
๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ“ That textbook its per chapter, not per exam you studying at. ๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ“

If I were you.

Sorry, you going back with the Dean's correct major yet? 

You all so wishing to these whom front page cover to show your tiny brain? 

The Physiology means the study of ...

The Anatomy means the study of ....

You separated a clear distinguish, its more of you have a concept where your entire body are relying on that Anatomical structure = the Bone = the Entire Skeleton = bones bones bones, every bones of your body is overall called "The Skeleton."

To that separation to that medical equipment, you have the X-rays. Its used to see the bones structure like my Ice Skating situation to that every lower pelvic bone all around front and the back picture. Its without the muscle seeing the bone mass, the bone symmetry, how that concave in structure its called the "Pelvic region".  So that study are entirely based on how many bones inside your body. Those number are fixed.  206 Bones.

The Physiology means that is a study of your internal almost every kinds of the metabolism, that made up and influenced by, and affected by

1) Nerve System

2) Lymph System

3) Immune System

4) Circulation System (The bloods)

5) .... 

In the Nerve System, you have the spine as the Center, central...you understand its in the middle of your back, your middle of the back bones. That is called the Spine, so then that Central Nerve System (CNS) short name from for saying that division to a) The breathing you cannot control while you are sleep     b) or the finger you can control to touch a hot or a cold microwave measurement of mug.

That separation of the basic nerves idea.....because the nerves = how you feel. Its everything inside your Brain (Harry Potter), true ! You didn't see where are the overall nerves are at? My eyes....

These given rise up a conscious choice, and unconscious breathing at night time, that is all that saying as part of your brain, most time will discuss later on, what is your every kinds of lobes, that processing the image, the color, the focus, the distance, to these optical lens, you seeing too far, or you seeing too near, or you have the night light double vision if you don't wear the eye glasses, that is ilegal, and the far away high way on the other side of lane, you seeing double circle lights. 

The Lymph system, like arm pit below, its where I gone to a Chinese Medicine Doctor for masssage, he has a system he does this Chinese medicine on the back of my pelvic all region, and first he might keep massage these arm area. He is a guy near my grandmom's place. The guys muscle strength might just open up everything. 

You will have these lymph nodes, or is that what you called the white blood cell? Lymphocytes

So in that same thoughts the Blood = red cells, its the red blood cell. You understand

The brain cell, the nerve cell, the skin cell

You overally just called them in English as brain, nerve and skin in general. My book I will call them the details called the brain cell, the nerve cell, the skin cells. Your finger tip cells are the skin cells. 

The circulation its your ENTIRE body cover with the blood, you cannot but having the blood everywhere, because without the blood, you will have no oxygen reaching there. Understand the lung mechanism ....pesperiation.

Respiration I see it....in your textbook here. https://openstax.org/books/anatomy-and-physiology/pages/1-chapter-review

On your left (you click on the arrow coming it down, each chapter of these "System")

The Digestion System

Urinary System or Reproduction System ...well how do they say that. Because the guys are the urinary parts, only the girls are the reproduction system?! 

Okay, the reproductive system, not reproduction system.

When I was saying the GI track, that is a structure, that is not actually the System.  The System takes a place inside the GI track, how you prevent, prevention those acid going up to your throat, not your internal lungs? You sitting too long on the chair, and you eating too full?

The Liver, pancreas, its at the first opening of that Stomach, has a velve. There are several velvet inside the GI track. That velvet also in the Heart region.

All those waiting til you separate your major study inside the medical school, you never finishing graduating. really. The way how you studying per year, sabotage methods.


It means the hollow area where you put your organs or structure in, including having the baby Uterus, its a hollow space, that uterus wall its still a strcuture, but when you saying the Cavity, its without the uterus. It describe a compartment space. It often used....welll, in the overall context, you have the compartment of the body, that house the organ, and to that cover the muscle on top, to ensure the temperature or the external hitting force

Does not 1) shatter them in piece for fun. 2) You don't die immediately like the temperature rise from the external environment like the climate 4 seasons.

The climate change is bad, but you can still have 4 seasons to some latitude with the heating system help, your internal body built upon, will be worse, if you don't have the above mentioning to secure those organs, and the organs location.

Where the DNA dogma

I repeat once again: DNA makes RNA, make Amino Aicd, so that protein form

Primary, secondary, tertiary, then that reason you have the basic elements of the building block. That is a term. The "Building Blocks" to give out the overall concept in the cell construct, in the tissue construct, to that will be the organs as a baby grow inside the womb, that God grant it the live force forward, opening the eyes, including the 5 sense to observing the world, learning, breathing, jumping, laughing, experience that life on this same world, you and I breathing in it.

You can eating the dust, that doesn't mean you can poison yourself to die, if I were you. Your GI track line-ing, has this thick like you drinking the water or pop does not sipping through your throat at the lung area down to your stomach. But like I say if you choose to eat your dusty keyboard, really....it reaching your stomach, that is the dust, the bacteria reach your throat.

You probably didn't realize the pain at the throat are like the hell, not the stomach you knowing the death fever, or the COVID 19, there is a difference called the seasonal flu, it happens EVERY single winter on that WHO intern, if you just applying it now.

It will sound like your have more the humanity interests in the hands how to knowing how they establish themselves its to ensure the elimination of all disease, so the vaccine exists.

And I exist !!!!

๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ“     ๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ“    ๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ“

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