirror before all the godses shows up at all?

Those per second laws are no more voluntary saying you volunteer your information to the police or the Judge, you just FOREVER admit to any Brand New Future, without the first jailing probat 3 months warning. That kinds of the New World is coming, not limited to the guys or the girls.

Talking to a guy

The guys for some reasons seeing enough this very very very rough girls in their life. You do prefer you having a career, that doesn't mean, you all go together clusters at Eben Pagan, your age aren't that far away from the normal shows at all. Talking like healthy yourself out of this pain, at least something to look forward, I am telling you.

Sometimes be courteous, he was or he is or he will be in that position. 

Any kind of the guys, not limited to that Eben Pagan.

Sex must have this cleaningness + 4 Stove including you cleaning up his toilet, to be honest, the guys pees and poo just like you did on your own potty. You never smell yourself, what you eating it down? And processing out, including your per teeth hygenic? I tell you a secret.

Your entire body to washing internal, and external, by per breathing acts, running to the bathroom + drinking it down the water per half hour. Imagine 20 years.....Your karma only ends that is how much per volume your entire body consist of the per cells calculation, true, those are trillions cells. But I mean do you know what the weight of a water you drinking it down, and without eating too much, that ratio, you just gradually make it into a pace...you have no more things to be washed? That karma has to be ended? No more stuffs?

Most guys will care about the profession as the number 1 factors, for real

Sex is this world people don't have an offer, other than those ilegal business, they buy at least for the condom they use, they learn that experience what the sex is about. The girls don't get on their nerve at the night clubs. Do you meet those girls in the drinking bar, like the club those? They exchange the latest information with the wine and the alcohol to steal your wallet. But do you paying attention why those things still exist?

I didn't say join them. I say learn their demeaner ...not every 2 cents you know the most, its very very annoying. You know what you are talking about in that very strict subjects. So answer me, what exactly you are so good at talking about it?

Steadily speaking that each term, less than the scam methods. 

Called Sale Sale Sale.

You girls better just at this moment decide one thing

1. Are you forever given up the guys, now you will just focus on cultivating your career.

2. You starve at the street, but you getting the guys until he dump you. Most of you cannot focus having a guy attending him, or not living with him, or when to leave him that Time determination, his voice, his tones of language will always shaky you are the forever....You have to concentrate to get one things done, what is that?

Your Money Options

The Teacher, the Governmental, the Postman (sort the mail behind ) - You need to have a pension in that capitalism worlds. They give you a full package included, some kinds of the health package. I didn't have a medical insurance, but I have some bad breath health indicator. I determined to do that, because that was my interests.

You want to go to the ending Dream Exchange Game (I watching the back)


I personally were the groups being screen out at the science division in the girl's school. If they are acting normal, they are the 2nd and the 3rd categories Science Groups. They talk, think, imagine things a little more the scientific development.

Not necessarily they willing or hope to be maid for one guy, that living house under, its very uncomfortable to kissing a guy, or touch the guy, near by a guy, listen to him say, his family, his past, his future, his entire work load. 

The Bank Business, if you mean the Money?

I didn't ask or know or anything decide what I do with the Court, when they notify me. But I did tell the court in advance, I can just ask them a few question. That will be the same to my bank here. They have a post. You all flying your sisterhood traveling the pants, to ashame to that one guy partner at your eye sight, to how big, and giant you becoming 20 years later. So no more get going life yet?

Or you are bind to the works? Yeah I listen to the Hook Video.

I roughly understand what it says. 

That video is not that accurate. I hardly think I gonna go anywhere, and their concerts its at Feb 26th, next year. My brother staying here until next week.

Life can hope - be Happier than it used to be

But your life didn't progress you secure anything starting from the beginning. Pick something to learn extra beside your current intention inside your jobs & career the best. We all separate the ways to different direction. They telling you, some people in the story ending. 

You have your own facebook, you know how you react with them in the private life, when you return home. Things are not the same like it was, everyone all seem to move on to their new profession, and they all seem to know exactly what they are doing.

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